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Integumentary HUMAN
What are the different functions of skin?
Parts and organization of the system
Layers of skin
What is the purpose of hair?
What is the function of sudoriferous and sebaceous
How does the system work?
Define thermoregulation and explain how it relates
to the integumentary system.
Explain how this system is connected to other
systems in the body.
Interesting facts
Integumentary FROG
What are the different functions of skin?
Parts and organization of the system
Layers of skin
What are the two types of glands located in the skin?
What is the function of each type of gland?
How does the system work?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems in
the body.
Interesting facts
Reproductive HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Reproductive FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system both male and female
Why do male frogs have oviducts?
What is the purpose of fat bodies?
How does the system work?
Describe frog courtship?
Where in the environment do frogs mate?
Brief description of frog development.
What is external fertilization?
What is amplexus?
Where does the jelly on frog eggs come from?
What is nuptial pad?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems in
the body.
Interesting facts
Ovary, Fallopian Tubes, Uterus, Vagina, Oviduct,
Penis, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Urethra, Scrotum,
Prostate gland, Seminal vesicles,
Urinary ducts, Testes
How does the system work?
Explain how this system is connected to other
systems in the body.
Interesting facts
Immune HUMAN
Purpose of the immune system
How does our body protect us from disease and
Brief description of the organs in the system (organs
and individual cells)
Explanation of how the organs work
What is an antigen?
Why do you get a fever when you are sick?
How do vaccines work?
How does your body “remember” foreign agents?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Purpose of the lymph system.
How does our body protect us from disease and
Brief description of the organs in the system (organs
and individual cells)
What is lymph and where does it come from?
Outline the pathway of lymph in the body.
Diagram of a lymph node
Why do lymph nodes swell when you are sick?
What is the function of the spleen?
Explanation of how the organs work
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Respiratory HUMAN
Purpose of system
Parts of the system
Bronchial tubes
Alveoli – include a diagram
Diaphragm – how does it work?
How does the respiratory system work?
Why are alveoli necessary for efficient gas exchange?
Why do the lungs have cilia?
Why do we breath?
Why does oxygen do in our bodies?
Where does carbon dioxide come from?
Why are human lungs more developed than a frog’s?
Where does diffusion occur in the respiratory system?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Muscular HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Name the major muscles
Diagram of how muscle cells are organized into
Describe the three types of muscle and include
pictures of each.
What is the difference between voluntary and
involuntary muscles?
Provide examples of voluntary and involuntary
What makes a muscle move (at the cellular level - this
is in the textbook)?
What attaches muscles to bones?
How does the system work?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Respiratory FROG
Purpose of system
Parts of the system
Bronchial tubes
Alveoli – include a diagram
What are the three respiratory surfaces in a frog?
What respiratory surface is relied on most heavily in
the frog?
Why are alveoli necessary for efficient gas exchange?
What is it called when a frog obtains oxygen through
its skin?
How does the structure of frog skin enable cutaneous
How does the respiratory system work?
Why do we breath?
Why does oxygen do in our bodies?
Where does carbon dioxide come from?
Where does diffusion occur in the respiratory system?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Muscular FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Name the major muscles
Diagram of how muscle cells are organized into
Describe the three types of muscle and include
pictures of each.
What is the difference between voluntary and
involuntary muscles?
Provide examples of voluntary and involuntary
What makes a muscle move (at the cellular level - this
is in the textbook)?
What attaches muscles to bones?
How does the system work?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Digestion HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Esophagus Stomach
Small intestine
Large intestine
Liver and gall bladder
Bile duct
What prevents the stomach from digesting itself?
Structural and Functional differences between the
small and large intestine.
What is the purpose of microvilli in the small
How does the system work?
What is mechanical digestion and chemical digestion
and where does each occur in this system?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting fact
Skeletal HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
What are the major categories of bones?
Give examples of the different categories.
Names of the major bones
Describe the major types of joints and include diagrams
and examples
How does the system work?
Describe the differences between bone and cartilage
Where is cartilage found in the body?
Show pictures of skeletal cells.
Explain how broken bones heal.
What does bone marrow do?
How are bones connected to one another?
# of bones in children & adults – why does this change?
What is the largest and smallest bone in the body?
How does a baby’s skull allow the brain to grow?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Digestion FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Small intestine
Large intestine
Liver and gall bladder
Bile duct
What is peristalsis and where does it occur?
How does the system work?
What is mechanical digestion and chemical digestion
and where does each occur in this system?
Provide examples of some digestive enzymes and
what they digest.
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Skeletal FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Names of the major bones
Show pictures of skeletal cells
Describe the major types of joints and include
diagrams and examples
Describe the differences between bone and cartilage
What does bone marrow do?
How are bones connected to one another?
How does the system work?
How many bones in a frog’s body?
How is the structure of a frog skeleton advantageous
to its jumping lifestyle?
Explain how broken bones heal. Diagram if possible.
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Nervous HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Types of nerves and how they operate
Parts of a nerve cell – diagram
What are the three major types of neurons?
What is a reflex arc?
What is a synapse?
What is a neurotransmitter?
How do nerves send messages?
Include a diagram of a synapse with neurotransmitters.
What is the sodium-potassium pump and how is it
related to the nervous system? Diagram if possible.
Brain and major parts
How does the system work?
How do nerves send messages?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Nervous FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Types of nerves and neurons
Parts of a nerve cell - diagram
What is a neurotransmitter?
What is a synapse?
What are the three major types of neurons?
Include diagrams of the neuron types.
How do nerves send messages?
What is a reflex arc?
Include a diagram of a reflex arc.
Brain and major parts
How does the system work?
How do nerves send messages?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Endocrine HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
What is homeostasis?
What is a hormone?
Major glands and the hormones they secrete
Provide some examples of hormones and what they do in the body.
Give an example of a negative feedback loop.
How does the system work?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems in the body.
Interesting fact
Senses HUMAN
Purpose of the senses
FOCUS on sight, hearing, smell
Brief description of the eyes, ears, nose - diagrams
Explanation of how the eyes, ears, and nose work
How many smells can a person distinguish?
What is the pathway of sound waves to the brain?
Why do loud noises cause hearing loss?
What is a pupil?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Senses FROG
Purpose of the senses
FOCUS on sight, hearing, smell
Brief description of the sense organs for sight, hearing
and smell - diagrams
Explanation of how these sense organs work
What equalizes pressure on the tympanic membrane?
What is a nictitating membrane?
What two senses is a frog most dependent on?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Excretory HUMAN
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
Nephrons – how many in a human kidney?
How does the excretory system work?
Using a diagram of a nephron, describe how blood
travels through a nephron and how waste is removed.
How is diffusion used in the excretory system?
How is your skin part of the excretory system?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Excretory FROG
Purpose of the system
Parts of the system
How does the excretory system work?
Using a diagram of a nephron, describe how blood
travels through a nephron and how waste is removed.
How is diffusion used in the excretory system?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Circulatory HUMAN
Purpose of system
Parts of the system
Heart – blood flow
Compare and contrast the structure and function of
arteries and veins using diagrams
Name the chambers of the heart.
What makes the sound of the beating heart?
Blood – what makes up blood?
What does the blood transport?
How does the system work?
Use a diagram to show how does blood flow through
the body (direction)?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts
Circulatory FROG
Purpose of system
Parts of the system
Heart – blood flow
Compare and contrast the structure and function of
arteries and veins using diagrams
Name the chambers of the heart.
Blood – what makes up blood?
What does the blood transport?
How does the system work?
Use a diagram to show how blood flows through the
body (direction)?
Explain how this system is connected to other systems
in the body.
Interesting facts