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Y5 Spring 2
The Prophet Muhammad /The Qur’an
Revelation / teaching
FIELDS OF ENQUIRY: AT1: Beliefs, teachings and Sources
Practices and Ways of Life
AT2: Identity and Belonging
AT 1 (See Local Agreed Syllabus)
AT 2
Learning outcomes
 Explain what is meant by ‘revelation’
 Describe why the Qur’an is an important Holy Book for Muslims
 Say how and when the Qur’an is used
 Explain the story of Muhammad receiving the words of the Qur’an
 Explain why the Qur’an is similar to the person of Jesus and not the Bible
 Explain some key features of the Qur’an
e.g. Arabic, no pictures, 114 surahs
 Rules and guidance on how to live
 Identify the Arabic letters for Allah
 Say why in Muslim countries you often find quotations from the Qur’an in aspects of daily life
 Explain the difference between the position of Jesus in Islam and Jesus in Christianity
Expectations – levels of attainment
(See Local Agreed Syllabus)
Nearly all can:- (LEVEL 2)
Many can:- (LEVEL 2/3)
Some children have progressed further and can:- (LEVEL 3)
 Reflection
 Communication
 Empathy
 Interpretation
 Reasoning
 Evaluation
Key attitudes and values
 Appreciation
 Awe and Wonder
 Open mindedness
 Respect
Opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
(See Local Agreed Syllabus)
e.g. Visiting Muslim speakers
 Exploring the Muslim world
 Islamic art
 The call to Prayer
 Reflect on the fact that the Qur’an is the direct word of God
 Consider the fact that the Qur’an is not the equivalent of the Bible
Every child matters
Cross curricular links
Being Healthy
Enjoy and Achieve
Making a Positive Contribution
Staying Safe
Economic Well being
Prior learning
Know that people worship in different ways and have
different ways of celebrating events within their
Know why Muhammad is important for Muslims
Social cohesion
Explore the Muslim world and the
importance of the Qur’an for
Key vocabulary
Angel Jibril
Holy Book
Key questions for enquiry
Possible teaching activities
Do you have a special pair of trainers or something else that you like to keep clean and look after?
In pairs think about those things that might be so special to you that you take great care of them.
Now think about the ways in which you might take care of them. Do you keep them in a safe place? Do you
keep them clean?
If you look at the image below it is a picture of the Holy Qur’an
The Qur’an is the Holy book for Muslims and it is regarded as something very special.
The word Qur’an means recitation and the word ‘recite’ is important to Muslims. According to the Muslim
tradition the words of the Qur’an were the words that God ( Allah ) spoke to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Muhammad ( pbuh) did not write the Qur’an, instead the words from Allah were passed through Muhammad’s
( pbuh) mind and body and he became Allah’s ‘vehicle’ for Allah to pass on His message.
Muslims believe that Muhammad (pbuh) himself was illiterate and could not read and write himself so the
words were repeated to his friends who wrote it down in the Arabic calligraphy of the time. The messages were
revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) over a period of 23 years. The final revelation was just before his death.
Now look at the child in the photograph. What is he doing? Yes he is completing a jigsaw. Do we know what
the full image is that he is trying to complete? Can you guess what it might be?
Gradually as we complete a jigsaw the image becomes clear
Over the 23 years Muslims believe that like the jigsaw Allah’s message was gradually revealed. The Qur’an is
the complete message.
The Story
One night when Muhammad (pbuh) was about 49 years of age something happened that changed his life
forever. Muhammad (pbuh) had gone alone to a cave on Mount Hira (later called Mount Nur or the hill of light)
when he heard a voice calling his name and the word ‘RECITE’ or Iqra. Three times an angel ordered him to
‘ In the name of your Lord,
who created\all humanity from
a single drop of blood,
Speak these words aloud!
Your Lord is the Most Generous OneHe who has shown the Pen,
Who reveals directly
Things from beyond human knowledge’
(Surah 96 1-5)
The Angel who appeared to Muhammad (pbuh) was called ‘ Jibrail’ It was the same Angel who had appeared
to Mary the Mother of Jesus and the prophet Abraham. ( Gabriel )
When the vision faded Muhammad (pbuh) struggled home in a state of shock and excitement. His wife
Khadijah saw the change in him. Several months later Muhammad (pbuh) had another vision. The story says
how he closed his eyes and turned away but he could still see the angel. There were however no more visions
for two years and then they began again. Muhammad (pbuh) during this time began to preach and teach.
Gradually people began to follow Muhammad and listen to what he was saying. They made notes of everything
that he said writing it down on scraps of material stone and palm branches.
The visions continued for the remainder of Muhammad’s (pbuh) life and then a few years after his death his
friends decided to put the pieces of the material together as a permanent record.
For Muslims reading the Qur’an has great importance as it is the direct word of God (Allah) Muslims believe
that the writings in the Qur’an have the ability to change a person’s life.
An ambition of many Muslims is to learn the Qur’an by heart. The name of someone who has achieved this is a
‘hafiz’. The words of the Qur’an have never changed so the book remains unaltered. Although it has been
translated into many languages Muslims still read and learn the Arabic script
The Qur’an is usually wrapped in a special cloth and kept on the highest shelf in a room to keep it safe and
clean. Muslims will also wash their hands before handling it. When being read it is often placed on a special
stand like the one in the picture.
Copies of the Qur’an do not contain pictures of people and animals but are often very decorative filled with the
most amazing calligraphy like the example below which reads ‘Allah’
Every letter and word is sacred and special and Muslims throughout the world need to learn Arabic to read the
Qur’an. Arabic is written from right to left
The Qur’an has 114 surahs (chapters) and the text remains unaltered for over 1400 years.
The verses from the Qur’an are a popular form of decoration and words from the Qur’an are seen throughout
the Muslim world as a reminder that only Allah is perfect and mankind needs constant reminders of the word of
Assessment opportunity
Imagine you are a Muslim child, write an article for your school magazine about the Qur’an and why it is
important for you and why it is important to learn and recite it in Arabic.
Teachers must handle the Qur’an correctly
 keep on highest shelf in room
 keep wrapped
 wash hands before use
 handle with respect
 do not pass around for pupils to handle without washing their hands
There are 3 forms of Islamic Art
Geometrical , Arabesque and Calligraphy.
The 3 forms of Islamic Art will be covered extensively in topic 3 Year 6 entitled “Islamic Art”.
Folens photo pack Islam
A jigsaw
For Teachers
Islam : An Approach for GCSE: Jan Thompson (Hodder & Stoughton)
Examining Religious: Islam: Rosalyn Kendrick