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Compiled and edited with commentaries by Swami Tantrasangha
From the Koran:
Al-Baqara (The Cow)
2:61 And [remember] when you said: "O Moses, indeed we cannot endure
but one kind of food; pray, then, to thy Sustainer that He bring forth
for us aught of what grows from the earth - of its herbs, its
cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils, its onions." Said [Moses]: "Would
you take a lesser thing in exchange for what is [so much] better? [46]
Go back in shame to Egypt , and then you can have what you are asking
for!" [47] And so, ignominy and humiliation overshadowed them, and they
earned the burden of God's condemnation: all this, because they
persisted in denying the truth of God's messages and in slaying the
prophets against all right: all this, because they rebelled [against
God], and persisted in transgressing the bounds of what is right. [48]
(Refer to Moses and Resurrection in your concordance of the Koran.)
Search For: JESUS - English / Muhammad Asad
2:87 For, indeed, We vouchsafed unto Moses the divine writ and caused
apostle after apostle to follow him; [70] and We vouchsafed unto
Jesus, the son of Mary, all evidence of the truth, and strengthened
him with holy inspiration. [71] [Yet] is it not so that every time an
apostle came unto you with something that was not to your liking, you
gloried in your arrogance, and to some of them you gave the lie,
while others you would slay? [72]
---------------------------------------------------------------------2:136 Say: "We believe in God, and in that which has been bestowed
from on high upon us, and that which has been bestowed upon Abraham
and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and ,their descendants, [111] and
that which has been vouchsafed to Moses and Jesus; and that which has
been vouchsafed to all the [other] prophets by their Sustainer: we
make no distinction between any of them. [112] And it is unto Him
that we surrender ourselves."
---------------------------------------------------------------------2:253 Some of these apostles have We endowed more highly than others:
among them were such as were spoken to by God [Himself], and some He
has raised yet higher.' [243] And We vouchsafed unto Jesus, the son
of Mary, all evidence of the truth, and strengthened him with holy
inspiration. [244] And if God had so willed, they who succeeded those
[apostles] would not have contended with one another after all
evidence of the truth had come to them; but [as it was,] they did
take to divergent views, and some of them attained to faith, while
some of them came to deny the truth. Yet if God had so willed, they
would not have contended with one another: but God does whatever He
wills. [245]
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:45 Lo! The angels said: "O Mary! Behold, God sends thee the glad
tiding, through a word from Him, [of a son] who shall become known as
the Christ [32] Jesus, son of Mary, of great honour in this world and
in the life to come, and [shall be] of those who are drawn near unto
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:52 And when Jesus became aware of their refusal to acknowledge the
truth, [41] he asked: "Who will be my helpers in God's cause?" The
white-garbed ones [42] replied: "We shall be [thy] helpers [in the
cause] of God! We believe in God: and bear thou witness that we have
surrendered ourselves unto Him!
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:54 And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; [44] but God
brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers.
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:55 Lo! God said: "O Jesus! Verily, I shall cause thee to die, and
shall exalt thee unto Me, and cleanse thee of [the presence of] those
who are bent on denying the truth; and I shall place those who follow
thee [far] above those who are bent on denying the truth, unto the
Day of Resurrection (Genetic Rejuvenation). In the end, unto Me you
all must return, and I shall judge between you with regard to all on
which you were wont to differ. [45]
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:59 Verily, in the sight of God, the nature of Jesus is as the
nature of Adam, whom He created out of dust and then said unto
him, "Be" - and he is. (For Adam, like Jesus, was Joined with
the Blood of His Consort - the Blood At-One-ment for the
Forgiveness of Sins)[47]
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:84 Say: "We believe in God, and in that which has been bestowed
from on high upon us, and that which has been bestowed upon Abraham
and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their descendants, and that which
has been vouchsafed by their Sustainer unto Moses and Jesus and all
the [other] prophets: we make no distinction between any of them.
And unto Him (God Within) do we surrender ourselves."[68]
---------------------------------------------------------------------4:159 Yet there is not one of the followers of earlier revelation who
does not, at the moment of his death, grasp the truth about Jesus;
[173] and on the Day of Resurrection (from degeneration unto
Regeneration) he [himself] shall bear witness to the truth against
them (who contended against the Truth).
---------------------------------------------------------------------4:163 BEHOLD, We have inspired thee [O Prophet] just as We inspired
Noah and all the prophets after him - as We inspired Abraham, and
Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and their descendants, including Jesus
and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon; and as We vouchsafed unto
David a book of divine wisdom (i.e. The Book of Psalms); [178]
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:46 And We caused Jesus, the son of Mary, to follow in the footsteps
of those [earlier prophets], confirming the truth of whatever there
still remained [63] of the Torah; and We vouchsafed unto him the
Gospel, wherein there was guidance and light, confirming the truth of
whatever there still remained of the Torah, and as a guidance and
admonition unto the God-conscious.
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:78 THOSE of the children of Israel who were bent on denying the
truth have [already] been cursed by the tongue of David and of Jesus,
the son of Mary? [93] this, because they rebelled [against God] and
persisted in transgressing the bounds of what is right.
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:110 Lo! [131] God will say: "O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember the
blessings which I bestowed upon thee and thy mother-how I
strengthened thee with holy inspiration, [132] so that thou couldst
speak unto men in thy cradle, and as a grown man; and how I imparted
unto thee revelation and wisdom, including the Torah and the Gospel;
[133] and how by My leave thou didst create out of clay, as it were,
the shape of [thy followers'] destiny, and then didst breathe into
it, so that it might become, by My leave, [their] destiny ; [134] and
how thou didst heal the blind and the leper by My (God's) permission,
and how thou didst raise the dead by My leave; [135] and how I
prevented the children of Israel from harming thee when thou camest
unto them with all evidence of the truth, and [when] those of them
who were bent on denying the truth were saying, `This is clearly
nothing but deception!"'
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:112 [And,] lo, the white-garbed ones said: "O Jesus, son of Mary!
Could thy Sustainer send down unto us a repast from heaven?" [137]
[Jesus] answered: "Be conscious of God (within), if you are [truly]
believers!" (Be Christ Conscious. Have the Consciousness of God.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:114 Said Jesus, the son of Mary: "O God, our Sustainer! Send down
upon us a repast from heaven: it shall be an ever-recurring feast for
us - for the first and the last of us - and a sign from Thee. And
provide us our sustenance, for Thou art the best of providers!" (God
provides us with the Five Sacraments of Genetic Efflux for the Divine
Purpose of the Resurrection of the Body from degeneration unto
Regeneration - to be Born Again of Rasa and Holy Spirit.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:116 AND LO! God said: [139] O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say
unto men, `Worship me and my mother as deities beside God'?" [Jesus]
answered: "Limitless art Thou in Thy glory! It would not have been
possible for me to say what I had no right to [say]! Had I said this,
Thou wouldst indeed have known it! Thou knowest all that is within
myself, whereas I know not what is in Thy Self. Verily, it is Thou
(God) alone who fully knowest all the things that are beyond the
reach of a created being's perception. (Jesus, like Mohammed, is the
Messenger from God - one in a long list of prophets, who preached
Salvation from Suffering, via the Five Living Waters. One should
worship only the God Within, which is Higher Consciousness.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------6:85 and [upon] Zachariah, and John, and Jesus, and Elijah: every one
of them was of the righteous; (In effect, the Holy Bible and the Nag
Hammadi Gospels are, along with the Holy Koran of the beloved
Prophet, Mohammed, Peace be upon Him.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------JESUS IN THE KORAN, PART II
In effect, Mohammed recommends the writings of Jesus and the Prophets
of the Holy Bible, which he endorses as being of the Theological
Truth. The endorsement for Jesus, means that the Nag Hammadi Gospels
of Thomas and Philip, are also part of the Greater Islamic Canon of
the Holy Scriptures. As we have proven, Rasa Tantra is the Secret
Doctrine in the world's Hermetic Scriptures. This all means that
these Alchemical scriptures of many religions are also part of the
Greater Islamic Canon of Holy Scriptures.
There has been much contention about this "Sufi" interpretation of
the Waters of Purification. The Prophet Mohammed mentions The
Resurrection at least 120 times in the Koran. This term or word,
dates back long before Jesus, to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Refer
to "Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection" by E.A. Wallis Budge, the
world's foremost Egyptologist and the late keeper of Egyptian
Antiquities at the British Museum, London. T.H. James held that post
more recently. He once showed me some Egyptian phallic symbols and
told me: "We laugh at these".
It is time to recognize that such phallicism, which flourishes most
in Hinduism and in the relics of ancient Egypt, are merely
representations of the sexual secretions of man and woman. Ritual
water is poured over both the Siva Lingum and the Egyptian offering
tables, many of which can be found in the Egyptian Museaum, Cairo.
These sacred stones prove that the emphasis should be on the waters
of this "well in Midian (the middle)", once considered sacred, before
the erroneous shame of the naked body and the consequent "Fall of
Adam and Eve from Paradise".
The "Resurrection from the grave" is, in fact, the Resurrection of
the body from degeneration unto Regeneration. The Waters of Life are
not some sexual deviant's fetish, but are, in all Truth, the only
known Way or even experimental protocol to attain Physical
Immortality. If you have another experimental protocol to attain
Physical Immortality, please enlighten us. We have shown you the
scriptural mountain of evidence to prove our assertions. The Sufi
lives! Allahu Akbar! Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 21 through 31 of 31 Verse(s) found. Search For:
JESUS - English / Muhammad Asad
19:37 And yet, the sects [that follow the Bible] are at variance
among themselves [about the nature of Jesus [28] Woe, then, unto all
who deny the truth when that awesome (Resurrection) Day will appear!
---------------------------------------------------------------------43:59 [As for Jesus,] he was nothing but [a human being -] a servant
[of Ours] whom We had graced [with prophethood], and whom We made an
example for the children of Israel .
---------------------------------------------------------------------43:63 NOW WHEN Jesus came [to his people] with all evidence of the
truth, he said: "I have now come unto you with wisdom, [49] and to
make clear Unto you some of that on which you are at variance: [50]
hence, be conscious of God, and pay heed unto me.
---------------------------------------------------------------------43:65 But factions from among those [who came after Jesus] began to
hold divergent views: [51] woe, then, unto those who are bent on
evildoing - [woe] for the suffering [that will befall them] on a grie
vous Day (of Resurrection)!
---------------------------------------------------------------------61:14 O YOU who have attained to faith! Be helpers [in the cause of
God - even as Jesus, the son of Mary, said unto the white-garbed
ones, [14] "Who will be my helpers in God's cause?" - whereupon the
white-garbed [disciples] replied, "We shall be [thy] helpers [in the
cause] of God!" And so [it happened that] some of the children of
Israel came to believe [in the apostleship of Jesus], whereas others
denied the truth. [15] But [now] We have given strength against their
foes unto those who have [truly] attained to faith: [16] and they
have become the ones that shall prevail.
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUFI RESURRECTION OF ISLAM, PART I
In all humility, my brethren, the Day of Resurrection is at hand.
That great day is the day you first learn what the Resurrection is,
or the day you first receive the Resurrection of the Body from
degeneration unto Regeneration. The many religions, with their
ignorant adherents, have failed to comprehend and receive the Truth
which is known in the Bible as the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of
The prophet Mohammed has advised you to study the teachings of the
Holy Bible and the Nag Hammadi Gospels. These teach about this Holy
Marriage Supper, also known as Rasa Tantra, which is also found in
many of the scriptures of all major religions. Always remember that
the map is worthless without making the trip. The Immortal Body, with
its Divine Powers, must be attained. If no one practices this Great
Purification, no one will attain its fruits, and all proseletizing
would be no better than farts from a braying ass.
Jesus cursed the fig tree which did not bear fruit, so, I implore you
to bear the fruit, which is the Resurrection of the Flesh from the
grave. One must truly desire it. Don't be like foolish gossiping
women, preaching about God, but never internalizing the New Genome,
which releases all from suffering. This is that day you hear the
Doctrine against which almost all contend. Do not be counted among
the unbelievers on that Great Day of Genetic Rejuvenation and the
attainment of Spiritual Power. Allahu Akbar. Jai Om. - Swami
How can we respond to their hatred? Karen Armstrong reminds us:
"It is important to recognize that these [fundamentalist] theologies
and ideologies are rooted in fear. The desire to define doctrines,
erect barriers, establish borders, and segregate the faithful in a
sacred enclave where the law is stringently observed, springs from
that terror of extinction which has made all fundamentalists, at one
time or another, believe that the secularists were about to wipe them
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 1 through 20 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
displayed). Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
2:113 Furthermore, the Jews assert, "The Christians have no valid
ground for their beliefs," while the Christians assert, "The Jews
have no valid ground for their beliefs" - and both quote the divine
writ! Even thus, like unto what they say, have [always] spoken those
who were devoid of knowledge;" [93] but it is God who will judge
between them on the Resurrection Day with regard to all on which they
were wont to differ. [94]
---------------------------------------------------------------------2:174 VERILY, as for those who suppress aught of the revelation [140]
which God has bestowed from on high, and barter it away for a
trifling gain - they but fill their bellies with fire. And God will
not speak unto them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He cleanse
them [of their sins]; and grievous suffering awaits them.
---------------------------------------------------------------------2:212 Unto those who are bent on denying the truth the life of this
world [alone] seems goodly; [195] hence, they scoff at those who have
attained to faith: but they who are conscious of God shall be above
them on Resurrection Day. And God grants sustenance unto whom He
wills, beyond all reckoning. [196]
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:55 Lo! God said: "O Jesus! Verily, I shall cause thee to die, and
shall exalt thee unto Me, and cleanse thee of [the presence of] those
who are bent on denying the truth; and I shall place those who follow
thee [far] above those who are bent on denying the truth, unto the
Day of Resurrection. In the end, unto Me you all must return, and I
shall judge between you with regard to all on which you were wont to
differ. [45]
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:77 Behold, those who barter away their bond with God and their own
pledges for a trifling gain - they shall not partake in the blessings
of the life to come; and God will neither speak unto them nor look
upon them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He cleanse them of
their sins; and grievous suffering awaits them. (The "whore" sold its
honor and the priceless Truth verily cheaply.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:180 AND THEY should not think - they who niggardly cling to all
that God has granted them out of His bounty - that this is good for
them: nay, it is bad for them. [138] That to which they [so]
niggardly cling will, on the Day of resurrection, be hung about their
necks: for unto God [alone] belongs the heritage of the heavens and
of the earth; and God is aware of all that you do.
---------------------------------------------------------------------3:185 Every human being is bound to taste death: but only on the Day
of resurrection will you be requited in full [for whatever you have
done] - whereupon he that shall be drawn away from the fire and
brought into paradise will indeed have gained a triumph: for the life
of this world is nothing but an enjoyment of self-delusion.
---------------------------------------------------------------------4:141 who but wait to see what betides you: thus, if triumph comes to
you from God, they say, "Were we not on your side?"- whereas if those
who deny the truth are in luck, they say [to them], "Have we not
earned your affection by defending you against those believers?''
[156] But God will judge between you all on the Day of resurrection;
and never will God allow those who deny the truth to harm the
believers. [157]
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:14 And [likewise,] from those who say, "Behold, we are Christians."
[26] We have accepted a solemn pledge: and they, too, have forgotten
much of what they had been told to bear in mind - wherefore We have
given rise among them to enmity and hatred, [to last] until
resurrection Day: [27] and in time God will cause them to understand
what they have contrived.
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:36 Verily, if those who are bent on denying the truth had all that
is on earth, and twice as much, [47] to offer as ransom from
suffering on the Day of resurrection, it would not be accepted from
them: for grievous suffering awaits them.
---------------------------------------------------------------------5:64 And the Jews say, "God's hand is shackled!" It is their own
hands that are shackled; and rejected [by God] are they because of
this their assertion. [81] Nay, but wide are His hands stretched out:
He dispenses [bounty] as He wills. But all that has been bestowed
from on high upon thee [O Prophet] by thy Sustainer is bound to make
many of them yet more stubborn in their overweening arrogance and in
their denial of the truth. And so We have cast enmity and hatred
among the followers of the Bible , [82] [to last] until Resurrection
Day; every time they light the fires of war, God extinguishes them ;
[83] and they labour hard to spread corruption on earth: and God does
not love the spreaders of corruption.
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUFI RESURRECTION OF ISLAM, PART II
The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Search: for the phrase "resurrection" within Entire Bible
ref Found: 44 matches Results 1 - 44 Group by work
---------------------------------------------------------------------1 Corinthians, chapter 15 that there is no resurrection of the dead?
But if
1 Corinthians, chapter 15 t if there be no resurrection of the dead,
then is Christ not risen:
1 Corinthians, chapter 15 an came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as
1 Corinthians, chapter 15 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It
is sown in corruption;
1 Peter, chapter 1 ly hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead,
1 Peter, chapter 3 d God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who
2 Esdras (Apocrypha), chapter 2 st place in my resurrection. Abide
still, O my pe
2 Maccabees (Apocrypha), chapter 7 shalt have no resurrection to
life. Afterw
2 Maccabees (Apocrypha), chapter 12 s mindful of the resurrection:
For if he had
2 Timothy, chapter 2 saying that the resurrection is past already;
and overthrow the fai
Acts, chapter 1 with us of his resurrection. And they appointed t
Acts, chapter 2 e spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul
was not left in
Acts, chapter 4 ough Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And the
Acts, chapter 4 witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and
great grace was
Acts, chapter 17 m Jesus, and the resurrection. And they took him, a
Acts, chapter 17 y heard of the resurrection of the dead, some
mocked: and others sai
Acts, chapter 23 of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called
in question.
Acts, chapter 23 that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor
spirit: but the Ph
Acts, chapter 24 ere shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the
just and unjust
Acts, chapter 24 em, Touching the resurrection of the dead I am
called in question by
Hebrews, chapter 6 of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of
eternal judgment.
Hebrews, chapter 11 btain a better resurrection: And others had trial
John, chapter 5 e good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that
have done evil,
John, chapter 5 e evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. I can
John, chapter 11 ise again in the resurrection at the last day. Je
John, chapter 11 to her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that
believeth in me
Luke, chapter 14 compensed at the resurrection of the just. And wh
Luke, chapter 20 t there is any resurrection; and they asked him,
Luke, chapter 20 erefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is
she? for seven had
Luke, chapter 20 world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither
marry, nor are gi
Luke, chapter 20 children of the resurrection. Now that the dead ar
Mark, chapter 12 ay there is no resurrection; and they asked him,
Mark, chapter 12 In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise,
whose w
Matthew, chapter 22 at there is no resurrection, and asked him,
Matthew, chapter 22 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall
she be of the seven?
Matthew, chapter 22 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor
are given in
Matthew, chapter 22 as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye
not read that whi
Matthew, chapter 27 graves after his resurrection, and went into the
holy city, and appe
Philippians, chapter 3 e power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, b
Philippians, chapter 3 attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not
as t
Revelation, chapter 20 his is the first resurrection. Blessed and
holy is h
Revelation, chapter 20 t in the first resurrection: on such the
second death hath no power,
Romans, chapter 1 holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: By wh
Romans, chapter 6 likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that ou
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad IslamiCity
Displaying Verse 21 through 40 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
displayed). Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
7:32 Say: "Who is there to forbid the beauty which God has brought
forth for His creatures, and the good things from among the means of
sustenance?" Say: "They are [lawful] in the life of this world unto
all who have attained to faith - to be theirs alone on Resurrection
Day." [24] Thus clearly do We spell out these messages unto people of
[innate] knowledge!
7:167 And lo! Thy Sustainer made it known that most certainly He
would rouse against them (those of the Resurrection of the Body from
degeneration unto Regeneration), unto Resurrection Day, people who
would (unjustly) afflict them with cruel suffering: verily, thy
Sustainer is swift in retribution - yet, verily, He is [also] muchforgiving, a dispenser of grace.
---------------------------------------------------------------------7:172 AND WHENEVER thy Sustainer brings forth their offspring from
the loins of the children of Adam, He [thus] calls upon them to bear
witness about themselves: "Am I not your Sustainer?" - to which they
answer: "Yea, indeed, we do bear witness thereto!" [139] [Of this We
remind you,] lest you say on the Day of Resurrection, "Verily, we
were unaware of this"; (You now bear the responsibility of knowing
the Truth, which so many others have long rejected. For more
information, read "The Tantrayudha of Sai Ram". Will you conform to a
long-established erroneous norm and "kow-tow" to the mind-set of
the "store-bought puta"? Or will you bestow the blessed possibility
to your family and its descendents for a much longer and happier life
without the need for so many material possesssions?)
---------------------------------------------------------------------10:26 For those who persevere in doing good, there is the ultimate
good in store, and more [than that]. [41] No darkness and no ignominy
will overshadow their faces [on Resurrection Day]: it is they who are
destined for paradise, therein to abide.
---------------------------------------------------------------------10:48 And yet, they [who deny the truth] are wont to ask, "When is
that promise [of Resurrection and judgement] to be fulfilled? [Answer
this, O you who believe in it,] if you are men of Truth!" (I for one
shall answer as commanded by the beloved Prophet Mohammed: That
Promise of the Resurrection is being served to the people this very
day! The Promise is that this "Al Ikshir", this "Stone of Stumbling"
is the Elixir of Life, whereby it is possible to be, as Jesus called
it, "Born Again of water or bioplasma and Holy Spirit". In other
words, the Promise is Genetic Rejuvenation, with increased health and
physical longevity, accompanied by the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit",
mentioned In I Corinthians 12, in the Holy Bible. When the Prophet
endorsed Jesus and the Hebrew prophets, it meant he recommends that
you study their writings. Do not allow "turf wars" or petty
sectarianism blind you to this fact.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------10:60 But what do they think - they who attribute their own lying
inventions to God - [what do they think will happen to them] on the
Day of Resurrection? Behold, God is indeed limitless in His bounty
unto men -but most of them are ungrateful. (We are often deceived by
the five enemies which others hide inside themselves. These five
enemies are the LACK of: Compassion, Reason, Intelligence, Knowledge,
or Integrity. The Holy Bible bespeaks the Day of the "laying down of
contentions". This Blessed Day of Resurrection will come when we
treat this question without prejudice from prior indoctrination. This
matter of the Resurrection should be treated like a court trial. This
Messenger of Rasa Tantra has been falsely accused of blasphemy, but
he cannot be proven innocent until all the evidence in his defense is
presented to the jury. Anything less than this would not only be
unscientific, but would also be what the law calls an Obstruction of
Justice. Has someone intimidated the jury with the threat of
sanctions against those who do not conform to an erroneous norm? Or
has someone bribed the jury with the paltry goods of this world, to
denounce the Only Truth which will bestow the Priceless Gift of
Everlasting Life without suffering? Do not be counted among the
immoral majority. Join now with the Prophet Mohammed in fulfilling
his wish that the Day of resurrection be a blessing for the people,
instead of a condemnation for having rejected it.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------10:93 And [thereafter], indeed, We assigned unto the children of
Israel a most goodly abode, [113] and provided for them sustenance
out of the good things of life. And it was not until knowledge [of
God's revelation] was vouchsafed to them that they began to hold
divergent views: [but,] verily, thy Sustainer will judge between them
on Resurrection Day regarding all on which they were wont to differ.
---------------------------------------------------------------------11:21 It is they who have squandered their own selves-for [on the Day
of Resurrection] all their false imagery [42] will have forsaken
them: (For more information about this Resurrection, refer to the
search function or Concordance of the Holy Bible. The "false imagery"
is all except the Resurrection and the moral life. The popes, Dalai
Lamas, high priests, their temples, icons and other articles have
been compared to "Pavlov's dogs" who salivate at the sound of a bell,
long-associated with eating pleasant pork. Accept no counterfeits for
Salvation. The Resurrection from the grave, unto the Rebirth of body
and Spirit, is the only True and Complete Salvation from Suffering.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------13:31 Yet even if [they should listen to] a [divine] discourse by
which mountains could be moved, or the earth cleft asunder, or the
dead made to speak - [they who are bent on denying the truth would
still refuse to believe in it]! [54] Nay, but God alone has the power
to decide what shall be. [55] Have, then, they who have attained to
faith not yet come to know that, had God so willed; He would indeed
have guided all mankind aright? [56] But as for those who are bent on
denying the truth-in result of their [evil] deeds, sudden calamities
will always befall them or will alight close to their homes; [57]
[and this will continue] until God's promise [of Resurrection] is
fulfilled: verily, God never fails to fulfil His promise!
(The "Resurrection of the dead", like most other allegories of
ancient scriptures, is not to be taken literally, but figuratively,
which symbolic interpretation leads to the very real possibility for
Genetic Rejuvenation, the increased Physical Energy of which will
activate the Siddhis or Gifts of the Holy Spirit.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------14:44 Hence, warn men of the Day when this suffering may befall them,
and when those who did wrong [in their lifetime] will exclaim: "O our
Sustainer! Grant us respite for a short while, so that we might
respond to Thy call and follow the apostles!" [57] [But God will
answer:] "Why? Were you not aforetime wont to swear that no kind of
resurrection and retribution awaited you? [58] (Don't acknowledge the
Truth too late.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------14:45 And yet, you dwelt in the dwelling-places of those who had
sinned against their own selves [before your time], [59] and it was
made obvious to you how We had dealt with them: for We have set forth
unto you many a parable [of sin, resurrection and divine
retribution]." [60] (To reject the possibility for a Resurrection
unto a longer and happier life, is to sin against yourselves.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------16:25 Hence, [17] on resurrection Day they shall bear the full weight
of their own burdens, as well as some of the burdens of those
ignorant ones whom they have led astray: [18] oh, how evil the load
with which they shall be burdened! (We all know that evil has caused
the "blind to lead the blind to the cliff, there to fall into the
abyss of ungodly hell.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------16:27 And then, on resurrection Day, He will cover them [all] with
ignominy, [22] and will say: "Where, now, are those beings to whom
you ascribed a share in My Divinity, [23] [and] for whose sake you
cut yourselves off [from My guidance]?" [24] [Whereupon] those who
[in their lifetime] were endowed with knowledge [25] will
say: "Verily, ignominy and misery [have fallen] this day upon those
who have been denying the truth---------------------------------------------------------------------16:37 [As for those who are bent on denying the truth-] though thou
be ever so eager to show them the right way, [know that,] verily, God
does not bestow His guidance upon any whom He judges to have gone
astray; [37] and such shall have none to succour them [on
Resurrection Day].
---------------------------------------------------------------------16:39 [He will Resurrect them] to the end that He might make clear
unto them all whereon they [now] hold divergent views, [40] and that
they who are bent on denying the truth [of Resurrection] might come
to know that they were liars. (When, with His sacrifice, which was
only water, Elijah won the contest against the priests of Baal, he
had the witnesses drown them in the river, for he knew those false
priests were liars, who would contend against Truth and Salvation
until they were no more.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUFI RESURRECTION OF ISLAM, PART III
Edited by Swami Tantrasangha
Allah had eight sons. Each were of one of the world's major
religions: Taoism, Mahayana, Hinduism, Theravada, Judaism,
Christianity and Islam. His eighth son was a composite of his seven
older brothers. When asked what was his religion, he answered: "I am
of all religions, but NOT of any one religion alone, to the exclusion
of the others". They asked him what he called this non-sectarian
religion. He answered: "I call it the Science of Salvation from
There is a once secret, now forgotten doctrine, mentioned in the
scriptures of all the world's major religions. We call it Rasa
Tantra, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God, the Union of Prajna
and Upaya, or the Yin-Yang Union. Scriptures claim that, if this
Doctrine is correctly practiced, one can be released from Eight Major
Sufferings. Now, we have but to prove it or disprove it by practicing
this purification.
This Kriya or Purification was to alleviate hunger and thirst, to
cure diseases, to slow or stop senescence, to rebuild the brain, thus
improving emotions and finally to enable one to enter realms
heretofore inaccessible to one's Consciousness. As Hermetic
Scientists, faithful to Almighty God and his Messengers, it is our
duty to ascertain, without prejudice, if this practice really works
or not. We have the faith to try it.
God's Non-Sectarian Son was now to be married in a Tantric Union.
Invitations were sent to all the other sons, but, when told that all
the other brothers, against whom they were prejudiced, would be
there, most would not attend the Wedding Feast of the non-sectarian
Tantric Son. And, in like manner, many will choose to remain
violently prejudiced against other religions, and already are
especially prejudiced against the religion which has no prejudice at
all. What will their Father do unto them on the Day of Resurrection?
Jai Om. - Swami Tantrasangha
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 41 through 60 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
displayed). Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
17:13 And every human being's destiny have We tied to his neck; [17]
and on the Day of Resurrection We shall bring forth for him a record
which he will find wide open; (This refers to the Akashic Records,
which is Allah's memory of the thoughts, words and deeds of each
individual's life. This is one's karma, and determines one's fate. As
Jesus said: "As you sow, so shall you reap. (So) do unto others as
you would have them do unto you". Many are in error, believing there
will be no reward for good deeds and no punishment for bad deeds.
Life is more than serendipity and happenstance. Like Einstein
said: "God does not play dice with the Universe". Refer to the famous
psychic, Edgar Cayce's book about Karma. Those who don't care about
right and wrong should be warned that there are even selfish reasons
for doing the right thing, for, although it is hard to prove, for
every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When Pharaoh
put a "hit contract" on all First-Born or Resurrected persons of the
Hebrews, what happened? The curse was reversed, and it was
the "Egyptian" First-Born which had to die. Similarly, if you
assassinate the Life-Bringer, you have nothing but your own welldeserved death in recompense. When the dust cloud passes through, you
must place the Blood of the Lamb between the two lintels or doorposts, representing male and female, and eat the "flesh of the
Passover Lamb" as quickly as possible, in order to attain the
required mixture in the bioplasma for the Resurrection of the Body to
occur. Copy? Of course the "Egyptians" are merely a symbolical
representation, and does not refer to the beloved inhabitants of the
literal nation of Egypt.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------17:58 And [bear in mind:] there is no community which We will not
destroy before the Day of Resurrection, [69] or chastise [even
earlier, if it proves sinful,] with suffering severe: all this is
laid down in Our decree. [70]
---------------------------------------------------------------------17:97 And he whom God guides, he alone has found the right way;
whereas for those whom He lets go astray thou canst never find anyone
to protect them from Him: and [so, when] We shall gather them
together on the Day of Resurrection, [they will lie] prone upon their
faces, blind and dumb and deaf, with hell as their goal; [and] every
time [the fire] abates, We shall increase for them [its] blazing
flame. [112]
18:105 It is they (the evildoers) who have chosen to deny their
Sustainer's messages and the Truth; that they are destined to meet
Him." Hence, all their [good] deeds come to nought, and no weight
shall We assign to them on Resurrection Day. [104] (Although good
deeds are praiseworthy, they do not bestow the Resurrection of the
Body from degeneration unto Regeneration.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------19:95 ...and every one of them (the evildoers) will appear before Him
on Resurrection Day in a lonely state. [79] (Unlike the storebought "puta", who sold both her honor and the priceless gift of
Eternal Life for a paltry sum, Allah is not a traitor to the
Righteous, but bestows mercy upon those who deserve it.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------20:100 All who shall turn away from it (Truth) will, verily, bear a
[heavy] burden on the Day of Resurrection:
---------------------------------------------------------------------20:101 they will abide in this [state], and grievous for them will be
the weight [of that burden] on the Day of Resurrection ---------------------------------------------------------------------20:124 But as for him who shall turn away from remembering Me - his
shall be a life of narrow scope [109] and on the Day of Resurrection
We shall raise him up blind."
---------------------------------------------------------------------20:125 [And so, on Resurrection Day, the sinner] will ask: "O my
Sustainer! Why hast Thou raised me up blind, whereas [on earth] I was
endowed with sight?"
---------------------------------------------------------------------21:47 But We shall set up just balance-scales on Resurrection Day,
and no human being shall be wronged in the least: for though there be
[in him but] the weight of a mustard-seed [of good or evil], We shall
bring it forth; and none can take count as We do!
---------------------------------------------------------------------21:97 the while the true promise [of Resurrection] draws close [to
its fulfillment]. But then, lo! the eyes of those who [in their
lifetime] were bent on denying the truth will stare in horror, [and
they will exclaim:] "Oh, woe unto us! We were indeed heedless of this
[promise of Resurrection]! - nay, we were [bent on] doing evil!" [95]
---------------------------------------------------------------------21:103 The supreme awesomeness [of the Day of Resurrection] will
cause them (the Righteous) no grief, since the angels will receive
them with the greeting. "This is your Day [of triumph - the Day]
which you were promised!"
---------------------------------------------------------------------22:5 O MEN! If you are in doubt as to the [truth of] Resurrection,
[remember that,] verily, We have created [every one of] you out of
dust, then out of a drop of sperm, then out of a germ-cell, then out
of an embryonic lump complete [in itself] and yet incomplete [4] so
that We might make [your origin] clear unto you. And whatever We will
[to be born] We cause to rest in the [mothers'] wombs for a term set
[by Us], and then We bring you forth as infants and [allow you to
live] so that [some of] you might attain to maturity: for among you
are such as are caused to die [in childhood], just as many a one of
you is reduced in old age to a most abject state, ceasing to know
anything of what he once knew so well. [5] And [if, O man, thou art
still in doubt as to the Resurrection, consider this:] thou canst see
the earth dry and lifeless - and [suddenly,] when We send down waters
upon it, it stirs and swells and puts forth every kind of lovely
plant! (I love this verse!)
---------------------------------------------------------------------22:9 ...scornfully turning aside [from the Truth] so as to lead
[others] astray from the path of God. Disgrace [of the spirit] is in
store for him in this world; [7] and on the Day of Resurrection We
shall make him taste suffering through fire;
---------------------------------------------------------------------22:17 Verily, as for those who have attained to faith [in this divine
writ], and those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Sabians, [18]
and the Christians, and the Magians, [19] [on the one hand,] and
those who are bent on ascribing divinity to aught but God, [on the
other,] [20] verily, God will decide between them on Resurrection
Day: for, behold, God is witness unto everything.
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUFI RESURRECTION OF ISLAM, PART IV
Edited by Swami Tantrasangha
The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
From the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 23:
"1": Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,
"2": Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:
"3": All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and
do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
"4": For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay
them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with
one of their fingers.
"5": But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make
broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
"6": And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in
the synagogues,
"7": And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi,
"8": But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ
(as Allah within you); and all ye are brethren.
"9": And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your
Father, which is in heaven. (Catholics, take note.)
"10": Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even
Christ (as Allah Within you.).
"11": But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
(Ahamkar or egotism is the great enemy of the Sanatana Dharma or
Eternal Gospel.)
"12": And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that
shall humble himself shall be exalted. (Islam means submission - a
characteristic of the humble. As Jesus said: "The meek shall inherit
the earth.)
"13": But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in
yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. (Like
Jesus said: "Beware the wolves in Lamb's clothing". We are not
talking about only one religion here.)
"14": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour
widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye
shall receive the greater damnation. (Clergy bear more responsibility
than laymen for theological error and its consequent lack of good
"15": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass
sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him
twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Indeed, the Book of
Revelations speaks of the "Great Abominable Whore of the Earth",
indicating the Biblical "Abomination of Desolation", in which only
a handful of people support Theological Truth, in a world desolate of
the necessary qualities to find it.)
"16": Woe unto you, ye blind guides...
"17": Ye fools and blind...
"23": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay
tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier
matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to
have done, and not to leave the other undone.
"24": Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
"25": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make
clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are
full of extortion and excess.
"26": Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup
and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
"27": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are
like unto WHITED SEPULCHRES, which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are WITHIN FULL OF DEAD MEN'S BONES within full of dead men's
bones, and of all uncleanness. (The dead are dying. We are trying to
explain that the "Resurrection of the dead from the grave" is only
Genetic Rejuvenation of the body, from degeneration to Regeneration.
See "Regeneration" in your Holy Bible Concordance.)
"28": Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within
ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
"29": Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye
build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the
"30": And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would
not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
"31": Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the
children of them which killed the prophets.
"32": Fill ye up then the measure (of those murdered by) your
"33": Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the
damnation of hell?
"34": Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and
scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them
shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to
"35": That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the
earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias
son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
"36": Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this
"37": O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and
stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have
gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens
under her wings, and ye would not!
"38": Behold, your house is left unto you desolate (of any
improvement in anyone's body, mind or Spirit).
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 61 through 80 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
22:69 [For, indeed,] God will judge between you [all] on resurrection
Day with regard to all on which you were wont to differ. [85] (Why
wait? Bring in a polygraph machine, a lie detector, to prove what I
am saying, that the messenger and the Message are both taboo, because
they already know they lie. Following Elijah's successful contest
against the Baal priests, he had them drowned in the river. The
contest was between the two "sacrifices" - that of the "Baal priests"
and that of Elijah. The Lord himself was to accept the True Sacrifice
by igniting a fire (Agni, the Holy Spirit) under the altar (inside
the body). Elijah's sacrifice was only water (the Five Sacraments of
Genetic Efflux). The True Sacrifice is what "kindled the fire" of
Kundalini Shakti, which can be measured by scientific instruments.
Elijah destroyed the priests, since they already had known all along
that they were in the wrong and were attempting to cover it up. Don't
be a confirmed liar, lest ye suffer the same fate. We must be honest
to ourselves concerning our commitment to Salvation from Suffering.
All else will surely die, not by the hand of Elijah, but by by one's
own self-deceptions. Only real honesty can get real positive results.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------23:16 and then, behold! you shall be raised from the dead on
Resurrection Day. (If you will die of old age in only a few decades,
then you are already dying. And if you are dying, you are already
among the dead. You must dispel many ridiculous misinterpretations of
Holy Scriptures, for all misinterpretations are but blasphemous
heresies. I heard somewhere that Mohammed once shocked his followers.
After conquering many lands and peoples, He said the Real Jihad had
not as yet begun. The Sufi has long understood that obtaining a lot
of property is of no Spiritual Value, and that attaining Knowledge or
Gnosis of Theological Truth is the only Real Religious Jihad.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------25:3 And yet, some choose to worship, instead of Him, imaginary
deities that cannot create anything but are themselves created, [4]
and have it not within their power to avert harm from, or bring
benefit to, themselves, and have no power over death, nor over life,
nor over Resurrection!
---------------------------------------------------------------------25:40 And they [who now deny Our messages] must surely have come
across that town which was rained upon by a rain of evil: [35] have
they, then, never beheld it [with their minds eye]? But nay, they
would not believe in the Resurrection (of the body from degeneration
unto Regeneration)! [36]
---------------------------------------------------------------------25:69 ...[but the evildoer] shall have his suffering doubled on
Resurrection Day: for on that [Day] he shall abide in ignominy. (This
is that day in which the Resurrection is finally explained and
revealed unto you. When the Biblical "Tribulations" of famine or
hunger, plague or disease, old age or senescence, and the threat of
death come, you must be equipped with Faith in the Resurrection,
which is the willingness to do as the Holy Bible states: "When the
dust cloud of Passover comes, ye must place the blood of the Lamb
between the two doorposts or sexes, and eat as fast as possible the
flesh of the Passover Lamb", which is nothing other than the Five
Sacraments of Genetic Efflux, the man consuming the woman, and the
woman partaking of the man. This Purification of mind and body is the
physical part of the theology of the world's seven major religions,
including the ancient religions of Egypt, Persia and Mesopotamia. It
is the greatest single Survival Technique known.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------26:202 ...that will come upon them [on Resurrection Day,] all of a
sudden, without their being aware [of its approach]; (Jesus told the
Parable of the "Foolish Virgins", who had no "oil in their lamps when
the bridegroom arrived". One should begin the Resurrection
Purification long before the coming of the time whin there is no more
time for preparation. It may be already too late to begin once the
Tribulations of war, famine, and plague have begun.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------27:71 And [when] they ask, "When is this promise [of Resurrection] to
be fulfilled? [Answer this, O you who believe in it,] if you are men
of truth!" (I am a man of Truth. The fulfillment of the Promise of
Resurrection is now. Today you have received the Gnosis of HOW to
Resurrect. The only events remaining will be your own Physical
Resurrection, in order to survive the lifethreatening "Tribulations".)
---------------------------------------------------------------------28:41 [We destroyed them,] and We set them up as archetypes [of evil]
that show the way to the fire [of hell]; [40] and [whereas] no
succour will come to them on Resurrection Day, (This, of course,
refers to the fate of those who oppose the Resurrection of the Body
from degeneration unto Regeneration.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------28:42 We have caused a curse to follow them in this world as well;
[41] and on resurrection Day they will find themselves among those
who are bereft of all good. [42] (This, of course, refers to the vast
majority, who have long rejected the Message and persecuted the
messenger. It is common knowledge that those who perform the selfless
service of preaching the True Revealed Resurrection, so that the
human species might survive, have been persecuted. Having laughed
at "Noah's Ark", there will be nothing to keep them "afloat" when
the "flood" of Ill Bioplasma comes. Reject the Life-Bringer, and
naught remains but death - the "devil's victory". As the Bible
states: "Death, wherein is thy victory?" For, in the words of the
alchemist, Shakespeare: "Death once dead, there's no dying then.")
---------------------------------------------------------------------29:5 Whoever looks forward [with hope and awe] to meeting God [on
Resurrection Day, let him be ready for it]: for, behold, the end set
by God [for everyone's life] is bound to come - and He alone is allhearing, all-knowing! (The day ye learn how to Resurrect or the day
ye actually achieve the Resurrection, can be any day at all, but the
day that the Tribulations come suddenly and unexpectedly - That Day
of Reckoning by Resurrection is one single day.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------29:13 Yet most certainly will they have to bear their own burdens,
and other burdens besides their own; [10] and most certainly will
they be called to account on Resurrection Day for all their false
assertions! (The waters of the flood will wash the earth clean of
those who make false assertions against the True Revealed
Resurrection of the dead. "It will all come out in the wash",
concerning matters of which they differed from Truth.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------29:25 And [Abraham] said: "You have chosen to worship idols instead
of God for no other reason than to have a bond of love [19] in the
life of this world, between yourselves [and your forebears]: [20] but
then, on Resurrection Day, you shall disown one another and curse one
another - for the goal of you all will be the fire, and you will have
none to succour you.
---------------------------------------------------------------------30:56 But those who [in their lifetime] were endowed with knowledge
[51] and faith will say: "Indeed, you have been tardy in [accepting
as true] what God has revealed, [52] [and you have waited] until the
Day of Resurrection: this, then, is the Day of Resurrection: but you you were determined not to know it! [53] (The "Great Taboo" is the
knowledge that one's own self is false. For that unreasonable reason,
the Message and the messenger of the Resurrection are taboo to the
masses of people. Allah knows that you have long been aware of this
evil and irrational mischief. You will therefore have to bear the
burden of responsibility for it. As Mahatma Gandhi said: "Those who
allow a crime to happen are equally responsible with those who commit
that crime".)
---------------------------------------------------------------------30:60 Remain, then, patient in adversity: verily, God's promise [of
Resurrection] is true indeed - so let not those who are devoid of all
inner certainty disquiet thy mind!
---------------------------------------------------------------------31:28 [For Him,] the creation of you all and the Resurrection of you
all is but like [the creation and Resurrection of] a single soul:
[26] for, verily, God is all-hearing, all-seeing. (Allahu Akbar! Jai
Om. Praise Jesus the Christ and the prophet Mohammed! Amen.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUFI RESURRECTION OF ISLAM, PART V
Edited by Swami Tantrasangha
RUSTY COFFINS! Does that sound too dumb to be anything other than a
joke? Not to a sectarian fundamentalist "Christian"! Having read the
Biblical accounts of the Resurrection, one notes that its longer name
is "the Resurrection of the dead from the grave"! The fundamentalist
interpretation of that, and every other allegory for that matter, is
quite literal! And when you tell them this story only symbolizes the
rediscovery of a therapeutic protocol to Rejuvenate the body, they
don't believe it. Once again, they believe in the impossible and
don't believe in the possible!
Jesus once told a man he was dead. The man answered that he was not
dead, because he had a body and was talking to him. Jesus asked if
the man was dying. The man answered that he was not dying. Jesus
asked if the man would die someday within a few deacades. The man
answered yes. Jesus answered that, if he was going to die that soon,
he was already dying, and if he was dying, he was already dead. We
must be Resurrected from degeneration unto Regeneration. One leads to
death, and the other leads to Eternal Life in the Holy Spirit. Take
your pick: Ridiculous squeaky hinges or Scientific Genetic
Rejuvenation. Will you be left behind on the day that the Saints of
God are Born Again of bioplasma and Holy Spirit - the Islamic Day of
The Book of the Revelation of John states: "I give you a white stone
(a Purified Bioplasma) with a New Name (New Genome, Gene Name, or DNA
Genetic Code) on it, and nobody will know that Name but you". That is
when the Male Genome and the Female Genome each drop half their
chromosomes and recombine into a New Genome - half male and half
female. That is called Mitosis, the first act of a Fertilized, newlyConceived combined sperm and egg. In Matthew 23, Jesus said: "Ye
hypocrites are whited sepulchres, filled with dead men's bones".
Don't be a hypocrite. Take the Waters of Life and become Born Again
of Water and Spirit! Wearing the "Wedding Garment", you are no longer
Sita and Ram, but have been Reborn as Sita-Ram, which is Sat Nam the True Name or Nature of the Twice-Born Brahmin priest. Jai Om. Sw. Tantrasangha
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 81 through 100 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
displayed). Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
31:33 O MEN! Be conscious of your Sustainer, and stand in awe of the
Day on which no parent will be of any avail to his child, nor a child
will in the least avail his parent! Verily, God's promise [of
Resurrection] is true indeed: let not, then, the life of this world
delude you, and let not [your own] deceptive thoughts about God
delude you! [30] (The obvious main deceptive delusion is the simple
fact that most people are terrified by the Message or the messenger.
This means you have programmed youselves to remain ignorant of the
most important facts in your lives - the whole subject of why we
suffer and how it can be cured, so that one can live relatively
painlessly for centuries or even millennia. Having shut out the cure
from your mind and your lives, is it any wonder that you and others
like you suffer so much? Is it any wonder that we live in a doomed
world, in which only those unlike you, with your quarantine against
Gnosis, have any hope for respite from suffering now and in the
future? Although this psychotic fear of the longer and happier life
is almost universal, it is no less paranoid schizophrenic. Upon death
and your judgement by Allah, a plea of insanity may not be acceptable
to Allah on the Day of Resurrrection. A plea of"not guilty by reason
of insanity" may not apply in the "courtroom" of one's own karma.
Therefore, it is wise to thoroughly investigate any claims for
Salvation from Suffering. Among those who are honest, reasonable, and
faithful, any "Suppression of Evidence" would be "Interference with
an Investigation", which is an "Obstruction of Justice". Theological
Truth dwells NOT among such maniacs.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------32:25 VERILY, it is God alone who will decide between men [21] on
Resurrection Day with regard to all on which they were wont to
differ. [22] (One must remember that God is as we should also be:
Compassionate, reasonable, and honest, with an integrity
uncompromised by peer pressure or greed. God's main work is in
enabling us to attain Salvation from Suffering. Anything contrary to
that mercy, is evil.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------32:27 Are they not aware that it is We who drive the rain onto dry
land devoid of herbage, and thereby bring forth herbage of which
their cattle and they themselves do eat? Can they not, then, see [the
truth of the Resurrection]? (Allah is merciful. Why then, would He
support those who are against the longer and happier life, which the
Resurrection will provide?)
---------------------------------------------------------------------34:29 and so they ask, "When is this promise [of Resurrection and
judgment] to be fulfilled? [Answer this, O you who believe in it,] if
you are men of truth!" [36] (Being of the Truth, we do answer as
Allah and His Prophet Mohammed have commanded. The Gnosis of HOW to
Resurrect yourselves is being provided for you here in the
Tantrayudha of Sai Ram, at this very moment. Then you must practice
the physical, mental and moral Purifications, whereby you can attain
the Resurrection of the physical body from degeneration unto
Regeneration. That day also is whenever it happens for you. But the
Day of Tribulations, when it begins, in which the Resurrection is to
protect you from disease and hunger, that day is a single day, not
far into the future. And, as Jesus said: "No one knows when that day
will be but God". I still believe that, if you can develop prophets
who are good enough, that particular date can be foreseen and
predicted, so that all, but those who "bury their heads in the sand"
can know and prepare for it.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------34:51 IF THOU couldst but see [how the deniers of the truth will fare
on Resurrection Day,] when they will shrink in terror, with nowhere
to escape - since they will have been seized from so close nearby.
[63] (The blood of the True Prophets, murdered by the maniacal masses
for millennia, cries out from the ground for vindication. Dire will
be the fate of those lacking in reason, compassion and integrity those who opposed their own Salvation by Resurrection.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------35:5 O men! Verily, God's promise [of resurrection] is true indeed:
let not, then, the life of this world delude you, and let not [your
own] deceptive thoughts about God delude you! [5] (Christian
sectarian fundamentalists believe Jesus will save them, but deny the
Resurrection whereby He could do it. That is their great theological
---------------------------------------------------------------------35:14 If you invoke them, they do not hear your call; and even if
they could hear, they would not [be able to] respond to you. And
[withal,] on the Day of resurrection they will utterly disown your
having associated them with God. [13] And none can make thee
understand [the truth] like the One who is all-aware.
(Having "kowtowed" to peer pressure and conformed to an erroneous
norm, those who believed more in the maniacal masses than they did in
the real Resurrection, will have no one to defend them or to
recommend them on the day they die. Like Jesus said of the masses and
their "blind guides" and "false shepherds": "They are hirelings and
care not for the flock". Duped by these "wolves in Lamb's clothing",
when the wolf of death and damnation comes, they will have no
protection - no Resurrection.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------36:49 [And they are unaware that] nothing awaits them beyond a single
blast [of God's punishment], [27] which will overtake them while they
are still arguing - [against Resurrection]: (The Resurrection of the
body, provides Salvation from Suffering. Those who reject Salvation,
must suffer, and suffering is God's punishment for infidels.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------36:51 And [then] the trumpet [of Resurrection] will be blown - and
lo! out of their graves towards their Sustainer will they all rush
forth! (Don't be a fool who takes this literally. The "grave" is but
the degenerating body. You must Resurrect from degeneration to
Regeneration, with all its additional mental and emotional benefits.
This is Genetic Rejuvenation. Scientists are already using DNA to
cure diseases! So why do you doubt?)
---------------------------------------------------------------------37:19 ...for that [Resurrection which they deride] will be [upon them
of a sudden, as if it were] but a single accusing cry - and then, lo!
they will begin to see [the truth]. (The Holy Bible prophesies many
times that there will come a major disaster, which will happen in an
instant. Nevertheless, pay attention to the denegrating security
situation which is happening more slowly. Such a calamity will be the
end of those who derided our survival techniques, the main method
being the Resurrection itself.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:15 ...and [it is up to you, O sinners, to] worship whatever you
please instead of Him!" Say: "Behold, the [true] losers will be they
who shall have lost their own selves and their kith and kin on
Resurrection Day: for is not this, this, the [most] obvious loss?
[18] (One must envision God to be the embodiment of Salvation from
Suffering. We must invite God to come inside us, so that we share the
same attributes. What kind of worship is it when we do not invite God
inside and force God outside, where the dogs stay? Worship by doing.
As the Holy Bible says: "Faith without works is nothing". Those of
False Theology will worship, without much success, since their
Theological Gnosis is in error. We have given you this information to
ensure that your Theological Understanding be correct, so that ye be
not deceived into false religions which cannot Save anyone from
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:31 ...and then, behold, on the Day of resurrection you all shall
place your dispute before your Sustainer. (The Holy Bible speaks much
of the Theological Disputes. The sinners disputed against Noah for
building his Ark: "A boat on dry land!" they laughed. But did not the
disciple Peter say that Noah's Ark was a similitude for Baptism with
Living Waters? And did Jesus not say that the story of Noah's Ark was
like the Last Days, preceding and including the Day of Resurrection?
And did not the Pharaoh and those in error dispute against letting
the "Chosen People" go free? And did they not fail to "put the Blood
of the Lamb between the two doorposts", a symbol for the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb of God? And were they not destroyed by the
Passover Cloud as well as by the "two walls of water in the Red Sea"
or blood, through which the Chosen People had passed?)
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:46 Say: "O God! Originator of the heavens and the earth! Knower of
all that is beyond the reach of a created being's perception, as well
as of all that can be witnessed by a creature's senses or mind! [50]
It is Thou who wilt judge between Thy servants [on resurrection Day]
with regard to all on which they were wont to differ!"
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:54 Hence, turn towards your Sustainer [alone] and surrender
yourselves unto Him ere the suffering [of death and resurrection]
comes upon you, for then you will not be succoured. [59]
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:60 And [so,] on the Day of resurrection thou wilt see all who
invented lies about God [with] their faces darkened [by grief and
ignominy]. [62] Is not hell the [proper] abode for all who are given
to false pride? [63]
---------------------------------------------------------------------39:67 And no true understanding of God have they [who worship aught
beside Him], inasmuch as the whole of the earth will be as a [mere]
handful to Him on Resurrection Day, and the heavens will be rolled up
in His right hand: [66] limitless is He in His glory, and sublimely
exalted above anything to which they may ascribe a share in His
---------------------------------------------------------------------41:40 VERILY, they who distort the meaning of Our messages are not
hidden from Us: hence, which [of the two] will be in a better state he that is [destined to be] cast into the fire, or he that shall come
secure [before Us] on Resurrection Day? Do what you will: verily, He
sees all that you do.
---------------------------------------------------------------------42:45 And thou wilt see them exposed to that [doom], humbling
themselves in abasement, looking [around] with a furtive glance - the
while those who had attained to faith will say, "Verily, lost on
[this] Day of Resurrection are they who have squandered their own and
their followers' selves!" [46] Oh, verily, the evildoers will fall
into long-lasting suffering, (For the past quarter century, men have
squandered their Time of Probation, in which they could have been
working towards and preparing for that great Day of Resurrection. We
have little doubt they shall continue to do so until tha Last Day, as
prophesied, when they shall be punished for their reprobate minds and
hearts. For, as Jesus said about the Day of Resurrection: "Many will
be lost and few will be Saved". It is for this reason that the Holy
Koran prophesies that the Righteous will be a mere handful. Despair
not! For these few are more precious in His sight than the multitude
who conformed to an erroneous norm. Like the prophet, Paul Twithell
said: "Conformity so great, you die under the sheer weight of it!")
Edited by Sw. Tantrasangha
Jesus timed His death and Resurrection to happen on the Passover.
This enabled Him to tie in his Gospel to the event of the Passover,
so that He was enabled to say: "I am the Passover Lamb", which was
the Blood Sacrifice, which we call the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of
God, or Rasa Tantra, symbolized by the eating of the flesh of the
Lamb, thereby placing the "Blood of the Lamb" between the two
doorposts, symbolizing male and female. By this, the "Chosen People"
were enabled to survive the Vaporous Dust Cloud of Passover.
In escaping from Spiritual Bondage in (symbolical) Egypt,
pharaoh "hardened his heart", and, like Jezebel the Whore's
assasination designs on Elijah, sought to prevent the Exodus of the
Righteous to Freedom in the "Promised Land, flowing with milk and
Like Jesus said: "You must eat my body and drink my blood, or you
have no Life Within". How does the blood of Jesus save us? By placing
His Androgynous Bioplasma within our own veins, in hopes that the
chromosomes will divide and rejoin, which will begin the process of
cell division or Mitosis. This Conception or Fertilization without
fornication, this Immaculate Conception or Virgin Birth, will give us
a "White Al-Ikshir with a New Genome".
Those who are opposed to this Resurrection of the Body from
degeneration unto Regeneration, will be drowned in the Red Sea of
blood, just like the Baal priests who drowned in the river.
Starvation, disease, and chemical or radiation poisoning, like
senescence, must have an efficaceous cure.
Jesus took up his dead body and gave it Life Again, symbol of the
Universal Islamic Resurrection, by being, like Jesus said: "Born
Again of water and Spirit", which we can all attain, by grace of our
own spouse. May death Pass Over us. A Happy Passover is a Righteous
Resurrection. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha
The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Exodus, chapter 12:
"7": And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side
posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall
eat it.
"10": And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning;
"11": And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on
your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste:
it is the LORD's passover.
"12": For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will
smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and
against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.
"13": And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where
ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the
plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of
"14": And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall
keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall
keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.
"17": for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the
land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your
generations by an ordinance for ever.
"20": Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye
eat unleavened bread.
"21": Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto
them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and
kill the passover.
"22": And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood
that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts
with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at
the door of his house until the morning.
"23": For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when
he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the
LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to
come in unto your houses to smite you.
"24": And ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and to
thy sons for ever.
"25": And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which
the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall
keep this service.
"26": And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto
you, What mean ye by this service?
"27": That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD's passover,
who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when
he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people
bowed the head and worshipped.
"28": And the children of Israel went away, and did as the LORD had
commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.
"29": And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the
firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that
sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the
dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.
"30": And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and
all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was
not a house where there was not one dead.
"31": And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up,
and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of
Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye have said.
"32": Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be
gone; and bless me also.
"33": And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might
send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We be all dead
"37": And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth,
about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children.
"38": And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and
herds, even very much cattle.
"39": And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought
forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust
out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for
themselves any victual.
"40": Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in
Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.
"41": And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of
the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.
"43": And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance
of the passover: There shall no stranger eat thereof:
"44": But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou
hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof.
"47": All the congregation of Israel shall keep it.
"48": And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the
passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let
him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the
land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.
"51": And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring
the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.
Quran - English / Muhammad Asad
Displaying Verse 101 through 120 of 122 Verse(s) found. (20 Verse(s)
displayed). Search For: RESURRECTION - English / Muhammad Asad
45:17 And We gave them clear indications of the purpose [of faith];
[15] and it was only after all this knowledge had been vouchsafed to
them that they began, out of mutual jealousy, to hold divergent
views: [16] [but,] verily, thy Sustainer will judge between them on
Resurrection Day regarding all whereon they were wont to differ. [17]
(Jealousy is the main motive in the annals of human folly, for
jealousy seeks to destroy that which is better, in preference for
that which is worse. Such is the devil's work. They are not jealous
of the sick, the poor, or the ugly. They are jealous of those who are
healthy, rich and beautiful. Jesus was the greatest of us all. His
perfection became the main target of public jealousy. Jealousy
continues its demonic work against the Better Doctrine which gets
better results. Jesus achieved Salvation at least two thousand years
before us. If it is a race, he already won it ages ago. Once you
become humble, intelligent and compassionate, you can become His
disciples. Only then can you be rid of that which is inferior within
---------------------------------------------------------------------45:26 Say: "It is God who gives you life, and then causes you to die;
and in the end He will gather you together on Resurrection Day, [the
coming of] which is beyond all doubt - but most human beings under
stand it not." (If you don't understand what It is, you cannot
perform the necessary Practice to attain it. That is why Jesus called
his original Church "Gnostic". Knowledge is the most important thing
separating us from the beast. Without Gnosis, there can be no
---------------------------------------------------------------------46:5 And who could be more astray than one who invokes, instead of
God, such as will not respond to him either now or on the Day of
Resurrection, [5] and are not even conscious of being invoked? (We
must put Allah inside us. This is the proper Gnosis. Invoking our own
Divinity Within, is that form of "worship" which will get a response.
Invoke God as the Resurrection, for the Resurrection is itself the
the favorite Response of God to man.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------50:5 Nay, but they [who refuse to believe in Resurrection] have been
wont to give the lie to this Truth whenever it was proffered to them;
and so they are in a state of confusion. [4] (As the Holy Bible
states, unbelievers have fabricated a mock faith for the phoney,
who "maketh and loveth a lie". Like Jesus warned: "Beware the wolves
in Lamb's clothing".)
---------------------------------------------------------------------50:20 and [in the end] the trumpet [of Resurrection] will be blown:
that will be the Day of a warning fulfilled. (We warn you that it
will not be well for those who fail to attain the Resurrection.
Nevertheless, they can still bless themselves with the good karma of
righteous thoughts, words and deeds, which will stand in their
defence upon judgement in the hereafter.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------50:45 Fully aware are We of what they [who deny Resurrection] do say;
and thou canst by no means force them [to believe in it]. Yet none
the less, remind, through this Qur'an, all such as may fear My
warning. (The worst quality of evil is its own unchangeable
implacability. Such are all those bound by demonic possession. It is
as if they no longer have the freedom to change for the better. No
words or explanations are possible for those condemned from the
beginning, for God knew from the beginning who would be good and who
---------------------------------------------------------------------57:14 They [who will remain without] will call out to those
[within], "Were we not with you?" - [to which] the others will
answer: "So it was! But you allowed yourselves to succumb to
temptation, [16] and you were hesitant [in your faith], [17] and you
were doubtful [of Resurrection]; and your wishful thinking beguiled
you until God's command came to pass: [18] for, [indeed, your own]
deceptive thoughts about God deluded you. [19] (False religious
doctrines are preferred over True ones. For that unreasonable reason,
the New Dispensation of the Revelation of the Resurrection cannot
change the world, thus spelling the doom of its inhabitants. Jesus
once entered a village, saying: "I come not to condemn you but to
save you". When they stoned him, he had to withdraw and
exclaimed: "Now are you condemned, for you have been given the Truth
and now reject it". In effect, they would not accept his blessing and
thus condemned themselves. This is how the devil condemns himself to
eternal suffering. Ths Savior only saves, and the devil only
---------------------------------------------------------------------58:7 ART THOU NOT aware that God knows all that is in the heavens and
all that is on earth? Never can there be a secret confabulation
between three persons without His being the fourth of them, nor
between five without His being the sixth of them; and neither between
less than that, or more, without His being with them wherever they
may he. But in the end, on Resurrection Day, He will make them truly
understand what they did: for, verily, God has full knowledge of
everything. (Having no proof, men imagine that there is no recompense
for either good or bad thoughts, words and deeds. This is a great
mistake, for as Jesus said: "You will be judged. As you sow, so shall
you reap". This is the reason for his Golden Rule: "Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you". Those of you who have experienced
the "kashf" or "copy" of telepathy, will find it easier to believe in
the Clairvoyance and Clairaudience of the unseen Spirits watching
this world. Those ignorant, to the west, must rely on their own faith
and good will. The Father prefers the child which does not have to be
watched to ensure good behavior, so watch yourself!)
---------------------------------------------------------------------60:3 But [bear in mind that] neither your kinsfolk nor [even] your
own children will be of any benefit to you on Resurrection Day, [for
then] He will decide between you [on your merit alone]: and God sees
all that you do. (Those who have "kowtowed" to peer pressure and have
conformed to an erroneous norm, will not have the others to defend
them, when they face, ALONE, God's judgement and punishment of them
for doing wrong. At the Nuremberg Trials, "Hitler made me do it" was
not considered to be a proper excuse for high crimes against one's
fellow man. Even so shall it be with God's Judgement of us all.)
---------------------------------------------------------------------68:39 Or have you received a solemn promise, binding on Us till
Resurrection Day, that yours will assuredly be whatever you judge [to
be your rightful due]? (We judge ourselves with our every thought,
word and deed. The fact that all such actions are known by us and by
the Unseen Telepath, is like we ourselves condemning or saving
---------------------------------------------------------------------73:18 [the Day] on which the skies shall be rent asunder, [and] His
promise [of Resurrection] fulfilled? (The Resurrection is the
greatest medical, psychological, and spiritual therapy. It is
therefore also the best survival technique known. This explains why
Jesus said: "The meek shall inherit the earth", for those blinded by
pride will refuse to save themselves. Allahu Akbar. God Within Us is
Greatest of All. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha)
---------------------------------------------------------------------THE YONI TANTRA
Edited by Sw. Tantrasangha
translation Mike Magee 1985
These are just excerpts from the longer text.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The earliest reference to yoni (vagina) tattva in Kaula tantra seems
to be in
the Kaula Jnana Nirnaya of Matsyendranath (English translation
published by Prachya Prakashan, Benares, 1986):-- One should always
consume the physical blood and semen. (KJN, Patala 8)
Other Kaula tantras deal with the subject of menstrual blood in very
plain terms. Matrikabheda Tantra (English translation Indological Book
House 1990) describes the different types:-- "Shri Shankara said: The
first menses appearing in a woman who has lost her virginity is
Svayambhu blood. In a maiden born of a married woman and begotten by
another man, that which arises is Kunda menses, the substance causing
the granting of any desire (Yeshe Norbu - the wish-fulfilling gem).
Deveshi, a maiden begotten by a widow gives rise to Gola menses,
subdues gods. The menses arising in the first period after a virgin
becomes a married woman is the all bewildering Svapushpa."
(MT, Patala 8) (Simply put, menses is one of the Five Sacraments
of Genetic Efflux. These alleged different qualities of menses, may
or may not be so.)
The very first chapter of the MT mentions a substance called sambal,
described in the commentary as a woman's menstrual discharge. This
substance allows the tantrik adept to perform various sorts of
alchemical operations. (So far no mention of the more important
Sacrament of urine.)
The Kaulavali Nirnaya (Agamanusandhana Samiti, Calcutta nd), edited
by Sir John Woodroffe, is a digest of other Kaula tantras. Summarising
chapter 18, Sir John paraphrases the tantra:-- "there are people who
regard semen and menstrual fluid with disgust, but they forget that
the body by which they hope to attain Liberation is composed of these
two forms of matter, that the marrow, bone and tendons have come from
the father and the skin, flesh and blood from the mother. It further
says that there is no reason for man's disgust for excreta or urine,
for these are nothing but food or drink which has undergone some
change and contains living creatures, and the Brahman substance is not
absent therefrom...All things are pure. It is one's mentality which
is evil." (KN, introduction, pp19-20)
Reverence for Women
The Kaulas regarded female gurus very highly and there were many
examples of yoginis or female tantriks. In Yoni (Vagina) Tantra
7 we find:-"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels." This
sentiment is echoed in many other tantras, such as Shakti Sangama
Tantra, Devirahasya and elsewhere. A woman is the goddess:-- "Worship
carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Shakti, sheltered by the
Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women." (KJN,
Patala 23) (The shastras are written almost entirely by men. To
the Tantric man, his Tantric mate is the "boat" of his Salvation.
Therefore, she is his Savior, as it were.)
"In Kaula, every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the
Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman. When
she is naked, men must kneel and worship her as the Goddess. She has
equal rights with men on all levels." (Occult World of a Tantrik
Guru, Values Vol.IX)
"Women are heaven; women are dharma; and women are the highest
penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha; and women are the
perfection of Wisdom." (CT 8,30)
Kamarupa, The Yoni Tantra hails from Cooch Bihar (Kocha), but many of
the Kaula Tantras originate from Kamarupa. In Puranic legend, this is
the place where the yoni of Devi fell to earth after the Goddess'
body was sliced into 50 segments by the discus of Vishnu.
First Patala
O Lady Goddess!Worshipping in this manner, liberation is placed
within a person's reach.
After performing yoni puja using these methods, the devotee attains
whatever is desired -- there is no doubt of it. The fruit of doing
puja to the great yoni, deliverer from the ocean of misery, is life
and enhanced vitality.
Second Patala
Having seen the yoni full of menses, after bathing and reciting the
mantra 108 times, a person becomes a Siva on earth. One should recite
the mantra after offering both one's own semen and the yoni flowers.
By all means a sadhaka should have intercourse in the yoni, previously
caressing the Shakti's breasts.One becomes instantly regenerated and
fully alive by using (drinking?) the water from washing (i.e. urine?)
yoni and lingam. After worshipping the great yoni according to
injunction, one should make an offering. The water of the yoni is of
three types (urine, semen, and menstruum) and one should offer it to
the (Kundalini) Shakti.
Third Patala
The miraculous Yoni Tattva Tantra is the best of all tantras. The
only evil in sexual intercourse is disgust for blood and semen.
Combining semen with menses...
Fourth Patala
What knowledge in the three worlds (dimensions) can match the
magnificence of the yoni tattva?
Sixth Patala
Liberation is achieved through enjoyment. Happiness is gained through
enjoyment. Therefore, by every effort, a sadhaka should become an
enjoyer. The wise man should always avoid blame, disgust or shame of
the yoni.
If one should lick the elixir (urine, semen, or menses) at the edge
of the yoni, evil in one's body or dwelling place is certainly
The leftovers (Genetic Efflux) of both the Shakti and the Vira should
be drunk. ...all karmas are destroyed and nothing in the three worlds
becomes unattainable.
Seventh Patala
After eating and drinking, one should then consume yoni tattva. Of
all food, this is the food which should be worshipped fearlessly.
(The Five Yoni Tattvas must be the Five Ambrosias of Mahayana
Tantras: urine, semen, menstruum, milk, and saliva.)
That which has been revealed to you is the whole essence hidden
in all tantra.
...all defects and evils of a hundred births are immediately
destroyed. ...then one is freed from all defects and stains of
all births.
Eighth Patala
Without sexual union there is never liberation.
Meditate with yoni on the tongue, yoni in the mind, yoni in the ears
and yoni in the eyes. Mighty Lady, all sadhana is vain unless with
the yoni. Therefore, reject other pujas and do Yoni Puja.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Translation Lokanath Maharaj 1985. All rights reserved.