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The Egyptian language school
Science department
Model answer of school book exercises
Grade ( 5 ) 2nd Term
Test page84
Q1:-Write the scientific term:
a- red blood cells
b- aorta artery c- ball bearing
resistance e- silt soil f- sand soil .
d- air
Q2:- write a brief
1- force exists between two touches surface and its works in the
opposite direction of movement
2- yellow watery fluid at which all blood components float
(suspended) in it
3- It consists mainly of sand particles,its color is yellow ,the size of
the particles is large,its loose ,its good aerated ,drainage of water
is fast and great,water absorption is low,it is less fertile, the
suitable plants in sand soil is cactus,potato,sweet potato,peanut.
4- The artery that carries oxygenated blood to all parts of the body.
5- Excretory material “ excess salt and excess water “ get rid off the
body through skin and it is extracted by sweat glands in skin
6- Type of resistance force which exists between water and any
object moves through
Q3:- choose the correct answer:a-2
b- 2
c- 3
d- 1 e-2 f- 3 g- 3 h-1 i-2 j-1.
Q4:- put √ or X
a-X harm
B- X human’s blood
c- X harms urinary
d- X urethra is tube
e- √
f- √
a- g-  ,h-  (loose- good )
.I – X to the all body parts
j-  (decayed organisms) , k-  (sand soil)
Q5:- complete:a-Water resistance
friction e- friction
b- air resistance
f- chemical fertilizers,chemical pesticides,industrial wastes.
g- movement (motion)
h- sand,silt,clay i- Nile valley j- medium
,high ,high. K – Ethiopian
Exercises on 2nd term book page 88
Question (1):-Complete the following:1-deoxygenated – oxygenated
2- pulmonary artery
ureters – urine
4- skin- two lungs
5-Ethiopian. 6- Silt . 7- clay,sand soil 8- Silt.
pesticides, chemical fertilizers,soil salinity.
10- decrease friction
9- Chemical
11- heart – blood – blood vessels
12- sand , humus, clay. 13- clay.
3- 2
Question (2):1- It is blood circulation between heart and lungs only.
2- It’s a type of glands in the skin which extract the excess water
and salts in the form of sweat
3- It is the decayed remains of animals and plants mixed with the
soil components and its color is dark brown or black.
4-It is any change in the soil that disturb its natural balance and
harms its living organisms.
5- A force between two touches object and it is work in opposite
direction of movement
6- A set of smooth metallic balls but between internal moving parts
of machines and it dec. the friction
7- It is blood circulation between heart and body parts except the
two lungs
8- A narrow tube which carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder
9- A sac like muscular organ which store the urine till it out from
10- Its a blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood from heart
to lung
11-It is the ability of the soil to be planted and it depends on the
Amount of humus in it.
12-Soil is a thin non compacted (loose) superficial (upper) layer
Which covers the earth crust.
13-It is the soil that composed of a mixture of equal amounts of
Gravel,sand,clay and silt but it contains more humus.
14- A type of blood cell which defense body against microbes
15- A yellow watery fluid which carries blood components and
transfer digested food to cells and excretory materials to excretory
16- Tubes that the blood flows inside them in the body {arteries,
veins and blood capillaries}
Question (3):1- A type of blood cells which carry oxygen to cells and carbon
dioxide to lungs
2- A type of blood cells which helps in blood coagulation {forming
clot} and prevent bleeding
3- All blood components float (suspended) in it and it transfers
digested food to cells and excretory materials to excretory systems
4- Filter the blood from urea, uric acid , excess water and salt in the
form of urine
Question (4)
The factors are heat-wind-rain- running water.
In the school book page 74.
Question (6):1- Prevents us from slipping down.
2-It enables us to control the car speed and to change the car
3- Lightning of a match.
Question (7):1- By using lubricants and oils. They decrease the friction force
between the objects so it is used in engines.
2- By using ball bearings. Because ball bearing decrease the friction
area, so the friction force decrease
Question (8):
.1- Plants take minerals and other nutrients from soil to live and
2- Animals eat plants that previously depend on soil to grow.
3-Some animals make their homes in soil .
4-Man eats plants and animals that previously depend on soil to
Question (9):1) Keep exercising to activate the blood circulation.
2) Eat healthy and balanced food (lowing fat and salt).
3) Drink suitable amount of water daily.
4) Avoid accidents and wound.
5) Avoid smoking and smokers.
6) Eat more fruit and vegetables fresh and clean.
Question (10):1- To allow blood to pass from the atrium to the ventricle and
prevents it from returning back
2- To keep the circulatory system healthy.
3- Their thin wall allows blood to deliver food and oxygen to the
cells, and allows to get rid of wastes materials.
4- Bec. they are the materials from food that your body cannot
digest.” Solid wastes “they are stored in large intestines before
passing out of the body.
5- To control it or to change its direction
6- Because it causes soil pollution.
7- To increase surface area and air resistance so it can land safely
8- To decrease air resistance and move with high speed with less
energy consumed
9- To decrease friction force and protect machine from damage as
they formed thin layer between machine parts
10- To decrease friction force and protect machine from damage
11- To squeeze water out during rains and prevent car from slipping
12- Because the distance between its particles is large(loose).
Question (11):1- peanutplant. . 2- left atrium 3- friction 4- increasing fertility
5- opposite 6- blood platelets 7- plasma 8- increasing the
acidity of soil.
Question (12):(1) 1- the urinary system 2- ( 1- kidney 2- urinary bladder 3ureter 4- vein 5- artery )
3- Store urine till it expelled out the body
4- 1- artery carries impure blood towards the two kidneys
2- (a) Kidney filter the blood from urea, uric acid , excess water and
salt in the form of urine then pass it through ureter to urinary
bladder then out through urethra
(b) Pure blood back again through vein back to heart
(2) 1-
2- Left atrium (oxygenated blood)
Right atrium (deoxygenated blood)
3- 1- left ventricle 2-right ventricle
3- right atrium 4- left
atrium 5- wall of left side
6- pulmonary artery 7- aorta
artery 8- pulmonary artery
9- four pulmonary veins
10 - superior vena cava
11- inferior vena cava 12- valves
2- allow blood to pass from the atrium to the ventricle and prevents
it from returning back
3- (arteries – veins – blood capillaries)
Opposite direction of movement
Question (13):(A) 1-They contaminate plants ,as they leak into the soil.
-They harm the human and animals health when they feed on these
contaminated plants.
2- When they are used in great quantities ,they cause :
the death of organisms that live in the soil .
* Harm for human and animals that feed on plants .
3- * They increase soil acidification.
*They deprive plants from the soil salts that dissolve in acidic rain
causing the death of plants as soil salts are necessary for plant
4-It causes loss of cultivated plants and affects the plant growth.
(B) 1- When these chemical fertilizers are used in great quantities,
They cause :
*the death of living organisms that live in soil.
* Harm for human and animals that feed on plants as chemical
Fertilizers leak to the plants that grow in the soil.
2-It will not grow.
3-The plant will not be fixed in the soil, also it can,t absorb water
and minerals from the soil.
4-The air,water and nutrients will not pass easily through soil so the
Plant can,t benefit from it.
5- The poisonous take place then man dies
6- Causes kidney and ureters stones
7- It harms the urinary system
8- The oxygenated blood mix with deoxygenated blood then man
9- The heart beats will increases
10 – The car will slip down which causes accidents
11- The human will slip down
12- The water resistances increases which causes the diver need
more energy to overcome this force
13 – The car will slip down which causes accidents
14- It will decrease the air resistance
15- After a period of time the machine damage due to increase of
friction between internal moving parts of machines
Question (14):(1) 1- e
2- b
4- a or f
(2) 1- d
2- e
3- b
4- a
(3) 1-d
(4) 1- b
2- d
(5) 1-b
3- a
6- d
4- c
Q15:- School book page 71.
Model exam (1) book Page 97
Q1:- 1- force which exists between two touches surface and works
in opposite direction of body movement
2- They are the waste materials are produced when the body cells
burn the digested food by using oxygen.
3- blood circulation between heart and two lungs only
Q2:- 1-√
Q3:- 1- opposite
dioxide - oxygen
3- .
2- grooves and inscription
Q4:- (1)It is practical .
3- carbon
(2) It is practical.
Friction increases between rough surface and decreases between smooth
The kidney can not filter the blood from the dangerous and
poisonous wastes
2- The plant will not grow well.
Model exam (2) Book page 99
Q (1):1- Ball bearing
Q2:- 1-√
2-The soil.
2-√ 3- X white blood cells
Q3:- 1- kidney 2- artery 3- clay.
Q (4):1) Drink appropriate amounts of water daily especially in summer.
2) Eat healthy and balanced food.
3) Avoid schistosomiasis disease “ Bilharzia diseases (bloody urine).
4) Don't keep urine for long periods inside your body.
Q (5)It is a practical question.