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August Newsletter 2006
sustenance in the trials and tribulations of material
Spirit Communication received by Y. Limoges
Mankind misuses its most precious gift,
that of freewill, and it wonders why so much
vengeance, violence, destruction, and war ravages
the planet.
Have humans practiced the caring of each
other regardless of race, ethnic origin, nationality,
gender, or religion, or regardless of the many
ways mankind tries to devise in dividing itself?
You are all spirits before One Creator, each here
upon the earth to do and be good, to yourself and
to each other. You are all interconnected on this
planet, what one does affects another, and
another…You are here to put into practice the
good resolutions you made prior to incarnating to
help raise yourselves to be better morally and
But, due to the greed and lust for power of
the few, the multitudes are forgotten and left to
fend for themselves. This foments the seeds of
desperation and hopelessness in those who are
morally weak, causing many to lash out at any
perceived oppressors. The unfortunate ones of the
earth, instead of being offered the necessities of
food, clothing, shelter, medical aid, and a way to
earn a decent living with self-respect, at the very
least they are neglected and, at the very worst,
they are simply annihilated; in either case
forgotten. They also do not receive the necessary
spiritual nourishment their souls need for
The social ills of this planet, in a situation
when so few have too much and so many have so
little, will continue to perpetuate the cycle of hate,
violence and death that pervades this planet. Yet,
mankind will learn through trial and error and
through the laws of cause and effect. Once it has
had enough of suffering, it will eventually change,
but due to the low level of morality of the
majority of beings on this planet, progress will be
very slow.
Yet, do not think that the spirit world
stands idly by and watches this carnage with
disinterest. The superior spirits do all they can to
inspire good thoughts in mankind at propitious
moments so it will take beneficial actions to avoid
further disasters, and if we did not, things would
be much worse. The law of progress must prevail
and sooner or later this planet must change into
one where there will no longer be hate, violence,
or war. In the end, liberty, fraternity, equality, and
love will then reign upon your world.
So do not give up hope, do not become
desperate, but pray for your fellow beings creating
a more beneficial spiritual ambiance to make it
easier for us to assist you all (from the spirit
world) and in your every day words and deeds,
help anyone you can who crosses your path in
The Spiritist Society of Florida, August Newsletter 2006
Good or Bad Luck
Life is Hard But No One Is Ever Alone
By Jacqueline Benenati
A lot of people go through life blaming
others for their misfortunes. It never seems to be
their fault when bad things happen to them. They
have excuses for everything and always feel as if
they are unlucky.
We need to realize that there is no such
thing as luck (good or bad). The choices we make
bring about their own respective results. Choose
wisely and the results will be good. Choose poorly
and so will be the results.
God gave each one of us freewill.
Generally, we cannot say that anyone MADE US
DO anything against it. We are personally
responsible for our actions. Whatever we
experience is a direct result of those actions in the
present or from our past. Hopefully, as we mature
and learn to differentiate between good and what
is harmful or wrong, our choices in life will be the
correct ones.
Work is the Law
Spirit communication received by Y. Limoges
Love is all around you, my friend! The
Creator Sends out a Radiating Love for those who
are willing to accept it within their souls! The
Spirit Messengers assisting in accomplishing the
Creator’s Work await your call as well!
Don’t turn a deaf ear to these inspirations!
Be receptive to the love that abounds in
the Universe. Also, count the many blessings you
have because there is always someone worse off
than you. Yet, no one is forgotten, all have help
from those invisible friends that you have in the
spirit world.
But you have been given freewill and if
you do not listen to them, you have only yourself
to blame!
Open up your heart, to the love and inner
peace you can truly feel amidst the trials and
tribulations that are but brief moments in the
infinite life of your soul.
By Y. Limoges
If we want something whether it be to buy
a car, earn a college degree, lose weight and shape
up our body, fix our house, try to gain someone’s
affections, one thing is common to all – we must
work for it, either through our job for wages, our
efforts in studying, or discipline in what we eat
and/or physical activity, changing our behavior, or
through the sweat of our brow.
It is not any different in bettering
ourselves morally and spiritually. We must daily
try to be a good person. And, our efforts will be
rewarded – our souls will progress and this
process will eventually put an end to our material
existences of trials and tribulations. Work is a
Law of the Universe! And, what grander work
could there be than to reach the Creator!
We can uplift your spirits and sustain you
through trials, tests, and the missions you chose
for yourself, knowing that if you are victorious
your soul will have made tremendous progress in
your present life.
So lift up your eyes towards the Creator
and reach out with your heart and mind to the
spiritual sustenance you need and that we can give
you, to help support with resignation all you must
go through!
(NOTE: If I had to name only one wonderful
thing about knowing of the spirit world, it is the
knowledge that there are so many spirits who
want to help us, to inspire us, to console us, and to
provide spiritual nourishment for our souls.
Spiritists, take full advantage of this! Y.L.)
The Spiritist Society of Florida, August Newsletter 2006
Awareness of the Principles of Spiritism
with ourselves, not all the time, for that is the
most difficult part.
By Y. Limoges
I have found in my study of Spiritism and
in observing the behavior of other Spiritists and
myself throughout these many years, that we each
are at different levels of comprehension and
belief, and even more so how these affect our
As we learn the principles of the Doctrine,
we use our intelligence and come to accept the
belief because it makes sense to our reason. So,
we can say then at this point we have, at the very
least, a basic knowledge of Spiritism.
Therefore, it appears to me that most
Spiritists are (and I am definitely speaking of
myself as well) are generally only at a level of
awareness of the responsibilities required by the
knowledge and belief of Spiritism because putting
its principles into practice on a continuous and
daily basis, I believe, is the beginning of the next
step in the process of our soul’s moral and
spiritual evolution.
We may have one foot on that step, but
now we must strive hard to raise the other!
Spiritists Stay the Course!
Yet, although we may understand and
accept its principles, now we must discover
whether we truly believe it within our hearts.
There is a difference because just because we
understand something if we don’t honestly believe
it in our heart and soul, it will not entirely sustain
us when we truly need it. If there is any doubt
whatsoever within us during times of crisis, solely
having the knowledge of Spiritism will not
provide the spiritual nourishment to uphold us and
give us sufficiently the strength we need during
the many difficult times we may have in our lives.
If we understand the Doctrine because it
makes sense that it is true and we sincerely
believe and have strong faith in the moral and
spiritual laws that Spiritism teaches us, we must
finally put our knowledge, belief, and faith in
Spiritism to the test, by trying with all our might
to put these into practice. This means accepting
our lot in life without murmuring, undergoing our
trials and tests with calm resignation, sustaining
ourselves through prayer, not doing any wrong,
and doing all the good in the world we possibly
So, are we all putting both knowledge and
belief fully into practice? If we are being honest
Spirit Communication by Y. Limoges
Psychic phenomena and the faculty of
mediumship are realities to Spiritists. More and
more people are also starting to believe in these
things and those who don’t, let them keep
investigating. So then, what does Spiritism have
to offer? It offers the moral philosophy behind
the phenomena.
The world is in transition and there is
much upheaval and suffering. Only the concept
of reincarnation can provide the how, why, and
reasons these situations occur. Only the moral
philosophy “Spiritism” teaches can fully provide
the just cause of these events, can provide the
consolation that people seek, and the hope that
things can and will change for the better.
Let the investigators continue to prove
scientifically what Spiritists already know as fact.
Spiritists spread the knowledge of the whys and
wherefores of life…but do it gently, caringly, and
with the utmost humility. People are hunting and
seeking for a beacon of hope out of their miseries
and Spiritism is the key to opening the door that
will let in the light leading to their salvation.
The Spiritist Society of Florida, August Newsletter 2006
From Kardec’s The Spirits Book, Chapter VI
Question 742. What is the cause that impels
man to war?
Answer from the spirit world:
“The predominance of the animal nature over the
spiritual nature, and the desire of satisfying his
passions. In the barbaric state, the various peoples
know no other right than that of the strongest; and
their normal condition is, therefore, that of war.
As men progress, war becomes less frequent,
through avoidance of causes which lead to it; and
when it becomes inevitable, they wage it more
Question 745. What is to be thought of him
who stirs up war for his own profit?
Answer from the spirit world:
“Such a one is deeply guilty, and will have to
undergo many material existences in order to
expiate all the murders caused by him; for he will
have to answer for every person who has been
killed for the satisfaction of his ambition.”
“The hour for Spiritism has arrived.
During these trying times we are going through,
this doctrine brings consolation and hope to
grieving souls, the many who cry for the loss of
their dear ones, and also all those whose children
are still on the front lines of battle, those beloved
sons and daughters to which we have cared for
with such solicitude and for who now we have
feelings of apprehension and dread. It is
inconceivable the pain of oppression that is
undergone by this and that requires the necessity
of moral relief. All the nations that are now
fighting for liberty in the world, for the rights of
the weak and for justice, have seen the birth and
blossoming of their young brought down by
violence, and these cruel loses reverberate in
profound and painful vibrations within the hearts
of our own families. Never has humanity had the
greatest necessity for a doctrine that bestows
support and gives courage in these tragic hours.
Spiritism offers a ray of light to all souls darkened
by sadness and desperation. It extends a consoling
balsam over all wounds.”
(From the book The Invisible World and the War
published in 1919 and written by Leon Denis a
fellow Frenchman who knew Kardec and was a
great believer, disseminator, and writer of
Spiritism – excerpt translated and edited from the
Spanish by Y. Limoges)
We pray for all those in suffering in our world,
for we are ALL the children of ONE
CREATOR. And, we pray for peace on earth!
Newsletter edited by Yvonne Limoges
E-mail: [email protected]
Spiritist Society of Florida
5042 22 Avenue North
St. Petersburg Florida 33710
The Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
(The above important Website, in the section on
“resources” and then click “electronic books” are
all the books on “Spiritism” based on the
responses from the superior spirits and compiled
by French Educator, Allan Kardec, called the
Codifier of the Spiritist Doctrine.)