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Detoxification: neutralizing toxins, preparing them for elimination via nutrition &
Drainage: encourage proper elimination of toxins and wastes through excretory organs: kidneys,
lungs, skin, intestines, liver - gentle stimulation via nutrition, self-care techniques,
Toxins: can be exogenous - food, water, air, pesticides, EMR, personal care products, household
cleaners or endogenous - produced by our own bodies during regular metabolic processes, fat
soluable toxins get stored in our fat cells, mental and emotional toxins/negative thoughts ie.stress
related disorders, negative people, or situations/trauma, the things we watch on t.v. can affect us
with stress, lack of spirituality or faith “bigger picture” can cause toxic build up due to lack of
channeling negative emotions
Toxic Load: the degree of bodily toxin build-up - when too much builds up, symptoms,
disorders and disease appear
The Basics of Therapeutic Detoxification
1. Reduce toxin exposure through dietary and lifestyle changes.
2. Get things moving - Bowels
- Flush the urinary system
- Blood
- Sweat
- Lymph
3. Add nutrients and other things (ie. Flora) to support the body’s susceptible systems
4. Increase the efficiency with which the body removes toxins - liver!
In short: Decrease the toxic burden, increase elimination and detoxification
Side Effects of Detoxification a.k.a. healing crisis, die off, Herxheimer Reaction
- headaches
- lightheadedness
- brain fog
- fatigue
- increased hunger and cravings
- irritability, anger or sadness
- sleep disorders (insomnia or hypersomnia)
- increased mucous discharge - sinuses, chest, intestines
- skin eruptions (break-outs, rash)
- cough / cold
- flu-like symptoms
- muscle aches
- bad breath / body odour
*This is all part of toxins being drawn from tissues and arising to the surface for elimination
- pregnant
- breastfeeding
- malnourished individuals
- frail, weak
-liver disease & kidney disease - MUST
detox liver and elimination organs first!
GENTLE : only under care of practitioner
- elderly
- children (under 18)
- some medications like anti-psychotics
- extreme cold / hot weather
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- anorexia - be careful
- very toxic individuals (degenerative disease)
- go slower and gentler
- inadequate elimination
- ensure adequacy first!
Therefore, GENTLE ways to support detoxification systems:
- clean whole foods diet only
- drainage!!!
- hydrotherapy
- decreased length of time
GENERAL INDICATIONS for Detoxification
- Symptoms
- Conditions ie. Psoriasis, hypothyroid
- although most conditions should detox under the care of a qualified professional
- Increased toxic burden in diet, lifestyle, and/or environment
- In need of a “kick start”
- Education (ie. To discover an allergy)
- Stagnation (artists)
- physical
- emotional
- Emotional and Physical Attachment to food
- Spiritual
- Seasonal
-spring cleaning
- Ayurveda - prep for next season
-Traditional Chinese Medicine - liver =s pring
- AUTUMN -“letting go”
-prep for winter
-Traditional Chinese Medicine- Lung, Large Intestine = autumn
- Lab tests MAY indicate signs of toxicity but not always indicative
- Liver function tests
- inflammatory markers
- electrolytes / acid-base balance
- extrapolation of metabolites or testing for the toxin itself in stool, urine or blood
– the trouble is there is no gold standard: many toxins have specific storage sites
– hair/nail analyses can have confounding variables
– testing can be pricey
ORGAN SPECIFIC Indications for Detoxification
LIVER - Primary Organ of Detoxification
- Inadequate bile excretion
- gallstones
- impaired fat digestion - grey / white stools (inconsistent stool colour)
- constipation
- caffeine intolerance
- chemical sensitivity
- Liver disease
- unaffected by caffeine
- Marked environmental sensitivities, drug intolerances
- PMS / Estrogen Dominance
- Degenerative disease (rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s)
- autoimmune disease
- asthma
- hypothyroidism
- intolerance to sulphites and sulphite containing foods
- jaundice
- history of alcoholism, chronic chemical exposure
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Excess Gas
- Food Intolerances
- Susceptibility to Urinary Tract Infections
- Inadequate nephron function
- acid base imbalances
- blood pressure imbalances
- water imbalances (dehydration, edema)
- salt cravings
- dark-coloured urine
- glucose and/or protein in urine
- changes in urinary frequency
- Eczema and dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Rashes
- Acne
- Discoloration of skin
- acid-base imbalances
- inadequate breathing
- anxiety
- asthma, COPD, Emphysema
- chronic cough
- smokers, history of smoking
Organ specific cleansing foods: see next 2 forms on website: Organ Specific Cleansing Foods
ELIMINATION - the importance of
- before any detox protocol is started, it is imperative that elimination be adequate
- at least 1 bowel movement per day
- appropriate urinary tract function
- regular sweat
How? -WATER!!
- exercise!
- fiber supplements - soluble(slows digestion) vs. insoluble - body needs both
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 2 tbsp flaxseed
- 1 tsp fenugreek seed
- 2 tbsp slippery elm powder
- 1 tbsp marshmallow root powder
-probiotics and prebiotics
-EFA’s omega 3, olive oil
-magnesium citrate
-herbs should be taken with caution/under care of a practitioner or advice of professional
- can be toxic if taken in excess, can stimulate to move stones
1. WATER 2-3 litres per day
2. Mealtimes: chewing, no distractions, mindfulness, no stress
- eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day
3. Eat when hungry, do not overeat
4. Focus on veggies, and whole, unprocessed natural foods, preferably organic
5. Reduce other chemical exposure: hygiene & beauty products, cleaners, biological pollutants,
plastics, aluminum
6. Adequate rest, light exercise only.
7. Mindfulness, connection.
Cleansing Diet:
- whole, unprocessed foods
- high in nutrient content
- low inflammatory properties
- low allergenic potential
- clean, low toxic load
- can be altered based on goals and/or organ specific needs
(for gentler more long-term cleansing: 6 weeks - 3 months)
- no gluten
- no dairy
- no alcohol
- no caffeine (possible exception of green tea) (alternatives BAMBU product at health store)
- no red meat incl. Pork
A common cleanse for the generally healthy person with medium-low motivation
Caffeine withdrawl headaches - remedy with something cool and liquid, sweet or sour
- apple or apricot juice, cold unsweetened apple sauce or other
cooked fruit
- remedy the contractiveness of the headache with expansive foods
ALKALINE DIET *suggested
- 80% Alkaline Foods vs. 20% Acid
- fermented foods, bone broths - highly remineralizing
- 1 cup of greens daily
- quinoa and millet for grains
- choose fish and lamb over beef and chicken for less acid forming potential
- use olive oil as it is less acid forming than other vegetable oils
- UTI’s, inflammation, arthritis, cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease risk/prevention
BROWN RICE DIET (3-7 days)
- same as Detox Diet (above)
- brown rice (Lundberg - california)
- steamed, baked or poached protein
- basic detox, digestive function, intestinal cleansing
- hypoallergenic
- high cholesterol - cleans out bile
- diabetes - stabilizes blood sugar
- Crohn’s
- inflammatory foods, known food allergens/intolerances/sensitivities, red meat
wild game is ok, fatty meat, nightshades, fried foods, dairy
- steamed vegetables, low carbohydrate veggies, legumes
- 1-2 cups cooked grains per day
- 1-2 pieces of fruit, preferably baked
- lean meat/fish, baked steamed or broiled
- digestive function
- inflammatory conditions (arthritis, pain, IBD, etc.)
- cardiovascular disease
- common allergenic foods, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, nightshades(tomatoes, potatos,
eggplant, peppers), citrus, peanuts, yeast, chocolate,
oranges, (bananas), (apples), refined sugar, food additives, coffee, alcohol
- same as Detox Diet (above)
- allergy, hypoallergenic, digestive heatlh, mood, fatigue, headaches
*ROTATION DIET (another way to test for allergies)
- remove 1 common allergen at a time for 3 weeks
- reintroduce food then watch for and note any reactions
- do not overwhelm the system - go slow and simple
- preferably introduce 1 food every 3 days and look for reactions
-Reactions: rash, sluggishness, fatigue, stiff/achy joints/muscles, diarrhea, constipation,
stuffiness, congestion, sore throat, headaches, gas, bloating
-Order of reintroduction:
- Vegetables: potatos, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant
- fruits: banana, citrus, strawberries
- soy products (milk, tofu, tempeh - choose fermented when possible ie. tamari sauce)
- eggs
- grains: barley, spelt, kamut, tef, oats, rye, corn, wheat
- meat
- shellfish
- nuts and peanuts
- chocolate, coffee, tea, refined carbs
-do not reintroduce known allergens
-keep a journal “diet diary”
WHOLE GRAIN FAST (3 days only)
- meat, processed foods, nuts and seeds, sugar, fruit, and vegetables
-whole grain rice, millet, wheat, grain, sprouts
-above commonly paired with mung beans known to clear blood toxins and excess heat
- to improve mental focus
- general balance or slight deficiency/coldness
- thyroid imbalances: only re: mung beans since they are goitrogenic
DETOX DIET *suggested
- gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, tofu, peanuts, citrus, nightshades, yeast, refined sugar,
processed foods, caffeine alcohol, known allergies
- Emphasize:
- wild fish, organic&free range poultry, veggies (beets, cruciferous, artichoke) gluten free
- fruits away from meats
- Indications:
- basic detox, liver support, kidney support, hypo-allergenic
- sweets, nuts, beans, grains, eggs, cheese, milk, meat
- steamed vegetables - unlimited
- fasting for cooler/deficient people
- digestive function
FASTING (3-7 days)
- quick and effective way to increase waste elimination
- signs of excess and heat
- signs of weakness or deficiency or coldness
- best to do after a traditional cleansing diet
-Reintroduce food when hunger REappears (day 2-3 hunger is only a side-effect)
- food
- Master Cleanser (8-12 glasses per day)
- 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice
- 1-2 tbsp pure 100% maple syrup
- dash of cayenne pepper
- 8 oz spring water
- 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil twice per day (encourage elmination)
- inflammatory conditions
- seasonal
- solid food
- fresh, raw fruit & vegetable juices - especially carrots, beets, celery, cabbage, parsley,
greens - every few hours throughout the day
- transition to vegetarian diet
- signs of excess
- maintenance 1x per week
- Illness
- sluggish spleen
- signs: swollen tongue, teeth marks along edges of tongue
Other therapeutic diets:
Length of time depends on:
- your goals
-your body’s signals
- seasonal 1-3 weeks
- fast 3-7 days
- gentle 6weeks - 3 months
Liver Specific Cleansing - Primary Organ of detoxification
- active gallbladder disease or liver disorders incl hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, active
state autoimmune disease, immunocomprimised individuals, children
- beets, radishes, cruciferous veg, citrus(not grapefruit), sulphur foods
- cruciferous 1x per day
- lemons (vit.C)
- nuts and seeds
- leafy greens (B vitamins)
- bitters: kale, chard, asparagus
-Supplements - chlorophyll, spirulina, amino acids, Greens powders
-milk thistle, caraway, dill, turmeric, garlic
-dandelion root & leaves, artichoke leaf, green tea, fennel (digestive stimulant, enhance
digestion, enhance flow), chicory, yellow dock
GI Specific Cleansing
- inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis), high blood pressure / heart
condition (licorice)
- eat raw vegetables, salads, and fruit to decrease transit time of food wastes
- FOOD COMBINING - pass around chart
- high fiber natural grains like rice, quinoa, millet to increase absorption of toxins into
stool and soften stool
- FIBRE, flaxseed
- Brown Rice
- Watercress
- Vegetable based, cooked
- Probiotics
- Cabbage juice (L-glutamine)
- apples, pomegranates (ellagic acid)
- Antioxidants!! - green tea, berries, greens
Leaky Gut Support
-L-glutamine (cabbage juice)
- Digestive Enzymes
- Coconut Oil, EFA’s, short chain fatty acids
- Beta-carotene, Quercetin, Vitamin E, Zinc
- Whey protein
- Bentonite Clay
- Marshmallow, Slippery elm, oats (demulcent to help heal mucousa)
- Chamomile, Fennel (calming)
- turmeric, olive oil (Anti-Inflammatory)
Kidney Specific Cleansing
- active kidney disease / nephritis, kidney stones, cancer
- water/hydration
-leafy greens, celery, parsley
- dandelion root
- Uva Ursi
- corn silk
- horsetail
- Marshmallow
- nettles
- echinacea
- Juniper
Skin Specific Cleansing
- young children, go slow with eczema/dermatitis
-animal fat products which tend to clog skin pores
- vegetable oil soaps and moisurizers, herbal deodorants vs. anti-persperants since
sweating is important avenue of detoxification
-blood cleansers - celery, asparagus
- EFA’s
-flaxseed oil, fish
- Antioxidants!
- Infrared Saunas, moisture, natural hygiene products and household cleaners
- Antioxidants!
- EFA’s
- collagen
- yellow dock, burdock, oregon grape root, cayenne pepper, ginger root, goldenseal,
boneset, elder flowers, peppermint - these will increase perspiration
- red clover, nettles, cleavers, echinacea, fennel,
Lung Specific Cleansing
- severe lung disease - seek help of a health professional
- pears, squashes, beans
- EFA’s
- soups - moisture since the lungs are susceptible to dryness
- Antioxidants!
-Breath, light exercise
- mulberry, rosemary, thyme, elecampane
Heavy Metals
- brown seaweed - alginic acid
- apples, pears - pectin
- onions, garlic, leeks - sulphur
- cilantro, parsley
- lemons - vitamin C
- calcium - sesame seeds, broccoli, raw milk, raw butter
- green tea, berries, greens - antioxidants!!
- exercise:
-improves digestion and hence better elimination thru feces
- gentle exercises best; less strenuous = more energy for body to detox
- deep breathing/breathing exercises
- increased oxygenation to promote breakdown of toxins
- Stimulation breathing, alternate nostril breathing
- hydrotherapy
- warm-hot epsom salt baths 1-2 lbs salts + 1 cup sea salt
- drink lots of water during and after bath - promotes muscle relaxation and toxin
removal thru skin
- hot & cold water alernation
-promotes circulation, boosts immunity, washes away surface toxins & dead cells
-colon hydrotherapy
-warming socks: cold wet socks under wool socks during fever/illness - also promotes detox
For these recipes, use 2L of water and bring the dry herbs to a boil, simmer for 10-20 minutes
and the tea can be consumed throughout the day. (All dried herbs)
Purifying Tea: - 1 tbsp burdock root
- 1 tbsp milk thistle seed
- ½ tbsp pokeweek berry
- afterwards, add the following and let steep, covered, for 7-10 min
- 1 tbsp red clover
- 1 tbsp cleavers
Cleansing Tea:
-2 tbsp dandelion
-1 tbsp fennel
- 1 tbsp flaxseed
- 1 tbsp fenugreek seed
-1/2 tbsp licorice
-for excessive mucous, weak lungs, GI inflammations, liver issues and hunger in the first few
days of a liquid fast
Liver Detox Tea:
-1 tbsp. Dandelion
- 1 tbsp. Milk thistle
- 1 tbsp. Cleavers
- 1 tbsp nettles
- gentle detox for in which full Detox is contraindicated
- chronic disease, debilitation
- elderly
- young
- note: however, herbs may still be contraindicated
- everyone can benefit from drainage
- Castor oil packs
- colon hydrotherapy
- hydration! -internal and external
- SWEAT! - saunas, exercise
- dry skin brushing
- steam inhalation
- breathing exercises
Homeopathic Drainage by qualified herbalist, homeopath, or naturopathic doctor
-opens up elimination organs and helps to discharge toxic accumulations from extra cellular
-supports Lymphatic system in its transport of toxins
-both gentle and energetic
- castor oil packs
- dandelion leaf, rosemary
- plant fibre, proper hydration
- laxatives - caution
- enemas not as effective as colon hydrotherapy
- proper hydration 3 litres daily
- artichoke, juniper berries
- physical exercise SWEAT!
- infrared saunas, hydrotherapy
- dry skin brushing -natural bristles
- elder flower, linden flower
- steam inhalation
- breathing exercises: alternate nostril breathing, stimulating breath(fast nostril only breathing)
- eucalyptus, thyme
-Stagnation, congestion of emotions
-Negative thoughts are toxic
-Lack of belief systems, hope, motivation, view of the bigger picture
Mind Cleansing
-avoid excess stress, toxic people, toxic situations
-limit stimulating and/or “toxic” media (tv shows, movies, excessive internet use)
-t.v. distractions, overstimulation while eating
-a time to reflect, journal writing
- meditation
Spirit / Energy Cleansing
-Connecting to the higher self, bigger picture, internal energy
- attune to nature
- fresh air
- morning light, sunlight exposure
- breath
- “mindfulness”
- meditation
- yoga, tai chi, qi gong
-Food Introduction Diary
-as in elimination diet
-discover if there are any foods you SHOULD NOT eat - sensitivities/intolerances
-Go gentle and slow reintroducing foods
- Try to make some permanent lifestyle changes with foods you eliminated or tried
- make soaking and sprouting of whole grains, seeds, and nuts a habit or buy sprouted
grain breads and products
- fermented vegetables -make some new recipes a kitchen staple ie. Fermented Ketchup great for kids seel Nourished Kitchen online for recipe
Nourished Kitchen online
Detox Diet, book Dr. Elson M. Haas
Body Ecology - Donna Gates
David Wolfe - Raw foods / superfoods
Hungry for Change - documentary
If there are any other notes or suggestions you would like to add: please do so on facebook.. Lets
encourage some discussion there!