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Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division Review
Section 10-1 Cell Growth, Division, and Reproduction
1. Which of the following is a purpose for cell division? You may choose more than one answer.
a. Reproduction
c. Growth
b. Repair cells
d. Development
2. Mark whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). If the statement is false, change the
underlined word to make the statement true.
a. _______ The larger a cell becomes, the fewer demands the cell places on its DNA.
b. _______ The larger the cell, the more trouble it has moving enough nutrients and wastes
across the cell membrane.
c. _______ As a cell grows in size, its volume increases more slowly than its surface area.
d. _______ A cell can keep growing bigger and bigger forever.
e. _______ It is better for a cell to be small in size.
3. The process by which a cell divides into two new daughter cells is called
4. Use the following phrases to complete the Venn diagram about asexual and sexual
A. one parent
D. genetically identical offspring
B. two parents
E. genetically different offspring
C. produce new organisms
F. quick
Section 10-2 The Process of Cell Division
5. Cells carry genetic information (DNA) in packages of DNA called
6. Name the two structures in the figure below.
7. Most
cells have only one circular strand of DNA.
8. In eukaryotic cells, the genetic structure consists of DNA and a tightly wound protein, which
together form a substance called
9. _____________________ make it possible to separate DNA precisely during cell division.
10. What is the name of the type of cell division that occurs in the prokaryotic cell cycle?
11. The
is the series of events that cells go through as they grow and
12. Name the two main stages of cell division.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
13. The period of growth in between cell divisions is called
14. Before a cell divides, it must copy its
15. List the 4 stages of mitosis from beginning to end.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________________
16. The division of the cell nucleus is called ___________
17. The division of the cytoplasm is called
18. The two cells that are produced during mitosis are called
19. Follow the steps below to complete the diagram.
a. Put an X over the name of the phase in which most cell growth occurs.
b. Circle the name of the phase in which DNA replication occurs.
c. Draw a box around the name of the phase in which preparation for mitosis occurs.
d. Put an asterisk (*) next to the name of the phase in which mitosis and cytokinesis occur.
20. Which three phases above make up interphase?
21. Match the process with the correct phase of interphase.
A. Cells do most of their growing.
B. Chromosomes are replicated, and the synthesis of DNA takes place.
C. Many of the organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced.
Match the description of the event with the phase of mitosis it is in. Each phase may be used more
than once.
_____ 22. Sister chromatids separate into individual
_____ 23. The chromosomes become visible.
_____ 24. Two new nuclear envelopes form.
C. Anaphase
_____ 25. Centrioles separate.
_____ 26. The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell.
_____ 27. The nuclear envelope breaks down.
_____ 28. Each chromosome is connected to a spindle fiber.
_____ 29. The individual chromosomes move apart.
30. Circle the letter of what forms midway between the divided nucleus during cytokinesis in plant
a. Cell nucleus
c. Cell plate
b. Cytoplasm
d. Cytoplasmic organelles
31. Mark whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). If the statement is false, change the
underlined word to make the statement true.
a. __________ The daughter cells produced during mitosis are genetically different from the
original cell.
b. __________ Following mitosis, a parent cell with 46 chromosomes will produce 2 daughter
cells each containing 23 chromosomes.
32. Follow the steps below to complete the diagram.
a. Label the four phases of mitosis on the numbered lines in the diagram. Note: Interphase
and cytokinesis have been labeled for you.
b. Label the spindles and centrioles on the lines mark with the asterisks (***).
c. Color each chromosome in prophase a different color. Follow each of these
chromosomes through the other three phases of mitosis using those same colors.
Section 10-3 Regulating the Cell Cycle
33. Mark whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). If the statement is false, change the
underlined word to make the statement true.
a. _________ The timing in the cell cycle is controlled by a group of regulatory lipids.
b. _________ Cells tend to continue dividing when they come into contact with other cells.
c. _________ Cell division speeds up when the healing process nears completion.
d. _________ External regulators called growth factors control the cell cycle when there is
an injury.
e. _________ Internal regulators called cyclins make sure that chromosomes are replicated
before mitosis starts.
_________ Once apoptosis is triggered, a cell proceeds to programmed cell death.
34. The condition in which cells grow uncontrollably is called
35. A mass of cancer cells is called a
36. List three things that cause cancer.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________
37. List two ways cancer is a treated.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 10-4 Cell Differentiation
38. Humans and pets all pass through an early stage of development called a(n)
39. Cells become specialized through the process of
40. Differentiated cells are specialized to perform certain
41. __________________ cells are unspecialized cells from which differentiated cell develop.
42. Why are stem cells important?
a. They have specialized DNA.
b. They are incapable of becoming cancer cells.
c. They have the potential to undergo cell division.
d. They have the potential to develop into other cell types.
43. Which type of stem cell can differentiate into any kind of cell?
44. Cells that are
are unable to develop into the tissue that surround
the embryo.
45. Adult stem cells are called
46. Which of the following are possible future benefits of stem cell research? You may choose
more than one answer.
a. developing a vaccine for cancer
b. growing new skin cells to repair a cut
c. replacing heart cells damaged by a heart attack
d. generating embryos from nonliving tissue
e. repairing breaks between nerve cells in spinal injuries
increasing a person’s IQ
g. preventing suffering and death caused by cellular damage
47. What is the main reason that embryonic stem cell research is considered ethically
a. Embryos contain totipotent cells.
b. Embryos are the result of sexual reproduction.
c. Embryos from many different organisms must be used.
d. Embryos are destroyed in the process.
48. What is one new technology that could make stem cell research less controversial?
a. Implanting skin cells instead of stem cells in damaged tissue
b. Developing the ability to switch on the genes that make an adult cell pluripotent
c. Replacing stem cells with cancer cells
d. Using the internet to get more people to accept stem cell research