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American Government AP
Chapter 19 – Foreign and Defense Policy
After reading chapter 19, answer the following questions.
1. A abrupt break in US foreign policy was signaled in
A. 2001
B. 2002
C. 2003
D. 2004
2. US foreign policy often follows the ideals of
A. isolationism
B. preemption
C. multilateralism
D. globalism
3. The Framers generally agreed that the republic’s foreign policy priorities were to
A. fight the influence of Great Britiain in the Caribbean and Canada
B. enhance the power of the French vis-à-vis Britain
C. build a strong military to protect American borders
D. kept the United States out of European affairs and vice versa
4. Making and implementing foreign policy is a power given to the
national government
5. The Framers intended to
A. endow the states with foreign policy powers
B. divide foreign policy powers between the Congress and the president
C. give all foreign policy powers to the president
D. give the president powers comparable to monarchs of the time so he could provide the new
country with adequate security
6. In his 1796 Farewell Speech, George Washington suggested that the United States avoid what?
avoid permanent alliances
7. The Embargo Act was designed to do what?
stop the Napoleonic wars
8. The “American System” adopted in 1815 affected what?
tariff levels
9. The President’s 1823 pledge that the United States would oppose any attempt by European states to
extend political control in the Western Hemisphere was called what?
the Monroe Doctrine
10. A popular theory during westward expansion that it was divinely ordained that the United States
expand across North America to the Pacific Ocean is known as what?
manifest destiny
11. The basis for United States intervention in the Caribbean and Latin America was called what?
Roosevelt Corollary
12. The first international organization dedicated to keeping the peace was called what?
League of Nations
13. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the United States followed a foreign policy called what?
14. In 1947, Harry S. Truman outlined a policy that became known as the Truman Doctrine, which
advocated what?
15. In 1947, the American government decided to rebuild war-torn Europe by sending large amounts of
aid to rebuild their economies. What was this policy called?
Marshall Plan
16. The strategy to oppose Soviet expansion was known as what?
17. The reduction in tensions and increased contact between the United States and the Soviet Union
beginning in the late 1960s was called what? List some of the achievements.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty
increased trade and cultural exchange
18. Détente was killed once and for all by what event?
the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
19. The policy that the United States would provide military assistance to anti-communist groups
fighting against pro-Soviet governments was called what?
Reagan Doctrine
20. President Bill Clinton adopted a policy of active US involvement in international affairs called. . .?
21. Presidents can avoid the need for the advice and consent of the Senate on treaties through the use of
what action?
executive agreements
22. A law passed by Congress to limit the powers of the president to engage US military forces in
combat abroad without congressional consent was called what?
War Powers Act
23. What are some of the effects the media has on foreign policy?
raise public awareness of issues
investigate and relay their findings to the public
set the agenda
24. Discuss how the Bush Doctrine of preemption is a radical change in US foreign policy.
WMD being developed in Iraq needed to be addressed despite lack of support from the
international community. Putting his stamp on how the country should address threats to
national security. US usually waited until their was an actual threat.
American Government AP
Chapter 19 – Foreign and Defense Policy
After reading chapter 19, answer the following questions.
1. A abrupt break in US foreign policy was signaled in
A. 2001
B. 2002
C. 2003
D. 2004
2. US foreign policy often follows the ideals of
A. isolationism
B. preemption
C. multilateralism
D. globalism
3. The Framers generally agreed that the republic’s foreign policy priorities were to
A. fight the influence of Great Britain in the Caribbean and Canada
B. enhance the power of the French vis-à-vis Britain
C. build a strong military to protect American borders
D. kept the United States out of European affairs and vice versa
4. Making and implementing foreign policy is a power given to the
5. The Framers intended to
A. endow the states with foreign policy powers
B. divide foreign policy powers between the Congress and the president
C. give all foreign policy powers to the president
D. give the president powers comparable to monarchs of the time so he could provide the new
country with adequate security
6. In his 1796 Farewell Speech, George Washington suggested that the United States avoid what?
7. The Embargo Act was designed to do what?
8. The “American System” adopted in 1815 affected what?
9. The President’s 1823 pledge that the United States would oppose any attempt by European states to
extend political control in the Western Hemisphere was called what?
10. A popular theory during westward expansion that it was divinely ordained that the United States
expand across North America to the Pacific Ocean is known as what?
11. The basis for United States intervention in the Caribbean and Latin America was called what?
12. The first international organization dedicated to keeping the peace was called what?
13. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the United States followed a foreign policy called what?
14. In 1947, Harry S. Truman outlined a policy that became known as the Truman Doctrine, which
advocated what?
15. In 1947, the American government decided to rebuild war-torn Europe by sending large amounts of
aid to rebuild their economies. What was this policy called?
16. The strategy to oppose Soviet expansion was known as what?
17. The reduction in tensions and increased contact between the United States and the Soviet Union
beginning in the late 1960s was called what? List some of the achievements.
18. Détente was killed once and for all by what event?
19. The policy that the United States would provide military assistance to anti-communist groups
fighting against pro-Soviet governments was called what?
20. President Bill Clinton adopted a policy of active US involvement in international affairs called. . .?
21. Presidents can avoid the need for the advice and consent of the Senate on treaties through the use of
what action?
22. A law passed by Congress to limit the powers of the president to engage US military forces in
combat abroad without congressional consent was called what?
23. What are some of the effects the media has on foreign policy?
24. Discuss how the Bush Doctrine of preemption is a radical change in US foreign policy.