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Providing for and responding to a client’s daily needs is one of the
most important functions performed by Certified Nursing Assistants
(CNAs) and Home Aides. These needs may be simple or they can be
complicated; for example, some clients only require a little help with
dressing while others cannot do any activities of daily living without
your assistance. But every one of your clients will require some help in
performing self-care, and you are expected to be able to determine
what their daily needs are and to ensure these needs are met.
This course will provide CNAs and Health Aides with the information
they need to make an assessment of a client’s daily needs and to help
a client with her/his needs in the areas of personal hygiene, eating and
nutrition, self-administration of medications, and safety.
The first step in helping clients with their daily needs is to identify their
needs by performing an assessment. A helpful way to do your
assessment is to use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Abraham Maslow was a psychologist and he felt that human needs
could be viewed as a continuum from simple to complex. There are
basic needs for health and survival, there are more sophisticated
emotional and psychological needs, and the “higher” needs such as a
need for love and companionship cannot be satisfied if basic needs for
food, shelter, and sleep are unfulfilled.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is illustrated in Table 1. It is a useful
framework for organizing a client assessment, but it has been changed
a bit here; separate categories of self-care and psychological care
have been added and several of Maslow’s original categories have
been removed. Assessments for home care clients and clients in a
healthcare facility will differ. It is assumed here the experienced CNA
can identify problems specific to age groups, particularly the elderly.
Table 1: The Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Needs
Safety and Security
Psychological Needs
Social Needs
1. Assessment of physiological needs should begin with
measurement of temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood
pressure. This assesses the client’s physiological stability and
identifies any deficits that should be addressed. The next step
is a basic assessment of the client’s neurological status.
Following that, in the order that you decide is best, assess the
client’s nutritional and fluid status; any problems with
elimination, and; the adequacy of the client’s sleep pattern.
You should find out what medical problems the client has,
what prescription and (if applicable) over-the-counter
medications she/he takes, and what therapies the client is
currently receiving.
2. An assessment of self-care should include your evaluation of
how well the client can perform these activities of daily living:
ambulating, bathing/self-hygiene, dressing, eating, and if
applicable, medication self-administration.
3. Assessing client safety and security is closely aligned with the
physiological needs. Environmental safety and security are big
concerns if the client lives at home or if a hospitalized client is
confused and disoriented. If you are providing home care you
should find out what emergency resources are available to
the client and if he/she knows how to use them. For example,
does the client have her/his physician’s telephone number
close at hand, are the telephone numbers for poison control,
the pharmacy, and a close relative easily found? How
competent is the patient at taking his/her prescription
medications? Can he/she cope with a basic medical
emergency? If you are working with a home care client find
out what medical problems the client has and how well she/he
understands them. This last point is especially important if a
client has chronic diseases that require self-care, diseases
such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, or hypertension.
The topic of safety will be discussed in more detail later in the
4. The psychological needs assessment would include knowledge
of the client’s need for emotional support, any chronic
psychiatric problems the client has, and what psychological
issues the client identifies as important.
5. Social needs vary from person to person. The simplest way to
determine a client’s social needs is to ask him/her what these
needs are. It can be difficult asking personal questions so
observing is a better way to start. Does the client seem
lonely? Does he/she seem to be satisfied with the current
level of social contact? When the client is interacting with
others do the interactions seem satisfying?
Considering all of this information can make an assessment seem very
complicated. But an assessment can be done quickly and efficiently if
you remember three points.
First, the entire assessment does not have to be done at one time.
Second, a lot of the information you need can be found in a client’s
Third, if you re-read those five assessment areas you will see that an
experienced CNA can easily evaluate a client’s physiological needs,
need for safety and security, and the other areas that were mentioned.
In this section it is assumed that you are working in a heath care
setting and your client is a 67-year-old man who recently had a
cerebrovascular accident (CVA, aka a stroke).
Your assessment indicates that your client cannot perform many selfcare activities. He is fully awake and oriented and can speak but he is
weak and uncoordinated and cannot walk or stand unassisted. In
addition, the stroke has affected his gag reflex and swallowing food
and liquids puts him at risk for aspiration. You will have to bath him
and perform oral hygiene care; assist with eating; help him with
elimination; help him dress, and; within the limits established his
physician, assist him with ambulation.
Personal hygiene should be performed every day and some clients will
need attention to personal hygiene and skin care several times during
the course of a day. Personal hygiene has many beneficial effects. It
helps the client relax, it eliminates and prevents body odors, prevents
skin breakdown, and stimulates circulation. In addition, being clean
and having good personal hygiene also promotes dignity and selfrespect.
The personal hygiene needs discussed in this module are bathing,
elimination, and oral hygiene.
Assisting a client with bathing is one of the primary responsibilities of
CNAs. Many of your clients (and the client discussed in this module)
are susceptible to skin breakdown and bathing is a good time for doing
a skin assessment.
Carefully and systematically inspect at the patient’s skin. Normal skin
should be intact (no open areas) and there should be no bruises. Look
for swelling, especially in the ankles, feet, and hands. The elbows, the
back of the head, the heels, the hips, and the area at the base of the
spine should be inspected for redness; this is the first sign of a
pressure ulcer. This last point is most important in patients who are
immobile, but the elderly patient who has thinner skin and is perhaps
less active should be have these areas periodically examined, as well.
If the patient has diabetes, pay special attention to the ankles, feet
and the areas around the toenails. Poor circulation and nerve damage
are common complications of diabetes, and diabetic patients can easily
develop ulcers and infections in their ankles, feet, and nail beds of the
toes. If the patient has diabetes and there are any signs of infection in
the ankles, feet, or nail beds around the toes notify your supervisor.
This client will need a complete bed bath. This is not a complicated
procedure but it is better for the client if you do it efficiently.
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves. Identify the
client by checking the name band.
Protect his privacy: close the door or draw the curtains
around the bed.
Position the bed so that the client is lying flat, if this is
allowed. Some clients patients need to have the head the bed
elevated and some cannot tolerate lying flat. Assess each
situation individually.
Remove the client’s clothing and jewelry. Place the jewelry in
a safe place. Removing the jewelry will prevent it from
catching on the washcloth, which could injure the patient or
damage the jewelry.
Assess the condition of the client’s skin. Pay special attention
to areas that are susceptible to pressure ulcers, eg, the heels,
elbows, shoulder blades, hips, and buttocks.
Use warm, not hot water. The best temperature is 115°F,
46.1°C. Use a lower temperature if the client finds
115°/46.1° too warm.
Place an absorbent blanket or disposable pads underneath the
client. Wash, rinse, and dry the body in sections. Start at the
face and head and move down. Washing in sections preserves
the client’s modesty, helps keep him warm, and keeps the
procedure organized.
When you have finished one section make sure you cover that
area with a dry towel or a section of the bath blanket. Change
the water as needed.
Once you have finished the bath, comb or brush the patient's hair,
return the jewelry, and position the patient comfortably with the call
light within reach. Discard the linen, discard the gloves, and document
what you have done. Don't forget to include observations about the
condition of the patient's skin.
Washing the hair does not need to be done every day. Check the
client’s chart for specific instructions or ask your supervisor how often
this should be done.
Position an absorbent towel or pads basin underneath the
client’s head to capture the water and shampoo.
Wet the hair thoroughly, apply the shampoo, and then rinse it
off. Use a small amount of water when rinsing. Dry the hair
with a towel.
Some people recommend placing cotton in a patient's ears
when shampooing the hair. Check with your supervisor before
you do this.
Shaving can be done every day or when the client wants it to be done.
It can be done using an electric razor or a safety razor, but the
procedure outlined below assumes that you are using a safety razor.
Always check before using a safety razor to shave a client. It might be
contraindicated for clients who have certain medical conditions or who
take blood thinners.
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves.
Identify the client by checking his/her name band.
Use warm, not hot water. The specific temperature is not
important; simply make sure that the water is comfortable to
the touch.
Spread a towel across the client's chest and tuck it up under
his chin. Moisten his face with a washcloth and water and
apply the shaving cream.
Hold the skin with the fingers of one hand so that it is tight
and then move the razor in the same direction that the hair
Rinse the razor often. When finished, wash the skin with a
washcloth and water.
If the client is cut during shaving, make sure you document
this fact and tell your supervisor.
Trimming fingernails can be done using ordinary care and precautions
but trimming toenails should only be done if it is specifically allowed by
your health care facility; it is not a routine part of skin care. Cutting
the toenails can be hazardous. Patients with diabetes have very poor
circulation in their feet. Any cuts can easily get infected and because
the patient with diabetes may also have nerve damage in his/her
extremities the patient not notice the pain and swelling of an infection.
Because this client cannot walk or stand unassisted he will need
assistance with elimination.
Urination can be done by helping the client to stand and then holding
the urinal for him. If it is safer for him to stay in bed, simply put the
urinal in place. In either case, wash your hands and put on disposable
gloves before you start. After he has finished ask the client if he had 10
any difficulty urinating. Measure and record the amount and check for
the presence of blood or an unusual color.
If the client needs to defecate he will need to use a bedside commode
or a bedpan; the bedside commode is preferable as it is easier for a
client to use.
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves. Close the door or pull
the bedside curtain around the commode help him out of bed and onto
the commode. Give him a call light if he can use it; if he can’t simply
come back in a few minutes.
After he has finished, clean the rectal area and help the client back to
bed. Ask him if he experienced any difficulty or pain while defecting.
Empty the commode, discard the gloves and wash your hands, and
document what any important observations.
Using a bedpan is much less comfortable but at times it is necessary.
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves. Ask the client to raise
his hips and slide a waterproof bed protector and the bedpan
underneath him. If he cannot lift his hips, have him roll to one side (or
help him to do so), place the bedpan against his back and buttocks,
and then have the client roll back; elevate the head of the bed is
Give him a call light if he can use it; if he can’t simply come back in a
few minutes. Remove the bedpan and clean the rectal area. Ask the 11
client if he experienced any difficulty or pain while defecting. Empty
the bedpan, discard the gloves and wash your hands, and document
what happened.
Oral Hygiene
This client had a CVA that affected his strength and coordination so he
will need someone to perform his oral hygiene.
Oral hygiene is very important. Oral health affects our ability to eat,
drink, and speak, and to maintain good food and fluid intake. And if
oral hygiene is not done the client’s mouth may become dry and
unpleasant; his lips and tongue may crack and bleed; the client’s
appetite may be adversely affected, and; his dignity and self-image
may suffer.
Before performing oral hygiene, always check a client’s chart to
determine if he/she is allowed to have food or liquids. Some clients
have medical conditions that make swallowing food or liquids
undesirable or even dangerous. If this is the case you may see the
letters NPO somewhere in the client’s chart.
NPO is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase that means "nothing by
mouth." If the client has an NPO order make sure they do not swallow
any liquids, mouthwash, or toothpaste when you are providing oral
hygiene. You should also familiarize yourself with situations in which
clients may be NPO. These are listed in Table 2. 12
Table 2: Indications for NPO
Pre-operative patients
Post-operative patients
Bowel obstruction
Placement of a PEG tube (Usually)
Before certain procedures
Clients who are on aspiration precautions
Clients who have recently had a stroke
Providing oral hygiene is relatively simple and it does not take a long
time to complete.
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves. Identify the client by
checking his/her name band.
Inform the client that you will be helping him perform oral hygiene.
Spread a towel across the client's chest in order to keep the patient
dry. Offer the client a glass of water or mouthwash/water mix and
instruct him to rinse and spit.
Put toothpaste on the toothbrush. If the client is able to do so, let
him/her do the brushing. If not you will need to do it. After brushing is
completed instruct the client to rinse and spit.
Offer floss. If the client is unable to use the floss you will need to
perform this task. After flossing have the client rinse and spit again.
Offer mouthwash if this is allowed. Offer a lip moisturizer if needed.
Cleaning Dentures 13
Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves. Identify the client by
checking his/her name band.
Inform the client that you will be cleaning his/her dentures.
Remove the client's dentures. Place the dentures in an emesis basin or
any type of suitable container that is lined with a paper towel.
Carry the dentures to the sink. Place a towel in the sink; if the
dentures are dropped, they will not break.
Use toothpaste or denture cleaner and clean all of the surfaces of the
dentures. Rinse the dentures with cool running water.
Fill the denture cup with water, mouthwash, or a denture solution and
place the dentures in the client’s denture cup.
Return the dentures to the client or put them in an appropriate place.
This client had a CVA that affected his strength, coordination, and gag
reflex. Because of those issues he cannot feed himself and he may
aspirate. Good food and fluid intake are essential to his recovery but
feeding this client presents risks and challenges.
Feeding someone is not difficult, but it does require time and planning
and there are some important points that you must remember.
Begin by washing your hands. The next step is to identify the client by
checking his/her name band. Following that, you should check the food
tray. There should be some identifying information attached it, 14
something that indicates that the correct meal has been delivered to
the right client.
If the client is in a chair make sure his/her head is supported. If there
is a risk for spills place a towel or absorbing protecting pad across the
client’s chest and under the chin. If the client must stay in bed,
elevate the head of the bed as far as is practical and comfortable. The
exact angle is not important, but if the client is at risk for aspiration
there will often be a protocol for a minimal angle of elevation that
should be used during feeding. The key is to keep the client in an
upright position. This allows food to travel down into the stomach and
prevents food from being aspirated into the lungs.
Ask the client what he/she would like to eat first, second, and so on. If
the client is unable to view the tray, describe the food. Feed the
patient in small portions.
Be patient. Someone who needs assistance eating will very
often not be able to consume his/her food as quickly as
someone who can eat without help. Although you should
encourage your clients to eat, never rush the client through a
meal. Doing so can cause the client to aspirate the food.
Aspiration will be discussed later in this section of the module.
Budget time. The client who cannot feed herself/himself will
typically eat at a slow pace so you should plan accordingly. 15
This will take some practice; just remember that you can't
use the amount of time it takes you or unimpaired clients to
eat as a reference. Allot enough time so that neither you nor
the client are hurried and there is ample time to finish the
Use small portions. The client who needs assistance with
eating often cannot chew and swallow large pieces of food.
Food portions that are too large may be aspirated. Don't be
afraid to underestimate what the client can tolerate; it is
better to use smaller rather than larger bites to avoid the risk
of aspiration.
Never leave a client alone with the food tray. This point does
not apply to this situation, but if someone is disoriented or
confused he/she might aspirate a piece of food.
Use utensils. Even if you are wearing gloves, never use your
fingers to place a piece of food in a client’s mouth. Consider
using a spoon instead of a fork, if possible. A spoon is as
effective as a fork and using a spoon eliminates the chance
that the client could be injured by the points of a fork. This
may sound implausible, but a client who is confused and
disoriented and especially hungry may bit down hard on a
fork or grab the fork and place it forcefully in his/her mouth. 16
Make sure there are fluids available and occasionally offer
something to drink.
Encourage the client to eat as much as possible. An adequate calorie
intake and good nutrition are vital for people who are sick. Make sure
you document on the client's chart how much of the meal he/she
finished and how much fluid was consumed. If the client was unable to
finish a substantial portion of the meal, ask why (if he/she can tell
you) and make sure your supervisor is informed.
Aspiration is the medical term for movement of a foreign body or
foreign substance into the lungs. In people who are awake and alert
and neurologically intact, aspiration is prevented by the gag reflex.
The gag reflex is a protective reflex that is initiated when something
such as food, liquid, or a foreign body comes in contact with a nerve
that is located in the back of throat. When this nerve is stimulated by
the foreign body a powerful cough is produced that expels the
aspiration hazard. Almost everyone has experienced the gag reflex
after eating or drinking something too quickly; it is commonly called
“something going down the wrong way.”
Aspiration of food into the lungs can have serious medical
consequences such as pneumonia. Many clients who cannot feed
themselves are likely to have a weak or absent gag reflex. For 17
example, clients who a depressed level of consciousness may have a
weak gag reflex and patients who have had a stroke may not have a
gag reflex. In either case, aspiration can occur with minimal signs and
symptoms or without signs and symptoms so caution is required when
feeding these clients. Because aspiration can be difficult to detect, a
patient who requires assistance with feeding should be closely
observed during meals. Each healthcare facility should have guidelines
for aspiration precautions.
Certified Nursing Assistants often provide home care, and many home
care clients self-administer their medications. Most clients can learn to
self-administer medications effectively and safely if they are properly
educated and they have support, but there is potential for harm and
Helping clients self-administer medications and making sure they know
how to do so correctly requires them to:
Understand the six rights of medication administration.
Have a basic understanding of medication errors.
Have a basic understanding of the side effects of the
medications he/she is taking.
Understand the concept of medication interactions. 18
Know what their resources if they need help with medication
If these points are learned and retained and if clients are periodically
evaluated for their knowledge virtually anyone can self-administer
A Short Review of Medications
What is a medication? A medication is defined as:
1) A substance that is used to cure, diagnose, prevent, or treat a
2) A substance that is intended to enhance mental or physical wellbeing;
3) A substance that has a measurable effect on human physiology or a
measurable effect on the signs and symptoms of a disease or illness,
4) A substance that can cause side effects, minor or serious.
Prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements
should all be considered medications. This is an important point that
your clients should know. Many people consider over-the-counter
medications to be safe, but there are multiple ways in which over-thecounter medications can be harmful.
Example: Over-the-counter cough and cold relief products often
contain a cough suppressant called dextromethorphan and/or a 19
decongestant such as phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine.
Dextromethorphan should not be used by someone who is taking
certain anti-depressants such as Prozac®, and phenylephrine and
pseudoephedrine should be avoided by people who have cardiac
disease or hypertension.
The Six Rights of Medication Administration
The six rights of medication administration are guidelines that will
ensure safe and effective use of medications. These guidelines should
be reviewed with clients who self-administer medications.
1. Right drug: The correct medication should be used. If a client
is prescribed the diuretic furosemide (Lasix®), he/she should
receive furosemide. You should also remember that although
a physician may have ordered a medication and the pharmacy
correctly filled the prescription that does not mean it is the
right drug. For example, a physician or other health care
professional could have mistakenly prescribed insulin for a
client who is not diabetic. Each bottle of prescription
medication should be examined to be sure the right drug was
dispensed to the right person. And never take a medication
that was not prescribed for you.
2. Right dose: The correct dose should be used, eg, the correct
strength and the correct frequency of dosing. The client 20
should know that she/he should not take more or less of the
medication. Do not stop taking a prescription medication
without first consulting with the prescriber.
3. Right route: Medications can be taken orally, by injection,
intravenously, intra-nasally, rectally, vaginally, topically, by
the otic route, or by the ophthalmic route. Oral medications
should be taken orally, subcutaneous medications should be
injected subcutaneously and so on. Taking a medication by
the wrong route happens more often than you would imagine.
4. Right time: Medication should be taken at the proper time,
eg, before or after meals, before going to bed, every 8 hours,
every 12 hours. If a dose is missed, check with the prescriber
or a pharmacist for instructions.
5. Right client: Prescription labels should be checked to see if
the right drug was dispensed to the right person.
6. Right reason: This is similar to the right drug. Is this
medication appropriate for this client? Medications are used to
cure, diagnose, prevent, or treat a disease, so any drug that
is prescribed by a physician is for a specific client need. In
order for clients to be sure that they are taking a medication
for the right reason they must: 1) know their medical history,
and; 2) know what a particular medication is used for. 21
Medication Side Effects
A side effect is an unwanted and possibly harmful effect caused by a
medication. Clients who self-administer medications should know
which side effects can commonly occur with these drugs and which are
considered serious. This information about these can be obtained by
the client’s pharmacist or her/his prescriber. More importantly, anyone
who self-administers medications must understand the following point.
It is not necessary to memorize a list of side effects, but if there are
any new signs and symptoms - especially in the first few days of
taking a new medication or if a dose has been changed - these might
be a medication side effect and the client should call his/her physician.
Medication Interactions
It is impractical and unrealistic to expect clients to know about specific
medication interactions. What they do need to know is that not only
their prescription medications but over-the-counter drugs, vitamins,
and supplements should all be considered to be medications. Although
over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements may seem
“safe,” harmful interactions between these products and prescription
medications are not uncommon. Tell your home care clients to check
with a physician, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider before
taking any new medication.
Medication-Food Interactions 22
Significant medication-food interactions are uncommon but there are
some that are important. People who take warfarin should avoid foods
such as kale or spinach that contain a lot of vitamin K. The MAO
inhibitor anti-depressants can interact with certain types of cheeses
and with liver. Grapefruit juice can significantly interfere with
cholesterol-lowering medications such as Lipitor® and Mevacor®. If
alcohol is ingested along with an anti-depressants or a sedative such
as Valium®, excessive drowsiness can occur. And some medications
must be taken with food while others must be taken on an empty
Make a list: The client should make a list of his/her
medications, including names, dosages, reason for use, the
times the medications should be taken, how to take them,
and side effects. A health care professional who can verify the
information such as a pharmacist, MD, CNA, or RN should
check the list to be sure it is accurate. The client should make
a copy and keep the information in a safe and easily
accessible place.
Medication timers: Medications timers are clocks that can be
set to ring or alarm at specified times during the day. When
the alarm goes off the client will know it is time to take a 23
medication. Medication watches that serve the same function
are also available. These devices may be useful for some
Medication organizers: A medication organizer is a small
plastic container that is used to hold tablets and capsules.
Medication organizers are very popular and the most
commonly used ones are "week-long" organizers. These have
seven separate containers that are labeled Monday through
Sunday. The client simply places the day's supply of
medications in the appropriate part of the container.
Medication calendars are another option. The client writes
down what he/she needs to take each day and makes a note
on the calendar after taking a dose.
Medication cards: These are printed cards that contain all the
important information about the medications the client is
taking. These can be placed in a prominent position where the
client can easily access them.
Client Resources
Professional resources for medication information are the client’s
physician; the dispensing pharmacist; other healthcare professionals
who are caring for the client, and; telephone resources such as poison
control centers and nurse help lines that are sponsored by health 24
insurance companies. Clients who self-administer medications should
have the telephone numbers of all of these at hand. For nonemergency situations clients should call the physician, the pharmacist,
or other healthcare professional. If there is an emergency or a
medication error has occurred, call the poison control center (1-800222-1222) or the nurse help line. Poison control or the nurse help line
will be able to determine if the situation is emergent and direct the
client to the appropriate resource.
Ensuring client safety is done by assessing the environment - the
client’s home - and the client. A home evaluation looks for obvious and
not so obvious hazards, and the client is assessed to determine if there
are any physical or psychological conditions that may affect his/her
safety. One of the most important aspects of these assessments is the
prevention of falls.
These assessments are typically done by a home health care nurse, a
physical therapist, or an occupational medicine specialist. However,
CNAs should be aware of environmental, physical, and psychological
factors that put clients at risk.
Assessment of the Environment
Assessment of the environment should include determining if there are
carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, installed and working. Is there 25
a fire extinguisher in the house? Does the client have an escape plan
in the event of a fire? Does the client have emergency numbers close
at hand? Does she/he know who to call if there is an emergency?
Specific environmental hazards that increase the risk of a fall include:
Bathtub: Bathtub surfaces are very slippery when wet. Is this
a risk for your client? Should railings be installed?
Cluttered rooms: If there is clutter on the floors such as loose
electrical cords, piles of clothing, or newspapers and books
this creates a trip and fall risk.
Loose rugs.
Poor lighting.
Stair railings that are not secure.
Client factors that increase the risk of falling include:
Balance problems.
Diminished vision.
Health problems such as arthritis or stroke that affect
balance, coordination, and strength.
Loss of sensation; this is a problem for people who have
diabetic neuropathy.
Muscle weakness.
Poor balance. 26
There are many fall assessment tools available. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes the Stay Independent
brochure and this can be viewed by using this link:
The Stay Independent brochure can be used by clients to assess their
environmental and personal risk for falling. The brochure includes a 12
point questionnaire that CNAs can use to determine if the client is a
fall risk
Providing for and responding to a client’s daily needs is one of the
most important functions performed by Certified Nursing Assistants
(CNAs). Every one of your clients will require some help in performing
self-care, and you are expected to be able to determine what their
daily needs are and to ensure these needs are met. An assessment of
these needs should be done for every client. The process will differ
slightly depending on the care situation, but all clients should assessed
for their physiological, self-care, safety, psychological, and social
needs. 27