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Social Studies Exam Guide
Name: ______________
Social Studies 101 – Geography, Government & Economics
Peninsula – a body of land surrounded on three sides by water; connected to land on one side (Florida, Korea, etc.)
Demographics – the study of the people of a given place; ex. Population of Winston-Salem, average age of CMS students
Geography- study of places & environment; Economics: dealing with jobs & money; Culture: dealing w/ people (religion, etc)
Government/politics – group of people who make laws & make sure those laws are carried out; elections, voting
Traditional – bartering system; no money involved (I’ll trade two coconuts for those shoes)
Market – based solely on private business; there is no government involvement; which can lead to problems
Mixed (Capitalism)- some government involvement (rules) but you can own a private business; what the US has
Capitalism – economic system that allows freedom with money and private business; (like the U.S.)
Command/Communism/Socialism- strict form of economics where govt controls the economy; people get paid the same
Democracy/Republic –government of the US and most countries around the world; people vote for their leaders
Monarchy – a country that has a king and queen leadership system (how Great Britain used to be)
Theocracy – government ran on strict religious beliefs; some countries in the Middle East like Iran based only on Islam
Supply and Demand – economic idea that determines how much of a product will sell and for how much money
Primary source – an original historical document or artifact; examples: Abe Lincoln’s journal, famous speech from MLK jr.
Renaissance (1400s) - The Plague caused Europeans to want to enjoy life & make an impact rather than rely on the church
EFFECT: Led to paintings & literature; people became more interested in social life & learning than religion (humanism)
PEOPLE: Da Vinci (Mona Lisa), Gutenberg (printing press), Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet), Medicis (patrons of arts)
Humanism –art was designed to reflect things in life (people) rather than just based only on religious subjects; more 3D
Reformation (1500s)- Martin Luther discovered corruption with Catholic Church (selling indulgences) & called them out
EFFECT: The Catholic Church became less powerful; Martin Luther started another branch of Christianity (Protestantism)
PEOPLE: Martin Luther (published the 95 theses), priests of the Catholic Church (sold indulgences to “forgive sins”)
95 Theses: what Martin Luther nailed to a Catholic Church in Germany; stated the problems with the Church
Age of Exploration/Slavery (1500s) - explorers mainly from countries like Spain, Portugal, and Britain
CAUSE: Europeans wanted to gain more land (colonize), spread Christianity (missionaries), and find gold and spices
EFFECT 1: The exchange of culture, ideas and goods between the continents (Columbian Exchange); Colonization
EFFECT 2: Native Americans were forced to grow crops on their own land; many died of disease (smallpox)
EXPLORERS: Columbus, Da Gama, Dias, Henry the Navigator, Magellan; Conquistadors: Cortez, Pizarro
Columbian Exchange- Europeans brought new products, diseases & ideas to Americas; and discovered new things there
Triangle Trade- Europeans gave Africans guns for slaves; sent slaves to America to grow crops; sent products back to EuropeMissionaries – people sent to spread religion and do good deeds; sent to America to educate and convert Indians
Pandemic/Epidemic – when a disease is so bad it nearly wipes out an entire group of people (smallpox, the plague)
Colonies/colonization – when a country takes over another country in order to expand their empire
Compass & astrolabe- Navigational tools used by early sailors that helped early European explorers find their way
Spanish Enconmienda system - was a system to put Native Americans in slavery in the Americas to grow cash crops
Enlightenment (1700s) - Philosophers (thinkers) began to think of ways to better improve society and government
EFFECT: New ideas like democracy (voting by the people), freedom of speech/religion & separating gov. powers
EFFECT: It led to revolutions in America and France because people began to think about freedom and rights
Philosopher – someone who thinks about society issues things deeply; Philosophy – how you think about things
John Locke - said that people have a natural right to freedom and equality (U.S. government used many of his ideas)
Montesquieu - idea of separation of government powers (legislative, executive, judicial) was an Enlightenment idea
Scientific Revolution (1700s) - Scientists began questioning Catholic Church by using experiments & Scientific Method
EFFECT: New ideas of the universe & laws of motion were discovered; Catholic Church was no longer ‘always right’
PEOPLE: Copernicus (heliocentric idea), Galileo (improved telescope), Isaac Newton (laws of motion, gravity)
Scientific Method - created by Nathaniel Bacon so now people could prove their theories through experiments
Heliocentric- sun centered universe (discovered by Copernicus); Geocentric- Earth centered (old way of thinking)
Social Studies Exam Guide
Name: ______________
American Revolution (1775) – Americans were getting taxed on everything; they wanted freedom from Britain
EFFECT: Americans defeated the most powerful nation on Earth and became their own country
PEOPLE: George Washington (first president), Thomas Jefferson (wrote Declaration of Independence)
Revolution - means a very big change; usually when the citizens go against the government b/c they want more rights
French Revolution (1789) - High taxes; expensive lifestyles by king & queen; citizens were influenced by American Rev
EFFECT: Citizens overthrew the government; led to mass chaos until Napoleon became dictator and restored order
EFFECT #2: Led to other revolutions in Latin America (Central America); led by people like Simon Bolivar
PEOPLE: Napoleon Bonaparte (became a great leader) King Louis XVI (was overthrown), Marie Antoinette (beheaded)
Three Estates- French society divided into three social classes before the French Revolution; based on power & wealth
Third Estate (lower class) - wanted more rights and were tired of being taxed so they rose up against the First Estate
Reign of Terror- time period right after the French Revolution where there was chaos, no leadership, and many deaths
Industrial Revolution - Began in the late 1700s in England and went until late 1800s; came to America around 1850
CAUSE: The Industrial Revolution began because England needed more clothes (textiles) for the population boom
EFFECT: The I.R. led to a quicker production of goods w/ machines, which led to cheaper prices; bad working conditions
Agricultural Revolution - led to more food = which led to a population boom (new ideas like crop rotation & new plows)
Steam engine - powered early machines in factories (like assembly lines), but also trains and ships
Labor union – group of workers from the same field that protest sometimes to gain better working conditions
Urbanization – where people move from country to city (most factories were located in cities so people moved there)
Innovation – new idea (assembly line); Entrepreneur – a person who starts their own business (Henry Ford)
Imperialism/Scramble for Africa (1800s) - when Europe took over land in Africa to get raw materials for their factories
EFFECT: made Africans slaves on their own continent and led to many colonies in Africa for Europe (especially England)
Berlin Conference – when European countries met in Berlin, Germany to decide how to split up Africa among them
Racism– the belief that one race is better than the other, so they get treated unfairly (discrimination/prejudice)
World War I (1914-1917)- Causes: M (militarism), A (alliances), N (nationalism), I (imperialism), A (assassination of archduke)
EFFECT: Germany blamed for war and had to pay billions in war reparations b/c of Treaty of Versailles (wanted revenge)
Trenches– used all along the Western Front (main battle zone) in Europe; led to stalemates & terrible fighting conditions
Isolationism – US policy during WWI and WWII; we wanted to stay out of the war and remain a neutral country
America enters- US entered when Germany sank a passenger ship (Lusitania) & tried to get Mexico to join (Zimmermann)
World War II (1939-1945)- Hitler rises to power in Germany and wants to take over Europe; invades Poland in 1939
EFFECT: Germany lost again; Japan bombed with nuclear weapon; gets US out of Great Depression; US now a superpower
PEOPLE: Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Stalin (Russia), FDR (US), Truman (US), Churchill (Britain)
Great Depression – time period in US during the 1930s; millions were out of jobs and homes; spread worldwide
Pearl Harbor– surprise attack by the Japanese in 1941 in Hawaii that pulls US into WWII; Americans very motivated
Propaganda- info used to persuade or influence people (ex. Carpool or you ride with Hitler or Rosie the Riveter)
United Nations – an organization responsible for maintaining peace and helping countries in need
Holocaust- when the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jews; largest genocide in history (killing of an entire group of people)
Rest of the Year
The Cold War – conflict between the Soviet Union & U.S. from 1950-1990; no actual war just threat of nuclear war
The Korean War – 1950-1953; U.S. backed free South Korea vs. communist North Korea; no peace treaty signed
The Vietnam War – 1964-1973; US wanted to stop communism/domino effect; left in 1973 without accomplishing our goals
September 11, 2001 - act of terror involving extreme Muslims crashing passenger jets into the Twin Towers in NYC
Israel-Palestine conflict – tense conflict over land in Israel between the Jews of Israel and Muslims of Palestine; many wars
WHO – World Health Organization; prevent spread of disease; NAFTA- policy to promote trade among US, Canada & Mexico
HIV/Aids, Malaria, Ebola- diseases causing epidemics in Africa; very contagious (easy to spread); hard to stop
Problems in Africa – starvation (famine), lack of clean water (dehydration), lack of hospitals and schools; disease
Terrorism/Al-Qaeda/ISIS – using violence against a group of people for political or religious reasons; Middle East