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Social Studies 9
Chapter 6 –
Canada at War
Name: _________________
Date: __________________
Social Studies 9
Map of Europe in 1939
Write the names of the following countries on the map of Europe. Trace the countries in
different colours to help you distinguish between them. Refer to the maps in your
textbook to help you.
Germany (A)
France (B)
Denmark (C)
Great Britain (D)
Romania (E)
U.S.S.R. (F)
Poland (G)
Hungary (H)
Greece (I)
Switzerland (J)
Spain (K)
Yugoslavia (L)
Finland (M)
Albania (N)
Belgium (O)
Norway (P)
Estonia (Q)
Italy (R)
Sweden (S)
Latvia (T)
Lithuania (U)
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
Chapter 6 – Canada at War
1. Reparation
____3.__ To join or add to a larger thing. Example :
Germany annexed Austria in March 1938.
2. Dictator
____5.__ Legal obligation to join the armed forces.
3. Annex
____7.__ Ships that transport commercial goods during
4. Appeasement
____11._ Term used to describe the elimination of Jews and
others by the Nazis during the Second World War.
This word means “total destruction”, especially by fire.
5. Conscription
____4.__ The policy of giving in to demands of an unfriendly
power to prevent conflict.
6. Blitzkrieg
____10._ Systematic measures to exterminate a national,
cultural, religious, or racial group. Example :
7. Merchant marine
____1.__ Compensation provided because of injury or wrong.
Example : Germany had to pay compensation to the
victors after World War 1.
8. Convoy
____9.__ During war, the area where active fighting is going on
between opposing armies.
9. Fronts
____6.__ Also known as “lightning war”. A sudden violent
attack combining airplanes, armour, and mobile
infantry designed to quickly overcome the enemy.
____8.__ Escort, especially a naval escort to protect merchant
ships from submarine attack during wartime.
____2.__ A person who seizes control of a government.
Example : Hitler in Germany or Mussolini in Italy.
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
Canada at War
1. How many Canadians participated in the war effort of
the Second World War?
1/10 or 10% were enrolled and millions of others
2. Why was the Juno Beach Centre constructed? In
what year? Where?
The centre was constructed on June 6, 2003 in
Normandy, France. It was constructed to commemorate
Canada’s role in the Second World War. It is a cultural
museum that presents the diverse contributions of
Canadians during WW2.
The Road to War
2. Explain why Canada and the world carefully watched
events unfolding in Europe during the summer of 1939.
What was happening?
A second world was very likely. Germany wanted Poland,
and Great Britain and France were Poland’s allies. If
Great Britain entered the war, Canada would then have
to decide whether or not to enter into war as well.
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
3. What are the two main factors that contributed to the
Second World War?
(a) the Treaty of Versailles – The Germans found that
this treaty was unfair. Since they were so angry with the
terms of the treaty, the Nazi Party was elected in 1933.
(b) the policy of appeasement – The world leaders
wanted to avoid another war, so they gave Hitler what he
4. Describe the Treaty of Versailles.
The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement that
ended WW1. It punished Germany for starting the First
World War by taking away land and by forcing it to pay
reparations to the victors.
5. Who are the leaders that signed the Treaty of
Versailles? Why did the allies follow a policy of
appeasement? What were the consequences of this
 Britain France signed the treaty.
 They did not oppose Hitler because they wanted to
avoid another war at all costs.
 Because of this policy, Hitler gained power. Once in
power, he banned all other political parties and
became a dictator. He did not respect the terms of
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
the Treaty of Versailles. He rebuilt Germany’s armed
forces and began to annex the territories taken away
after the First World War.
6. Did the policy of appeasement work? How do you
No, the policy did not work because Hitler demanded
more and more of the territory that Germany had lost due
to the Treaty of Versailles. When Germany invaded
Poland on September 1, 1939, the allies had had
enough. They declared war against Germany two days
Canada at War
1. Did Canada automatically enter the Second World
War? Why? When did Canada officially declare war on
No, because during the 1920s and 1930s, Canada
changed its relations with Great Britain. The Statute of
Westminster of 1931 gave Canada independence from
Great Britain in foreign policy, which means that it was up
to Canada to decide to go to war.
Canada officially declared war on Germany on
September 10, 1939.
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
2. Who was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1939?
The PM in 1939 was William Lyon Mackenzie King or
simply, Mackenzie King.
3. Canada was hesitant in entering into the war, so
Mackenzie King proposed what compromise?
Compromise – Canada would support Great Britain by
providing all necessary war materials and a small
volunteer army.
Phase 1 : Septembre 1939 to June 1940
1. Which countries were known as the Allies?
France, Great Britain and the Commonwealth
2. Which countries were known as the Axis?
Germany, Italy, Japan
Canada’s Contribution
1. What is BCATP and how was this program a success?
BCATP = British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. It is a
program intended to train Allied pilots and air crews in
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
Canada. It was a success because at the end of the war,
over 131 000 air-crew members had been trained and a
dozen new airfields had been built across Canada.
2. What were the two principal aims in maintaining a
small volunteer army in Europe?
a) to avoid the high casualties of WW1
b) to avoid the conscription crisis of WW1
3. Why and how did Canada’s position on the war
change in 1940?
Canada changed from a limited role to a total
commitment to the war effort when it adopted the
National Resources Mobilization Act (NMRA). This was
adopted when Germany invaded Holland, France and
Belgium, leaving only Great Britain to face Hitler.
Phase 2 : June 1940 to July 1943
Canada’s Contribution
1. What role did Canada play in the Atlantic? What was
the greatest challenge at this time?
The navy and the merchant marine participated in the
Battle of the Atlantic. Canada contributed to the convoys
that helped transport materials overseas.
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
2. Canadians fought with which country?
Great Britain
3. Describe the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941 and the
results for Canada.
Japan attacked Hong Kong December 7, 1941. On
December 25, the Japanese defeated the British and
Canadian soldiers. 1975 Canadian soldiers participated
in this battle – 290 were killed, 1685 became prisoners of
war and 260 died while being held prisoner. It was a
huge defeat for the Canadian forces.
4. Describe the attack on Dieppe in 1942 and the results
for Canada.
4963 Canadian soldiers participated in this attack. The
raid was a disaster that killed 900 Canadians. 1900 were
taken prisoner.
5. The defeat of Canadian troops in Hong Kong and
Dieppe caused much debate. Do you think that Canada
should have participated in these battles?
These battles caused much debate because people
wondered if the Canadian soldiers were properly
Mount Pearl Intermediate
Social Studies 9
equipped and trained to have participated in these
Phase 3 : July 1943 to June 1944
Canada’s Contribution
1. What was the role/objective of Canada’s air force?
Why did this role cause some controversy?
Their objective was to bomb industrial sections of
German cities around the clock in order to destroy
Germany’s industry and therefore its ability to wage war.
The controversy stemmed from the fact that the
bombings were killing or wounding many German
2. From 1943 until 1945 the Canadian army fought with
Great Britain to invade which country? Did they succeed?
Italy – Yes, they succeed in taking Sicily in 1943, Ortona
in 1943 and Cassino in 1944.
Canadians in Profile
1. Who is Tommy Prince?
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Canada’s most decorated First Nations war hero.
2. Why was Tommy Prince initially turned down by the
Canadian army?
Because he was First Nations – his race
3. Why was he awarded the Military Medal for exceptional
He was a member of a unique combat unit known as the
“Devil’s Brigade” who carried out an important mission in
Italy. Prince volunteered to install a communication line
to an abandoned farmhouse less than 200 m from the
German artillery. German shells broke the
communication line, so Prince posed as a farmer, bent to
tie his shoelace, and repaired the broken communication
4. What were the two roles of the merchant marine?
In peacetime – transport Canadian products around the
In wartime – transport food for soldiers, war materials,
5. Was the merchant marine a part of the Canadian
Mount Pearl Intermediate 11
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It was under the navy’s control, but was a group of
6. What was the greatest contribution of the merchant
The Battle of the Atlantic.
Phase 4 : June 1944 to September 1945
Global Context
1. What is the name of the landings in Normandy,
The D-Day landings
2. What is the name of the Allies’ plan to invade Europe?
Operation Overlord
2. Who won the invasion in Normandy?
The Allies
Mount Pearl Intermediate 12
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Canada’s Contribution
1. What is the name of the beach where the Canadian
forces landed?
Juno Beach
2. What was the first objective of the Canadian forces in
Normandy? Why?
The first objective was to take control of the city of Caen
because it was an important road and rail centre.
3. The demand for resources became larger than the
supply as the Allied armies in France. What was
essential to the chain of supply?
It was necessary to take the ports and to open them to
ships carrying supplies.
4. Which port was the most important?
The port of Antwerp, Belgium.
5. Why were the Canadian soldiers nicknamed the “water
Because they worked in the flooded roads and fields
between the city of Antwerp and its port.
Mount Pearl Intermediate 13
Social Studies 9
6. How many Canadians participated in the Second
World War?
More than one million.
War in the Pacific
1. What happened in Japan August 6, 1945? Who
decided to take this action and why?
The United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of
Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. The American
President, Truman, authorized its use in order to prevent
Japan from continuing to wage war.
2. What happened three days later?
Three days later the United States dropped a second
atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.
3. What were the results of the devastating weapon used
by the United States?
The two cities were completely devastated and between
100 000 and 140 000 people were killed. Almost the
same number died later due to radiation exposure.
Mount Pearl Intermediate 14
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4. In your opinion, was the use of the atomic bomb
necessary? Why?
Your Opinion.
5. Do you think that Canada, the United States ou any
other country should use such a weapon today? Explain
your answer.
Your Opinion
1. Did Canada and the rest of the world know exactly
what was happening in the concentration camps in
Germany? What did they know?
Many people were aware of the prejudice of the Nazis
and the existence of the concentration camps, but the
exact number of people killed by the Nazis was shocking.
2. What did the Allies do when they found out about the
atrocities in Germany against the Jews?
The Allies held War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg at the
beginning of 1946. This process lasted for 9 months.
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3. Who is Adolf Eichmann?
He was one of the key leaders of the Holocaust. He was
executed for his crimes against humanity.
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