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CS-112 Study Guide
Spring 2009
The U.S. military used the ENIAC computer for its intended purpose during World War II.
What important concept is attributed to John Von Neumann?
What company controlled 70 percent or more of the computer marketplace in the '60s and '70s?
In hardware, the next step up from the transistor was the transmitter.
Chapter 2: Software tools for Techies
Which is not a valid file compression format extension?
Which file compression format is commonly used in UNIX and Linux?
What is a common use of spreadsheets?
1. What is the purpose of a motherboard?
2. What does CPU stand for?
3. What are the four basic functions implemented inside the CPU?
4. What is the purpose of a decoder circuit?
5. What are the three parts of a transistor?
6. What are the main Boolean operators?
7. What type of table is used to represent the inputs and outputs of a logic circuit?
8. Which complex circuit is used to address memory?
9. What would be the output of an XOR gate if the inputs were both O?
10. Which gate is combined with an AND to form the NAND gate?
11. What symbol is used for the OR Boolean operator in a Boolean expression?
12. Which of the complex digital circuits is used to construct SRAM?
Chapter 3:
13. Which memory type is faster, SRAM or DRAM?
14. What are the characteristics of Von Neumann architecture?
15. In computer terminology, what is a bus?
16. What are the three signal groups of a bus?
17. What is the purpose of cache memory?
18. What is polling?
19. Which is more efficient, polling or interrupt handling?
20. How is resolution measured?
1. Which of the following memory types is the fastest?
2. In a truth table, inputs are represented on which side?
3. Any Boolean expression can represent by a truth table.
4. Inputs of 1 and 0 to an XOR gate produce what output?
5. In a computer, what function does a decoder usually perform?
Boolean expressions are simplified through the use of:
Which part of the CPU is responsible for mathematical operations?
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CS-112 Study Guide
Spring 2009
A ___________ in computer terminology is a set of wires and protocols designed to facilitate data transfer.
Most computers these days use the ___________ bus.
The ___________ contains instructions and data that provide the startup program for the computer.
High-speed _____________ is used to speed processing in a computer system.
The quality of printer output is measured in ______________
What does the superscript 3 indicate in the number 163?
What is the value of 163?
What is the positional value of the 1 in the binary number 100000 ?
What is the largest number of items that can be represented with four hexadecimal digits?
What is the positional value of the A in the hexadecimal number BEA?
What numeric value in base 10 does the binary number 10000001 rep sent?
What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 543?
What hexadecimal value is equivalent to 1234 base 10?
What numeric value in hexadecimal is equivalent to the binary number 1101111010101101?
What binary value is equivalent to the hex number C43A?
What is the binary result of adding the binary numbers 0110 + 1101?
What is the two's complement value of the binary number 010100110?
How many unique characters does ASCII allow?
Operating systems
8. What is a. process in an operating system?
9. What method allows multiple processes to share the CPU?
10. What is the purpose of an interrupt handler?
11. Folders and files in an operating system are organized into what type of structure?
12. In UNDO, how can information on OS commands be accessed?
13. What is the purpose of formatting a disk?
14. Give an example of a case-sensitive operating system.
15. What command would be used in DOS to create a folder?
16. What command in UNIX would be used to list the folders and files on a drive?
17. In an operating system, what is a wildcard?
18. In Windows, what key can be used to rename a file?
19. For what task is Plug and Play used in an operating system?
20. Do PDA devices require an operating system?
Which of the following is not a multitasking operating system?
An operating system method of allowing multiple processes to share the CPU is:
Graphical interfaces can be added to the UNIX operating system.
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CS-112 Study Guide
DOS is case sensitive.
Which operating system(s) uses MD to create folders?
What is the command in DOS to list the files and folders on a disk volume?
Which of the following is the command used in UNIX to rename files?
The command for deleting a folder in DOS is:
Spring 2009
Chapter 7
5. What are examples of networking protocols?
6. How many layers are there in the ISO/OSI reference model?
7. What is a WAN?
8. What are the three LAN topologies? ,
9. Which of the three LAN topologies has emerged as the most popular?
10. What is a NIC?
11. Which network device can interpret and translate differing network protocols?
12. What is the difference between a hub and a switch?
13. Which network device is designed to prevent damage to an inside network from an outside source?
14. What frequency range are voice-grade telephone lines designed to carry?
16. What is bandwidth?
17. How does a WLAN differ from a LAN?
18. What is the difference between AM and FM?
20. Which type of multiplexing combines signals on a circuit by dividing the available transmission bandwidth
into narrower bands?
3. Which is a faster networking cable?
4. Which of the following standards is used in wireless networking?
5. Which of the following is not one of the ISO/OSI reference model layers?
6. Which of the ISO/OSI protocol layers is responsible for a guaranteed delivery of data?
7. Which of the ISO/OSI protocol layers is involved with the electrical specifications of a network?
8. Which of the following is a LAN topology?
9. A hub has a single input and a single output.
18. Which type of guided medium is the least susceptible to attenuation and inductance?
19. Which bus topology has emerged as the most popular method of connecting computers in a LAN
20. DSL is a combination of what two types of multiplexing?
2. What are examples of protocols in your everyday life?
3. Why is it necessary for a computer scientist to have knowledge of networking?
4. What are the advantages of using twisted pair cable for networking? What are the disadvantages?
5. How do you think the ISO/OSI model helped further networking progress?
3. "What does the acronym ISP stand for?
4. What is an NBP?
5. "What is the protocol SMTP used for?
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CS-112 Study Guide
Spring 2009
6. Which Internet protocol is responsible for the reliable delivery of data from
one computer to another?
7. Which Internet protocol manages the sequencing of data packets?
8. Which Internet protocol maintains port information?
9. What is the size, in bits, of an IP version 4 addresses?
10. Which IPv4 class allows for the greatest number of hosts?
11. What is the IP address reserved for?
12. Whit is the regional agency that assigns IP addresses for North America?
13. What is the function of DHCP in networking?
14. What is a router?
15. What limits TCP/IP packets from bouncing from router to router forever?
16. What is the purpose of the FTP protocol?
17. Which network device is used to resolve domain names into IP addresses?
18. What is the Windows command-line command to check the network configuration of your computer?
19. What is the language of the World Wide Web?
20. What programs are used to "crawl" the Web?
1. The Internet is owned by;
2. Internet providers maintain a switching center called a:
3. The purpose of HTTP is to:
4. Which of the following is not an Internet-related protocol?
5. How many possible ports are allowed in TCP?
6. Which portion of the TCP/IP protocol stack provides for error detection and correction?
7. How many different hosts can be granted a Class A IP address allocation?
8. Which Internet protocol is used to dynamically assign IP addresses?
9. Routers are critical to the operation of the Internet.
10. Which Internet component is responsible for decrementing the TTL?
11. Which of the following is an example of a high-level protocol?
12. Which of the following protocols makes the Web possible?
13. Which of the following is an example of a URL?
14. How many domain name servers does the Internet have?
15. What is the standard port number for HTTP?
16. How many IP addresses are presented to the Internet when NAT is used?
17. Which of the following is an example of an HTML tag?
18. Which HTML tag is used to provide links to other pages?
19. XML is just another name for HTML.
20. Bots are used by ___________ to crawl the World "Wide Web.
1. What is the purpose of each of the fields in a TCP packet header?
2. What is the purpose of each of the fields in an IP packet header?
3. How are routers programmed?
4. What is the difference between a router, a gateway, and a switch, as applied to the Internet?
5. What is the process for obtaining a block of IP addresses for your business?
1. In what ways has the Internet impacted society?
2. What is meant by the term "digital divide"?
3. What are the security issues related to the Internet and how are they being addressed?
4. What are the individual steps involved in an HTTP request? 5. How does your department computer lab
connect to the Internet?
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