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Joseph L. Hellerstein and Sheng Ma
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Hawthorne, New York
{hellers, shengma}
A central problem in event management is constructing correlation rules. Doing
so requires characterizing patterns of events for which actions should be taken
(e.g., sequences of printer status changes that foretell a printer-off line event). In
most cases, rule construction requires experts to identify problem patterns, a
process that is time-consuming and error prone. Herein, we describe how data
mining can be used to identify actionable patterns. In particular, we present
efficient mining algorithms for three kinds of patterns found in event data: event
bursts, periodicities, and mutually dependent events.
1. Introduction
Event management is central to the operations of
computer and communications systems in that it
provides a way to focus on exceptional situations. As
installations grow in size and complexity, event
management has become increasingly burdensome.
Automated operations (AO), which was introduced in
the mid 1980s (e.g., Mill86]), provides a way to
automatically filter and act on events, typically by using
correlation rules. While this reduces the burden on the
operations staff, AO creates a challenge as well--constructing the correlation rules. Visual programming
techniques have simplified the mechanics of rule
construction. However, determining the content and
effectiveness of rules remains an impediment to
increased automation. Herein, we propose an
approach to simplifying rule construction by using data
mining to characterize the left-hand side of correlation
Today: On-line monitoring
Correlation engine
Run an application
Human expertise
Proposed: Off-line analysis
Figure 1: On-Line and Off-Line Components of Event Management
Figure 1 summarizes how event management is done
today and our vision for how it can be improved. The
area above the dotted line depicts the current state-ofthe-art. Raw events flow into the event management
system, where they are parsed and stored. Then, a
correlation engine uses (correlation) rules to interprets
these events. Some events are filtered. Others are
coalesced. And some result in alarms, emails, or other
actions. Correlation rules are structured as if-then
statements. The if-part (or left-hand side) describes a
situation in which actions are to be taken. The thenpart (or right-hand side) details what is to be done
when the condition is satisfied.
We propose two approaches to assist experts in rule
construction. The first is to visualize large volumes of
event data to aid in determining relationships between
events. The second employs data mining techniques
to automate the search for patterns. These
approaches can be used separately, but they are most
effective when employed in combination.
To elaborate, consider the events displayed in Figure
2. These events were collected from a corporate
intranet over a three day period. The events consist of
SNMP traps such as “threshold violated”, “connectionclosed”, “port-up”, and “port-down”. The x-axis is time,
and the y-axis is the host from which the event
originated. The latter are encoded as integers between
1 and 149, the number of hosts present. Note that
while this plot contains a considerable amount of
information, little can be discerned in terms of patterns.
Our focus is rule construction, especially the left-hand
side of rules. The rationale for this focus is that we
must know the situation to be addressed before an
action can be identified. Today, two broad approaches
are used to specify the left-hand side of rules. The first
is based on universal truths, such as exploiting
topology information to make inferences about
connectivity (e.g., [YeLkMoYeOh96]). Unfortunately,
there remains a broad range of problems that are not
addressed by universal truths. For these, human
experts must construct correlation rules, a process that
is time consuming and error prone.
Figure 2: Three Days of SNMP Traps from a Corporate Intranet
Pat 1
Pat 3
Pat 2
Pat 4
Figure 3: SNMP Traps With Hosts Ordered to Reveal Patterns
Now, consider Figure 3. Here, the hosts are ordered in
a way to reveal patterns (as in [MaHe99]), many of
which provide the basis for constructing correlation
rules. For example, pattern 1 consists of “threshold
violated” and “threshold reset” events that occur every
thirty seconds. Such a pattern may be indicative of
hosts nearing their capacity limits. Pattern 2 has a
cloud-like appearance that consists of “port-up” and
“port-down” events generated as a result of mobile
users connecting to and disconnecting from hubs.
Such patterns are probably of little interest to the
operations staff and hence should be filtered since
they represent normal behavior. Pattern 3, which
happens every day at 2:00pm, consists of SNMP
“request” and “authentication failure” events. This is
most likely due to an improperly configured monitor.
Pattern 4 is a series of link-up and link-down events
that resulted from a software problem on a group of
In a well managed installation, errors are rare. Thus
months of data are needed to identify actionable
abnormalities. These data volumes can be substantial.
For example, several installations we work with
routinely collect five million events per week. Given the
large volume of data and the different time scales at
which patterns may be present, it is difficult to
visualization. Clearly, automation is needed as well.
Our approach to this automation makes use of data
mining. Data mining is a mixture of statistical and data
management techniques that provide a way to cluster
categorical data so as to find “interesting”
combinations (e.g., hub “cold start” trap is often
preceded by “CPU threshold violated”). Considerable
work has been done in mining transactional data (e.g.,
supermarket purchases), much of which is based on
[AgImSw93] and [AgSr94]. For event data, time plays
an important role. Follow-on research has pursued two
directions that address this requirement. The first,
sequential data mining (e.g., [AgSr95]), takes into
account the sequences of events rather than just their
occurrence. The second, temporal data mining (e.g.,
[MaToVe97]), considers the time between event
occurrences. Data mining has been applied to
numerous domains. [ApHo94] discuss the construction
of rules based for capital markets. [CoSrMo97]
describes approaches to finding patterns in web
accesses. [ApWeGr93] discusses prediction of defects
in disk drives. [MaToVe97] addresses sequential
mining in the context of telecommunications events.
The latter, while closely related to our interests, uses
event data to motivate temporal associations, not to
identify characteristic patterns and their interpretation.
In summary, while much foundational work has been
done on data mining and some consideration have
been made that pertain to mining event data, no one
has addressed the specifics of patterns that arise in
enterprise event management.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides background on data mining.
Sections 3, 4, and 5 describe, several patterns of
particular interest in event management—event bursts,
periodic patterns, and mutually dependent patterns.
Our conclusions are contained in Section 6.
This section provides a brief overview of data mining
as it pertains to the analysis of event data. We begin
by describing market basket analysis, the context in
which data mining was first proposed. Then, we
discuss efficiency considerations, a topic of particular
importance given the large size of event histories that
must be mined. Last, we show how traditional data
mining relates to event mining.
Market basket analysis originated from looking at data
from supermarkets. The context is as follows. Each
customer has a basket of goods. The question
addressed is “Which items, when purchased, indicate
that another item will be purchased as well?” This is
commonly referred to as an association rule. For
example, early studies found that when diapers are
purchased beer is frequently purchased as well.
Association rules indicate a one-way dependency. For
example, it turns out that purchasers of beer are, in
general, not particularly inclined to buy diapers.
To proceed, some notation is introduced. Let I1 ,...I M
be items that can be purchased. Thus, each market
basket contains a subset of these items. We use
B1 ,...B N to denote the set of market baskets, where
there is one basket per transaction. Thus, for
1  n  N , Bn  {I1 ,...I M } .
A key data mining problem is to find sets of items,
typically referred to as itemsets, that occur in a large
number of market baskets. This is captured in a metric
called support. Support is computed by counting the
number of baskets in which the itemset occurs and
then dividing by N , the number of baskets. A second
and closely related problem addresses prediction.
Here, we are looking for I j1 ...I j K that have a high
probability of predicting that I j K 1 will be in the same
basket. The metric used here is confidence.
Confidence is computed by counting the baskets in
which I j1 ...I j K 1 occur (which we denote by
QC =
For each possible pattern P
2. Data mining background
Count ( I j1 ...I jK 1 )
which we denote by MinSupp. A naïve approach is
displayed in Algorithm 1.
Count ( I j1 ...I jK ) .
Typically, mining involves finding all patterns whose
support is larger than a minimum value of support,
Count = 0
For each market basket B
For each item I in P
If I is not in B, advance to next
market basket
If Count > MinSupp, add P to QC
Algorithm 1: Naive Approach to Finding Frequent
In Algorithm 1, QC is the set of qualified candidates,
those patterns that have the minimum support level.
The algorithm considers all possible patterns, scans
through all market baskets for each pattern, and for
each market basket, counts the number tests if each
item of the pattern is present in the market basket.
Considerable computation time is required to perform
this algorithm, even on modest-sized data sets. In
particular, observe that the number of iterations in the
outer loop is exponential in the number of patterns
since there are 2  1 possible patterns (where M is
the number of items). Clearly, Algorithm 1 scales
Fortunately, the search for frequent patterns can be
made more efficient. Doing so rests on the following
The support for I j1 ...I jK 1 can be no
greater than the support for I j1 ...I j K .
This means that if we find a pattern with low support,
there is no need to consider any pattern that contains
that pattern. This is an example of the downward
closure property.
With the downward closure property, we can improve
the efficiency of Algorithm 1. This is shown below in
Algorithm 2 that considers patterns of increasing
length. Such a strategy is referred to as level-wise
search [AgImSw93].
FI = {I such that Count(I)> MinSupp} /* Frequent
Items */
QC(1) = FI
While QC(N)  
For P  QC ( N )  FI
Count = 0
For each market basket B
For each item I in P
If I is not in B, advance to next market
If Count > MinSupp, add P to QC(N+1)
Algorithm 2: Using Downward Closure to Find
Frequent Patterns
The algorithm first finds frequent items, since by
downward closure infrequent items cannot be in
frequent patterns. QC(N) contains the qualified
contains with N items. The potential patterns with N+1
items are those that have N items in combination with
one of the frequent items not already in the N item
pattern 1 . Even though Algorithm 2 has four loops
instead of the three in Algorithm 1, Algorithm 2 avoids
looking through an exponential number of patterns and
so is considerably more efficient.
The downward closure property holds for some
patterns and not for others. In particular, downward
closure does not hold for the confidence of association
rules. To see this, recall that confidence is computed
Count ( I j1 ...I jK 1 ) / Count ( I j1 ...I jK ) . Now
consider the confidence with which
I j1 ...I jK , I *
predicts I jK 1 . Observe that by including a new item,
we decrease (or at least do not increase) the
Count ( I j1 ...I jK 1 , I * ) / Count ( I j1 ...I jK , I * ) . However,
I * in the pattern affects the denominator as
QC ( N )  FI is a shorthand for this statement, although
it is not precise technically
well. Thus, it is unclear if the resulting ratio will be
smaller or larger than the original ratio. Hence,
downward closure does not hold.
Now, we return to the problem of mining event data.
Here, the context changes in a couple of ways. First,
there is no concept of a market basket. However,
events have a timestamp and so looking for patterns of
events means looking at events that co-occur within a
time range. These ranges may be windows (either of
fixed or variable size) or they may be contiguous
segments of the data that are designated in some
other way. In the data mining literature, this is referred
to as temporal mining or temporal association.
A second consideration needed in event mining relates
to the attributes used to characterize membership in
itemsets. Several attributes are common to event data.
Event type describes the nature of the event. Event
origin specifies the source of the event, which is a
combination of the host from which the event
originated and the process and/or application that
generated the event. (Due to the limited granularity of
the data used in our running examples, we simplify
matters in the sequel by just referring to the host from
which the event originated.) In addition to type and
origin, there is a plethora of other attributes that
depend on these two, such as the port associated with
a “port down” event and the threshold value and metric
in a “threshold violated” event.
The next three sections address patterns we have
discovered in the course of analyzing event data:
event bursts, periodicities, and mutually dependent
events. Each is illustrated using the corporate intranet
data. Then we discuss issues related to the efficient
discovery of these patterns.
3. Event bursts
This section describes a commonly occurring pattern
in problem situations—event bursts. We begin by
motivating this pattern and providing an example.
Next, we outline our approach to discovering these
Event bursts (or event storms) arise under several
circumstances. For example, when a critical element
fails in a network that lacks sufficient redundancy (e.g.,
the only name server fails), communications are
impaired thereby causing numerous “cannot reach
destination” events to be generated in a short time
period. Another situation relates to cascading
problems, such as those introduced by a virus or,
more subtly, by switching loads after a failure, a
change that can result in additional failures due to
heavier loads.
Figure 4: Examples of Event Bursts
Figure 4 provides a means for visual identification of
event bursts in our corporate intranet data. The plot in
the lower left contains the raw data in the same form
as in Figure 3 (although the ordering of hosts on the yaxis is somewhat different). Given the coarse time
scale of the plot relative to the granularity of event
arrivals, there are many cases in which more than one
event occupies the same pixel. As a result, it is difficult
to discern event rates by inspection. We could do drilldowns in various sections of the plot to better
determine event rates, but this is labor intensive.
Instead, the upper left plot summarizes the rates of
events for a specific window size (as indicated in the
lower left). Further, the table in the upper right of
Figure 4 summarizes those situations in which large
event rates are present. This provides a convenient
way to select subsets of the data to study in detail.
Mining event bursts consists of the following two steps:
1. Finding periods in which event rates are higher than
a specified threshold
2. Mining for patterns common to the periods identified
in step (1)
For step 1, we proceed by first intervalizing the data.
Then, event rates within each interval are computed.
Those intervals in which rates exceed a specified
threshold are then identified. In Figure 3, these
intervals are indicated by the vertical lines that lie
above the threshold (which is indicated by the
horizontal line).
Step 2 uses the intervals identified in Step 1 as the
“market baskets” of events. For example, mining the
three intervals with the largest event rates in Figure 3
finds the pattern “SNMP request”, “Authentication
Failure. Note that the mining employed here is
essentially that done in Algorithm 2. However, our
“market baskets” are just those intervals that have high
event rates.
4. Periodicities
Periodic patterns consist of repeated occurrences of
the same event or event set. Our experience has been
that such patterns are common in event data, often
accounting for one half to two thirds of the events
Why are periodic behaviors common in networks? Two
factors contribute to this phenomenon. The first relates
to monitoring--when a managed element emits a high
severity event, the management server often initiates
periodic monitoring of key resources (e.g., router CPU
utilization). The second consideration is a
consequence of scheduling routine maintenance
tasks, such as rebooting print servers every morning
Our experience with analyzing events in computer
networks is that periodic patterns often lead to
actionable insights. There are two reasons for this.
First, a periodic pattern indicates something persistent
and predictable. Thus, there is value in identifying and
characterizing the periodicity. Second, the period itself
often provides a signature of the underlying
phenomena, thereby facilitating diagnosis. In either
case, patterns with a very low support are often of
great interest. For example, we found a one-day
periodic pattern due to a periodic port-scan. Although
this pattern only happens three times in a three-day
log, it provides a strong indication of a security
Figure 5: Partially Periodic Pattern
Unfortunately, mining such periodic
complicated by several factors.
1. Periodic behavior is not necessarily persistent. For
example, in complex networks, periodic monitoring is
initiated when an exception occurs (e.g., CPU
utilization exceeds a threshold) and stops once
exceptional situation is no longer present. During the
monitoring interval or “on'' segment, the monitoring
request and its response occur periodically. The ''off''
segment consists of a random gap in the periodicity
until another exceptional situation initiates periodic
monitoring. This makes it difficult to apply well
established techniques such as the fast fourier
2. There may be phase shifts and variations in the
period due to network delays, lack of clock
synchronization, and rounding errors.
3. Period lengths are not known in advance. This
means that either an exhaustive search is required or
there must be a way to infer the periods. Further,
periods may span a wide range, from milliseconds to
4. The number of occurrences of a periodic pattern
typically depends on the period. For example, a
pattern with a period of one day period has, at most,
seven occurrences in a week, while one minute period
may have as many as 1440 occurrences. Thus, mining
patterns with longer periods requires adjusting support
levels. In particular, mining patterns with low support
greatly increases computational requirements in
existing approaches to discovering temporal
In order to capture items (1) and (2) above, we employ
the concept of a partially periodic temporal
association. We refer to as a p-pattern. A p-pattern
generalizes the concept of partial periodicity defined
[HaDoYi99] by combining it with temporal associations
(akin to episodes in [MaTuVe97]) and including the
concept of time tolerance to account for imperfections
in the periodicities.
Figure 5 illustrates the structure of a partially periodic
pattern. Such patterns consist of an on-segment and
an off-segment. During the on-segment, events are
periodic with a period of P . No periodic event is
present during the off-segment. Spurious events (or
noise) may arise during both on-segments and offsegments.
Pattern 1 in Figure 2 is an example of a partial
periodicity. Figure 6 displays a zoomed version of
Figure 2 for two AFS servers in pattern 1. These
partial periodicities contain two types of events:
“threshold violated” (circled point) and “threshold reset”
(uncircled point). As in Figure 2, the x-axis is time, and
the y-axis is the host on which the events originated.
Here the periodicities occur approximately every 30
seconds, although some are closer to 28 seconds and
others are near 33 seconds.
We view mining for p-patterns as consisting of two
sub-tasks: (a) finding period lengths and (b) finding
temporal associations. While a variation of level-wise
search can be employed to address the second subtask, the first sub-task has not been addressed (to the
best of our knowledge).
Our approach to finding the periods of p-patterns is to
compute event inter-arrival times and then test if interarrival counts exceed what would have been expected
by chance. Note that a simple threshold test is not
sufficient here since small inter-arrival times are much
more common than longer ones and hence the
threshold must be adjusted by the size of the interarrival time. We address this by using a Poisson
distribution as our null hypothesis for the count of
events at specified inter-arrival times. A Chi-Square
test is used to assess statistical significance. Next, we
mine for the patterns at each statistically significant
inter-arrival time. This is done by employing a levelwise search on each interval that comprises each
Threshold violated
Threshold reset
Figure 6: Partial Periodicity of Two AFS Servers
We have applied our algorithm for p-pattern discovery
to the corporate intranet data. Over 30 patterns were
5. Mutual dependencies
Thus far, we have considered frequently occurring
patterns. That is, given a set of intervals, we look for
pairs of event type and host that commonly occur
together. While this problem statement is the focus in
mainstream data mining, event management requires
another perspective as well.
discovered, ranging in length from 1 event to 13 with
periods ranging from 1 second to 1 day.
In particular, we are interested in events that occur
together when they occur. We use the term mutually
dependent pattern or m-pattern to refer to a group of
events that occur together when they occur. In Figure
2, pattern 4 is an m-pattern. It consists of a
combination of “link down” and “link up” events. The
occurrence of these events is displayed in Figure 7
(which is a zoomed version of Figure 2).
Figure 7: m-patterns in Corporate Intranet Data
The events in an m-pattern do not necessarily occur in
the same sequence. However, they do occur as a
group. Thus, m-patterns are quite different from
association rules in that the latter only indicate a oneway dependency. Also, the metric for quantifying the
presence of an m-pattern differs from that for
associations rules. Association rules are typically
quantified in terms of support, the fraction of intervals
in which the association is evidenced. In contrast, mpatterns require a metric more akin to confidence. This
observation leads to some difficulties in terms of
efficiently mining m-patterns since, as we discussed in
Section 2, confidence does not have the downward
closure property and hence Algorithm 2 cannot be
Figure 8 compares m-patterns and frequent patterns.
Here, a, b, c, d are events, and the intervalization
consists of two time units (as indicated by the dotted
lines). Suppose that: (a) the support threshold for a
frequent pattern is 40% (i.e., a pattern must appear in
40% of the intervals to be considered frequent) and (b)
the m-pattern co-occurrence threshold is 90%. (The
latter is much higher because of the semantics of an
m-pattern.) Observe that the pattern ab is frequent in
that this pattern occurs in 50% of the intervals.
However, there are four cases in which a occurs but b
does not. Thus, ab is not an m-pattern. Now consider,
dc. This pattern is much less frequent than ab in that
dc occurs in only two of the eight intervals, which is
below the support threshold. However, whenever c or
d occurs the other does as well. Thus, dc is an mpattern.
What should be done when an m-pattern is
discovered? Logically, the events in the pattern can be
treated as a group. So, from an analysis perspective, it
is desirable to coalesce an m-pattern into a single
event. This not only reduces the number of events, it
also provides the opportunity for higher level
semantics (e.g., the m-pattern caused by a router
a a
a,b,c,d are events
ab is frequent, but not an m-pattern
dc is an m-pattern, but not frequent
Figure 8: Illustration of an m-pattern
We turn now to the specifics of m-pattern discovery.
An m-pattern is present if P(S1 | S 2 )  q where
S1 , S 2 are subsets of the events in the m-pattern and
q is the co-occurrence threshold. P(S1 | S 2 ) is
computed by counting all intervals in which both sets
of events are present and dividing by those intervals in
which only S 2 is present.
First, observe that m-patterns have the downward
closure property. To see this, let T  S and suppose
that S is not an m-pattern. We show that T is also not
an m-pattern. By definition, there exists subsets of S,
S1 , S 2 such that P(S1 | S2 )  q . But S1 , S 2 are
subsets of T as well. So, the conclusion follows.
Even though downward closure holds for m-patterns,
other computational difficulties arise. In particular, if we
use the definition of an m-pattern to test for its
presence, then the number of tests we must make is
exponential in the size of the pattern. Clearly, this
scales poorly.
Fortunately, there is a way to simplify matters. We
claim that if a  S , P( S  {a} | a )  q , then S is a
m-pattern. That is, we must demonstrate that under
this assumption it follows that P(S1 | S 2 )  q for
S1 , S 2  S .
a  S 2 . Note that
P ( S  S ) P( S  S ) P( S )
P(S1 | S 2 )  1 2  1 2 
 P(S  {a} | a)  q
P( S 2 )
P( a )
P( a )
This means that only linear time is required to check
for the presence of an m-pattern within an interval.
6. Conclusions
Event management is a fundamental part of systems
management. Over the last fifteen years, automated
operations has increased operator productivity by
using correlation rules to interpret event patterns.
While productivity has improved, a substantial
bottleneck remains—determining what correlation
rules to write.
This paper describes how data mining can be used to
identify patterns of events that indicate underlying
problems. Traditionally, data mining has been applied
to consumer purchases, often referred to as market
basket data. A central consideration in this work is
scalability. This is achieved by using a level-wise
search in which patterns are discovered by building
larger patterns from smaller ones.
We show how to apply data mining to event data in an
efficient and effective way. Several patterns are
identified that are of particular interest to event
management—event bursts, periodicities, and mutual
dependencies. We provide interpretations for each,
and we show how pattern discovery can be structured
to exploit a level-wise search, thereby improving
scalability. The latter is particularly important since,
based on our experience, tens of millions of events
may need to be analyzed in order to discover
actionable patterns.
The first pattern we describe is event bursts (or event
storms). These commonly occur when a critical
component fails. Of particular interest is the set of
events common to event bursts (e.g., in order to
classify the kind of problem present). Here, the bursts
serve as the market baskets to which a level-wise
search is applied.
A second pattern is periodic occurrences of a set of
events. Of most interest to event management are
partial periodicities since periodic behavior is often
initiated by some other source (e.g., violating a
threshold). A key consideration here is finding the
period. We describe how to construct a statistical test
to do this. Once periods have been identified, they can
be used in a level-wise search.
Last, we introduce mutually dependent patterns (or mpatterns). The objective is to identify groups of events
that occur together when they occur, even though the
occurrence of these events is not frequent. Looking for
challenges in that some new insights are required in
order to achieve computational efficiencies. Even so,
we show that m-patterns have the downward closure
property, and we show how an efficient level-wise
search can be applied to the discovery of m-patterns.
Our thanks to Luanne Burns and David Rabenhorst for
developing the prototype visualization and mining
facility used for the studies in this paper. We also
thank Chang-Shing Perng, David Taylor, and Sujay
Parekh who, in addition to Luanne Burns and David
Rabenhorst, provided stimulating discussion and
useful comments on this work.
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