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EOG Science Concepts: “Cheat” Sheet
Desert (Dry, Hot OR Cold)
Tropical Rainforest (Wet, Greatest # of Species)
Temperate Forest (Deciduous, Seasons)
Taiga (Coniferous)
Tundra (Permafrost, Treeless)
Food Chain (Energy from the Sun)
Food Web (Arrows: A gets eaten by B)
Habitat (Organism’s Home)
Energy Pyramid (Energy is Transferred and Lost)
Abiotic (Non-Living Parts)
Biotic (Living Parts)
Biome (All Biotic and Abiotic Factors in a Region)
Ecosystem (All Biotic and Abiotic Factors in an Area)
Population (All of One Type of Organism in an Ecosystem)
Community (A Family or Group of Organisms)
Individual (One Organism)
Producer (Plants: Energy from Sun)
Consumer (Energy from Producers or Consumers)
Decomposer (Energy by Breaking Down Decaying Matter)
Interdependence (Needing Other Organisms to Survive)
Competition (Fighting for Resources)
Adaptation (Changes to Survive)
Migration (Moving to Survive)
Endangered (At Risk of Extinction)
Habitat Reduction (Organisms Homes are Destroyed)
Recycle (Break Down Products to Rebuild)
Reduce (Use Less Product)
Reuse (Use Products in a New Way)
Pollutants (Substances Which Harm Environments)
Deforestation (Destruction of Forests/Trees)
Chemical Run-off (Pollution Caused by Fertilizers)
Wind Erosion (Desert)
Water Erosion (Rivers, Beaches)
Ice Erosion (Glaciers)
Gravity Erosion (Landslides, Avalanches)
Chemical Weathering (Rust, Acid Rain)
Physical Weathering (Wind, Water)
Deposition (Sediment Drops)
Meanders (Curves in a River: Outside Erodes Quickly)
Deltas (Mouth of a River)
Flood Plains (Formed by Deposition)
Canyons (Formed by Rivers)
Tributaries (Smaller Rivers that Feed Into Larger Rivers)
U-Shaped Valleys (Glaciers)
V-Shaped Valleys (Mountains)
Dams (Block Rivers and Change Ecosystems)
Vegetation (Slows Erosion)
Scale Models (Show Landforms: Salt Dough)
Topographic Map (Shows Height of Landforms)
Contour Lines (Show Elevation of Landforms on Map)
Erosion and Landforms
EOG Science Concepts: “Cheat” Sheet
Desert (Dry, Hot OR Cold)
Tropical Rainforest (Wet, Greatest # of Species)
Temperate Forest (Deciduous, Seasons)
Taiga (Coniferous)
Tundra (Permafrost, Treeless)
Food Chain (Energy from the Sun)
Food Web (Arrows: A gets eaten by B)
Habitat (Organism’s Home)
Energy Pyramid (Energy is Transferred and Lost)
Abiotic (Non-Living Parts)
Biotic (Living Parts)
Biome (All Biotic and Abiotic Factors in a Region)
Ecosystem (All Biotic and Abiotic Factors in an Area)
Population (All of One Type of Organism in an Ecosystem)
Community (A Family or Group of Organisms)
Individual (One Organism)
Producer (Plants: Energy from Sun)
Consumer (Energy from Producers or Consumers)
Decomposer (Energy by Breaking Down Decaying Matter)
Interdependence (Needing Other Organisms to Survive)
Competition (Fighting for Resources)
Adaptation (Changes to Survive)
Migration (Moving to Survive)
Endangered (At Risk of Extinction)
Habitat Reduction (Organisms Homes are Destroyed)
Recycle (Break Down Products to Rebuild)
Reduce (Use Less Product)
Reuse (Use Products in a New Way)
Pollutants (Substances Which Harm Environments)
Deforestation (Destruction of Forests/Trees)
Chemical Run-off (Pollution Caused by Fertilizers)
Erosion and Landforms
Wind Erosion (Desert)
Water Erosion (Rivers, Beaches)
Ice Erosion (Glaciers)
Gravity Erosion (Landslides, Avalanches)
Chemical Weathering (Rust, Acid Rain)
Physical Weathering (Wind, Water)
Deposition (Sediment Drops)
Meanders (Curves in a River: Outside Erodes Quickly)
Deltas (Mouth of a River)
Flood Plains (Formed by Deposition)
Canyons (Formed by Rivers)
Tributaries (Smaller Rivers that Feed Into Larger Rivers)
U-Shaped Valleys (Glaciers)
V-Shaped Valleys (Mountains)
Dams (Block Rivers and Change Ecosystems)
Vegetation (Slows Erosion)
Scale Models (Show Landforms: Salt Dough)
Topographic Map (Shows Height of Landforms)
Contour Lines (Show Elevation of Landforms on Map)
Weather and Climate
Weather (Daily) vs. Climate (Trend)
Water Cycle: Condensation (Water Vapor Cools: Clouds)
Water Cycle: Precipitation (Water Droplets Fall: Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail)
Water Cycle: Run-off (Water Collects: Lakes, Rivers, Oceans)
Water Cycle: Evaporation (Sun Heats Water and Rises)
Water Cycle: Transpiration (Water Rises from Plants)
Stratus Clouds (Low, Blanket, Drizzle)
Cumulus Clouds (Middle, Puffy, Fair)
Cirrus (High, Wispy, Ice Crystals/Fair)
Cumulonimbus (Tall, Dark, Thunderstorms)
High Air Pressure (Cold, More Dense, Heavier, Sinks)
Low Air Pressure (Warm, Less Dense, Lighter, Rises)
Land Breeze (Night, Land Cools, Breeze from Land to Sea)
Sea Breeze (Day, Land Heats, Breeze from Sea to Land)
Continental Air Mass (Forms Over Land: Dry Weather)
Maritime Air Mass (Forms Over Water: Wet/Humid Weather)
Polar Air Mass (Forms Over Cold: Cold Weather)
Tropical Air Mass (Forms Over Warm: Warm Weather)
Warm Fronts (Light Rain, Days)
Cold Fronts (Heavy Rain, Short)
Stationary Fronts (Strong Winds)
Occluded Fronts (Rain or Snow)
Landlocked (Greater Changes in Temperature: Cold Winters, Hot Summers)
Elevation (Higher = Colder, Lower = Warmer)
Latitude (Closer to Equator (0) = Warmer, Closer to Poles (90) = Colder)
Westerlies (Move West to East: United States)
Easterlies (Move East to West: Poles)
Trade Winds (Move East to West: Equator)
Jetstream (Moves All the Global Winds)
Isobars (Show Air Pressure on Map)
Barometer (Air Pressure)
Anemometer (Wind Speed)
Hygrometer (Humidity)
Wind Vane (Wind Direction)
Rain Gauge (Precipitation)
Thermometer (Temperature)
Forces and Motion
Simple Machines (Make Work Easier)
Inclined Plane (Ramp)
Wedge (Splits)
Pulley (Lifts)
Wheel and Axle (Moves/Carries)
Screw (Attaches)
Lever (Pivots on a Fulcrum)
Gears (Turn to Move Energy)
Force (A Push or a Pull)
Motion (Movement)
Inertia (Objects Continue to Move or Rest)
Friction (Objects Rub Together)
Air Resistance (Objects Are Pushed by Air)
Gravity (Objects Are Pushed Towards the Earth)
Momentum (Building of Speed)
Acceleration (Speed)
Mass (Weight or Space)
Balanced Forces (NO Motion)
Unbalanced Forces (Cause Motion)
Weather and Climate
Weather (Daily) vs. Climate (Trend)
Water Cycle: Condensation (Water Vapor Cools: Clouds)
Water Cycle: Precipitation (Water Droplets Fall: Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail)
Water Cycle: Run-off (Water Collects: Lakes, Rivers, Oceans)
Water Cycle: Evaporation (Sun Heats Water and Rises)
Water Cycle: Transpiration (Water Rises from Plants)
Stratus Clouds (Low, Blanket, Drizzle)
Cumulus Clouds (Middle, Puffy, Fair)
Cirrus (High, Wispy, Ice Crystals/Fair)
Cumulonimbus (Tall, Dark, Thunderstorms)
High Air Pressure (Cold, More Dense, Heavier, Sinks)
Low Air Pressure (Warm, Less Dense, Lighter, Rises)
Land Breeze (Night, Land Cools, Breeze from Land to Sea)
Sea Breeze (Day, Land Heats, Breeze from Sea to Land)
Continental Air Mass (Forms Over Land: Dry Weather)
Maritime Air Mass (Forms Over Water: Wet/Humid Weather)
Polar Air Mass (Forms Over Cold: Cold Weather)
Tropical Air Mass (Forms Over Warm: Warm Weather)
Warm Fronts (Light Rain, Days)
Cold Fronts (Heavy Rain, Short)
Stationary Fronts (Strong Winds)
Occluded Fronts (Rain or Snow)
Landlocked (Greater Changes in Temperature: Cold Winters, Hot Summers)
Elevation (Higher = Colder, Lower = Warmer)
Latitude (Closer to Equator (0) = Warmer, Closer to Poles (90) = Colder)
Westerlies (Move West to East: United States)
Easterlies (Move East to West: Poles)
Trade Winds (Move East to West: Equator)
Jetstream (Moves All the Global Winds)
Isobars (Show Air Pressure on Map)
Barometer (Air Pressure)
Anemometer (Wind Speed)
Hygrometer (Humidity)
Wind Vane (Wind Direction)
Rain Gauge (Precipitation)
Thermometer (Temperature)
Simple Machines (Make Work Easier)
Inclined Plane (Ramp)
Wedge (Splits)
Pulley (Lifts)
Wheel and Axle (Moves/Carries)
Screw (Attaches)
Lever (Pivots on a Fulcrum)
Gears (Turn to Move Energy)
Force (A Push or a Pull)
Motion (Movement)
Inertia (Objects Continue to Move or Rest)
Friction (Objects Rub Together)
Air Resistance (Objects Are Pushed by Air)
Gravity (Objects Are Pushed Towards the Earth)
Momentum (Building of Speed)
Acceleration (Speed)
Mass (Weight or Space)
Balanced Forces (NO Motion)
Unbalanced Forces (Cause Motion)
Forces and Motion