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Here is a list of the 3rd nine weeks Speller’s Choice activities. You can choose one or
more items to do each night, or you may spread them out over the week. Make sure you
have labeled each activity and written it on your cover sheet. Activities with a  beside it
must have a parent signature on the cover sheet to ensure me that your child did the
1 point activities:
1. Divide them up—Divide words
into syllables. (ex: op-er-a-tion)
2. ABC or ZYX Order—Write your
words in alphabetical order or
reverse alphabetical order.
3. Rainbow Words—Write each of
your words in a least 3 colors.
4. Classy Words—Use a tree map to
classify words according to part of
5. Calligraphy—Write each word
twice in calligraphy (your BEST
cursive handwriting).
6. Staircase Words—Write your
words to make it look like a
7. Train Words—Write the entire list
end-to-end as one long word, using
different colors of crayon/ink for
different words.
8. Other handed—Write all of your
words with your other hand.
9. Cheerful Words—Pretend you
are a cheerleader and call out your
10. Popsicle Words—Make words
using popsicle sticks.
11. Good Clean Words—Write your
words using shaving cream on a
counter or some place that can be
cleaned safely.
12. Dirty Words—Write your words
in mud or sand.
13. Flashwriting—In a darkened
room, use a flashlight to draw
letters in the air to spell your
14. Synonyms: Choose ten of your
words and find a synonym for each
15. Antonyms: Choose ten words and
find an antonym for each one.
16. Big Words/Little Words: Make
at least five smaller words from
eight spelling words.
Ex: message: mess, sage, gas,
sea, mass
17. Rhyme and Reason: Choose ten
spelling words and find a word that
rhymes with each. You may use a
rhyming dictionary to help you.
18. Scrambled Words: Choose and
scramble ten of your words. Have a
friend or parent unscramble it and
sign your paper.
2 point activities:
19. X Words—Write two words having
one common letter so they crisscross. Make sure you use ALL of
your spelling words.
20. Acrostic Words—Write sentences
using the letters in at least 10
spelling word. (Example: tree=Tom
Really Enjoys Eggs)
21. Picture Words—Draw a picture
and hide your words in your
22. Telephone Words—Translate
your words into numbers from a
telephone key pad.
23. Secret Agent Words—Number
the alphabet from 1-26, then
convert your words to a number
24. Morse Code—Convert your words
to Morse Code.
25. Words & Meanings—Write the
meaning for each spelling word.
26. Silly Sentences—Use all your
words in sentences. See if you can
use more than one spelling word in
a sentence.
27. Poetry Words—write a poem
using at least 10 of the words
28. 3-D Words—Use modeling clay
or Play-Dough rolled thinly to make
your words
29. Backwriting—Using your finger,
draw each letter on a partner’s
back, having the partner say the
word when completed.
30. Pasta Words—Write your words
by arranging alphabet pasta or
31. Silly String—With a long length
of string, “write’ words in cursive
using the string to shape the
32. Clue Words: Write a clue or short
meaning for at least ten of your
words. Be sure to write the word
and then the clue.
33. Spelling Math: Choose eight of
your words and write a math
problem for each.
Ex: MOUS – S + N + TAIN =
3 point activities:
34. Word Search—Create a word
search using your spelling words,
then solve. Turn in your word
35. Ransom Words—Write your
words by cutting out letters in a
newspaper or magazine and glue
on a paper.
36. Creative Story—Write a short, yet
descriptive story using at least ten
of your words.
37. Criss-Cross Puzzle—Create this
puzzle using your spelling words,
then solve. Turn in your puzzle.
38. Comic Strip Words— Create a
cartoon strip using at least 10
spelling words.
39. Create a Spelling Power Point
for at least eight words: You will
need to include the word, its
meaning, part of speech, a
sentence using the word, and a
picture/graphic. (You will be able
to share it with the class as well.)
40. Bilingual Words: Write your
words in English and Spanish. You
may use an Internet website for
conversion if needed. You may also
try another language as well.