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Jesus and Muhammad
Jesus and Muhammad
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Jesus and Muhammad
A religion is a set of ideas and practices which define the relationship of man and his
society with the Hereafter, with what is beyond this world. For the adherent of a particular
religion, these ideas and practices represent the truth in these domains. This belief is worthy of
respect. There are many different religions, for example, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Judaism,
Islam and Christianity. Some religions are well known and others are not. The most popular
religions are Islam and Christianity. Christianity and Islam have about 2.9 billion followers and
have their own set structure of beliefs. Some beliefs are similar others are different. Muhammad
is the founder of Islam and Jesus is the founder of Christianity. I will be covering the following
areas in this paper: The lives of Jesus and Mohammed in history, comparing what impact the
death of each had on his own religion, Describing how each is worshipped, And explaining how
each religious figures message is followed today. “Christianity and Islam both have the same
origins through the lineage of Abraham”(Crossan, 1994, Pg. 109).
Trace the lives of Jesus and Muhammad historically
Comparing the traces of lives of Jesus and Muhammad shows us differences and
similarities to some extent. Jesus was born in Bethlehem from a virgin (Mary). According to the
Gospels of Matthew and Luke “Jesus was conceived by a miracle of the Holy Spirit before the
couple had had any sexual relationship” (Dibelius, 1949, Pg 34). Jesus started his teaching at
the age of 30 and also become savior and will save his people from sins. According to Holy
Bible, Jesus got crucified at the age of 33 and then raised from dead. Jesus was teaching and
working miracles before large crowds. “His recorded miracles included turning water to wine,
walking on water, cursing a fig tree, healing the sick, multiplying a small meal to feed a crowd,
casting out demons, and even raising a man from the dead” (Schweizer, 1971, Pg. 67).
Jesus and Muhammad
Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca and he was the only one child of his parents,
Amina and Abdullah bin Muttalab. After the death of his mother and grandfather, his Uncle
Abu Talib took care of him. Muhammad worked as a shepherd and at the age of 40 he became
Prophet. He preached his people truthfulness in his talk and refrain from doing wrong and
shedding blood. “Muhammad brought to his people what men of faith construe the
commandments of God, as Mosses and Jesus had brought similar commandments to their
people before him” (Farah, 2003, Pg 453). Muhammad freed many slaves like Zayd ibn Haritha,
the onetime Christian slave who had been given to him as by Khadija. Muhammad had given
him his freedom and adopted him as a son (Rodinson, 2002, Pg. 255).
Compare what impact the death of each person had on his respective followers
For the sins of all mankind, Jesus death was sacrifice which was violent. His rising from
dead is the redemption for human kind. “The Christian have eternal life through resurrection that
was promised”(Cook, 1983, pg. 122). Muhammad gave his last sermon and falls ill and dies in
the presence of his favorite wife Aisha in 632. He was buried in the mosque that he has built in
Medina. After His death Abu-Bakr (father- in-law) became Caliph, the religious leader of
Muslims. “The Muslims revere Mohammed as the greatest of prophets yet, the one that Allah
revealed the Koran. While according to Christians, Jesus was the Savior and Messiah, and Jesus
referred to Himself as God in the flesh”. (Miller, 1976. page 23).
When Jesus heard from God he went to the desert to be tempted. He worshipped in
private (in the garden of Gethsemane) and began His ministry with boldness, (Holy Bible: Mark
1:14-15). Jesus is worshipped in a similar way as he worshiped the Father (private relationship
with god the father through Jesus), although different tenets of Christianity worship in different
Jesus and Muhammad
ways For example, the Roman Catholic tradition worships different than Evangelical
(Pentecostal) Christians. Jesus claimed to be God (Holy Bible: John 8:24; 8:58) as well as a man.
He worshiped God, through speaking directly to God the Father. In contrast, Muhammad
claimed to be a man, who worshipped the Father (God or Allah) through angels. Jesus claimed
to be the way, the truth, and the life (Holy Bible: John 14:6), and worshipped and spoke directly
with the Father. Muhammad considered himself to be a prophet and believe in one God.
The Bible is unparalleled in its influence, scope, and power, as a way of worshipping the
father through belief in the Son of God (Jesus). It is God's word. It is the source and record of
God's covenant promise to His people. From its pages, Christians learn God's will for us
morally, spiritually, and relationally. We learn what is right and wrong, truth and error. It is an
instruction book for those who call themselves Christian (2 Tim. 3:16). Thus, Jesus is
worshipped through reading and learning the Word of God and believing in what Jesus did at the
cross (victory over sin through the belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection; that He is the Son of
God and that raised God raised Jesus from the dead; thus, through these beliefs and faith in what
Jesus did for humankind, it is believed that Christians and whoever believes the message of
salvation trough Jesus Christ, also have eternal life and receive the Holt Spirit inside them to
help them obey the Word of God; the Holy Spirit acts as counselor and guides the person
through conscious and bringing scriptures to mind to guide behavior; thus, it is imperative to
read and know the Word of God in the Holy Bible, which is the road map to right living; which
is the will of God) and for the Roman Catholic, also through the sacraments (e.g. Holy
Communion is the Body and Blood of Jesus, which the believers receive in the form of a host,
which is pressed ‘manna’ about the size of a quarter placed on the person’s tongue) .
Jesus and Muhammad
Similarly, people worship Allah and revere Muhammad, through following the Doctrine
of Islam. Muslims believe that they have one God (Allah) and created heaven and earth (2:29,
6:1). On the Day of Judgment, Allah will judge all people, angels are created by Allah and
Koran is Allah’s word. Allah is completely control of all things and ordains all things that
occur. Islam is based on five pillars Shahada, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat (charity), and Hajj
Explain how their messages are being carried out in the world today
The message of the ‘Good News’ of Jesus is carried through the gospel (Christian Holy
Bible) and through the Christian beliefs and traditions of worship, whereas the message of
Muhammad is carried out in the Islam religion and the Koran; and he is considered the greatest
prophet yet. From a Muslim perspective, Jesus was also considered a great teacher and a prophet
that came before Muhammad; but from the Christian perspective, Jesus was both human and
divine. In Islam, the term "People of the Book" is a reference to Jews and Christians who had
received God's word through the prophets before Muhammad. Jesus’ message of the “good
news” for salvation is carried through the Bible and Christianity.
Many of the tenets and beliefs of Muhammad are in the Koran, and his message is carried
out through the Koran and the Islam religion. The following information also fits into this
section, as the people revere Muhammad through following the doctrines of Islam (e.g., Five
Pillars of Islam).
Jesus and Muhammad
There are many denominations of worship in Christianity, but believing in the Trinity
(Jesus is both Divine and Man; and as part of the God head: God the Father, God the Son and
God the Holy Ghost or Spirit) is required to be considered a Christian denomination. However,
the message of Jesus remains intact in the Holy Bible, but there are varying forms of worship
depending on denomination. It is the worship of God the Father, through the belief in Jesus. In
contrast, it is the worship of Allah, through following the tenets and precepts (Koran and the
Islam religion) put forth through the great prophet Muhammad (Muslim perspective).
Jesus and Muhammad
Cook, M.A., (1983), Muhammad, retrieved from Google Books, on January 3rd, 2010.
Corssan, John D., (1994), Jesus: a revolutionary biography, retrieved from Google Books, on
January 3rd, 2010.
Dibelius, Martin (1949), Jesus, retrieved from EBSCOhost online database, on January 3rd, 2010.
Farah, Caesar E. (2003), Islam: beliefs and observances, retrieved from Google Books, on
January 3rd, 2010.
Miller, William M., A Christian's Response to Islam, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing,
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, retrieved from EBSCOhost online database, on January 2nd,
Rodinson, Maxime (2002), Muhammad: Prophet of Islam, retrieved from online database, on
January 2nd, 2010.
Schweizer, Eduard (1971), Jesus, retrieved from EBSCOhost online database, on January 2nd,