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Fremont Spanish C
My place in the
world- names, where
do you live, where are
you from, nationality,
age (numbers), likes
and dislikes)
Hello/goodbye, see you
later, see you soon, good
morning, afternoon,
Numbers 1-30
Sports and hobbies
Personality traits, Physical
traits, Geography (Central
America), Nationalities
Let´s Celebrate- seasons,
weather, foods, holidays,
traditions, family and
Weather expressions,
Foods, Holidays,
Adjectives describing food
for celebrations, seasonal
foods, family dinners,
family members,
vocabulary relating to
Greet someone and say goodbye
Introduce yourself and ask for someone’s
Be able to convey personal information
Discuss age
Talk about where you are from and where
you live
Ask how someone is feeling and respond
Describe yourself and ask how someone
else is like
Discuss activities you like and don´t like to
Explain why you like and don´t like to do
certain things
Introduce others
Describe others and explain relationship
(family members and friends)
Talk about where others are from and
where they live
Comment on food
Discuss what they and their families do to
Inquire and say how often you do certain
Identify and describe festivals from
around the world
Ask and give dates for special occasions
Discuss what they and their families are
going to do
Compare and contrast family members
Spanish Structures
Alphabet, Introduce noun /
adjective agreement
Yo, Usted vs. Tú (present
tense: llamarse, ser, tener)
gustar+inf. (Me, te, le)
Interrogative words:
Cómo, qué, de dónde,
Subject pronouns (yo, tú,
Noun / adjective agreement
Third person: Él/Ella,
Ellos,Ellas, Nosotros/as,
Vosotros/as (present tense:
llamarse, ser, gustar+nouns
& pronouns, tener)
Possessive adjectives
Verbs used with
celebrations (AR verbs,
Ir + a + infinitive
adverbs of frequency
A day in the life- school,
favorite classes, school,
favorite classes,
compare/contrast of
educational systems,
activities after school,
clothing, time
Classes, adjectives
describing classes,
activities in school and
after school, clothing,
weather (basic), Numbers
31-1000, Emotions
The world around us
Community- locations,
shops, places, currency,
maps, directions,
transportation, cross
cultural comparisons,
exploring a new
Prepositions of location
Locations in town
Currency (Spain)
Transitions words
Talk about how I and others feel
Explain personal feeling (why)
Describe a typical day including time
Describe your classes and schedule
Describe classroom activities
Describe your skills (what you and
others know how to do)
Describe the clothing that you
wear/need for certain seasons/weather
Describe the weather
Talk about what you typically eat for meals
Talk about what you have to do
Talk about where you go during the school
Compare US educational system to
educational system in a foreign country
describe a local school found abroad and
compare it to your school
Ask for and follow directions
Locate places on a map
Say where you are going
Ask and answer questions about where
they and others live
Making purchases
Describe people and things about location
Name places that shop and say what they
buy there
Say where you are going and what you are
going to do there
Say where you went
Estar + emotion
Ir + place
Adverbs for sequencing
School subjects
Expressing time
School verbs
Saber + infinitive
Clothing & colors
Weather expressions
Comer/beber, foods
Tener que + infinitive
Interrogative words,
ER/IR verbs
Simple future (ir + place)
stem-changing verbs
(querer, preferir, poder)
Distinguish between the
uses of the verb ir
preterite – high frequency,
activity verbs, focus on first
person (relates to vacation
– where did you go, where
are you going to go)