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English I
Ms. Burton
The Odyssey
The Odyssey: An Introduction (878 – 886)
1. ODYSSEY is defined as “a long journey.” Whose long journey is described in The Odyssey?
2. What is an epic?
3. Who wrote The Odyssey?
4. What do historians know about the author of The Odyssey?
5. How did The Trojan War begin? In what epic is the Trojan War the main event?
6. What was the Wooden Horse Trick?
7. What is an alter ego?
8. Who serves as Odysseus’s alter ego for good qualities? (Hint, these are the people who are on his side)
9. Who serves as Odysseus’s alter ego for bad qualities?
10. How were the epics, like The Odyssey, told?
11. What other two names are the Greeks referred to as in The Odyssey?
Major Characters in The Odyssey: Guided Notes
Alcinous: King of Paeacia. Odysseus tells to story of his adventures to Alcinous’ court.
__________: Beautiful goddess nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island for seven years.
Charybdis: Female monster who sucks in water to form whirlpools.
Scylla: Female monster with six serpent heads, who works with Charybdis.
__________: Witch – goddess who lives on Aeaea and turned Odysseus’ men into swine (pigs).
Cyclops or __________: The son of Poseidon.
Sirens: Sean nymphs whose beautiful and mysterious music lures sailors to crash their ships into the rocks.
__________: Famous blind prophet from the city of Thebes.
_________: Odysseus’ faithful wife.
Telemachus: __________________________________________
The Gods: