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Cell Structure & Function Manipulative
Directions: Students can match manipulatives in a number of ways.
Use the cell diagram as a background board:
 Match Structure word to cell organelle
 Match Function to cell organelle
 Match BOTH structure & function to cell organelles
**Don’t forget to label the cell as “plant” or “animal”
For use without the cell diagram background board:
 Have students simply match structure to function
Cell Wall
Serves as the first point of entry of materials into
plant cells, functions in the movement of water
throughout the plant, and is one of the major
mechanical strengthening factors.
Cell Membrane
Semi-permeable membrane responsible for regulating
the passage of substances in and out of the cell, as
well as maintaining the composition of the cell.
The functional core of a cell. It stores and selectively
makes available all information stored within a cell,
and controls most other organelles within a cell, thus
playing a critical role in general cellular function.
Home of DNA.
(PreAP or AP only) The part of the nucleus
containing most of the genes that code for the
synthesis of ribosomal RNA. rRNA is synthesized
Nuclear Envelope
(PreAP or AP only) Has two membranes, each with
the typical unit membrane structure. They enclose a
flattened sac and are connected at the nuclear pore
sites. The outermost membrane is continuous with the
ER and has ribosomes attached. The space between
the outer and inner membranes is also continuous
with rough endoplasmic reticulum space. It can fill
with newly synthesized proteins just as the rough
endoplasmic reticulum does. The nuclear envelope is
enmeshed in a network of filaments for stability.
Plays a mechanical role to maintain the shape, the
consistency of the cell and to provide suspension to
the organelles. It is also a storage place for chemical
substances indispensable to life. Vital metabolic
reactions take place here, for example anaerobic
glycolysis and protein synthesis.
Provide energy to cells. Also known as the
powerhouse of the cell, where it provides a location
for the production of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate).
Rough ER
(PreAP or AP only) Mitochondria are responsible for
converting nutrients into the energy-yielding molecule
(ATP) to fuel the cell's activities. This function,
known as aerobic respiration, is the reason they are
frequently referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.
Has ribosomes attached to the surface that synthesize
proteins for the cell. It transports these proteins to the
regions in the cell where it is needed.
(PreAP or AP only) Enzymes of lysosome are also
produced by this organelle.
Has functions in several metabolic processes,
including synthesis of lipids, metabolism of
carbohydrates and calcium concentration, drug
detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell
membrane proteins. It is connected to the nuclear
Smooth ER
(PreAP or AP only)Also contains the enzyme
Glucose-6-phosphatase which converts glucose-6phosphate to glucose, a step in gluconeogenesis. It
consists of tubules and vesicles that branch forming a
network. In some cells there are dilated areas like the
sacs of rough endoplasmic reticulum. This allows
increased surface area for the action or storage of key
enzymes and the products of these enzymes.
The function of these organelles is protein synthesis.
They are either found freely in the cytoplasm of the
cell or they are found attached to endoplasmic
Golgi Apparatus
This is considered more or less to be the "post office"
of the cell. It handles all incoming lipids, proteins,
etc., and controls their export as well.
(PreAP or AP only) The transport vesicles from the
ER fuse with the cis face of this (to the cisternae) and
empty their protein content into the lumen. The
proteins are then transported through the medial
region towards the trans face and are modified on
their way. Possible modifications include
glycosylation or phosphorylation. The proteins are
also labelled with a sequence of molecules according
to their final destination.
Function as the digestive system of the cell, serving
both to degrade material taken up from outside the
cell and to digest obsolete components of the cell
In mature plant cells, these organelles tend to be very
large and are extremely important in providing
structural support, as well as serving functions such as
storage, waste disposal, protection, and growth. Many
plant cells have one large, single central one that
typically takes up most of the room in the cell. In
animal cells, however, these tend to be much smaller
and are more commonly used to temporarily store
materials or to transport substances.
These are only in plant cells, they use photosynthesis
to make ATP which is energy for the cell.
(PreAP or AP only) It has a green pigment which is
used by the plants to prepare their food in the form of
glucose. The thylakoids trap solar energy which
activates this organelle which causes photolysis of
water , breaking it into H+ and OH- ions. This is
ultimately used up to prepare glucose through
processes in which CO2 is produced and glucose is
For Labeling the blank cells
Animal Cell
 
Plant Cell