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Reading Guide Bentley Chapter 8
The Unification of China
AP World History
Corder 08-09
(1) Briefly revisit. What is the Period of the Warring States (403 – 221 BCE)? During what dynasty did this occur?
In what way did this turmoil result in a cultural explosion?
(2) What three schools of thought emerged during these centuries of confusion and chaos?
(3) Who was the first Chinese thinker to address the problem of political and social order in a straightforward way?
When did he live? Briefly review the biographical information in your text. What is the name of the book that
contains Confucius’s teachings?
(4) “Confucius’s thought was fundamentally _______________, ___________________, and
________________________ in character.” What does this sentence mean?
(5) What did Confucius think was the best way to promote good government? Who were the “junzi”?
(6) Why did Confucius use the poetry and history of the Zhou dynasty as a basis for his teachings?
(7) Besides an advanced education, what else did Confucius believe was needed by the ideal government official?
(8) Briefly explain the significance of the following three Confucius values: ren, li, and xiao. Why did he emphasize
these values in particular?
(9) What aspect of Confucianism did Mencius (372-289 B.C.E.) emphasize during his lifetime? What did his critics
say about his approach? Though he had little effect during his lifetime, what long-term influence did he have?
(10) What experience did Xunzi possess that Mencius did not, providing him with a “less rosy” view of human
nature? In contrast what did Xunzi believe was needed to provide social order? Why did he often compare his
approach to a piece of lumber?
(11) Like Confucianism, what prompted the development of Daoism? What did the Daoists believe?
(12) Who founded Daoism and when? What was the original text of Daoist beliefs? What is the central concept of
Daoism and what does it mean? Read the detailed description of “dao” that is in your text. Summarize in your
own words. What did the principles of dao reveal about the role of humans in the world?
(13) Briefly explain the chief moral virtue of Daoism, “wuwei.” ]
(14) What did the Daoist belief about government?
(15) Compare and contrast the ideas of Daoism and Confucianism.
(16) What third school of thought was successful in returning order to China?
(17) How was legalism different from Confucianism and Daoism?
(18) Who was responsible for the emergence of legalism during the late 4th century B.C.E.?
(19) “The Legalists expected to harness subjects’ energy by means of clear and strict ___________...Their faith in
__________ distinguished the Legalists clearly from the ________________ who relied on ritual, custom,
education, a sense of propriety, and the humane example of benevolent _____________ administrators to induce
individuals to behave appropriately…. The Legalists imposed harsh ______________ even for minor infractions:
individuals could suffer amputation of their hands or feet, for example, for disposing of _____________ in the
street. The Legalists also established the principle of ______________________ before the law. They expected
all members of a family or community to observe the others closely, forestall any illegal activity, and report any
(20) “Legalist methods put an end to the ________________________________and brought about the
___________________ of China.”
(21) What approach did the Qin state use to establish centralized, bureaucratic rule throughout their state? What did
the Qin do with their newfound wealth?
(22) Who established himself as emperor of the Qin in 221 B.C.E.? Even though the Qin only lasted fourteen years,
why is it historically significant?
(23) Your text says, “Like his ancestors in the kingdom of Qin, the First Emperor of China ignored the nobility and
ruled his empire through a centralized bureaucracy.” Explain What he did to centralize the government of his
empire? Name specific things he did.
(24) Discuss the process Qin used to build a wall that would be the beginnings of the Great Wall of China.
(25) What were some of the criticisms of Qin’s policies?
(26) Discuss the extreme censorship practices of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi
(27) How did the First Emperor enhance the unity of China?
(28) Why did the First Emperor mandate a standardized script?
(29) Describe the tomb of the First Emperor. View the illustration in your text of the life-size terra cotta army built
near the emperor’s tomb. What does this site reveal about the emperor and the times in which he lived?
(30) Describe some of the public works projects the Emperor conscripted.
(31) Why did Liu Bang call his dynasty the Han? During what years did the Han reign? How many years total?
(32) Where was the capital during the Former Han (206 B.C.E. to 9 C.E.)? Locate and label the capital on your map.
What was this early city like?
(33) During the Later Han (25 to 220 C.E.), what was the capital? Locate and label on your map.
(34) How were the Zhou and the Qin dynasties different? What compromise did Liu Bang seek?
(35) What life-changing event prompted Liu Bang to change his system of rule to a policy of centralization? What
specific changes did Liu Bang make in his system of rule?
(36) Who is known for being the Han Dynasty’s greatest ruler? When did he rule? For what two policies is he
(37) Discuss the political organization of Han Wudi’s government. On what school of thought did he base his empire?
How was his government structured? Discuss the economic policies and technological developments of Han
(38) What were Han Wudi’s personal feelings about education? In spite of this attitude, what did he do in 124 B.C.E.
to improve the quality of officeholders of his government? What was the basis of the educational curriculum?
Why was this ironic?
(39) What areas did Han Wudi conquer during his reign? Locate Vietnam and Korea on your map. Label both areas.
Also label the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and Taiwan.
(40) The Xiongnu was Han Wudi’s greatest foreign challenge? Who were these people, and from where did they
originate? What strengths did the Xiongnu possess? How did the early Han pacify the Xiongnu? How did Han
Wudi eventually get the upper hand against the Xiongnu?
(41) Look at the map of the Han empire under Han Wudi that is in your text. On your map, color the area occupied by
the Han empire in purple. Label the area on your key. Use diagonals to represent the area occupied by the
Xiongnu Confederation. Label on your key.
(42) Why did social and economic problems arise during the Han dynasty?
(43) What important text enhanced the authority of patriarchal family heads? What did this text say?
(44) Who was Ban Zhao and what is she credited with writing? What was the subject of this writer’s work?
(45) Where did a majority of the Chinese population work and live?
(46) How did the iron technology improve during the Han Dynasty? What were some of the tools that became
standard fixtures in households? How did the next iron technology impact the military?
(47) When did sericulture originate in China? Discuss the sericulture techniques used by the Chinese. What regions
traded with the Chinese to acquire the previous silk?
(48) When did the practice of writing on paper originate? What resources were used as paper?
(49) According to historians’ estimations, what was the population of China in 220 B.C.E.? In 9 C.E. during the
Former Han Dynasty? Based on what you have previously learned, what led to this increase?
(50) What were some of the causes of the economic and social problems of the Former Han period?
(51) Discuss the distinctions in lifestyle between the rich and poor during the Han dynasty.
(52) Why did many small landowners sell their property during this time? In extreme cases, what else did landowners
sell? What groups made up the cheap labor that worked the land? What impact did this have on land distribution?
How did this inequity impact Chinese society?
(53) What became of the Han capitol at Chang’ an? Discuss some of the efforts of the Later Han. What problems led
to the Yellow Turban Uprising? What was it? Discuss some of the problems that led to the fall of the Han