Download Mosquito Hill Biotic Inventory Habitat Type Descriptions

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Mosquito Hill Biotic Inventory Habitat Type Descriptions
Upland – Sites that are dry to moist.
Hedgerow/Fence line
Old/Fallow Fields
Deciduous Shrubs
Coniferous Shrubs
Mixed Shrubs
Deciduous Trees
Coniferous Trees
Mixed Trees
Area with mostly grasses (ex. Field, long lawn grass)
Row of trees/shrubs/fence separating/enclosing fields
Fields unused by farmers
Flat to rolling area with high grasses (ex. Coneflower, Indian grass, big blue stem)
Grassy plain with scattered trees/shrubs
Small woody plants with leaves (ex. Dogwood, Buckthorn)
Small woody plants with needles (ex. Cedar, Juniper)
Area with needled and leaved shrubs
Trees with leaves covering main area (ex. Maple, Oak)
Trees with needles covering main area (ex. Pine, Spruce)
Area with needled and leaved trees covering main area
Lowland – Sites that are wet or have standing water.
Open Water/Wetland Marsh
Agricultural Field/Pasture
Old/Fallow Fields
Wet Meadow/Prairie
Deciduous Shrubs
Coniferous Shrubs
Mixed Shrubs
Deciduous Trees Woodlot
Coniferous Trees Woodlot
Mixed Trees
Very wet areas with grasses
Standing or running water
Farmland or lots of low grasses
Farmers field
Row of trees/shrubs separating/enclosing fields
Fields unused by farmers
Low, moist grassland
Grassy plain with scattered trees/shrubs
Small woody plants with leaves (ex. Dogwood, Buckthorn)
Small woody plants with needles (ex. Cedar, Juniper)
Area with needled and leaved shrubs
Trees with leaves covering main area (ex. Maple, Oak)
Trees with needles covering main area (ex. Pine, Spruce)
Area with needled and leaved trees covering main area
Human Dominated – Cities, villages, farmstead, and rural homes.
Urban Areas
Roadway or Ditch
Residential Area
Open Space/Clearing
House or Farmstead and Lawn
Recreation Area
Natural Area
Disturbed Area/Construction Zone
Really populated area (ex. Downtown Appleton)
Road or low area next to a road that may contain water
Places where people live (ex. Subdivision)
Area where there isn’t anything except grass
A dwelling off by itself with a mowed area around it
Area where recreation occurs (ex. Park, beach)
Undeveloped area, can be part of a residential area or park
Broken ground, mainly dirt and soil with a few weeds