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Consonant Digraphs – Phase 3
Focus for the week:
– Practise previously learned GPCs
– Teach the four consonant digraphs
– Point to the letters in the alphabet while singing the alphabet song
– Practise blending for reading
– Practise segmentation for spelling
– Teach reading the tricky words we, me, be, she
– Practise reading and spelling high-frequency words
– Practise reading two-syllable words
– Practise reading captions and sentences
– Practise writing captions and sentences
– Practise previously learned GPCs
j v w x y z zz qu
– Point to the letters in the
alphabet while singing the
alphabet song
Practise sets 6 & 7 and ch
Point to the letters in the
alphabet while singing the
alphabet song
Practise sets 6 & 7, ch, sh
Point to the letters in the
alphabet while singing the
alphabet song
Practise sets 6 & 7,ch, sh th
–Teach ch – two letters,one
sound’. Brief story related to JP pic
& action.
Explicitly blend – chip, chick,
much together using fingers. T to
write in phoneme frame – read back
together with sound buttons,
Practise segmentation for spelling –
flash up pictures – chin, chop, rich children to ‘sound talk word – then
in pairs write on whiteboard.
Teach sh – two letters, one
sounds. As yesterday ’ :
ship, shell, cash
Teach th : two letters, one
sounds. As yesterday ’ :
them, that, this,
Teach ng
two letters, one
sounds. As yesterday ’ :
ring, hang, song,
Practise blending for reading
Whats in the bag? –
Children to have bag with
words and pics – blend and
shop, shed, fish, shock,
bash, hush
Practise reading sentence
Practise segmentation for
Treasure chest – pass round
chest – take turns to pick out a
pic – children to write words on
w’boards :
moth, thin, path, bath
Practise writing sentence
I go up the path to the shop.
Omit underlined words-pics
instead – ch. to ‘sound talk ‘
these words to partner & write.
Teacher to insert in sentence &
read together.
Practise blending for reading
Buried treasure – real and
made up ‘ng’ words
Practise reading sentence
A man is rich.
I am in such a rush to get to
the shops
Children still at phase 1 – stay with class for RR & teach. Work with TA
during ‘practise’ element to secure oral blending/segmenting and use of
phase 2 sets 1-3 to blend and segment target words.
Re-join with ‘Apply’ element
Alphabet song
Practiise previously learned
digraphs ch, sh, th, ng –
‘quickwrite’ the graphemes
on whiteboards.
Teach reading the tricky
words we, me, be
Read together words and
match to pics:
chick, shell, shop, rich,
path, ring,
he, she, we, me, be
Look, say, cover, write ,
check with tricky words
I, to, the , go ,no
wing, zong, king, ring, jong,
yong. long
Practise reading sentence :
The king put on a red sock.
Practise reading sentence
on a paper in pairs –
then altogether …..
The rich king put a fish in
the bath.
Continuous provision
Ensure resources used in phonics sessions, including pics, CVC word cards, captions/sentences, games
and magnetic letters are available after the session for children to practice independently.