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Name: _____________
Chapter 5: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
Section 1: ___________ and Living Things
Deer (and us) get energy from ________________.
Food gets energy from the __________ (either directly or indirectly).
_____________ Store Energy!
 _____________ energy must be converted to ______________ energy that organisms can use during
 Only ___________________ are capable of doing this!
 This process of converting light energy into chemical energy is ____________________.
Breaking Down Food for ________________
 All organisms must produce energy from food.
 Autotrophs can ________________________food.
 _____________________ must take in food to have energy.
 Both autotrophs and heterotrophs must break down food to produce ________ energy.
 This process is ____________ ______________.
Transfer of Energy to ___________
 How are cells like these burning logs?
 ___________ energy was stored in both.
 Energy is being ___________________.
 __________ __________ & water are by-products.
Adenosine _________________
Has 3 _______________ groups in the molecule.
When a phosphate group is removed __________ is produced!
Section 2: Photosynthesis
 In what type of organisms does photosynthesis occur?
 All _________
 ___________
 Some _____________ (cyanobacteria)
Importance of plants & photosynthesis (other than for food):
 ___________ for animals to breathe
 ___________
 Shelter
 ____________
 Regulates ____________________
Photosynthesis: 3 basic stages:
1. ___________ is captured
2. Light energy _______________to chemical energy
3. Organic compounds are formed using __________ __________.
The Formula for photosynthesis:
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2
The __________ is the ____________ of photosynthesis.
__________________ are the organelles in the cell where photosynthesis happens.
The Chloroplasts:
 Are out in the _____________ (≈50 or more/cell)
 Are enclosed in a double ________________
 Have stacks of flattened sacs called ____________ (one sac is a ____________)
 Filled with a solution called the _______________
Stage 1 of photosynthesis: _____________ Absorption
 Reactions of 1st & 2nd stage are called the ___________ reactions (happen because light must be
 White light has many ____________ of light and all have different ____________ and
Light Absorbing Pigments:
 Located in the ________________
 Most important pigments are ________________ a and b
 Pigments absorb different ______________ of light.
 Only chlorophyll a is used in “____________ reactions”
Other pigments:
 Carotenoids (____________)
 Anthocyanin (__________)
 Xanthophylls (____________)
These ____________ pigments help to absorb light frequencies that chlorophyll a can’t.
Producing Oxygen during Photosynthesis:
 Light hits _____________.
 Causes ____________ in chlorophyll to be “excited” and _________ to other molecules
 Electrons are _____________ by other electrons produced when _________ is split.
 _______________ ions (H+) are left & ___________ gas (O2)
Stage 2: Conversion of _________ Energy
 Excited _____________ produce new molecules including _______to store chemical energy.
 Electrons are passed along electron _____________chains.
 Another molecule, ________________, is made to carry electrons.
 ________________ ions accumulate inside ____________
Stage 3: ___________ of energy
 Sometimes called the ________ Reactions since they do not require ________ to power them.
 These reactions require _________ & _________ to run them.
 Also referred to as “Carbon dioxide __________ ” or the “_________ Cycle”
 A complex series of reactions occur in ___________
 Carbon dioxide is used as a ___________ for these.
 _____________ is produced as the end product.
A Comparison of light & dark reactions of photosynthesis:
Light Reactions
Dark Reactions
Reactants used
Products of
photosynthesis made
Role of ATP
Energy Source
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis:
 Light _____________
 _____________ (70°-80° F is best)
 CO2 __________________
Section 3: Cellular Respiration
Cellular Energy: An Overview
 We eat _________.
 It contains ___________, ___________, and ________ which contain __________.
 Cells must transfer that into form of ____________.
 This process is ______________ ____________.
 Two kinds of CR:
 ____________ – uses oxygen
 _____________ – does not use oxygen
For cellular respiration to occur _____________ compounds (like glucose & other carbohydrates) must be
Both types of cellular respiration begin with: ____________________
Then, there are 2 pathways after glycolysis:
One using oxygen - _____________ and
One using no oxygen - ________________
So, what is “glycolysis?”
 1 6-carbon molecule of ____________ is broken down into:
 2 3-carbon molecules of ____________ ________.
 Happens in the ________________
How is energy related to Glycolysis?
 It requires 2 ________ molecules to start glycolysis
 4 ATP molecules are _____________ at the end
 Net gain is only __________ molecules
Stages of Cellular Respiration
The formula:
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O
Stage 1: Glycolysis – ____________ is broken down to ______________
Stage 2: ___________ Cycle and Electron Transport Chain – _________ is produced
Aerobic Respiration
Occurs ________ glycolysis
Uses __________
Produces much more ____________ than anaerobic – approximately ____ times more!
Where does Aerobic Respiration occur? In the ____________________
Stage 2: ATP Production
Has 2 major events:
1. The __________ Cycle
2. The ____________ transport chain
Krebs Cycle:
 Carbon ____________ is released
 Energy containing molecules _________ and ____________are made
 These molecules will provide electrons for next stage.
Electron Transport Chain:
 Electrons cause H+ ions to be pumped ______ across membrane of ____________.
 Concentration _____________ builds up of H+ ions
 34 _________ molecules are formed
 ______________ molecules combine with H+ ions to form ___________
Cellular Respiration with no oxygen: ______________________
 Does not produce any ______!
 Occurs in the ____________
 Two different fermentation pathways:
- ___________ acid fermentation
- ______________fermentation
Lactic Acid ________________: A 3-carbon molecule, ___________, is formed during lactic acid
Some microorganisms (bacteria) use this in _________ & ___________ formation.
Lactic Acid Fermentation occurs in very strenuous __________________
 Muscles use up ______________
 ____________________forms in the muscle tissue and they become sore
____________ Fermentation: Used by some _________ cells and unicellular organisms – especially
Two products are formed: 1. Ethyl ___________ and 2. ___________ _____________
Anaerobic summary: It is not an efficient way to produce _____________
 Only 3.5% of glucose’s energy is transferred into _________