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History of Southern and Eastern Asia Summative Assessment
SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21 st century.
a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam.
b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s belief in non-violent protest.
1. What is nationalism?
A. loyalty based on religion
C. strong pride in one’s country
B. feeling of belonging to an elite group
D. strong pride in a foreign country
“Gandhi Calls for Boycott of British Textiles”
“Gandhi and Followers Complete March to the Sea”
“Gandhi Begins Hunger Fast”
2. These headlines reflect Gandhi’s belief in ________________.
A. guerilla warfare
B. racism
C. colonialism
D. non-violent protest
Base your answer to question 5 on the photograph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Mohandas “Mahatma”
Gandhi demonstrating
cotton-spinning on his own
charka in India, 1925.
3. During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in this photograph inspired the Indian people to
A. stop buying British goods
B. join the Indian army
C. reject Muslim rule
D. expand British textile manufacturing
4. When India finally achieved independence in 1947, why were many Indians, specifically Gandhi, still unhappy
about the decision?
A. India was still part of the British Empire and not fully independent.
B. Britain was the only country India was allowed to trade with.
C. The country was divided in two; one country for Hindus, one for Muslims.
D. Many Indians liked being ruled by the British and didn’t want independence.
Base your answer to question 5 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
5. Which letter identifies the nation most closely associated with Mohandas Gandhi?
A. letter A
B. letter B
C. letter C
D. letter D
E. letter E
6. What European country was the colonial ruler of Vietnam?
A. Great Britain
C. France
B. Germany
D. Spain
7. Who led Vietnam to victory over at the conclusion (end) of World War II?
A. Dien Bien Phu
B. Mohandas Gandhi
C. Ho Chi Minh
D. Joseph Stalin
8. Why did the U.S. decide to leave Vietnam in 1975?
A. The U.S. was ordered by the United Nations to leave Vietnam.
B. The U.S. accomplished their goal in Vietnam and made them a democracy.
C. The U.S. worked out a peace deal with Ho Chi Minh and helped them rebuild.
D. The U.S. could not contain communism and left the Vietnamese to run their country without foreign rulers.
c. Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII.
9. Why did the United States decide to help Japan rebuild after WWII?
A. To prevent the spread of communism from China and/or the Soviet Union
B. Economic interest and benefits from Japan
C. To prevent Japan from rebuilding their military and becoming another Germany
D. All of the above
10. What was NOT a result of the United States rebuilding of Japan?
A. Japan changed their government to a constitutional monarchy and modeled the US constitution.
B. The emperor was stripped of his power and Japan’s military could not be rebuilt.
C. The United States invested in Japan’s human and capital resources and developed their economy.
D. Japan became a communist country after the fall of China, North Korea, and Vietnam to communism.
11. Which of the following is in the correct chronological order?
A. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor > U.S. provides loans to rebuild Japan’s economy > U.S. drops atomic bombs on
B. U.S. drops atomic bombs on Japan > U.S. redesigns Japan’s government > Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
C. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor > U.S. redesigns Japan’s government > Japan’s economy becomes a world leader
D. U.S. drops atomic bombs on Japan > Japan’s economy becomes a world leader > U.S. redesigns Japan’s
12. Who was Douglas MacArthur?
A. Emperor of Japan during WWII
C. President of the U.S during WWII
B. Allied general in the Pacific during WWII
D. Star of the original Terminator movie
13. What new changes were written into Japan’s new constitution?
A. Only men were allowed to vote.
B. The emperor was banished from Japan.
C. Japan was not allowed to declare war on another country.
D. Japan must maintain a strong military.
14. Which statement describes the economic history of Japan since World War II?
A. Japan has been limited in industrial development by the occupation of the United States.
B. Japan has developed a strong economy based on the export of manufactured goods.
C. Japan has isolated itself from the world economic community.
D. Japan has always focused on rebuilding its military.
d. Describe the impact of Communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.
15. In 1958, Mao Zedong introduced an economic plan called the Great Leap Forward to make China more equal
economically with leading nations of the world. What was a result of this plan?
A. Millions of Chinese starved to death
B. It allowed democracy to begin.
C. It caused a severe economic depression.
D. Both A and C
16. Mao Zedong led what he called a Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s. What happened during this time?
A. Intellectuals were honored and were given many high government positions.
B. China celebrated their ancient culture with numerous festivals.
C. Intellectuals were humiliated (publicly embarrassed), exiled, and sometimes executed.
D. Nationalist military forces from Taiwan attempted to invade the country and start a civil war.
17. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao was supported by a group of students called the ____________.
A. Boxers
B. Red Guards
C. peasants
D. Nationalists
18. Which set of events in 19th and 20th century Chinese history is in the correct chronological order?
A. Great Leap Forward →Cultural Revolution → Establishment of Communism → Tiananmen Square
B. Cultural Revolution → Establishment of Communism → Tiananmen Square → Great Leap Forward
C. Tiananmen Square → Establishment of Communism → Great Leap Forward →Cultural Revolution
D. Establishment of Communism → Great Leap Forward → Cultural Revolution → Tiananmen Square
19. Which factor most helped Communist Party forces gain control of China after World War II?
A. The United States sent weapons to the Communists.
B. The Japanese gave economic aid to the Nationalists.
C. The Communists gained the support of China’s peasant class.
D. The Chinese Communist Party set up their own government in Taiwan.
20. Which name would best complete this partial outline?
I. Asian Communist leaders of the 20th Century
1. Ho Chi Minh
2. Kim Il- Sung
3. ________________________
A. Douglas MacArthur
B. Gandhi
C. Nelson Mandela
D. Mao Zedong
Base your answer to question 27 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
…Between 1966 and 1976, a whole generation of teenagers failed to receive a real education; other Chinese came to call
them “the lost generation.” At least twenty thousand people lost their lives because of the Cultural
Revolution. . . . Because of the Cultural Revolution, many Chinese young people grew up with no knowledge of traditional
Chinese customs and beliefs. Needing to fill that gap, some of them began looking to the West — especially to the Western
ideals of democracy, freedom, capitalism, and individualism…
-Source: Great Events: The Twentieth Century 1960–1968, Salem Press
21. Based on the passage above from Great Events, what impact did the Cultural Revolution have on Chinese society?
A. Many Chinese teenagers did not get an opportunity to learn about traditional Chinese culture.
B. Thousands of people died, most likely because they did not conform (follow) to Mao’s revolutionary call.
C. As the teenagers grew older they wanted to learn about Western culture, like democracy and individualism.
D. All of the above
Base your answer to question 27 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
In an attempt to break with the Russian model of Communism and to catch up with more advanced nations, Mao proposed
that China should make a “great leap forward” into modernization. He began a militant Five Year Plan to promote
technology and agricultural self-sufficiency. Overnight, fertile rice fields were ploughed over, and factory construction work
began. Labor-intensive methods were introduced and farming collectivized on a massive scale. The campaign created about
23,500 communes, each controlling its own means of production. But former farmers had no idea how to actually use the
new factories and what was once fertile crop land went to waste on a disastrous scale. The Great Leap Forward was held
responsible for famine in 1960 and 1961. Twenty million people starved, and Mao Zedong withdrew temporarily from
public view.
-Source: BBC News, Special Reports, China’s Communist Revolution
22. Based on this BBC News article, what is one effect the Great Leap Forward had on China’s economy?
A. The economy became industrialized like the United States.
B. Millions of people died because of fewer crops being grown and poor planning.
C. China became an economic superpower because many people shared the wealth in communes.
D. The Great Leap Forward did not have any effect on the economy.
e. Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of Communism
23. Which of the following describes the Korean War and why a North and South Korea exist today?
A. The Cold War sparked tension between Soviet backed North Korea and U.S. backed South Korea.
B. In 1950, Communist forces from China and Northern Korea invaded democratic South Korea.
C. By 1953, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) separated the two sides at the 38th parallel.
D. All of the above
24. Why did the United States believe it was necessary to become involved in both Korea and Vietnam?
A. To protect them from attack.
B. Prevent a serious health crisis.
C. Stop the spread of communism.
D. Improve each country’s economy.
25. Communist rebels in South Vietnam were called _________________.
A. Swamp Rats
B. Patriots for a United Vietnam
C. Viet Cong
D. Crazy
26. What evidence proves the United States was unable to prevent the spread of communism in Indochina?
A. China is still a communist country today
B. The reunification of Korea
C. The reunification of Vietnam
D. None of these
27. Which war was fought from 1950-1953; was caused by a struggle over communist and democratic control; ended
in a stalemate in which neither side gained much territory; remains the longest cease-fire in modern military history;
and is known as “The Forgotten War”?
A. World War II
B. Korean War
C. Vietnam War
D. Persian Gulf War
28. Why was the U.S. concerned with both Korea and Vietnam after WWII?
A. The U.S. did not want the countries to fall to the Domino Theory.
B. The U.S. did not want the countries to threaten the government of Japan.
C. The U.S. wanted to help rebuild the two countries which were greatly damaged in WWII.
D. The U.S. did not want the French to take over and make them their colonies.
29. Based on your knowledge of the Korean and Vietnam wars, which statement below is FALSE?
A. Each country was divided in half between communist forces and democratic forces.
B. The country of China bordered the section of each country that wanted communism.
C. Both Korea and Vietnam today are reunified as one communist country.
D. Korea is still divided today, while Vietnam has been reunified as a communist country.
30. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. _________________________________
1. Mao Zedong heads the People’s Republic of China
2. Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel.
3. US forces pull out of Saigon, Vietnam
4. Ho Chi Minh reunifies Vietnam.
A. Emerging Nations of the World
C. Economic Benefits of World War II
B. Communism in Asia
D. Monarchies in Asia