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Biology 20B Winter 2011
Plants Midterm Study Guide
You are responsible for knowing:
Nine Plants of the day – on display at the greenhouse this week
Everything we covered in lecture
Both greenhouse assignments
Chapters 34, 38, 35, 36, 37, 10, and p. 87 (Material from lecture is emphasized)
The final exam will be a mixed salad of multiple choice questions, short answers, fill in the
blanks, and drawings.
The Midterm Exam is Thursday, Feb 3.
Below are questions to test your understanding of the material. The final exam is not limited to
the content covered below.
Plant Growth
1. Using a branching diagram, describe how the following categories of plants are related:
bryophytes (nonvascular), vascular, seed-bearing, spore-bearing, gymnosperms, angiosperms,
monocots, eudicots.
2. What are the differences between monocots and eudicots? Give examples of each.
3. What are four features that are unique to plant cells?
4. What are the three main cell types in ground tissue in plants? What are the specialized cell
types of the dermal and vascular tissue?
5. What are the three vegetative organs in plants? What are their roles?
6.What are some types of specialized and/or modified roots and stems?
7. Give examples of determinate and indeterminate growth in plants.
8. What is a meristem? What are the apical and root apical meristems?
9. What are the three types of primary meristem tissue and what types of tissue do those mature
10. Describe primary (shoot and root) and secondary growth in a tree. Where does each occur?
Is this different in monocots and eudicots? Be sure to indicate the arrangement of primary and
secondary xylem and phloem and the specific tissues responsible for secondary growth.
11. Which hormone controls the transition from primary to secondary growth?
12. What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood?
Biology 20B Winter 2011
Plants Midterm Study Guide
13. What is bark made up of? How is it produced?
Plant Nutrition
14. What are the six macronutrients.
15. You notice that the older leaves of one of your house plants have turned yellow, while in a
different house plant, the newer leaves have turned yellow. What does this tell you about the
mobility of the deficient nutrient?
16. Describe the symbiotic interaction between legumes and Rhizobia.
17. Why are mycorrhizal associations beneficial for plants?
18. In what type of environments do carnivorous plants typically live and what is the deficiency
they suffer from?
19. What is the equation for photosynthesis?
20. Within a chloroplast where do the light-dependent and light-independent reactions take place?
21. What is the difference between chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, and other pigments in the plant?
22. Which photosystem(s) does noncyclic electron transport use? What form(s) of chemical
energy is produced?
23. Which photosystem(s) does cyclic electron transport use? What form(s) of chemical energy
is produced?
24. How are NADPH and ATP produced in the electron transport chain?
25. Why is the Calvin Cycle dependent on the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis?
26. What are the three stages of the Calvin Cycle? What enzyme catalyzes the initial reaction of
carbon dioxide and RuBP?
27. Why does photorespiration occur and why is it costly? What enzyme can fix carbon dioxide
without binding to oxygen?
28. The C4 pathway involves a spatial separation of initial carbon fixation and where carbon
dioxide is used to fuel the Calvin Cycle. What are the two cell types that are used and what
reactions occurs in each? Where is rubisco located?
29. CAM photosynthesis involves a temporal separation of initial carbon fixation and when
carbon dioxide is used to fuel the Calvin Cycle. When does the initial fixation occur and in what
form is it stored? Where does CAM photosynthesis take place (cell type)?
Biology 20B Winter 2011
Plants Midterm Study Guide
Plant Sex
30. What makes up the basic flower morphology? A drawing will help. Label the anther,
filament, stamen, sepal, petal, stigma, style, ovary and ovules. What is the difference between a
carpel and pistil?
31. Differentiate between a pistillate and a staminate flower. Differentiate between a monoecious
and a dioecious flower. Which of these are incomplete flowers?
32. Name 5 types of pollination syndromes and give examples.
33. What is alternation of generations? Draw it. Illustrate the differences in plant reproduction
between a fern and an angiosperm. Which stages are haploid vs diploid? Where does meiosis and
mitosis occur? Draw how female and male gametophytes are formed.
34. What is double-fertilization? What two things are formed with double fertilization?
35. Ovules develop into _________ and ovaries develop into __________.
Plant Regulation and Growth
36. What are gibberellins and what are some of their effects?
37. What is auxin and what are some of its effects? What is Agent Orange?
38. What is the "chemiosmotic model of polar transport"?
39 What is the acid growth hypothesis?
40. What are cytokinins and what are some of their effects?
41. What is ethylene and what are some of its effects?
42. What is abscisic acid and what are some of its effects?
43. Plant hormones can have opposite or similar effects on plant development and growth.
Which hormones have opposite effects on: leaf abscission, stem elongation, apical dominance,
and seed germination and dormancy? Which hormones have similar effects on: fruit
development and root growth? The ratio of different hormones can be responsible for a variety
of responses in plants. What are some of these and which hormones are involved?
44. What sort of environmental cues do photoreceptors detect?
59. Differentiate between red and far red light and how it affects germinating seedlings. What
photoreceptor is involved?
Biology 20B Winter 2011
Plants Midterm Study Guide
45. Draw a diagram of translocation, or sugar transport in a plant. Where does phloem loading
and unloading occur? What role does the xylem play in sugar transport? How many steps
require energy and why do certain steps need energy?
46. What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?
47. When a plant cell with a water potential of -0.7 Mpa is placed in a sucrose solution with a
potential of -0.9 Mpa, in which direction will water flow? What about when the cell is placed in
distilled water (potential= 0.0 Mpa). When placed in distilled water, at what point will water
stop moving?
48. What are the two short-distance ways water is transported in plants? You may draw the
pathways. What is the structure that regulates water movement into the stele?
49. Describe water transport within a plant. Start with the root hair and trace a water molecule’s
path up to and out of a leaf. Explain why water transport is called the ‘transpiration-cohesiontension’ theory. How is this different from root pressure?
50. How do stomata open and close? What hormone affects stomata?
51. What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion?