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Creating a Republic Ch 7 Study Guide
to ratify
Roger Sherman
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
The Constitution
James Madison
Magna Carta
William Paterson
Bill of Rights
Describe the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
Alexander Hamilton
Why did many people called for changes to the Articles of
n the Constitution, what fraction of the slaves in a state
What issues did the framers (writers) of the Constitution have
to compromise on?
the Virginia Plan for government.
were included when determining representation in Congress?
Which of the following best describes the Connecticut Plan
(Great Compromise) for government?
the New Jersey Plan for government.
What did the Founding Fathers learn from the example of
Describe the Great Compromise.
Why did the states with little land and small populations
dislike the Virginia Plan?
Why did the states with a lot of land and large populations
object to the New Jersey Plan?
the Roman Republic?
Describe the basic ideas of the Magna Carta.
How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it
could become the new government?
Describe the ratification of the Constitution.
Why did the Antifederalists object to the Constitution
How did the Bill of Rights become part of the Constitution?
Explain the Three-fifths Compromise
Which group argued that a strong national government could
be effective and protect states’ rights?
Which group argued that the Constitution must spell out
ways to protect people’s basic rights?
Explain the Slave Trade Compromise
Use historical details to explain one problem with the Articles
of Confederation government and how the problem was
solved in the current Constitution.
Describe the key issues in the process of ratifying the