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Practice Questions:
This is a series of practice tests that you should be able to complete after reading the
Space Chapter.
1. Orion and Ursa Major were considered a hunter and a bear, by First Nations
peoples. Such star formations are called
a. Solstices
b. Equinoxes
c. Constellations
d. Geocentric models
2. The first footprints on the surface of the moon were made by
a. Yuri Gagarin in 1961
b. Copernicus in1534
c. Neil Armstrong in 1969
d. Marc Garneau in 1984
3. Compare the geocentric and heliocentric models. Be sure to address the
following points:
- Who proposed it?
- When was the theory proposed?
- What did the theory state?
4. What is Kepler noted for?
5. What is “Sputnik” associated with?
6. What do the names “Spirit” and “Opportunity” represent?
7. What significant invention of the 16th century made it possible to gain a
better understanding of space?
8. One complete rotation of Earth takes place every
a. 12 hours
b. 24 hours
c. 240 days
d. 365 days
9. How many degrees is Earth tilted?
10. Indicate the dates when the following phenomena occur in the Northern and
Southern hemisphere.
a. Spring Equinox:
b. Fall Equinox:
c. Summer Solstice:
d. Winter Solstice:
11. What was instrument invented by Gurson to measure the angle between the
moon and the stars?
12. The star Sirius A is 8.6 light-years away from Earth. Calculate this distance in
13. A special triangulation method called parallax is used to determine the
distance of the stars. Explain, using a diagram, how this method works.
14. Altitude is sued as part of the measurement when determining the position
of a distance star. The altitude measurement, in degrees, can never be greater
a. 45 degrees
b. 90 degrees
c. 180 degrees
d. 270 degrees
15. What is an astrolabe and how does it work?
16. In order to be functional, optical telescopes use energy from the
electromagnetic spectrum in the form of
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Light waves
d. Gamma waves
17. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. What type of wave is
found on either side of the light spectrum?
a. Infrared and ultraviolet
b. Infrared and microwave
c. Microwave and x-ray
d. Ultraviolet and gamma
18. Compare the reflecting telescope with the reflecting telescope.
19. What is the major reason that the Hubble Space Telescope is able to send
clear high-resolution images to Earth?
20. The radio telescope is designed differently than an optical telescope. Draw a
diagram to illustrate what a radio telescope looks like and label the dish and
21. Use the terms array, resolution, and interferometry to explain how a radio
telescope produces a clear image.
22. Which of the following terms doesn’t describe a stage in the life cycle of a
a. Prostar
b. Nebula
c. Red Giant
d. Constellation
23. “Black Hole” is a name given to an extremely dense
a. dwarf star
b. prostar
c. neutron star
d. red giant star
24. A star changes its shape and form as
gas during the process of
gas becomes
25. It is speculated that a particular star is composed of the element hydrogen.
Explain how the technique of spectroscopy can be used to determine if in fact
this star is composed of hydrogen.
26. An astronomer studying a particular star over time has noticed that it
appears to be moving away from Earth. Explain how the astronomer is able
to scientifically determine this phenomenon.
27. Name three types of galaxies.
28. What is a comet?
29. Why does the tail of a comet always face away from the sun?
30. What is the Milky Way?
31. Which of the following planets does not belong to terrestrial group?
a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Earth
32. The asteroid belt is located between the planets
a. Venus and Earth
b. Mercury and Venus
c. Mars and Jupiter
d. Saturn and Neptune
33. How far is Sun from Earth in:
a. Astronomical Units:
b. Kilometers:
34. How hot is the sun?
a. Interior core temperature:
b. Exterior surface temperature:
35. The sun is a nuclear reactor that changes hydrogen gas to
process of
by the
36. What is another name for a solar flare?
37. For each of the following characteristics, indicates the planet to which the
characteristics apply.
a. Closest to the sun:
b. Hottest surface temperature:
c. Features life:
d. Coldest surface temperature:
e. Longest daily rotation:
f. Surrounded by a halo of rings:
g. Bluish in color with extremely high winds:
37. Define the following:
a. Meteoroid:
b. Meteor:
c. Meteorite:
38. The name given to natural or artificial object that orbits another object is
a. Satellite
b. Probe
c. Shuttle
d. Robot
39. List the four roles that satellites have.
40. What is the purpose of sending a probe into space?
41. What is the significance of Canadarms 1 and 2 to the space program?
42. Why are Marc Garneau and Roberta Bondar important figures in Canadian
space exploration?
43. Many satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit around Earth. What does this
44. Explain what GPS is and how it works.
45. Identify three physical changes experienced by an astronaut living in a space
environment of microgravity for a prolonged period of time.
46. State a point of view about the issue of space exploration that may arise from
a. An environmentalist
b. A politician
c. An astronaut
47. List three dangers posed by travel into and in space.
48. The science that deals with the study of the composition, distance, magnitude
and motion of objects in space is called
a. Astrology
b. Geology
c. Astronomy
d. Cosmology
49. When scientists discus the “Big Bang’ theory of formation, they are talking
about the
a. Earth
b. Universe
c. Stars
d. Galaxies
50. Which statement is today accepted as correct about the objects and their
motion within the solar system?
a. Aristotle proposed that the sun is in the center and the planets
revolve around it
b. Copernicus proposed that the Earth is in the center and the planets
revolve around it
c. Aristotle proposed that the Earth is in the center and the planets
revolve around it
d. Copernicus proposed that the Sun is in the center and the planets
revolve around it.
51. The term equinox is associated with a phenomenon that occurs in the
months of
a. September and March
b. September and December
c. March and June
d. June and December
52. Draw and label the electromagnetic spectrum.
53. Several telescopes are aligned to work together to produce a clearer image.
The technique used is called.
a. Spectroscopy
b. Microscopy
c. Interferometry
d. Parallax
54. A star is born. That same star eventually dies. Which order describes the
stages of a star from the time of its formation to the time of its
a. Nebula –prostar- neutron star- red giant
b. Prostar – nebula – red giant – neutron star
c. Nebula – red giant – neutron star – prostar
d. Nebula – prostar – red giant – neutron star
55. The sun is a nuclear power plant that changes hydrogen gas into helium gas
by the process of
a. Fission
b. Fusion
c. Induction
d. Conduction
56. Which statement describes the galaxy we live in?
a. Spiral galaxy called the Milky Way
b. Irregular galaxy called Twilight
c. Spiral galaxy called Twilight
d. Elliptical galaxy called the Milky Way
57. The nucleus of a comet is composed primary of
a. Iron
b. Helium
c. Ice
d. dust
The following four statements about the Sun appeared in a student’s research
1. The Sun’s interior temperature is cooler than its outside temperature
2. It is estimated that the Sun is at its half life and has 5 billion years left
3. As the Sun converts hydrogen gas into helium gas, it releases energy
4. Solar flares occur in the interior of the Sun
58. Which statements are considered to be correct facts about the Sun?
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 1 and 2
59. The planet Uranus is
a. Solid and larger than Earth
b. Gaseous and smaller than Earth
c. Solid and smaller than Earth
d. Gaseous and larger than Earth
60. A rocky planet object that leaves its orbit, falls through the atmosphere and
lands on the Earth’s surface is called
a. Asteroid
b. Meteoroid
c. Meteorite
d. Meteor
61. Mars is presently being explored by surface technology. These roaming
devices are grouped into the category
a. Shuttles
b. Probes
c. Satellites
d. Rockets
62. If an orbiting satellite matches the Earth’s rotation speed, the satellite is said to
be in a
a. geosynchronous
b. geometric
c. gravitational
d. geophysical