Download God is big!!! How does the practice of comparison help/hinder

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God is big!!!
How does the practice of comparison help/hinder (compared to God/compared to the
world) your perspective on life issues?
Do you feel a shrinking feeling when you try to grasp the bigness of God? Why? (Is it
Good or Bad?)
It’s true when things are out of perspective it is easy to mistake our “working
relationship” with God. We then start to overstep our boundaries and think we have the
“right” or “obligation” to develop feelings towards things, such as worry, doubt, and fear.
What is a technique you use to understand how big God is and keep your “working
relationship” in order?
How can you use astrology to explain to others that they are not here by chance or
Goal: Our view of God will be expanded to truly get a grasp of how great our God
is......and to know that he can hold us together no matter what happens in our life.
Whirlpool galaxy (darling of astronomy - because its perfectly perpendicular to earth
• 31 million light years away - (5.88 trillion miles = a light year)
• 31 million x 5.88 trillion miles to get to the whirlpool galaxy
300 billion stars in this galaxy (which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies).
God is so much bigger than we could ever imagine.
• Psalm 147:4 He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
Center of whirlpool galaxy (pic)
God is at the center of all creation
Four stars
Sun (the star our planet revolves around)
• God created light 186,000 miles per second-- Thats enough miles to go around the
earth 7.5 times
• 5505 C = 9941 F
93 million miles away light only has to travel for 8:19 before the heat begins to
warm up your skin here on the earth
Photosynthesis - oxygen - carbon dioxide
If the earth is a golfball the sun would be 15 feet in diameter (not circumference)
960,000 earths inside the sun- enough golf balls to fill a school bus (not the short
God is big!!!
427 light years away
twice the size of no not the sun but twice the size of the earths orbit around the
If the earth were a golf ball the Betelgeuse is 6 empire state buildings stacked on
top of each other. (fly to new york) 262 trillion earths inside Betelgeuse. enough
golf balls to fill up the super-dome.......3000 times.
That will change your perspective on God!!!!!!!
• Job 38:31 "Can you bind the chainst of the Pleiades?
Can you loosen Orion's belt?
mu cephei in the milky way galaxy
If the earth were a golf cephei would be the width of two golden gate
bridges put together.
2 quadrillion earths inside this star
• ----Numbers and then seconds
1 million seconds ago = 12 days ago
1 billion seconds ago = May 1979
1 trillion seconds ago = 29,704 bc
1 quadrillion seconds ago = 30,800,000 years ago
Not even the biggest!
Canis Majoris (It literally means the big dog star)
if the earth were a golf ball canis majoris would be the height of Mt. Everest
(almost six miles above sea level......the highest point on earth)
7 quadrillion earths inside canis majoris.....enough to cover the state of texas with
golf balls 22 inches deep.
Betty Back to the piano
Planet Comparison Video
you couldn’t even make a mark on the screen with a sharpee that would
approximate the size of our sun.
God is really really really big!
Psalm 33:6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
But this next thing superceeds any star planet or measurement that we could
wrap our minds around
Picture of Jesus on the Cross
Matthew 10:30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fearfully and wornderfully were fashioned by the very hands of God
who created
God is big!!!
3 billion of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in each of your 75 trillion cells 6 feet long
(it would take a person 96 years to read your DNA from one cell)
75 trillion cells make you you
Almost 7 billion people on this earth right now and God has put intimately
Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by
name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is
missing (Isaiah 40:26)