Download 10/5/09 (Monday) NOTES CLASSWORK HOMEWORK No notes CW

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10/5/09 (Monday)
No notes
CW on Systems of Equations (Using
the addition method.)
TB p. 265 # 45-48
Simplify each expression.
45) -7g – 8g
46) 7d – (2d + b)
47) (2x + 5y) + (x – 2y)
48) (3m + 2n) – (5m + 7n)
CW S.N PH p. 367 Try This #a, b
p. 371 #1 – 6
Solve using the addition method.
a. x+y=5, 2x-y=4
b. 3x-3y=6, 3x+3y=0
Solve using the addition method.
1) x+ y = 10, x – y = 8
2) x – y = 7, x + y = 3
3) x + y = 8, -x + 2y = 7
4) x + y = 6, -x + 3y = -2
5) 3x – y = 9, 2x + y = 6
6) 4x – y = 1, 3x + y = 13
10/6/09 (Tuesday)
Sometimes, you need to
use the multiplication
property of equality to
get a pair of opposite
terms. The new equation
is called a linear
combination of the
original equation.
CW on Systems of Equations (Using
the addition(elimination) method.)
TB p. 269 # 7-10
Use elimination to solve
each system of equations.
7) x + y = -3, x – y = 1
8) s – t = 4, s + t = 2
9) 3m – 2n = 13, m + 2n = 7
10) -4x+2y = 8, 4x – 3y= -10
CW S.N PH p. 368-369 Try This #c-g
p. 371 #13-16
Solve using the addition method.
c. 5x+3y=17, 5x-2y=-3
d. 8x+11y=37, -2x+11y=7
e. 4a+7b=11, 4a+6b=10
f. 7x-5y=76, 4x+y=55
g. 5b+10c=15, 3b-2c=-7
Solve using the addition method.
13) –x-y=8, 2x-y=-1
14) x+y=-7, 3x+y=-9
15) x+3y=19, x-y=-1
16) 3x-y=8, x+2y=5
10/7/09 (Wednesday)
No notes
CW on Systems of Equations (Using
the addition(elimination) method.)
TB p. 269 # 12-15
Use elimination to solve
each system of equations.
12) 2m-5n=-6, 2m-7n=-14
13) 3r-5s=-35, 2r-5s=-30
14) 13a+5b=-11, 13a+11b=7
15) 3x-5y=16, -3x+2y=-10
CW S.N PH p. 369 Try this #h, i
p. 371 #23-26, #31, 35
Solve using the addition method.
h) 5x + 3y = 2, 3x + 5y = -2
i) 6x + 2y = 4, 10x + 7y = -8
Solve using the addition method.
23) x – 3y = 0, 5x – y = -14
24) 5a – 2b = 0, 2a – 3b = -11
25) 3x – 2y = 10, 5x + 3y = 4
26) 2p + 5q = 9, 3p – 2q = 4
Translate to a system of equations
and solve.
31) The sum of two numbers is 115.
The difference is 21. Find the
35) Two angles are complementary.
Their difference is 34°. Find the
angles. (Complementary angles are
angles whose sum is 90°.)
10/8/09 (Thursday)
No notes
Test #5: Systems of Equations
TB p. 275 #1-4
Use the elimination to solve
each system of equations.
1)2x – y = 6, 3x + 4y = -2
2)2x + 7y =1, x + 5y = 2
3) 4x + 7y = 6, 6x + 5y = 20
4) 9a – 2b = -8, -7a + 3b = 12
10/9/09 (Friday)
No notes
Work Sheets
Activity 2 and Activity 37 (To be
turned in by Monday)
TB p. 276 #7-10
Use elimination method to
solve each system of
7)x + y = 3, 2x – 3y = 16
8) -5x + 3y = 6, x – y = 4
9) 2x + y = 5, 3x – 2y = 4
10) 4x – 3y = 12, x + 2y = 14