Download Objective # 27 Introduction of the Sine, Cosine and Tangent

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Objective # 27
Introduction of the Sine, Cosine and Tangent Operations on a Calculator
Sine, Cosine and Tangent Operations on a Calculator Worksheet
Trigonometric Operations:
There are six trigonometric operations:
sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant and cotangent
Sine is an operation performed on an angle that will give an answer between -1 and +1 inclusive
sin 30˚ = .5,
sin 59˚ = .8572,
sin 213˚ = -.5446
Cosine is an operation performed on an angle that will give an answer between -1 and +1 inclusive
cos 30˚ = .866,
cos 59˚ = .5150,
cos 213˚ = -.8387
Tangent is an operation performed on an angle that will give an answer that could be any real number
tan 30˚ = .5774,
tan 59˚ = 1.6643,
tan 213˚ = .6494
Trig Value: is the name given to each answer
Note # 1:
Make sure calculators are in degrees mode ... should see a D or DEG ... not RAD or GRAD!
Radians and Gradients are another form of angle measurement. WE WILL ONLY BE USING
Note # 2:
Extended decimals should be ROUNDED to four decimal places!
EXAMPLES: Find the following trig values using your calculator: (round to four places)
a) sin 33˚ = _____
b) cos 33˚ = _____
c) tan 33˚ = _____
d) sin 127˚ = _____
e) cos 127˚ = _____
f) tan 127˚ = _____
g) sin 180˚ = _____
h) cos 180˚ = _____ i) tan 180˚ = _____
j) sin 267˚ = _____
k) cos 267˚ = _____ l) tan 267˚ = _____
m) sin 270˚ = _____ n) cos 270˚ = _____ o) tan 270˚ = _____
p) sin -33˚ = _____
q) cos -33˚ = _____
s) (sin 53˚)2 + (cos 53˚)2 – tan 315˚ = _____
r) tan -33˚ = _____
Sine, Cosine and Tangent Operations on a Calculator Worksheet
Find the following trig values using your calculator (round to four decimal places):
a) sin 27˚ = _____
b) sin 45˚ = _____
e) sin 133.3˚ = _____ f) sin -30˚ = _____
i) sin -93˚ = _____
c) cos 0˚ = _____
d) tan -90˚ = _____
g) cos -30˚ = _____
h) tan 213˚ = _____
j) cos 58.3˚ = _____ k) cos 315˚ = _____ l) tan -134˚ = _____
m) sin 180˚ = _____ n) cos -135˚ = _____ o) cos 180˚ = _____ p) tan 89.9˚ = _____
q) sin 246˚ = _____
r) cos 90˚ = _____
s) tan 0˚ = _____
t) tan 45˚ = _____
u) sin 90˚ = _____
v) cos -75˚ = _____
w) tan 66˚ = _____
x) tan 135˚ = _____
y) sin -210˚ = _____ z) cos 98˚ = _____
Use your calculator to perform each of the following operations:
a) (sin 28˚)2 + (cos 28˚)2 = __________
b) 3(sin 60˚) - 3(cos -30˚) = __________
c) 5(tan 135˚) - (cos 360˚) = __________
d) sin 126˚ + cos 126˚ + tan 126˚ = __________
e) (tan 82˚)2 - (cos 116˚)2 = __________
f) sin -25˚ - cos -25˚ + tan -25˚ = __________
Use your calculator to perform each of the following operations:
a) sin 15˚ = _____
cos 75˚ = _____
b) sin 50˚ = _____
cos 40˚ = _____
c) sin 73˚ = _____
cos 17˚ = _____
d) Without using your calculator predict the value for cos 29˚ if sin 61˚=.8746
e) Without using your calculator predict the value for sin 90˚ if cos 0˚ = 1
f) Describe the pattern you see: