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Unit 10
Mass politics, Nationalism and
-To understand the state of Social reform
– socialism and anarchism
-To understand Realism and
-To understand the European Women’s
-To understand the causes of the “New
-To understand the impact of the “New
Imperialism” on the colonizer and the
-Understand the causes of World War I
Realist and Impressionist art
Social reform
During the later part of the Industrial
revolution as nations got economically
stable and the middle class maintained a
leisure time – attention turned to the
needs of the working-class.
Germany To politically out maneuver
the Catholics and the Socialist in
German Bismarck created a state
sponsored Insurance program, retirement
program, and healthcare. This gave
Bismarck an edge over the socialist
movement and the attempts of the Pope
to reclaim power in Germany – (Please
the masses stay in power).
Britain had the Poor Laws and later
provided pensions, insurance and
medical treatment
France – Workers rights – ended
internal passports –medical care for
working class –public hygiene inspectors
Trade Unions formed and thrived 18801914 – 3 million workers belonged to
one in Britain – 1.5 million in Germany
– 400,000 in Austria 2.6 million in
1864 London -The Socialists First
International Workingmen’s Association
–Karl Marx leading member.
1876 oppressed throughout Europe and
internal conflicts - the Association was
1889 Paris Second International founded
by 1910 Socialists were seated in all of
the European governments. They
claimed to be internationalists believing
that the workingman would lead the next
revolution and unite the globe. The party
was split between Marxist who believed
only a revolution by the workers against
a capitalist middle class government
could solve the worlds problems and
Reform Socialists who believed
political participation would change the
The emergence of Socialism was due
more to economic and political
conditions in European nations rather
than the actions of the International.
The internal struggle of the
internationalist/globalist socialists was
socialism v. nationalism – if a war broke
out whom to support.
Russia – Marxist Socialists viewed as
westerners –relied on the industrial
worker of Russia
Britain – Fabian Society intellectuals socialism in Britain based on a tax
Germany the SPD anti Marx reform not
revolution Eduard Bernstein became its
leader – political rights for women – 8
hour workday proportional
representation – 1914 became the largest
party in Germany
France split between Reform and
Marxist was unified under Jean Jaures
and the French Section of the Working
class International SFIO 1914 the second
largest party in France.
Italy Socialist party made small inroads
into politics oppressed by the
Spain Spanish Socialist party founded in
1879 elected to the government 1909.
Christian Socialism France – Italy –
Germany – Belgium – Church attempt to
bring workers and owners back to the
church in order to regain political
influence over the empires
Anarchists – destroy the state a very
small movement in Europe and anti
Michael Bakunn wanted a violent
overthrow of governments
Peter Kropotkin society corrupted man
– viewed a peaceful transition to a
peaceful equal society without
France – had the largest following in
Britain Anarchists respected the crown
and the state existed on principle
United States -Haymarket square – (we
Hung ‘em)
Germany – Bismarck cut them off few
followers in Germany
Spain took root in two provinces
1880-1890 anarchist turn to violence to
be heard –Barcelona, Spain became the
capitol of political bombings followed
by Paris, France – St Petersburg, Russia
the People’s Will assassinated Tsar
Alexander II – Italy King Umberto I
assassinated – United States President
McKinley assassinated. European
governments countered this by executing
anarchists suspected of participating.
Women’s Movement (the others)
“New Woman” Maria Montessori an
Italian Feminist lecturer – Women
should demand an equal education,
representation and employment.
Right wing politics proclaimed that
women were not a smart as men and that
they could not understand politics
Britain – 1880’s result of Imperialism
and the plight if indigenous women
made British women act. 1889 France
held the International Congress on
Women’s rights 1900 850 German
associations were pushing for women’s
Art in the Industrial/Imperial era
Realism dominated culture 1850-1870
Charles Baudelaire art is the exchange
between the individual and
contemporary society. Art shifted to
glorify the working peasant class and
portrayed village life. Jean Francois
Millet and Gustave Courbet –“Show
me and Angel and I shall paint it” the
middle class and aristocracy believed
realist mocked the classical art and
despised it.
Jules Verne
wrote about Europe’s fascination with
technology and science and geography
in is adventurous books.
Began the Second French Empire and
lasted until 1900
Rejected traditional religious and
Historical subjects using brilliant colors
and small side-by-side brush strokes.
They too were rejected by contemporary
Edouard Manet shocked the world with
Dejeuner sur L’herbe
subject of a nude women picnicking
with two dressed men – the nude was not
of an accepted classical figure but of a
common women.
Claude Monet Gare Saint-Lazare a
point of entry for most of the public on a
daily basis
Edgar Degas L’Asbinthe
--Abstract art a dramatic shift from the
perspective of the artists had not
changed since the renaissance
Also the time of Friedrich Nietzsche and
Sigmund Freud
Imperialism one state imposes its will
through superior military and technology
over another region
Britain unlike other Empires expanded
not only for economic gain but to
prevent other Empires from getting
powerful enough to threaten British
Trade Routes (Britain’s infrastructure
allowed or rapid and expensive
1500 European Empires controlled 7%
of the Globe
1800 35% of the Globe
1914 85% of the Globe
Approximate size by 1914
British Empire population 66
million covering 4.5 million square
miles the sun never sat on the Empire
French Empire covered 3.5
million square miles
Postimpressionism the artists distanced
himself from the subject
Georges Seurat A Sunday on La
Grande Jatte
Russian Empire population
million 126 (88% were peasant) 8.6
million square miles
German Empire 64 million
population 1 million square miles
Belgium Empire 7.6 million
population 1 million square miles
Modern Movement
Pablo Picasso – Les Demoiselles d’
Italian Empire 35 million
population1 million square miles
Austro/Hungarian Empire
Population 53 million 262,000 square
Ottoman Empire 24 million
population 694,000 square miles
Britain had the advantage from the
1600’s it condoled the sea – “He who
controls the sea controls the trade he
who controls the trade controls the
globe” The British Empire rested on the
laurels of free trade and its “Pillar
Colonies” Australia – Canada and New
Zealand. 1850 Australia and New
Zealand were given the right to govern
themselves under the British Foreign
(1907 Dominion status)Office. 1867
Canada given Dominion status –
autonomy within the Empire
to connect Egypt to South Africa Cairo
to Cape Town
Scramble for Africa
1878 Congress of Berlin would divide
Africa among the European powers (in
part because Bismarck needed France to
look to colonies and not pay attention to
German expansion in Europe)
France at best could only establish a
series of fortifications in North Africa
never completing any railways – France
lead by Ferdinand de Lesseps built the
Suez Canal in Egypt – which the British
quickly took control of by buying up
51% of the stock from the Egyptians and
kicking the French out. Britain always
watchful of the Russians took control of
Egypt form the Ottomans under the
guise of protecting free trade and the
Suez Canal.
Colonial Africa by 1914-Ethopia and
Liberia remained Independent
Central Africa
David Livingstone and Henry Stanley
4th expedition to Africa - Central
Africa1866-1873 (died of Malaria)
After missing for four years Britain sent
Henry Stanley to find him after 15
months “Dr Livingstone I presume”
1879 Leopold II hired Stanley to explore
Central Africa and Leopold II became
the private owner of the Congo France
controlled west of the Congo River with
the treaty of Brazza
Following the American transcontinental
railroad Europeans began to plot
railways to connect African territories
and control the continent better. France
attempted to connect Algeria to Senegal
while Ceil B Rhodes of Britain wanted
German interest in Africa – Bismarck
only interested in Europe – Germans
created the Colonial League in1882
Karl Peters began investing German
money in Eastern Africa – this got the
attention of Britain (Bismarck did not
want this –did not want to compete with
Britain as it might upset his balance of
power in Europe) – Bismarck used
Africa to solidify his power in Germany
– colonies would give Germans jobs.
1884 Bismarck supported the small
Afrikaner (Boer) colony in South
Africa (British were also there) – the
timing was right Britain was militarily
tied down in Sudan but demanded that
German recognize British Egypt and
France was involved in Tunisia.
1885 Berlin Conference Congo divided
between Leopold and France and the
Congo river was a free trade zone –
German acquired East Africa.- Italy
would eventually settle Eritrea 1889
1896 Italy tried to capture Abyssinians
(Ethiopia) but was defeated by a
Franco/Russian backed African army
Italy was defeated at the battle of
Adowa signed Treaty of Addis Ababa
Sudan region
A war between Egypt and Sudan almost
brought France and Britain to war in
Africa. Egyptian troops were lead by
British Officers and lost the war in 1885
–Britain gave up on the Sudan until
France decided it wanted it in 1895
when Britain reclaimed it.
Fashoda Affair
1898 Britain sent an army lead by Lord
Kitchener to the Sudan armed with
Machine Guns and artillery the Sudanese
Army was destroyed revenge for the loss
of General Gordon in 1885. The British
reached the outpost of Fashoda. At
Fashoda a French army met the British
Army rather than fight they had diner
and waited for politics to figure it out. –
Britain got control of the Nile and
France got parts of West Africa ended
without a war between the two.
South Africa
1795 British and Dutch settlers landed at
the Cape of Good Hope Britain acquired
control and governed.
1836 wanting to get out from under
British control the Boer’s began “The
Great Trek” (Boer believed in white
supremacy and hated the British for
ending the slave trade Apartheid was
born) defeating the Zulu the Boer
established Natal
1846 British took Natal forcing the Boer
out to the Transvaal and the Orange Free
1850-1870’s Britain fought 9 wars
against the indigenous population of
South Africa establishing the colony of
Cape Town. Boers added the British in
the war against the Zulu
1872 Cape Town was controlled by its
own government under the protection of
the British Foreign Office.
1877 Britain took the Transvaal from the
Cecil B Rhodes began pushing for
British expansion from South Africa
1880 Anglo/Boer hostilities began
1895 Rhodes talked the British into a
military strike against the Boer –
Jameson Raid 500 British cavalry
Bismarck congratulated Boer victory
1899 Boer War lasted 3 years – Boer’s
got the sympathy of Europe against
Britain –
1902 Armistice signed
1906/07 Britain granted Transvaal and
Orange Free State right to self govern.
1910 Boers joined the Union of South
Africa Britain granted Dominion ship
Boer’s took over the government and
created Apartheid for South Africa
(ended in 1994)
1900 only Japan remained independent
all other Asian Nations became part of
the European Empires.
Britain and France in Indochina – Siam
left as a buffer zone between British
Burma and French Indochina (Vietnam)
1763 India taken by the British from the
French Seven Years War – Governend
ny the East India Tea Company
1826 Britain acquires Burma
1830’s Britian traded opium for Chinese
raw materials
1839 China attmepted to stop opium
1840-42 British “Gun Boat” diplomacy
Opium War with China –Treaty of
Nanking British victory gets rights to
Hong Kong and acces to Chinese ports
for free trade.
1850 France Acquired Da Nang and
Saigon (Vietnam) defending dead
Catholic missionaries
1857 Britian and France declared war on
china at Canton and gained control of
more ports.
1857 Sepoy rebellion in India against
British rule – Animal fat on cartridges
and British direct rule.
1858 British East India company
disolved and India becomes a Crown
Colony –immediatley royal governor
builds railroads, English in mandated for
education, improved farming, and
judicial system encouraged cotton over
1880 Britan acquired Afghanistan as a
buffer between Russia and India
1883 France captured Hanoi and Tonkin
1887 France created union of Indochina
1893 Laos was added to the Union
1894-95 Sino-Japanes War Korea
became a Japanes protectorate
1898 Germany was granted use of
Chinese ports after tow germans were
assassinated by Chinese peasents
Russia took Manchuria and Port Arthur
U.S. Declared an Open Door policy to
China to colonization of China.
1898 Spanish American war ends Spains
power in the world U.S. becomes an
imperial player – Phillippines Cuba
Guam Puerto Rico
1899 U.S. Sec State John Hay Open
Dorr Policy toward China
1900 Boxer Rebellion against the West
China for Chinese only Comnbined
European Effort put the rebellion down
and puniched China as a result
Forces of the Eight-Nation Alliance
(1900 Boxer Rebellion)
Troops of the Eight nations alliance in 1900.
Left to right: Britain, United States, Russia, British India,
Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Japan
United Kingdom
United States
Warships Marines Army
(men) (men)
540 20,300
750 12,400
2,020 10,000
390 3,130
295 3,125
4,971 49,255
1904-05 Russo/Japanes war
“White Man’s Burden”
Christianity –Commerce and
Imorrtilized by Rudyard Kipling’s poem
The Western European was
intellectually,physically and culturally
superior to all other races and the
populations of Africa and Asia needed to
be educated and “saved” from
themselves but never couldthey be equal
to the European.
Superior Firepower won the day in
Africa and Asia – indeginious peoples
were no match to European technology –
Maxim and Gatling gins – artillery –
railroads and steamships allowed for
easy conquest. Malaria was and the
tsetse fly was the only real defense.
Colonialism of Africa and Asia was
brutal – colonies served one of three
purposes – Defense, Economics, and
agriculture. Forced Labor and slavery
was the employeer of the conquered.
Anti-Imperialist leagues formed in all of
the Empires