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What does Scientific Theory Offer as an Origin?
The Institute for Creation Research:
Creation Today:
Answers in Genesis
Henry Morris – Books: The Genesis Flood, The Genesis Record, The Long
War Against God
Scientific-minded Christians started this endeavor of testing and seeking but it was
all to study God’s grand creation. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) and Boethius (480 –
524), Johan Kepler (1571-1630), Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) “We account the Scriptures of God to be the most
sublime philosophy. I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any
profane history whatsoever”
The word evolution has many meanings –
Cosmic Evolution – the origin of time, space, matter, Big Bang
Chemical Evolution – the origin of higher elements from Hydrogen
Stellar and Planetary Evolution – the origin of stars and planets
Organic Evolution – the origin of life
Macro-Evolution – the changing from one kind of plant or animal into
another kind.
Micro-Evolution – the variations within kinds (This is the only evolution that
has been observed)
Big Bang Theory – Prior to 1920 – The Universe was believed to be eternal Science goes from disagreeing with the opening lines of Genesis…In the beginning –
to validating it.
A singularity means that every planet, star, galaxy – all of it was all packed together
in one spot…A space smaller than a marble – about the size of a BB
Where did this come from? “It must have existed in a dimension that we can’t
Astrophysicist George Ellis, “People need to be aware that there are a range of
models that could explain the observations”
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics – Conservation of Energy - Energy cannot be
created nor destroyed – it can only change forms… If energy cannot be
created…Where did it come from?
The atheist's model begins with an even more impressive miracle – The
appearance of all matter in the universe from nothing, by no one, and for
no reason.
Therefore, the atheist has no "natural explanation" nor "supernatural
explanation" for the origin of space-time and matter.
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – The Law of Entropy - In every exchange of
energy – a certain amount of energy is passed on as non-reversible heat energy.
In the middle of a decaying universe – atheists would argue that the universe is
starting new things after Billions of years of decay…
Charles Darwin is credited with evolution but it can be traced back through
history. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) published books on evolution before his more
famous grandson, Charles was born.
Evolution can be traced all the way back through the Middle Ages, Rome, Greece,
and Babylon….Even back to Babel – with Nimrod
In 1785 James Hutton published – Theory of the Earth - He said that the earth
must be much older to allow erosion to take place to the extent that it could form the
geologic formations we observe.
In 1830, Sir Charles Lyell published – “Principles of Geology” - This led the
thought process of the Doctrine of Uniformitarianism
In 1859, Darwin publish “On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection” Evolution was possible if there were enough time.
An old earth is needed in order for Geology to make sense and for Evolution to make
For the first 18 centuries of church history the almost universal belief of
Christians was that God created the world in six literal days. Over the past 200 years,
Christian leaders have made various attempts to fit the millions of years into the
The Gap Theory proposes that there was a gap of time between two distinct
creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis. This theory allows the
insertion of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2
Day-age Creationism holds that the six days referred to in the Genesis account of
creation are much longer periods (of thousands or millions of years). Yom – Hebrew
word for Day When Yom is used it usually means a literal day. When it is not
representing a literal day the context clearly shows this.
Exodus 20:11 – Clearly 6 Days Exodus 32:16 - The tablets were the work of God.
Progressive creationism is the belief that God created new forms of life gradually
over a period of hundreds of millions of years.
Theistic evolution is a range of views about how the science of general evolution
relates to religious beliefs in contrast to special creation views.
Thomas Huxley (1825-1895) His claims were that if Jesus and Paul and New
Testament writer referred to historical events that were NOT historical then the very
foundations of Christianity were built upon quicksand
The result of conforming to a world view… no more respected than if you believe
in a literal 6 Day creation.
Carbon Dating is used to date once living things. Critical assumption is to assume
that C-14 and C-12 ratios in our atmosphere have been constant throughout all time.
Diamonds contain Carbon-14. Given their age, we should expect to find no
C-14 in them.
New, growing wood from actively growing trees has been dated at 10,000
Mortar from the Oxford Castle in England built 785 years ago was dated at
7,370 years
Freshly killed seals have been dated at 1,300 years.
Radiometric Dating - Used to date rock samples – non-living things
In Hawaii, Lava flows known to have taken place in 1800-1801 are dated to
2.960 billion years-old
50 year-old lava flow in New Zealand dated at 3.5 million years
Mt. Etna basalt in Sicily dated at 122 B.C. produced an age of 225,000
New lava dome at Mr. Saint Helens formed in 1980 has been dated as
being 2.8 million years-old
Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth - Natural Chronometers
Moon Dust, Oil Gushers, Atmospheric Helium, The Decay of the Earth Magnetic
Field, Moon Recession from the Earth, Saturn’s Rings, Comets, Earth’s Magnetic
Field, Mississippi River Delta, Micrometeoroids, Population Growth, Coral Growth
“Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only
alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable” Sir Arthur Keith
Charles Darwin proposed that since we can see changes within a species that
these changes, GIVEN ENOUGH TIME, would result in the formation of new
Pasteur's experiment is generally known to have refuted the theory of spontaneous
generation in 1859. Cell Theory states: New cells must come from existing cells.
Haeckel’s Confession – Spontaneous generation must be true, not because it has
been proven in the laboratory, but because otherwise…it would be necessary to
believe in a creator.
Questions about Macro-Evolution:
How did a single-celled organisms spawn into a 100 trillion cell organisms?
How did plants exist for millions of years without any pollenating animals?
When an organism is in a transitionary stage they are NOT THE BEST FIT
for any environment
How did Sexuality develop?
Birds and Flight
Migratory Instincts
Human Eye
Charles Darwin – “To suppose that the eye… could have been formed by natural
selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” Charles Darwin
Fossils Record
Darwin predicted that we would find fossils that would show a slow, gradual change.
The fossil record does not show this – so they changed the theory to punctuated
“The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages….has been a persistent and
nagging problem for….evolution” Dr. Steven J. Gould, Professor at Harvard
Vestigial Structures
Appendix is part of the immune system and stores good bacteria
Whale pelvis is used for sexual reproduction and movement
Coccyx is a vital connection point for muscles, tendons, and ligaments
Homologous Structures show a common designer. Does not offer explanation for
organisms that are not similar…
Embryology – Embryo Development - Gills in human embryos are pharyngeal
arches and develop into the jaw bones, and structures in the throat – they never
serve or function as a gill.