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Spring Break Packet
Practice AP Exam
Saturday April 10th at 10:00 to approximately 1:00
Chapter 29 WWII Questions
Due Monday April 12th
Review Schedule
Go over Renaissance
Go over Reformation
Go over Age of Expansion
Go over Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment
Go over the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Go over Industrial Revolution
Go Over Revolutions of 1848 and Unification of France and Germany
Review 1914- Present
Practice Exam 10:00- 1:00
Go Over Imperialism and Second Industrial Revolution
Chapter 29 Questions
Pages 1062 -1074
What was the blitzkrieg form of attack? Why was it so successful?
Why could World War II have ended quickly on the beaches of Dunkirk?
Why did France fall to the Germans so quickly? How did the Germans divide and govern France?
What military mistake did Hitler make in regard to England?
Why did the Germans invade the Soviet Union, even though they had a non-aggression pact with
How did Stalin's appeal to Russian patriotism contradict traditional Marxist views?
Why did the United States enter World War II at the end of 1941? Why could it be said that the
United States was really a combatant nation early in 1941?
Why was the Battle for Stalingrad [Volgograd] a turning point in the war on the Eastern front?
How did the Allied forces regain control of the Mediterranean in 1942?
10. Why were the Battles for the Coral Sea and Midway Island crucial to the Allied victory over Japan
in the Pacific theater of operations?
Pages 1074-1081
What were some of the problems/inconveniences that the British and Americans on the home front
had to cope with during the war?
What were the similarities in how the Allied governments coped with the war at home during
World War I and World War II?
How was German slave labor, particularly in Eastern Europe and the occupied areas of the Soviet
Union, a justification of Nazi racial theories?
How was the Nazi concentration system the ultimate nightmare of Western industrialization?
What were some of the methods used by the conquered peoples of Europe to "resist" Nazi
occupation? Identify some of the examples of Nazi retribution for this resistance.
What were some of the differing historical opinions as to why the Germans succumbed to
genocidal practices during World War II [see doc. on page 1079]?
Pages 1081-1091
What war strategies were decided at the Casablanca and Teheran Conferences?
What happened to Mussolini once Italy surrendered to the Allies?
Why was the Normandy invasion so crucial to the final Allied victory in Europe?
How did the Allies almost lose the war at the end of 1944?
What were the decisions made by the Big Three at the Yalta Conference? Why were they so
What were Stalin's long-term plans for the countries they already occupied?
Why did it take four more months to defeat Japan after Germany surrendered in early May of
What were the immediate results of World War II? the demographic losses and shifts of
What were the terms of peace arrived at at Potsdam in mid-1945?
10. Why were the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials necessary? What basic international legal principle
of conduct was established there?
11. How was the new United Nations organized? Who had the most power in this new international
organization? Why?
12. Why were the I. M. F. and the World Bank established at the Bretton Woods Conference?
World War II Conferences
Atlantic Conference (1941)
Roosevelt & Churchill
Off the coast of Newfoundland
Decision --> sign the Atlantic Charter;
provisions became foundation of UN Charter
Provisions include: - No territorial expansion.
- No territorial changes without consent of
inhabitants. - Se-determination of all peoples.
- Fee trade. - Cooperation for the
improvement of other nations. - Disarming of
all aggressors.
Roosevelt & Churchill
Casablanca, Morocco
Decision --> to accept nothing less than
unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.
Roosevelt, Churchill, & Chiang Kai-shek
Cairo, Egypt
Decision --> Korea to be independent at
war’s end and Taiwan to be returned to
China from Japan.
Roosevelt, Churchill, & Stalin [“Big Three”]
Teheran, Iran
Decisions --> Agreement to open a second
battle front in Europe. Soviet agreement to
enter war against Japan after Germany is
defeated. Inconclusive discussion about
demilitarization and occupation of Germany.
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Cairo Conference (1943)
Teheran Conference (1943)
Yalta Conference (1945)
Roosevelt, Churchill, & Stalin
Yalta in the Crimea [U. S. S. R.]
Decisions --> Germany to be disarmed &
divided into 4 zones of occupation. Veto
power to be given to Big 5 nations at U. N.
Soviet Union to get 3 seats in UN General
Assembly. In exchange for entering war
against Japan 2-3 months after Germany
surrenders, Soviets to be given: So. Sakhalin
Is., concessions in Manchuria for ports, joint
control of Manchuria RR, and Central Kuril
Is. Eastern Polish borders to be set to the
advantage of the Soviets. U. S. S. R. to
pledge to hold free elections in E. Europe.
War crimes trials to be held after the war