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Multiple Choice Questions
1. Despite earlier efforts to settle the issue, the slavery question became a major issue in the 1840s and
1850s because the nation was expanding _________________________________________.
2. Advocates of Manifest Destiny claimed the motive for territorial expansion was to extend American
liberty to _________________________________________.
3. Almost all of the supporters of Manifest Destiny agreed that Americans had a God-given right to
expand their superior civilization into ______________________________________________.
4. The initial migration of American settlers to Texas was encouraged by the
5. The main reason for the Texas Revolution was Mexico had become a ________________________.
6. The victorious commanding general at the Battle of San Jacinto was __________________________.
7. Just before Texas became a U.S. state in 1845, Texas was
8. In the 1840s, the Oregon Country’s ownership remained in dispute between the United States and
9. The first permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly _______________________________.
10. The second wave of permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly
11. Most migrants traveled to the West Coast by ___________________________________________.
12. The westward journey to the West Coast in the 1840s could be characterized as
13. In the election campaign of 1844, Henry Clay tried to avoid the issue of _______________________.
14. Martin Van Buren lost the 1844 Democratic party nomination for president because he did not favor
the immediate annexation of _____________________________.
15. The main issue in James K. Polk’s 1844 presidential campaign was his commitment to
The Lincoln-Douglas debates resulted in all of the following 4 events:
*Douglas won reelection to the U.S. Senate
*Douglas argued that territorial legislatures could still exclude slavery by simply not passing laws to
protect it
*Lincoln gained a national reputation as a Republican leader by performing well
*Lincoln expressed free-labor sentiments about settlement in the West
17. In the late 1850s, Abraham Lincoln argued that slavery should be allowed to continue in the slave
states, but prohibited in all __________________________________________.
18. When John Brown raided Harper’s Ferry, all of the following 4 events occurred:
*the state of Virginia executed Brown for treason
*Southerners decided that many Northerners were determined to destroy slavery in the Southern
*some abolitionists glorified Brown as a saint
*lives were lost among Brown’s raiders
19. John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry increased Southern fears of
20. During the election of 1860, the Democratic party split into a
21. During the election of 1860, all of the following 4 events occurred:
*the Democratic party split into Northern and Southern wings and ran opposing candidates
*the Republican party ran an exciting campaign, but only in the North
*the nation voted largely along sectional lines
*a new party appeared that tried to hold the union together by avoiding the slavery issue
22. During the 1850s, compromises regarding slavery gave way to
23. The educational and oratorical brainchild of Josiah Holbrook was a movement called
24. Lyceums were established as __________________________________________________.
25. During the middle of the nineteenth century, a spirited topic at lyceums was
26. The event that touched off the process of secession for the majority of southern states was the election
of ___________________________________________________________________.
27. The Crittenden Compromise contained all of the following 4 provisions:
*the preservation of slavery in Washington, D.C.
*a constitutional amendment to guarantee the continued existence of slavery in the current slave
*the reestablishment of the Missouri Compromise line
*the prohibition of slavery north of the Missouri Compromise line
28. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln laid down all the following 4 basic principles:
*no state could leave the Union
*acts of force or violence to support secession were insurrectionary
*the government would hold federal property in the seceded states
*the South must not assail federal property
29. The Civil War began when the South fired on Northern forces in
30. Among historians, the key question about the Civil War was:
31. At the outset of the war, the North enjoyed all of the following 4 advantages:
*a much larger manpower reserve
*a more advanced industrial system
*a better transportation system
*twice as many rail lines as the South
32. The difficulties of the Union war effort included extended supply lines across
33. Revisionist historians, such as James G. Randall, argued that the Civil War was caused by inept
34. During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress created a national banking system that could issue national
35. During the Civil War, the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government was
36. Of the over two million men who served in the Union armies, the largest number were men who
37. The victims of mob violence in the New York City draft riots of 1863 were mainly
38. President Lincoln responded to opposition to the war effort by engaging in widespread suspension of
39. In the presidential election of 1864, the Democrats nominated
40. The Democratic platform of 1864 called for
41. By the end of 1862, the Union had captured large parts of ________________________________.
42. The 1862 Union campaigns in Virginia resulted in a frustrating and bloody
43. The Battle of Antietam was
44. During 1863, the Union forces achieved decisive victories that effectively sealed the fate of the
Confederacy in the battles of ________________________ and ____________________________.
45. The victorious Union commanders who led the final major campaigns of the war were
________________________________ and _______________________________.
46. The general who orchestrated the “March to the Sea” was
47. On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at
48. The inventor of modern baseball was ________________________________________________.
49. The popularity of baseball received its greatest boost from the
50. The ethno-cultural group of historians studying the Civil War was led by