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AP US Government ~ Unit I Outlines ~ Chapter 1: Introducing Government In America
I. Introduction
A. Politics and government matter
B. Many Americans, especially young people are apathetic
II. Government
A. What is it?
B. What should it do?
maintain national defense.
provide public services.
have police powers to provide order.
socialize the young into the political culture.
collect taxes.
III. Politics - “Who gets what, when, and how.”
IV. The Policymaking System
A. People Shape Policy
B. Policies Impact People
V. Democracy
A. Defining Democracy
C. Traditional Democratic Theory
(1) equality in voting
(2) effective participation
(3) enlightened understanding
(4) citizen control of the agenda
(5) inclusion
(6) also practice majority rule and preserve minority rights
(7) representation
C. Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy
(1) Pluralist theory
(2) Elite and class theory
(3) Hyperpluralism
D. Challenges to Democracy
(1) increased technical expertise held by only a few
(2) limited participation in government
(3) escalating campaign costs
VI. The Scope of Government in America
A. How Active is American Government?
B. A Comparative Perspective
C. American Individualism
AP US Government ~ Unit I Outlines ~ Chapter 2: The Constitution
I. The Origins of the Constitution
A. The Road to Revolution & Declaring Independence
B. John Locke & Jefferson’s Handiwork
c. Winning Independence & The “Conservative” Revolution
II. The Government That Failed: 1776-1787
A. The Articles of Confederation
B. Changes in the States & Economic Turmoil
c. Shays’ Rebellion & The Almost-Pointless Annapolis Meeting
III. Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
A. Gentlemen in Philadelphia
B. Philosophy in Action
1. A cynical view of human nature
2. A belief that the primary source of political conflict was the unequal distribution of wealth, resulting in
the growth of factions
3. A belief that the principal objective of government was the preservation of individual rights to acquire
and hold wealth
4. The belief that government should be balanced with power set against power, and limited, to contain
checks on its power
IV. The Agenda in Philadelphia
A. The Equality Issues
1. State Representation
2. Slavery
3. Voting
B. The Economic Issues
C. The Individual Rights Issues
V. The Madisonian Model
A. Thwarting Tyranny of the Majority
B. The Constitutional Republic
VI. Ratifying the Constitution
VII. Constitutional Change
A. The Formal Amending Process & The Informal Process of Constitutional Change
AP US Government ~ Unit I Outlines ~ Chapter 3: Federalism
I. Defining Federalism
A. What Is Federalism?
B. Why Is Federalism So Important?
II. The Constitutional Basis of Federalism
A. The Division of Power
B. Establishing National Supremacy
(1) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
(2) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
(3) The Civil War
C. States’ Obligations to Each Other
(1) Article IV and “full faith and credit”
(2) Exradition
(3) “Privileges and immunities”
III. Intergovernmental Relations Today
A. From Dual to Cooperative Federalism
C. Fiscal Federalism
(1) Categorical grants
a. Project grants
b. Formula grants
(2) Block grants
(3) Cross-cutting Requirements
(4) Underfunded Mandates
IV. Understanding Federalism
A. Federalism and Democracy
B. Federalism and the Growth of the National Government
AP US Government ~ Unit II Outlines ~ Chapter 6: Public Opinion & Political Action
I. The American People
A. Introduction
B. The Immigrant Society
C. The American Melting Pot
D. The Regional Shift
E. The Graying of America
II. How Americans Learn About Politics: Political Socialization
A. The Process of Political Socialization
B. Political Learning Over a Lifetime
III. Measuring Public Opinion and Political Information
A. How Polls are Conducted
B. The Role of Polls in American Democracy
C. What Polls Reveal About Americans’ Political Information
D. The Decline of Trust in Government
IV. What Americans Value: Political Ideologies
A. Who are the Liberals and Conservatives?
B. Do People Think in Ideological Terms?
V. How Americans Participate in Politics
A. Introduction
B. Conventional Participation
C. Protest as Participation
D. Class, Inequality, and Participation
AP US Government ~ Unit II Outlines ~ Chapter 8: Political Parties
I. The Meaning of Party
A. Introduction
B. Tasks of the Parties
C. Parties, Voters, and Policy: The Downs Model
II. The Party in the Electorate
III. The Party Organizations: From the Grass Roots to Washington
A. Introduction
B. Local Parties
C. The Fifty State Party Systems
D. The National Party Organizations
Party Conventions
National Committee
National Chairperson
IV. The Party in Government: Promises and Policy
V. Party Eras in American History
A. Introduction: Party Era / Critical Election / Party Realignment
B. 1796-1824: The First Party System
C. 1828-1856: Jackson and the Democrats versus the Whigs
D. 1860-1932: The Two Republican Eras
E. 1932-1968: The New Deal Coalition
F. 1968-Present: The Era of Divided Government
VI. Third Parties: Their Impact on American Politics
VII. Understanding Political Parties
A. Democracy and Responsible Party
B. Individualism and Gridlock
C. American Political Parties and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit II Outlines ~ Chapter 11: Interest Groups
I. The Role and Reputation of Interest Groups
A. Defining Interest Groups
B. Why Interest Groups Get Bad Press
II. Theories of Interest Group Politics
A. Pluralism and Group Theory
B. Elites and the Denial of Pluralism
C. Hyperpluralism and Interest Group Liberalism
III. What Makes an Interest Group Successful?
A. The Surprising Ineffectiveness of Large Groups
B. Intensity
C. Financial Resources
IV. The Interest Group Explosion
V. How Groups Try to Shape Policy
A. Lobbying
B. Electioneering
C. Litigation
D. Going Public
VI. Types of Interest Groups
A. Economic Interests
B. Environmental Interests
C. Equality Interests
D. Public Interest Lobbies
VII. Understanding Interest Groups
A. Interest Groups and Democracy
B. Interest Groups and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit III Outlines ~ Chapter 9: Nominations & Campaigns
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A. Introduction
B. Deciding to Run
C. Competing for Delegates
D. The Convention Send-off
II. The Campaign Game
A. The High-Tech Media Campaign
B. Organizing the Campaign
III. Money and Campaigning
A. Money & Campaigning
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974
Buckley v. Valeo
FECA amended in 1979 to allow Soft Money
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
B. The Proliferation of PACs
C. Are Campaigns Too Expensive?
D. Does Money Buy Victory?
IV. The Impact of Campaigns
Reinforcement / Activation / Conversion
Selective Perception
Incumbent Advantage
V. Understanding Nominations and Campaigns
A. Are Nominations and Campaigns Too Democratic?
B. Do Campaigns Lead to Increases in the Scope of Government?
AP US Government ~ Unit III Outlines ~ Chapter 10: Elections & Voting Behavior
I. How American Elections Work
Primary Elections
General Elections
Policy Elections
II. A Tale of Three Elections
A. 1800: The First Electoral Transition of Power
B. 1896: A Bitter Fight over Economic Interests
C. 2000: What a Mess!
III. Whether to Vote: A Citizen’s First Choice
A. Introduction: Political Efficacy / differences between the parties / Civic Duty
B. Deciding Whether to Vote
C. Registering to Vote
D. Who Votes?
Martial Status
Union Members & Gov’t employees
IV. How Americans Vote: Explaining Citizens’ Decisions
A. Introduction: mandate theory of elections
B. Party Identification
C. Candidate Evaluations: How Americans See the Candidates
D. Policy Voting
V. The Last Battle: The Electoral College ~ “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE” = you need
this handout!
VI. Understanding Elections and Voting Behavior
A. Democracy and Elections
B. Elections and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit III Outlines ~ Chapter 7: The Mass Media
I. Introduction
II. The Mass Media Today
Media Events
Candidate Image
III. The Development of the Mass Media
A. Introduction
FDR & press conferences
Nixon & investigative journalism
B. The Print Media
C. The Broadcast Media
D. Narrowcasting: Cable TV and the Internet
IV. Reporting the News
A. Introduction
B. Finding the News
C. Presenting the News
D. Bias in the News
V. The News and Public Opinion
VI. The Media’s Agenda-Setting Function
VII. Understanding the Mass Media
A. The Media and the Scope of Government
B. Individualism and the Media
C. Democracy and the Mass Media
AP US Government ~ Unit IV Outlines ~ Chapter 17: Economic Policymaking
I. Government and the Economy
A. Introduction
B. Unemployment and Inflation
C. Elections and the Economy
D. Political Parties and the Economy
II. Instruments for Controlling the Economy
A. Introduction
B. Monetary Policy and the Fed
Fed manipulate the supply of $$ & credit available
Raise / lower interest rates
Set reserve rates
Buy / sell gov’t bonds
C. Fiscal Policy: Keynesian versus Supply-Side Economics
III. Obstacles to Controlling the Economy
IV. Arenas of Economic Policymaking
A. Business and Public Policy: Subsidies Amid Regulations
B. Consumer Policy: The Rise of the Consumer Lobby
C. Labor and Government
National Labor Relations Act 1935
Taft-Hartley Act 1947
D. New Economy, New Policy Arenas
V. Understanding Economic Policymaking
A. Democracy and Economic Policymaking
B. Economic Policymaking and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit IV Outlines ~ Chapter 18: Social Welfare Policymaking
I. What Is Social Welfare & Why Is It So Controversial?
Means-tested v. Entitlement programs
II. Income, Poverty, and Public Policy
A. Who’s Getting What?
B. Who’s Poor in America?
C. What Part Does Government Play?
Progressive v. proportional (flat) v. regressive taxes
Earned Income Tax Credit
III. The Evolution of American Social Welfare Programs
A. Introduction
B. The New Deal and the Elderly
C. President Johnson and the Great Society
D. President Reagan and the Limits to the Great Society
E. President Clinton & Welfare Reform in the 1990s
IV. The Future of Social Welfare Policy
A. The Entitlement Programs: Living on Borrowed Time?
B. The Means-Tested Programs: Do They Work?
C. Social Welfare Policy Elsewhere
V. Understanding Social Welfare Policy
A. Democracy and Social Welfare
B. Social Welfare Policy and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit IV Outlines ~ Chapter 19: Policymaking for Healthcare & the Environment
I. Health Care Policy
A. The Health of Americans
B. The Cost of Health Care
C. Access to Health Care
D. The Role of Government in Health Care
Health Care for Vets
E. Policymaking for Health Care
II. Environmental Policy
A. Economic Growth and the Environment
B. Environmental Policies in America
Environmental Impact Statements
Clean Air Act 1970 (Emissions Trading)
Water Pollution Control Act 1972
Endangered Species Act 1973
C. Energy, the Environment, and Global Warming
D. Toxic Wastes
E. Making Environmental Policy
III. Understanding Health Care and Environmental Policy
A. Democracy and Health Care and Environmental Policy
B. The Scope of Government and Health Care and Environmental Policy
AP US Government ~ Unit V Outlines ~ Chapter 13 :The Presidency
I. The Presidents
A. Who They Are
B. How They Got There
II. Presidential Powers
A. Constitutional Powers
B. The Expansion of Power
C. Perspectives on Presidential Power
III. Running the Government: The Chief Executive
A. Vice President
B. The Cabinet
C. The Executive Office
D. The White House Staff
E. First Lady
IV. Presidential Leadership of Congress: The Politics of Shared Powers
A. Chief Legislator
B. Party Leadership
C. Public Support
D. Legislative Skills
V. The President and National Security Policy
A. Chief Diplomat
B. Commander in Chief
C. War Powers
D. Crisis Manager
E. Working with Congress
VI. Power from the People: The Public Presidency
VII. The President and the Press
VIII. Understanding the American Presidency
AP US Government ~ Unit V Outlines ~ Chapter 15: The Federal Bureaucracy
I. The Bureaucrats
A. Some Bureaucratic Myths and Realities
B. Who They Are and How They Got There
II. How Bureaucracies Are Organized
A. The Cabinet Departments
B. The Regulatory Agencies
C. The Government Corporations
D. The Independent Executive Agencies
III. Bureaucracies as Implementors
A. What Implementation Means
B. Why the Best-Laid Plans Sometimes Flunk the Implementation Test
C. A Case Study: The Voting Rights Act of 1965
IV. Bureaucracies as Regulators
A. Regulation in the Economy and in Everyday Life
B. Regulation: How it Grew, How it Works
Munn v. IL 1877
1887 Interstate Commerce Commission
B. Toward Deregulation
Can raise prices
Hurt competition
Doesn’t always work
V. Understanding Bureaucracies
A. Bureaucracies and Democracies
President can…
Congress can…
B. Bureaucracy and the Scope of Government: Issue Networks
AP US Government ~ Unit V Outlines ~ Chapter 20: National Security Policymaking
I. American Foreign Policy: Instruments, Actors, and Policymakers
A. Instruments of Foreign Policy
B. Actors on the World Stage
C. The Policymakers
II. American Foreign Policy: An Overview
A. Introduction
B. The Cold War
C. The Era of Détente
D. The Reagan Rearmament
E. The Final Thaw in the Cold War
III. The Politics of Defense Policy
A. Defense Spending
B. Personnel
C. Weapons
IV. The New Global Agenda
A. The Decreasing Role of Military Power
B. Nuclear Proliferation
C. Terrorism
D. The International Economy
E. International Inequality and Foreign Aid
F. The Global Connection, Energy, and the Environment
V. Understanding National Security Policymaking
A. National Security Policymaking and Democracy
AP US Government ~ Unit VI Outlines ~ Chapter 12: Congress
I. The Representatives and Senators
A. The Job
B. The Members of Congress
II. Congressional Elections
A. Who Wins Elections?
need this handout!
C. The Role of Party Identification
D. Defeating Incumbents
E. Money in Congressional Elections
F. Stability and Change
III. How Congress is Organized to Make Policy ~ “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LAWMAKING” = you need this
THE SENATE” = you need this handout!
B. Congressional Leadership
C. The Committees and Subcommittees
D. Caucuses: The Informal Organization of Congress
E. Congressional Staff
IV. The Congressional Process
A. Introduction
B. Presidents and Congress: Partners and Protagonists
C. Party, Constituency, and Ideology
D. Lobbyists and Interest Groups
V. Understanding Congress
A. Congress and Democracy
B. Reforming Congress
C. Congress and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit VI Outlines ~
Chapter 14: Congress, the President & the Politics of Taxing & Spending
I. Introduction
II. Sources of Federal Revenue
A. Income Tax
B. Social Insurance Taxes
C. Borrowing
D. Taxes and Public Policy
III. Federal Expenditures
A. Big Governments, Big Budgets
B. The Rise and Decline of the National Security State
C. The Rise of the Social Service State
D. Incrementalism
E. “Uncontrollable” Expenditures
IV. The Budgetary Process
A. Budgetary Politics
Prez & OMB
Congress & CBO
Interest Groups & Agencies
Congressional Committees & GAO
B. The President’s Budget
C. Congress and the Budget
Timeline & Budget Resolution
Authorization v. appropriations bills
Continuing Resolutions
V. Understanding Budgeting
A. Democracy and Budgeting
B. The Budget and the Scope of Government
AP US Government ~ Unit VII Outlines ~ Chapter 4: Civil Liberties & Public Policy
I. The Bill of Rights and the States - Then and Now
Barron v. Baltimore
14th Amendment
Gitlow v. NY
Incorporation Doctrine (a.k.a. Selective Incorporation)
II. Freedom of Religion
A. The Establishment Clause
B. The Free Exercise Clause
III. Freedom of Expression
A. Prior Restraint
B. Free Speech and Public Order
C. Free Press and Fair Trials
D. Obscenity
E. Libel and Slander
F. Symbolic Speech
G. Commercial Speech
H. Regulation of the Public Airwaves
I. Freedom of Assembly
IV. Defendants’ Rights ~ “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DEFENDANTS’ RIGHTS” = you need this handout!
A. Interpreting Defendants’ Rights
B. Searches and Seizures
C. Self-incrimination
D. The Right to Counsel
E. Trial by Jury
F. Cruel and Unusual Punishment
V. The Right to Privacy
A. Is There a Right to Privacy?
B. Controversy over Abortion
C. A Time to Live and a Time to Die
VI. Understanding Civil Liberties
AP US Government ~ Unit VII Outlines ~ Chapter 5: Civil Rights & Public Policy
I. Two Centuries of Struggle
A. Conceptions of Equality
B. Early American Views of Equality
C. The Constitution and Inequality
II. Race, the Constitution, and Public Policy
A. The Era of Slavery
B. The Era of Reconstruction and Resegregation
C. The Era of Civil Rights
D. Getting and Using the Right to Vote
III. Women, the Constitution, and Public Policy
A. The Battle for the Vote
B. The “Doldrums”: 1920-1960
C. The Second Feminist Wave
D. Women in the Workplace
E. Wage Discrimination and Comparable Worth
F. Women in the Military
G. Sexual Harassment
IV. Other Minority Groups
Native Americans
Hispanic Americans
Asian Americans
V. Newly Active Groups Under the Civil Rights Umbrella
A. Civil Rights and the Graying of America
B. Are the Young a Disadvantaged Group Too?
C. Civil Rights and the People with Disabilities
D. Gay and Lesbian Rights
V. Affirmative Action
VI. Understanding Civil Rights and Public Policy
AP US Government ~ Unit VII Outline ~ Chapter 16: The Federal Courts
I. The Nature of the Judicial System
A. Introduction
B. Participants in the Judicial System
II. The Structure of the Federal Judicial System ~ “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GETTING YOUR CASE TO THE
SUPREME COURT” = you need this handout!
A. Introduction
B. District Courts
C. Courts of Appeal
D. The Supreme Court
III. The Politics of Judicial Selection
A. Introduction
B. The Lower Courts
C. The Supreme Court
IV. The Backgrounds of Judges and Justices
V. The Courts as Policymakers
A. Accepting Cases
B. Making Decisions
C. Implementing Court Decisions
Interpreting Population
Implementing Population
Consumer Population
VI. The Courts and the Policy Agenda
A. Introduction
Era 1: Legitimacy of the Federal Gov’t
Era 2: Role of the gov’t in the economy
Era 3: Civil rights & personal liberty
B. An Historical Review
Marbury v. Madison
FDR & Court packing
Warren Court & judicial activism
VII. Understanding the Courts
A. The Courts and Democracy
B. What Courts Should Do: The Scope of Judicial Power