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Franz Ferdinand Eiffe , Kathrin Gärtner, Alexandra Wegscheider-Pichler
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Creating Infrastructures / Building Capacities – Facilitating
networking between statisticians and researchers
regarding data production and analytical processes
description We aim to develop a framework for the streamlining of data production processes and
analytical capacity building. The proposed design involves three main elements:
 Mobility
 Training
 Tools
Recent developments indicate a growing demand for data beyond existing indicators. At the
same time, in particular the small NSIs suffer from financial and capacity constraints. Thus
exchange of experience in production processes and analytical capacities is essential to
maintain the quality standards and make progress in the modernisation of the statistical
production process. A pooling of resources for research and development would be needed to
improve such processes, to offer adequate tools of communication/exchange between NSIs
and to link Official Statistics to the research community. Exchange between NSI staff needs to
be coordinated by providing communicational platforms and training facilities. Opportunities
for short visits of NSI staff to partner or scientific institutions should be provided to learn
about production routines, survey and questionnaire design or imputation procedures etc. The
statistical production process in general would be facilitated by improving cooperation in
these areas and by developing standardised and easy adoptable tools. NSIs need trained and
skilled personnel which can be recruited through close contact between NSIs and academia.
Furthermore, input from academic research is necessary to improve methodologies and
analytical capabilities. Researchers on the other hand need insight into data production
processes to develop sensitivity in data interpretation.
Former/similar projects:
NET-SILC 2 (Workpackage CO & ME – Longit 2) (capacity bulding: workshop on longitudinal
data analysis)
EPUNET (provided a forum for support and pooling of experience among new and experienced
analysts of the European Community Household Panel)
3 “pillars”: mobility, training, tools
travel grants for staff of small NSIs (other NSIs, academic institutions)
support of cooperative projects which develop tools that can be used by different NSIs
Conferences and workshops to build networks between statisticians and academia
A platform for exchanging common tools
Metadata surveys which go beyond standard quality reporting
Potential projects/examples:
A researcher’s network on the production of data for Europe 2020 Indicators
GDP & Beyond: Developing environmental indicators / indicators on job quality
Network on harmonising methods to produce standardised Now-Casts for Europe 2020
Indicators / GDP & Beyond Indicators so that data on QoL or environment is up-to-date (and
therefore comparable) with GDP
Main beneficiaries will be staff of small NSIs. Additionally partners from academic and
research institutions as well as social science data archives are invited (e.g. GESIS).
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The proposal addresses priorities I (excellent science) and III (Societal challenges) of
Horizon2020. It promotes excellent science by facilitating knowledge transfer and survey data
access between NSIs and academic institutions. It tackles societal challenges by improving
survey data (especially in small countries) as basis for evidence-based policy decisions.
Especially relevant: Innovative societies 6.2.1. S Strengthening the evidence base and support
for the Innovation Union and European Research Area