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AP Europe
Chapter 21: WWII
Terms and Concepts to Know
Term & Concept
General Causes of
-Western Weakness
-US and GB) believed WWI was a mistake and found reasons to
avoid war-–Believed propaganda and arms manufactures led the
world into war
–Treaty of Versailles was too hard on the Germans-–Oxford
students pledged in 1933 never to take up arms for their nation
under any conditions
US became increasingly isolationist
-The extremes of both the Left (Stalin) and Right (Hitler) made a
unified foreign policy difficultNeutrality helped the aggressor
nations in Europe
-Russia Resented •cordon sanitaire (1919) which was the buffer
states from Finland to Romania & meant to stop the spread of
•alarmed by Germany
–Hitler’s Mein Kamf spoke of destroying Bolshevism and taking
parts of eastern Europe
Fascist Aggression
-Hitler Rant that he deserved the whole cake and then assure
everyone that he would be appeased with just a slice
-He would get the slice and start the process again
Created an ‘emergency’ to test the French and Brits
Took Germany out of the League and Disarmament Conference in
Signed a non aggression pact with Poland ’34
–Upset the French
March 1935 Germany openly repudiated Versailles& began an
arms build up while west did nothing
-3/7/36 he repudiated the Locarno agreements and sent troops into
the Rhineland (supposed to be demilitarized)
-French were unwilling to act without GB
-1938 German troops moved into Austria
–Anschluss (union) was achieved•3 million Germans lived in Czech
•Czechoslovakia was strategically the keystone of Europe
•Had strong alliance with France, USSR
•Part of the Little Entente with Romania and Yugo
•Had strong army, highly dev. Munitions industry, good fortresses
in the North (Sudeten)
–Sudeten population was almost entirely German
•Sudeten Germans agitated via German Nazis and demanded unity
with Germany
-Munich Crisis
--Appeasement &
--Ethiopia & Haile
Spanish Civil War
-Overthrow of
Alphonso XIII
(Bourbon) in 1931
1936 Election
-Francisco Franco
•May 1938 rumors of German invasion caused Czechs to mobilize
•French, Brits, and USSR issued warnings and Hit backed down
•French and Czechs allowed British to mediate the crisis and even
offered regional autonomy•Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
(9/1938) flew to Germany twice (1st time in his life)
•Hit raised demands higher and mobilized war seemed imminent
•At last minute he invite Chamberlain back to Munich
•Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Daladier met (USSR and
Czechs not invited)
•French repudiate their treaty with Cz
•Loss of mountainous region of Sudetenland and fortresses leaves
Czech defenseless
•Cz is sacrificed to avoid war (Munich Agreement)
•Chamberlain naively reported “peace in our time”•Munich crisis
revealed the weakness of western democracies
•Western democracies were not prepared to take on an invigorated
•By playing the “nationalism” card Hitler placed the West in a
difficult diplomatic situation
•The West agreed with the concept of nationalism, but viewed
fascism less favorably
•Saw fascism as a possible bulwark against the spread of
-•Italians were dissatisfied with Versailles
•Had not gotten what they thought they deserved
•Memory of their defeat by Ethiopia at Adowa in 1896 still haunted
•1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia
•Denounced by League and members were forbidden to sell
necessary war materials (except oil)
•French actually sympathized with Mussolini and GB didn’t want a
larger war so they did nothing
•Combined it with Italian Somaliland and Eritrea
•Haile Selassie appealed to the west at Geneva
•League of Nations showed its weakness again
-•1931 Alphonso XIII (Bourbon) was deposed
•Spanish Republic began reform movement
•Passed anticlerical legislation
–Church and state were separated
–Jesuit order was dissolved and its property was confiscated
–Schools were removed from clerical control
•Large estates were redistributed
•Movement was not extreme enough for radicals
–Strikes and uprisings erupted in Barcelona and Asturias (mining
town) but were brutally put down
Axis Powers
Rome-Berlin Axis
•Too extreme for the Church and conservative parties
•Leftists (republicans, socialists, syndicalists, anarchists,
communists) formed a Popular Front against the Right (old regime,
monarchists, clericals, Falangist (Spanish fascists) and won
•But in July ’36, Military led by Franco moved against the
Republican government•Spanish Civil War was dress rehearsal for
•Britain and France did not intervene and did not even supply arms
on behalf of the Republic
•U.S. maintained neutrality and blocked shipment of armaments
•German planes were tested via bombings of Guernica (total war),
Madrid, Barcelona
–Sent troops (50 thousand Italians)
•Rome-Berlin Axis 1936
•Japan joined the Axis in ’36 under Anti-Comintern Pact
•1938 Germany and Austria united
-Anti-Comintern Pact
Japanese Aggression
-Rape of Nanking
-•Used shooting of Japanese officer at Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing
as pretext for invasion
•1937 Japan invaded China
•Atrocities perpetrated by the Japanese military
•League of Nations was ineffectual in condemning Japan
•U.S. extended loans to China
•U.S. sold steel to Japan
•Japan was left free to pursue its ambitions in Asia
•The west turned its attention to Europe
•Soviets openly signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany
•Secret agreement was to divide Poland
•USSR would retain control over the Baltic states
•Stupefied the world
–Oil and Water Mixed?
Pact (8/1936)
Invasion of Poland
•9/1/1939 Germany invade Poland
•9/3/1939 Britain and France declared war against Germany
- Blitzkrieg
•1 million German soldiers invaded Poland on 9/1/1939
•Blitzkrieg (lightning war)
–Utilized rapidly moving armored divisions, infantry, and a massive
air assault (Luftwaffe)-•Soviet Union invaded from east on 9/17
(secret agreement)
•Established fortified bases in Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lith)
•Attacked Finland (11/39)
Phony War
•Deceptively quiet in the West
•French felt protected by the Maginot Line
•Germans did not cross the Siegfried Line (West Wall) of the Rhineland
•Little military action took place
•West rejected Hitler peace overtures but kept their peacetime outlook
•Still hoped that conflict could be averted
•German forces trained throughout bitter winter for the spring
Maginot Line
•Invaded Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (5/10)
•British Expeditionary Force and French forces gathered at Belgian
•Hitler bypassed Maginot Line and invaded France via
Luxembourg and the Ardennes
•Raced to channel ports to cut off retreating armies
•German army captured large section of French army
•BEF cut off at Dunkirk in Belgium
•Miracle of Dunkirk
•330 thousand BEF evacuated with motley of boats
- Miracle of Dunkirk
France Falls
Vichy France
- Marshal Petain and
Pierre Laval
Battle of Britain
-The Blitz
-RAF & Enigma
-•Occupied Paris 6/13/40
–Given without a fight
•France surrendered on June 22, 1940
•French mindset geared for defensive war
•Caught totally off guard by Blitzkrieg
-•Northern 2/3rd occupied by Germany
•3rd Republic now held capital in Vichy
•Stunned parliament voted for an authoritarian regime headed by
Marshal Petain and Pierre Laval
•Republic is dead!
•Slogan “liberty, equality, and fraternity” were officially banned
•French fascists and the new leaders claimed that they were trying
to protect France from more suffering -•Collaborated with the
•Sent hundreds of thousands of French workers as slave laborers to
•Identified and deported thousands of French Jews to death camps
•Churchill replaced Chamberlain as PM in May 1940
•Promised people nothing but “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” and
war against “a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark,
lamentable catalogue of human crime.”
•Asked US for the “tools” to finish the job
•Hoped GB might become an ally
•Began pre-invasion air war in summer of ’40
•The Blitz
•Reached climax in fall of ’40
•Bombed London for over 76 consecutive nights
–used radar to detect approaching bombers
–Were highly skilled
–Combined P51 with Rolls Royce engine
•Ultra (British intelligence + Polish exiles) broke the code of
German encoding device (Enigma Machine)
•Coventry was wiped out
•20 thousand killed in London alone
•Yet war capacity and morale remained strong
•Hitler began to plan for invasion of USSR in ‘41
•Isolationist opposed any involvement
–Charles Lindberg and the America First Committee
•Interventionists wanted to provide aid to Allies
-Isolationists v
-Lend Lease Act
-Arsenal of
-Pearl Harbor
Operation Barbarosa
•US would supply the Brits as the “arsenal of democracy”
•Fights for Four Freedoms:
•Speech, worship, from want, from fear
•Began to supply GB soon after Dunkirk
•50 overage destroyers in return for bases in Newfoundland,
Bermudas, Caribbean
•Policy of providing arms, raw materials, food to Allies
•Introduced conscription
•General Hideki Tojo, new Japanese prime minister publicy stated
that Japan would eliminate US and GB influence in Asia
•Sent representatives to Washington as he launched attack on Pearl
Harbor (12/7/41)
• 2, 500 US forces killed
•Fleet crippled
•Attacked Philippines, Guam, Midway, Hong Kong, Malaya
•US and GB declared war on Japan 12/8
•Nazi-Soviet Pact (1929) similar to Napoleon-Alexander I
•Both were biding their time•Hitler desire the wheat fields of
Ukraine, the oil fields of Caucasus
•Operation Barbarosa began 6/22/1941
•Stalin (although warned) was completely caught off guard
•3 million German forces went along 2 thousand mile front
•By autumn Germans controlled Ukraine and Byelorussia and laid
siege to Leningrad
•Took Crimea and laid siege to Sebastopol
•Were within 25 miles of Russia
•But were not prepared for early and bitter winter
•Resistance stiffened to save Mother Russia
•Counteroffensive of Red Army in winter saved Moscow
•Hitler took control and pushed for attack in south towards oil
•Laid siege to Stalingrad
Allied Strategy
-•1/42 26 nations (GB, US, USSR) formed Grand Alliance to face the
Axis Powers
–Pledged to use all its resourced and never make a separate peace
•US and GB pooled resources under a Combined Chiefs of Staff
•Formed overall strategy early (unlike WWI)
•Decided that Germany must be defeated 1st
•Pacific theater would be defensive until Germany fell
•Aug. ’42 ¼ million German forces began all out assault on
•Key transport city of lower Volga
•9/1942 German forces were in the city
•Stalin ordered the city to be held at all costs
•Red Army under General Zhukov organized a counteroffensive
and enveloped the German army
•Only 100,000 German soldiers were left to surrender in Feb 43
•Number of Russians killed is unknown
•Soviet Union was taking staggering number of casualties
•Estimates run as high as 25 million
•Turning point of the war
•Red Army was now an offensive army
•6/6/1944 D-Day
•Germans expected main thrust of invasion at Calais
•Allies chose Normandy beach to establish a second front
•Under the command of Eisenhower 130 thousand Canadian,
British, American forces landed 1st day
•1 million within a month and moving eastward
•By August Paris was liberated and by Sept Allies were in
•French, Italian, and Belgian Resistance movements emerged
•7/20/44 attempted assassination of Hitler at Wolf’s Den failed
•8/1944 Battle of the Bulge
–Hitler threw remaining armored forces against the Allies in the
–V1 and V2 rockets and new Messerschmitt jet terrorized London
but Germany’s time was running out
-General Zhukov
D-Day (6/6/1944)
-Battle of the Bulge
Warsaw Uprising
-Katyn forest in ‘43
German Surrender
-Admiral Doenitz
•3/1945 Allied forces crossed the Rhine
•Soviet army was pushing west and reclaiming territory lost early in
the war
•Allowed youth of Warsaw Uprising (Aug. ’44) and democracy to be
crushed by Nazis
–Stalin had already destroyed Polish army leadership at Katyn
forest in ‘43
•4/30/1945 Hitler died by his own hand
•Admiral Doenitz, Hitler’s successor offered Germany’s
unconditional surrender (5/8/1945)
Einsatzgruppen – killing squads
Mobile gas units
Utilized rail system to bring whole minority populations (Jews,
Gypsies) to work and death camps
6 million Jews
3 million Poles
Russians, Slavics, Romana murdered
-Final Solution
planned genocide of European Jewry
Fall of Japan
Iwo Jima
-Hiroshima and
Peace Terms
See Slide Show (107)
-From Guadalcanal Americans began to “Island Hop” northward
toward Japan
-March 1945 took 8 square mile strategic island of Iwo Jima after
heavy loses
-Took Okinawa after brutal 2.5 months in spring of ’45
-Only 300 miles from Japanese main islands
-Japanese fought harder the closer Americans came to Japan
-Began all-out air campaign from newly won territory to destroy
Japanese industry
-8/6/45 “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima
• 78 thousand killed and thousands of others were
wounded or suffered radiation exposure
-8/8 Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria
-8/9 Nagasaki was struck
-9/2/45 Japan signed unconditional surrender on the Missouri
-Emperor Hirohito remained head of state but Japan under
occupation of US army under MacArthur
Atlantic Charter (8/1941) called for sovereign rights of nations, free
trade, 4 freedoms (derived from Wilson's 14 pts.)
-Atlantic Charter
-Big Three
Conference (1/43)
-Teheran Conference
-Yalta Agreement
Casablanca Conference (1/43) Big Three decided on unconditional
surrender of Axis
– Adopted at Americas urging without thought of its
political ramifications
Teheran Conference (12/43)
– Discussed post war Germany and strategy
-FDR avoided big questions of territory and government in E.
Europe in order to keep the Allies together
-Churchill wanted to invade Balkans (in order to head off Soviets
and out of fear of cross channel invasion)
-Agreed to open 2nd front by spring of ’44 in France
-This agreement would win the war but all but guaranteed Soviet
domination of E. Europe
• 2/45
• Met in Tsars Crimean summer resort in Crimea on Black
• FDR saw himself as the mediator and tried to make himself
seem neutral to Stalin
• FDR actually distrusted Churchill devotion to imperialism
• Agreed on Poland, E. Europe, Germany division, and
creation of UN
-Curzon line
Stalin viewed Poland as anti-Soviet and even aggressive
(1920), and as historical pathway of invasion (Nap, Hitler)
Curzon line
– Allies agreed on Russian Polish border as it was
originally set in 1919 (before Poles took more)
– Poles would be compensated with German territory
• Germany would be disarmed and divided in 4 occupations
• Soviet proposal of heavy reparations was rejected (20 billion
with half going to USSR)
– Said reparations should be paid but never set a figure
• Declaration on Liberated Europe
– At Yalta Stalin ‘promised’ to that democratic
provisional government be established & free election
would occur at ‘earliest possible date’
• This never happened
-Zones of occupation
-United Nations
all Great Powers join international body
--members, purpose,
--Security Council
-Potsdam Conference
Act as a police to prevent future wars
Great Powers would be permanent members of Security
Council who would have veto power on important decisions
Soviets wanted 16 votes in General Assembly (said USSR
was 16 sovereign nations)
– Churchill convinced FDR and Stalin to 3
Suburb of Berlin
New Faces
Truman, Clement Attlee (replaced Churchill in middle of
Conference), and Stalin
US and USSR relations were starting to chill
But they did agree on:
– German disarmament, demilitarization,
denazification, punishment of war criminals
– Allies could take reparations from their zones and
Soviets would receive further compensation