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Second Degree Accelerated Program: Fall 2011
Clinical Nursing Simulation Center (CNSC) Information
As part of clinical, you will attend teaching/practice sessions in the CNSC. These sessions will take
place from 1-5 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each of the first three weeks of the fall semester.
Prior to each session, you are to review the assigned modules of Taylor’s Video Guide to Clinical
Nursing Skills Student Set on CD-ROM that you will purchase prior to the start of the semester.
During the clinical experience you will need to practice and properly demonstrate the following
Bed-making and Bed Bath
To complete the bed-making and bed bath skills demonstration, you must:
1) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 7: Hygiene
2) Demonstrate proper procedure for making a bed occupied by your classmate in the CNSC, as
observed by your assigned faculty.
3) Demonstrate proper procedure for giving a bed bath to your classmate in the CNSC, as
observed by your assigned faculty.
Body Mechanics & Range of Motion
To complete the body mechanics and range of motion skills demonstration, you must:
1) View CD-ROM:
 Module 9: Activity
2) Demonstrate proper body mechanics for positioning your classmate during bathing and
assisting your classmate out of bed to a chair, in the CNSC, as observed by your assigned
3) Demonstrate proficiency in performing range of motion exercises on your classmate during
bathing, in the CNSC, as observed by your assigned faculty.
Additional skills will be covered during the clinical teaching/practice sessions. In the fourth week of
your clinical experience, you will participate in a clinical simulation. Your clinical simulation day is
September 20 or 23, 2011. During your assigned time, you will coordinate care for your “patient”
incorporating the following:
Vital Signs
To demonstrate competency in vital signs skills, you must:
1) Attend the clinical session on vital signs.
2) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 1: Vital Signs
3) Assess your assigned “patient’s” temperature using a tympanic electronic thermometer.
4) Assess your assigned “patient’s” radial pulse (+/-5) as confirmed by faculty/staff.
5) Assess your assigned “patient’s” respiratory rate (+/-4) as confirmed by faculty/staff.
6) Assess your assigned “patient’s” blood pressure (+/-5) as confirmed by faculty/staff.
Blood Glucose Evaluation
To demonstrate competency in blood glucose evaluation, you must:
1) View the video:
 Diabetes: Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia & Monitoring (2004) Concept Media,
Irvine, California.
2) Read the user’s guide for the glucometers in the CNSC.
3) Demonstrate proper procedure, as observed by your clinical instructor, for using a blood
glucose monitoring system to evaluate your assigned “patient’s” capillary blood glucose level.
(“Patients” will be required to undergo a small finger prick in order to allow for sample
Medication Administration Parts I, II & III
To demonstrate competency in medication administration, you must:
1) Read and complete self-evaluations:
 Pickar, Gloria (2004) Section 1: Chapter 1 & 2, Dosage Calculations 8th ed. Clifton
Park, New York, pp. 5-54.
 Pickar, Gloria (2004) Section 2: Chapters 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8, Dosage Calculations 8th ed.
Clifton Park, New York, pp. 57-84, 101-148.
 Pickar, Gloria (2004) Section 2: Chapter 9, Dosage Calculations 8th ed. Clifton Park,
New York, pp. 149-165.
 Pickar, Gloria (2004) Section 3: Chapters 10-13, Dosage Calculations 8th ed. Clifton
Park, New York, pp. 169-308.
2) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 3: Oral and Topical Medications
 Module 4: Injectable Medications
 Module 5: Intravenous Medications
3) Demonstrate to your clinical instructor your application of knowledge of drug management by:
 Properly interpreting physicians orders for medications.
 Utilizing the medication administration record/system to obtain a patient’s
 Correctly performing dosage calculations to convert have to desired dosage and
apothecary to household and metric dosage.
 Correctly answering questions regarding abbreviations and labeling.
4) Demonstrate your application of knowledge of parenteral drug administration by:
 Correctly performing dosage calculations to convert have to desire dosage.
 Properly withdrawing medications from vial and ampule.
 Using correct technique to mix medications from two vials.
 Locating correct subcutaneous and intramuscular injection sites.
 Using proper technique to administer a subcutaneous and intramuscular medication to
a simulation manikin and/or injection pad.
5) Demonstrate your application of knowledge of IV therapy by:
 Correctly performing dosage calculations to determine hourly and minute drop rate.
 Regulate an IV drip rate by counting drops per minute using micro and macro drip sets
in the CNSC.
Sterile Dressing
To demonstrate competency in a sterile dressing change, you must:
1) View the CD-ROMS:
 Module 2: Asepsis
 Module 8: Skin Integrity and Wound Care.
2) Demonstrate proper procedures and techniques for removing a dressing, caring for a
simulated wound and applying a sterile dressing on your assigned “patient
After successful completion of your clinical simulation, you will be required to demonstrate
proficiency in other skills that were learned during your clinical experience. Competency will be
demonstrated on Skill Day, using simulation manikins at assigned Skill Stations. Your Skills Day is
September 22, 2011. During your assigned time, you will be required to demonstrate proficiency in
the following skills, as observed by your clinical faculty and/or CNSC staff.
Enema Administration & Ostomy Demonstration
To demonstrate competency in enema administration you must:
1) View the CD-ROM
 Module 13: Bowel Elimination
2) Demonstrate proper procedure for administering an enema to a simulation manikin.
3) Using a simulation manikin, demonstrate proper procedures for:
 Removal, measurement and application of an Ostomy barrier device.
 Providing skin care in the area surrounding an Ostomy.
 Application, cleaning and reapplying an Ostomy pouch.
Nasogastric Tube Insertion, Feeding and Lavage
To demonstrate competency in nasogastric tube insertion, feeding and lavage, you must:
1) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 10: Nutrition.
2) Demonstrate proper techniques for insertion, maintenance and discontinuation of a
masogastric tube using a simulation manikin.
Urinary Catheterization
To demonstrate competency in urinary catheterization, you must:
1) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 11: Urinary Elimination
2) Demonstrate knowledge urinary catheterization, as observed by the CNSC staff by;
 Properly setting up a sterile field and donning sterile gloves.
 Correctly inserting a catheter in a female simulation manikin without contaminating
self, catheter or field.
 Correctly answering questions about care of the patient with an indwelling urinary
After successfully completing the first four weeks of your clinical experience, you will begin your
assigned clinical rotation. Throughout this rotation, you will continue to learn new skills. Prior to
performing these skills on patients in the clinical setting, you are required to demonstrate proficiency
with skill by successfully completing skills demonstrations in the CNSC. The following skill
demonstrations will be completed during your 401 clinical rotations. These demonstrations must be
schedule on your own time. They are not included in your clinical experience. To schedule these skill
demonstrations, please contact Kim Hearst in the CNSC at 408-4089 or [email protected]
Secondary IV Demo
Due: October 21, 2011
To demonstrate competency in secondary IV medication administration, you must:
1) View the CD-ROM:
 Module 16: Intravenous Therapy
2) Schedule yourself for a 20 minute demo session in the CNSC.
3) Demonstrate proper procedures for secondary IV medication administration, as observed by
your CNSC staff, by choosing and employing correct interventions for administration of
secondary IV medications using a simulation manikin.
Tracheostomy & Water Seal Demo
Due: November 11, 2011
To demonstrate competency in tracheostomy and chest tube care, you must:
1) View CD-ROM:
 Module 14: Oxygenation
 Module 15: Tracheostomy Care
2) Read: Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 11th ed. (2008)
Lippinocott Williams and Wilkins, pp. 758-764.
3) Schedule yourself with a classmate to complete the tracheostomy and water seal skills
demonstration in the CNSC
 2 students may schedule for each 30 minute session.
4) Demonstrate to and discuss with CNSC staff, correct techniques for:
 Suctioning a client with a tracheostomy tube.
 Cleaning a tracheostomy site and cannula
 Changing tracheostomy ties
 Use of an Ambu bag
5) Demonstrate knowledge of closed chest drainage by setting up a drainage system and
discussing proper function and trouble-shooting strategies for improper function.