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History of Athens
By Aaron Korf
Athens is a city that has history imbedded into its everyday
life today. The city is about 3500 years old but has a history of
over 5000 years and possibly is the oldest inhabited city in
Europe. Its history is very rich in content and has been studied by
historians and archeologists for decades. Athens is known as the
birthplace of democracy. The minds and personalities that came
through Athens in history adds to its tourist appeal today.
Early in history, Athens was a small village that was
independent to other villages in that area of Greece. Towards the
end of the Bronze Age (around 1500 BC) Athens and neighboring
villages had started to come together and the beginning of the
Mycenaean period of Athens history began. It was named after
King Minos. Minos was a legendary Crete king to the Greeks
who was the son of Zeus. At this time, Athens began to grow
with the influences of Crete culture. It was during this time period
that the city took on the official name Athens. Legends say that it
was named after the Greek Goddess Athena, the goddess of
wisdom in Greek mythology, after she beat Poseidon in a contest.
Some other historians believe that Athena could have been named
after the city itself, and that she personifies the city as a whole.
Not much else is known about this time period but one story that
has been passed down is the Trojan War.
After the Mycenaean period, Athens went through what
historians call a Dark Age. With wars from a northern village
(The Dorians) villages around Athens were destroyed. However,
Athens was spared from being totally over run and destroyed.
Towards the end of the Dark Age, Athens and numerous more
distant villages banded together to extend the cities power further
into the country. In the years to follow, Athens changed “rulers”
many times. One of the notably rulers was Draco and his
Draconian Laws. Draco put in place very strict laws that had
punishments ranging up to death. It wasn’t long before he was
overthrown by another one of Athens rulers Solon. There were
many rulers after Solon and it is said that it was during this period
of changes that the groundwork for the future Athenian Empire
was laid. In 494 BC, a Persian army sent by King Darius invaded
parts of Greece and eventually came upon Athens. For the next
few decades there were many altercations between the Athenians
and Persians. One of the more famous battles was at Marathon
and then a navel conflict at Salamis. The final victory for Athens
over the Persians was at the Battle of Plataies. After the conflicts
with Persia were done, Athens rulers spent time strengthening the
city. The democracy of the city was the first thing to be
strengthened with the Athenian army and navy being strengthened
shortly after. At this time, 440 B.C, the construction of the
Parthenon was commissioned by Pericles. For the last 30 years of
the 5th century B.C., the Peloponnesian wars broke out in Greece
resulting in the destruction of Athens and Sparta when it was all
over. However, the Athenian people were able to rebound and
rebuild their city. It was at this time that some of the great minds
from this era (Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle) lived in Athens. The
city continued to grow and change rulers for the next few
centuries. A few of the more notable rulers to control Athens in
history are Alexander the Great as well as Demetrius.
It wasn’t until the 1800’s when Athens wasn’t under the
rule of other countries. In 1821, Greece started to fight for their
independence as a nation and won it in 1829. The city of Athens
has been it’s official capital since this time but the country has be
invaded and ruined numerous times, including the World Wars,
but has been able to rebuild to become a vibrant city today. When
walking around Athens, there are the footprints of many structures
from the cities seasoned past that can be seen with in the ever
expanding city.
The following are a few of the notable sites that may be of interest
to us on our trek through Athens.
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Construction began in the 6th century BC but wasn’t complete till
the 2nd century AD. It is located roughly a quarter mile southeast
from the Acropolis. It was dedicated to the Greek god of Zeus
(the king of the Gods). Only a few of the columns still stand
Temple of Hephaestus
Constructed in 499 BC, it is the best preserved Greek temple and
is still fully intact. It is sometimes referred to as the Theseion
because of the legend that the bones of the legendary hero
Theseus where buried here.
Syntagma Square
Central Athens surrounded by the extensive National Gardens.
Because the square is located just west of the Greek parliament it
is a popular site for political demonstrations. Every hour, the
Changing of the Guard ceremony, performed by the Presidential
Guard is conducted in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
on the area between the Square and Parliament.
Kallimararo Stadium
Located in downtown Athens, it is fully made of white marble
mined from Mount Penteli. It was used in ancient times to host
the athletic portion of the Panathenaic Games held in honor of the
Greek Goddess Athena. It was fully rebuilt in 1895 to host the
first modern Olympic Games, held in 1896.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
It was built in 161 AB by Herodes Atticus in memory of his wife.
It is a Stone theater structure located on the south slope of the
Acropolis of Athens. The Odeon has traditionally been used as a
venue for music concerts. However, since restoration in the
1950s, the Odeon has hosted the theatrical, musical, and dance
events of the Athens Festival.
Athens Olympic Stadium
Originally built in 1980, it was the host of the 2004 Summer
Olympic games. It was the host for many European Athletic
championships but was renovated after Athens lost the bid for the
1996 (100th year anniversary) summer games to Atlanta, GA. Its
unique design and roof make it a stunning site for engineers.
Tolo, Greece
Tolo is a small fishing village that is popular among tourists. It is
located in the south-eastern Peloponnesian region of Greece. Its
convenient location too many of the historical sites in the region
make it a great place to stay when visiting for a few days. It is
known for its picturesque beaches and surrounding mountains.
The cities history goes as far back as Homer’s Iliad. It has been a
navel port for many different countries. It offers many
opportunities for shopping as well as food.
The Acropolis in Athens
In Athens we will be visiting the Acropolis. The
Acropolis in Athens, also called the “Sacred Rock”, is one of
the most fascinating sites in Athens. In Greek ‘Acropolis’
literally means “the highest point in town.” At the “highest
point in town” we will be on a rock that rises about 70 meters
from the basin, and the surface measures about 300 meters by
150 meters. We will be seeing many ruins that date back to the
4th century BC.
The Propylaia:
The first structure we will see when going to the
Acropolis is The Propylaia. The
Propylaia was built around 432
BC right before the Peloponnesian
wars. When entering the
Propylaia it will be divided into 2
wings, one to the east and one to
the west. Part of the reason why
the Propylaia looks the way it
does now is because it was struck
by lightning in 1645.
A few interesting math
facts about the Propylaia:
 The ratio of 3:7
was used in the
construction of
the Propylaia.
 The width of
the Propylaia is
equal to the
length of the
The Parthenon
The Parthenon is pretty
much the main attraction at the
Acropolis and was constructed between 447-432 BCE. The
Parthenon was built as a temple for the goddess Athena Pallas
or Parthenos. Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom, war,
the arts, industry, justice and skill as well as the favorite
daughter of Zeus.
The main purpose of the Parthenon is it used to shelter
a large statue of Athena made out of gold and ivory. However
even though the Parthenon housed a great statue of Athena it
was only designed to be seen from the outside. When visitors
came to the Parthenon could not enter the temple. Over the
years the temple has been used as a church, a mosque, and an
The Dimensions of The Parthenon:
 The outside is 8 columns wide by 17
columns long
Interesting tidbits about the Parthenon:
 The ratio of 9:4 was commonly used in the
construction of the Parthenon.
 8 columns wide by 17 columns long (9:4)
 9:4 ratio also seen in the vertical and
horizontal construction
Illusions at the Parthenon:
When looking at columns that are set up next to each
other they naturally tend to look narrower in the middle than at
the top and bottom. To counteract this, the architects of the
Parthenon used a technique called Entasis, which means that
that there is a bulge in the middle of each column to make them
looking at
that are set up next to each other they naturally appear to
contract at the top. So to counteract this, the architects made
the base of each column a little thicker. Also, the top part of
the columns would naturally appear to slant outwards because
of the triangular outline of the roof, but to counteract this each
column leans inward slightly so that they would meet if they
were extended one mile into the sky. Another illusion deals
with the construction of the steps. Since horizontal lines
appear to dip in the middle the steps are raised slightly upwards
at the center to make them appear level from a distance.
Fibonacci and the Parthenon:
Fibonacci’s Phi can be seen in many of the dimensions
of the Parthenon. The width is Phi times the height, as well as
many other sections that can be seen in the diagram. However,
no original plans from the Parthenon remain, so it is unsure
whether the golden ratio was used intentionally or not.
Pythagoras and The Parthenon:
Along with Fibonacci there were also elements used in
the construction of the Parthenon that came from Pythagoras.
With the ratio used of 2:3 and it’s square 4:9 the Parthenon can
be broken up into 3 equal rectangles with sides of 3 and 4, with
a diagonal of 5. To ensure that the right angles of the temple
the 3:4:5 Pythagorean triangle could be used.
Now, some of you may be asking, “How come the
Parthenon is the way it is??” Well in
1687, during the Venetian siege of the
Acropolis, General Francesco Morosini
attacked the Parthenon with cannon fire.
During this time the Turks were using the
Parthenon as an arsenal and when the
Parthenon was hit, it went…BOOM! The
explosion took out the roof and much of the inner structure
along with 14 of the outer columns.
The Erechtheion:
The Erechtheion is situated on the most sacred site of
the Acropolis. The Erechtheion is said to be the place where
Poseidon left his trident marks in a rock, and where Athena’s
olive tree sprouted during their epic battle for possession of the
city. It was built between 421 and 406 BCE and named after
Erechtheus, one of the mythical kings of Athens. However the
Erechtheion was almost completely destroyed by the Turks in
1827. The building uses Ionic architecture.
The Temple of Athena Nike:
The temple was built between 426-421 BCE to
commemorate the Athenian’s victories over the Persians. It is
also believed to be the place from which King Aegues threw
himself into the sea after hearing that his son Theseus had been
killed in Crete by the Minotaur. The temple contains 4 Ionic
columns that stand 13 ft. high. The Temple of Athena Nike
was reconstructed in 1834 after being destroyed by the Turks in
The Acropolis Museum:
There is a museum located below the level of the Parthenon at
the southeast corner of the Acropolis that contains many relics
from the Acropolis. Here is a list of interesting things that the
rooms in the museum contain:
 Contains pieces of the Parthenon frieze.
 Rooms 1-3 contain:
o Statues of mythological scenes
 Room 5 contains:
o Pediment from the Old Temple of Athena that
shows Athena and Zeus battling giants.
Represents the Greek triumph over primitive
 Rooms 4 & 6:
o Contains a collection of korai.
o Korai were statues of maidens offered to
 Rooms 7 & 8 contain:
o A metope from the south side of the Parthenon
that shows the battle between the Lapiths and
 Room 9 contains:
o 4 Caryatids from the Erechtheion south porch.
o The Caryatids are the only ones displayed in
Athens and are kept in a temperature controlled
Ionic & Doric Columns:
As you are looking at the different buildings at the
Acropolis it might be helpful to know a bit about the difference
between Ionic and Doric columns. Ionic and Doric are two of
the orders of columns. The order refers to the column and it’s
top. A Doric Column is the simplest kind of column that rests
on the bare floor and is topped by a single piece of marble. An
Ionic Column normally stands on a base and consists of a more
elaborate design than Doric Columns. Ionic columns are more
slender than Doric.
Corinth was a major Greek city in the 6th-8th century
BCE. It was one of the most advanced cities and had quite a
bit of power. One reason that Corinth was such a powerful city
was that they are located in a great position to be a port city.
Because of their great position on the sea Corinth had one of
the leading naval powers as well as a rich commercial city
helped them to be able to establish colonies in Syracuse on the
island of Sicily and on Corcyra. Another reason that they were
so powerful was the fact that they had control of the diolkos.
The Diolkos was the stone-paved roadway that connected the
Saronic Gulf with the Gulf of Corinth. It could be said that
Corinth isn’t as great of city as it used to be, but it still contains
quite a bit of interesting history.
Because of many things like the Diolkos and the great
location of Corinth it was a highly sought after city by large
military powers. It was conquered by Philip II of Macedon in
338 BCE. However, Philip was assassinated and Alexander
the Great took over the leadership of the city. In 336 BCE
Alexander the Great was chosen to lead the Greeks in battle
against the Persians. The city was mostly destroyed by the
Romans in 146 BC. Then in 44 BCE Julius Caesar rebuilt
Corinth as a Roman city.
Temple of Apollo:
The temple was constructed for Apollo in 550 BCE
which was a time of great wealth for Corinth. The building
itself is not very impressive due to the fact that only 7 of the 38
original doric columns are still standing.
The Apostle Paul & Corinth
The Apostle Paul visited Corinth two times during the
50s AD. Throughout his visits he worked as a tentmaker
converting as many Jews and pagans as possible. During his
first visit to Corinth Paul stayed for 18 months. At this time he
became acquainted with Aquila and Priscilla, who became
partners in Paul’s ministry in the city. During Paul’s second
visit to Corinth he stayed for only three months. After Paul’s
visits to Corinth he wrote two letters to the Christian
community there (1st and 2nd Corinthians). It is also believed
that during Paul’s second visit to Corinth he wrote his letter to
the Romans which is the book of Romans in the Bible.
The Corinth Canal:
One of the most fascinating landmarks in the city of
Corinth is the Corinth Canal. The Canal links the Ionian and
Aegean Seas and separates the Peloponnese from mainland
Greece. Before the canal ships had to be lifted out of the water
and put on wheels and rolled down the diolkos. It took many
years to build the canal and took huge amounts of work to
Many people including Alexander the Great and Julius
Caesar wanted to build the canal, however there were too many
obstacles in their way. One myth about why Caesar didn’t
build the canal was that Poseidon, god of the sea, stopped him
from building it because he opposed the canal. The first actual
attempt to build the canal came from Nero in 67 AD. To start
off the construction of the canal Nero himself used a gold
shovel for the groundbreaking. He had approximately 6,000
slaves working on the project. However even after great
determination the canal was never finished by Nero.
After many years and many failed attempts to build it,
the Corinth Canal was finally completed in 1893 by the Greeks
and the French. The canal is 4 miles (6-km) long and is still
used today. However, many newer boats are too large to fit
through the canal.
Corinth Today:
Today Corinth is still used as a port city. It is also a
major transportation center. A few of the major exports of
Corinth are olives, tobacco, raisins, and wine. The current
population is around 35,000 which is likely smaller than it was
around the fifth century BC.
The Weather in Corinth:
 The average range for temperature in Corinth in
May is 52-74 F.
 Generally there is not much precipitation in the
month of May.
Many people say that Archimedes was one of the most
influential mathematicians of all time. Over his life he came
up with numerous inventions and war machines. Many of his
formulas were groundbreaking and way ahead of their time.
Archimedes was born sometime around 287 BCE in
Syracuse, Sicily. He studied at Euclid's school in Alexandria.
Archimedes lived in Syracuse until 211 or 212 BC when he
was killed by a Roman soldier who didn’t know who
Archimedes was.
Here is a list of just a few of Archimedes Achievements:
 Defined pi between 3.1408450704 and
 Discovered the Law of Hydrostatics:
o any object immersed in fluid, is buoyed
up by a force equal to the weight of the
fluid displayed by the object.
References Used
Durbin, Marc. Greece: Athens & The Mainland. 2007. DK
Eyewitness Travel. New York. 94-99.
The Agora, Nafplio and the Palamidi Fortress, and Greece Info
By Hannah Stevens
The Agora
Agora means a place of meeting. The area was first used
around 3000 BC as a private residential area before becoming a
public area in the early 6th Century BC when Athens was ruled
by Solon. At this time, fountains and a drainage system were
constructed; the pipes from this system are still visible today.
During the Byzantine Era the area became residential again.
The agora was discovered during the construction of a trench
for the Athens-Peiraeus Railway. Restoration began in 1834
and is ongoing even today. The restoration involved the
destruction of 400 modern buildings. The pathway running
diagonally through part of the Agora is the Panathenaic Road, a
sacred path followed by processions of people honoring
Temple of Hephaistos - 1
Constructed in 449 BC, it sits atop the hill of Kolonos
Agoraios. It was dedicated to the gods Hephaistos and Athena
with bronze statues of them formerly standing in the center of
the temple. It was a richly decorated temple and was at one
time fully landscaped. It is the most prominent and best
preserved temple in all of Greece, it is the only one that still
has it’s original roof.
Stoa of Zues Eleutherios – 6
Stoa means a covered walkway or portico with a columned
entrance. Constructed at the end of the 5th Century BC, it was
built in honor of those who fought for the freedom and safety
of the city. Socrates and Plato are said to have frequented here.
Temple of Apollo Patroos – 7
Erected around 340-320 BC, this temple honors Apollo, the
Father of the Ionian race. The Ionian race is one of the Greek
tribes. A statue of Apollo used to stand in the center.
Metroos - 8
Constructed in the 5th Century BC. The Boule (Council of 500,
kind of like a modern day city council) held their meetings
here. When replaced by the Bouleuterian, it was used as a
sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods. The state archives were
stored here under her protection.
Bouleuterian - 9
Erected 2nd Century BC to replace the metroos as the meeting
place for the Boule.
Tholos – 10
Built in 460 BC, this circular building was where the chairmen
of the Boule dined and slept. A set of standard weights and
measures were also stored here.
Monument of Eponymous Heroes - 14
Constructed during the second half of the 4th Century BC, it is
comprised of an oblong pedestal enclosed by a fence. Ten
bronze statues stood on the pedestal. Each statue was a hero
for one of the tribes of Attica, the peninsula Athens lies on.
This place was also used as a notice board of sorts for the city.
Altar of 12 Gods - 17
Erected in 520-521 BC, this fenced-in altar was the heart of the
city. All distances were measured from this milestone. The
majority of the area is now covered by they Athens-Peiraeus
Railway, which lies just to the north.
Odeion of Agrippa - 18
Built in 15 BC by Agrippa, this auditorium with a two-storied
portico originally seated 1000. It was destroyed in 267 AD and
a gymnasium was built in its place in 400 AD. The north side
is adorned with 4 huge tritons, which are half god/half fish
mythical creatures.
Stoa Basileios (Royal Stoa) –
Constructed in 460 BC, a statue of either Themis or
Democracy formerly stood in front of the building. The Laws
of Solon were displayed here, and it was the headquarters of
the Royal Archon, the ruler and kong of religious affairs (such
as murder). It was in this building that Socrates was charged
with impiety. It is said that if you were in the Agora when a
case was being heard in the court of law, you were eligible to
be a juror. The police frequently wandered the Agora looking
for jurors.
Stoa of Attalos – 19
Currently houses the Ancient Agora Museum, with exhibits
that directly relate to the functioning of Athenian life. There
are models of the Agora, and the statue from Apollo Patroos.
Some artifacts that can be seen here:
Clepsydra: a water clock measure time as water flows from a
clay pot
Ostraca: Stones used to ostracize politicians
Bronze ballots: used when making decisions for the city
Other objects that can be seen:
A marble kleroterion used when vesting plots of land.
A relief of Democracy crowning the people over and inscribed
stele. It symbolized law vs. tyranny.
Arbylllos: a vase of an athletic boy kneeling and tying a
ribbon/award around his head.
Roman Agora
Some of the constructions are newer, having been erected
while Greece was ruled by the Roman Empire. Two of the
more prominent structures are the East Propylon from 19-11
BC and the Gate of Athena Archegetis from 11 BC.
Nafplio and the Palamidi Fortress
Control of the city of Nafplio went back and forth between the
Turks and the Venetians for many years. The city was key in
the War of Independence in which the Greeks fought for
independence from the Turks. After a 15 month long siege led
by Kolokotronis, the city was liberated in 1821. Nafplio then
became the center for the revolution. In 1829, the Greeks won
their independence and named Nafplio the capital of their
country. This changed in 1834, when the capital was moved to
Athens. Bourtzi, a fort built by the Venetians in the 15th
Century and now stand empty, can be seen in the harbor.
The Palamidi fortress lies on a hill east of Akronafplia, the
oldest part of the city. It was constructed in 1714 by the
Venetian engineers Giaxich and Lasalle. There are 999 steps
leading up the fortress, or you can take a bus up a back road.
The castle is comprised of eight bastions surrounded by walls.
St. Andrews church occupies one of the bastions, while the
Prison of Kolokotronis is occupies another. He was
imprisoned in 1834 for treason. Greece was ruled at the time
by King Otto I and his Bavarian ministers, who Kolokotronis
disagreed with. He was pardoned in 1835.
Basic Info on Greece
Getting Around in Athens
Greece’s government is a presidential parliamentary
democracy. The president, who serves as chief of state which
is basically a figurehead, is Karolos Papoulias, and the prime
minister, who serves as the head of the government, is
Konstandinos Karamanlis. The population of Greece is 10.7
million, of which 3.2 million live in Athens. The geographic
area of Greece is slightly smaller than the state of Alabama.
Greece has been an EU member since 1981, and uses the Euro
as its currency. The economy is a capitalist, with tourism as its
number one industry. The unemployment rate there is 9.2%,
compared to 4.8% in the US. 98% of the populations religion
is Greek Orthodox. While we are in Greece, we should expect
tempertures to be in the 70’s with very little rainfall. Greece is
8 hours ahead of Central Time Zone.
Good morning ……………Kalimera
Good afternoon………......Kalispera
Do you speak English?......Milate Anglika?
I don’t understand..............Den milo.
Thank you………………..Efkaristo
Where is…the bathroom?..Pee eeneh… toalett?
I need a doctor………..….Hraazomeh eeatro.
1: meea
2: deeo
3: treea
4: tettera
5: panda
6: ex
7: eptah
8: octo
9: ennaa
10: deka
There are several ways you can travel around in Athens:
metro, tram, bus, or taxi. Here is some info for each mode of
Closed from midnight to 5 am
A one way ticket is € 0.80 (possibly € 0.40 with student ID)
A one-way ticket is € 0.60 (possibly € 0.30)
You can buy tickets that are good for more than just one way:
€ 1 for 90 minutes on all modes of transportation
€ 3 for one day on all modes of transportation
There is a minimum fee for taxi’s. In Athens this is € 2.50, and
elsewhere in Greece it is € 2.70. Within the Athens city limits,
you will be charged € 0.34/km, and outside the city limits it is
€ 0.64/km. There is also a fee of € 0.65 for traveling by taxi
between midnight and 5 am.
You want to stay away from the National Gardens at night. If
possible, try to avoid being directly in Omonia Square at night
(This may be difficult since our hotel is one block away from
it, just be aware).
Dr. Ed Schmoll recommends the gyro’s that you can be from
the Petros Café at 28 Kidathenaron St. in the Plaka. It is best if
you don’t go inside and just order from the street window.
According to him, they are tasty as well as cheap!
National Archaeological Museum
Athens, Greece
By Amy Hintermeyer
Construction on the National Archaeological museum was started in 1866 and was completed in 1889 after the West addition in
1874, the North addition in 1881, the South addition in 1885, and the East addition in 1889. The original architect was Ludwig Lange, and
Panages Kalkos, Harmodios Vlachos and Earnst Ziller made modifications. The most recent remodeling of the museum was in 1999 due to
an earthquake and preparation for the tourism fueled by the 2004 Olympics.
This museum is Greece’s most important archeological museum and it ranks in the top 10 museums in the world! It contains
prehistoric items, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, bronzes, Egyptian art, along with other temporary exhibits. There are many famous artifacts at
the museum that you should watch for, including the Mask of Agamemnon, the Jockey of Artemision, Kouros statues, the sculpture of
Aphrodite and Pan, along with the Antikythera Mechanism.
The mask of Agamemnon is a gold funerary mask that was found in a
grave circle at Mycenae. It was excavated by Heinrich
Schliemann, and is dated around the 16th century B.C.
P.M. Harrington once said,
“The Mask of Agamemnon from grave V is the most
famous. ‘I have gazed on
the face of Agamemnon,’ Schliemann is said to have
telegrammed a Greek
newspaper on first seeing the mask. In fact, he himself
identified it as belonging to
Agamemnon, but since it was the finest of the
specimens it became
associated with the hero […] the masks and gold
jewelry Schliemann found
at Mycenae brought him world fame; he was
henceforth known as the
Father of Mycenaean Archaeology.”
Jockey of Artemision is made of Bronze and is estimated to be from around 140 B.C. during the
Hellenistic Period. The work was found in a shipwreck off of Cape Artemision and is assumed to
had reigns in his left hand and a whip in his right hand at one time.
The national archaeological museum also houses some kouros statues. This one is a votive statue that stands 3.05
meters tall (approximately 10 feet). It was found in the Sanctuary of Poseidon in Sounin and is from around 600 B.C.
There are certain characteristics that statues must possess to be classified as a kouros statue. They always are in a
frontal pose with the left leg forward. They are sculpted symmetrically and are always nude. This is one difference
from many Egyptian statues. Some Egyptian statues may look similar, but they are often
wearing clothes. Kouros statues are also usually pretty close to life size. The proportions of
the bodies tend to have a 1:7 ratio with the body being 7 times the size of the body.
The sculpture of the group of Aphrodite and pan is a marble sculpture from 100 B.C. that was
found on Delos, which is considered the island of Apollo. It depicts Aphrodite, the goddess of
love and beauty, threatening pan, the god of fertility, with her sandal. Above the two, the
viewer can see Eros flying. Eros is a winged cherub that is known for crazed, blind love. The
word “erotic” stemmed from his name. Most know him better in Roman mythology, where he is called cupid. Pan is
known for attempting to seduce nymphs; in fact, the word “panic” stemmed from his name, so we can see why
Aphrodite would react in such a way.
One of the most cherished treasures of the National archeological museum is the Antikythera Mechanism. Sponge
divers found this mechanism on a ship near Antikythera. The wreck was discovered in 1900, but the artifact actually
wasn’t found until 1901 because it was buried with sediment . The date of the shipwreck is estimated to have occurred between 85 and 60
B.C. The artifact itself is believed to originate from around 100 to 150 B.C and is considered to be the first artifact of underwater
archaeology. It is a bronze mechanism with a complex arrangement of around 30 gears, and the inscriptions on it relate to the months and
the zodiac. It is described as a sophisticated mechanism that “operates as a complex mechanical ‘computer’ which tracks the cycles of the
solar system”. This “astronomical phenomenon” helps us to understand what the ancient Greeks and ancient Babylonians were capable of
and is proof of their math and engineering competencies. This mechanism is truly ahead of its time, in fact, other mechanisms with similar
standards are not seen again for another millennium!
At the museum:
•Large bags must be checked into the coatroom
•Photography is ok, but turn off the flash
•No Filming
•Maps can be found at the admissions desk
•Suggested length of time – 2 hours
Greeks and the Irrationals
By Amy Hintermeyer
While in Greece, it is good to keep in mind some of the remarkable mathematical discoveries that have
been made over its history. Look around. Do you see it in use? The Pythagoreans were group of
intellectuals that formed the Pythagorean Brotherhood at the end of the 6th century B.C. basing their
beliefs off of their founder, Pythagoras. The brotherhood’s inner circle made vows of secrecy to protect
their findings and so that the Pythagorean brotherhood as a whole would get credit, not just the individual
made the discovery. They took oaths of commitment to the brotherhood and they also promised to have a strict vegetarian diet. This
brotherhood founded their beliefs in Mathematics, meaning they believed that mathematics was the cornerstone of life. Their perception of
the universe, their religion, and their traditions were based off of their mathematical mysticism. In fact, they believed that all quantities
could be explained with whole numbers and their ratios. Their number mysticism is still being studied today. They classified the number
system into different kinds, for example, friendly numbers are number pairs in which the sum of the proper divisors is the other number, and
perfect numbers are numbers where the sum of the proper divisors returns the original number.
The phythagoreans made gains in terms of the study of music in relation to mathematics. They discovered that when strings have an
equal tension, an octave can be heard when the ratios of the two strings are 2:1, a fifth can be heard when the ratios are 3:2, and a fourth can
be heard when the ratio is 4:3. The most famous discovery that the Pythagoreans were known for, of course, is the Pythagorean theorem.
The originator of this theorem is not known because of the Pythagoreans vow of silence, but it is believed that Hippasus is a probable person
to give the credit. This theorem states that given a triangle with sides A, B, and C where C is the hypotenuse The square of the hypotenuse
on a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the two legs. In other words, A2+B2=C2.
This rocked the boat for the Pythagoreans! If this was true, then their belief that all quantities could be explained with whole
numbers and their ratios was false. One example is that if the 2 legs of a triangle have a length of 1, then the hypotenuse has a length of √2,
which is an irrational number. The Pythagoreans called irrational numbers “unutterable numbers” because they did not fit into their belief
system. In fact, when one of the members of the Pythagorean brotherhood wanted to tell the public of this finding, he was immediately put
to death! Once word got out, this discovery changed the math world forever.
Mycenae is an archeological site south of Athens. It was once thought to only exist in ancient Greek legend and in the poetry of
Homer. In 1870, Heinrich Schliemann found the fabled city using landmarks from Homer’s Iliad; this caused many to believe that Homer’s
works were more than just myths.
In the second millennium BC, Mycenae was one of the major centers of Greek civilization. It was a military stronghold which
dominated much of southern Greece. Mycenae reached its height around the sixteenth century BC, but was abandoned around 1200 BC for
unknown reasons.
The acropolis at Mycenae was surrounded by massive Cyclopean walls. These walls received their name as a result of their size.
The blocks were so massive they were thought to have been the work of the one-eyed giants, the Cyclops.
The main entrance into the citadel at Mycenae is known as the Lion Gate. It is a stone carving of two lions that stand on an alter as
sentries. The lions are built in the form of a ‘relieving triangle’ to support the weight of the stones over the entrance. Although many
people have always
assumed that the stone carvings at the Lion Gate are lions, further
investigation has led
scholars to believe that they might actually be griffins, creatures that have
the body of a lion, but
the head and wings of an eagle. Both of these creatures, however, symbolize
authority, power, and
the domination of the Mycenaean people.
Other famous
sites at Mycenae are the Tomb of Clytemnestra, the wife of King
Agamemnon, and the
Treasure of Atreus (also know as the Tomb of Agamemnon). Both of these
tombs are good
examples of the architectural type know as tholos, an alternative name for
the Beehive tomb
typical of the late Bronze Age. The Treasure of Atreus was constructed
around 1250 BC and
was the tallest dome in the world until the Pantheon was constructed.
The grave
circles found at Mycenae are also an impressive sight. There are two grave
circles, Grave Circle A and Grave Circle B
(outside the citadel). Grave Circle A revealed impressive wealth. It
was here that Schliemann discovered the
Mask of Agamemnon on what he thought was the remains of the
body of Agamemnon. The mask is
currently displayed in the National Archaeological Museum in
Epidaurus is presumed to be the birthplace Apollo’s son, Asklepios, the healer. The Sanctuary of Asklepios, also known as the
asclepieion, was the most celebrated healing center of the classical world. People from all over would travel to the asclepieion to find a cure
for their ailments. They would spend the night in a big sleeping room and in their dreams the gods would give them advice as to what to do
to regain health. Since snakes were regarded as sacred to Asklepios, they were often used in healing rituals. Non-poisonous snakes were
left to crawl on the floor of the great sleeping hall.
The prosperity of the asclepieion enabled the construction of famous Theater at Asklepieion. The theater was built around the fourth
century and can hold 15,000 spectators. As usual for Greek theaters, the view of the lush landscape is an integral part of the theater itself.
The theater is also
known for its exceptional acoustics, it provides almost perfect intelligibility
to all of the spectators,
even those in the back rows!
For centuries the
theater was covered by thick layers of dirt. Excavations began in 1881 by P.
Kavvadias. From 1954
to 1963 there was a large-scale reconstruction of the destroyed sections and a
partial restoration of the
monument. The Theater at Asklepieion is one of the best preserved
structures from ancient
Greece and still hosts Greek dramas today.
By Amy Hintermeyer
“The Center of the World”
“Where Heaven and Earth Met”
“The Place where Man is Closest to the gods”
“The Most Beautiful Place on Earth”
Sounds good, right? Delphi has been called all these
things… along with “The navel of the
world”. Why would it be called that? Well according to Greek mythology Delphi was the sacred land of the earth goddess Gaia and was
guarded by Python. In the meantime, Zeus wants to find where the center of the world is, so he releases two eagles from the ends of the
earth (the East and the West) and the meet at the exact spot of Delphi, where the omphalos stone marked it. Being the center, this spot
became “the navel of the world”. The story continues that Zeus’ son Apollo leaves Mount Olympus and comes to Mount Parnassus to slay
Python. He accomplishes his task, but then repents of his sin and goes to Crete to purify himself. When he was purified, he returned to
Delphi to build his temple. He placed the Omphalos stone on the place where Python was killed. He went to Crete and took the form of a
dolphin so he could bring sailors back to become priests in his temple. The Greek word for dolphin is Delphis, which is where the name
Delphi originated.
While at Delphi, there are many sites that are available to see. The first is the temple of Apollo. It was built in the 7th century BC and
construction continued throughout 330 BC because of damage and reconstruction. There were six columns on the front and 15 columns on
the sides. Visitors will be able to see the outer colonnade foundations and it is said that there is a chamber for the oracle and the omphalos
stone under the back room. Another site that can be seen is the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, The older temple was built in 510 BC, the
newer temple was built in the 4th century BC, and the Tholos was built in the 3rd century BC. There are a couple treasuries at the sanctuary
of Athena Pronaia. One is the Ionic Treasury of Massilia which was built in 530 BC, and the other is the Doric treasury built in the 5th
century BC.
Visitors can also
go see the ancient theater. It was built in the
4th century BC. It faces
the valley, giving the audience a scenic
backdrop. It is made of
Parnassus limestone and holds 5000 people
in its 35 rows. The lower
tiers were built in the Hellenistic and Roman
The stadium is a favorite
the stone seating and
century AD. The stadium holds 6500 people and the track is 177.55
stadium was home of the pythian games. Since Apollo is the god of
of visitors. It was built in 5th century BC, but
arched entrance were added in the 2nd
meters long and 25.5 meters wide. The
music, the first event included singing a
hymn to the god. The other events in the games were the typical running, riding and chariot racing, joined by singing, dancing, flute
playing, and lyre playing. It is said that even Homer attended these games, although he did not participate. According to Greek mythology,
Apollo once tried to seduce Daphne, but before he could make his sexual advances Daphne’s father turned her into a laurel tree. So the
winner of the game received the prize of a crown of Laurel leaves.
Delphi is also known for its museum, which holds statues and artifacts from the different treasuries and temples around the sanctuary of
Apollo. Many of the sculptures are celebrating victorious battles, but one of the most famous sculptures is called the “Bronze Charioteer”.
It is from 470 BC and was made in honor of a prince who won the chariot races. When you see it, look for the great detail and lifelike
characteristics, especially the veins in his hand and feet.