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Advanced Ninth Grade Science
Name: _____________
Class Period: _______
Chapter 1
Inside Restless Earth
Chapter 1; Section 1
Pages 2-7
Directed Reading A
1. What is a mineral?
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?
a. It is a solid
c. It is nonliving
b. It has crystal structure
d. It is formed in a lab
1. Mineral
2. Element
3. The smallest part of an element that has all the properties of
that element is a(n) ___________.
4. A substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler
substance by chemical means is called a(n) __________.
5. What is a substance made of two or more elements that have
been chemically bonded called?
6. A solid whose atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in a
definite pattern is called __________________.
7. A mineral that is composed of one element is a(n)
8. Minerals are divided into two groups based upon their
chemical composition. Explain the groups.
3. Compound
4. Crystal
5. Silicate mineral
6. Nonsilicate mineral
7. Luster
8. Streak
9. Cleavage
9. Minerals that contain silicon and oxygen are called
10. Which silicate minerals are the main components of most of
Earth’s crust?
11. Which silicate minerals separate easily into sheets when they
12. What silicate mineral is the basic building block of many
10. Fracture
11. Hardness
12. Density
13. Ore
13. Minerals that contain sulfur
and oxygen
14. Copper, gold and silver
15. Minerals that contain one or
more elements like lead or iron
combined with sulfur
16. Minerals that contain carbon
and oxygen
17. Minerals that form when an
element such as aluminum or
iron combine with oxygen
18. Minerals that are compounds
containing fluorine, chlorine,
iodine or bromine
Chapter 1; Section 2
Pages 8-11
Directed Reading A
Native elements
1. What factors can change the color of minerals?
2. The way a surface reflects light is called
3. What are the three types of luster?
4. The color of a mineral in powdered form is called
5. Why is streak more reliable than color in identifying a
6. The tendency of some minerals to break along curved
or irregular surfaces is called ________________.
7. A mineral’s resistance to being scratched is called
a. Weight
c. Luster
b. Streak
d. Hardenss
8. What does the Moh’s hardness scale determine?
9. What is the softest mineral on the Moh’s scale?
10. The ratio of mass to volume is called _____________.
11. What substance is the usual reference point for finding
density of other substances?
12. The ration of an objects density ot the density of water
is called ______________________________.
13. The property of calcite and fluorite that causes them to
glow under ultraviolet light is called ______________.
14. A Geiger counter can be used to detect
______________ in a mineral.
15. A special property of pyrrhotite is that it is a natural
______________ that attracts iron.
Chapter 1; Section 3
Pages 12-17
Directed Reading A
Chapter 2
Inside Restless Earth
1. When changes in pressure, temperature, or chemical
make-up alter a rock, ________________ takes place.
2. Name two minerals that may be left behind when a
body of salt water evaporates.
3. Gemstones, such as topaz, may form in teardrop-shaped
bodies called _____________________.
4. Name two minerals that crystallize out of ground water
that has been heated by magma.
5. Mica and feldspar form from slowly cooling magma
that solidifies into a ____________________.
6. What 2 minerals may form when materials dissolved in
water crystallize on the bottoms of lakes and seas?
7. A mineral deposit large and pure enough to be mined
for profit is called a(n) ________________________.
8. Metallic minerals are good conductors of
__________________ and ___________________.
9. Some metallic minerals can be processed into
____________________ that can be pounded or
pressed into various shapes.
10. Silica and gypsum are _____________ minerals that
are widely used in industry.
11. Nonmetallic minerals that are valued for their beauty
and rarity rather than their usefulness are called
12. What are two important characteristics of gemstones?
1. Rock
2. Rock Cycle
3. Erosion
4. Deposition
5. Composition
6. Texture
7. Intrusive igneous rock
8. Extrusive igneous rock
9. Strata
10. Stratification
11. Foliated
12. Nonfoliated
9. What new kind of rock is formed when sedimentary rock is
subjected to heat and pressure?
a. Igneous rock
c. Metamorphic rock
b. Sedimentary rock
d. Magma
Chapter 2; Section 1
Pages 26-34
Directed Reading A
1. A naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals
or organic matter is called a(n) _______________.
2. The continual process by which new rock forms from old
rock is called _______________________.
3. Humans have used rocks throughout history for tools,
weapons, and ______________________.
4. Which of the following forces affects rock deep beneath
Earth’s surface?
a. Pressure
c. Weathering
b. Erosion
d. Deposition
5. Rock at the Earth’s surface is most affected by the forces of
a. Heat and pressure
b. Pressure only
c. Weathering and erosion
d. Cooling
6. A rock deep underground is primarily affected by forces of
a. Extreme heat and pressure
b. Cooling
c. Weathering and Erosion
d. Heat only
7. What kind of new material is formed when metamorphic
rock melts?
a. Igneous rock
c. Metamorphic rock
b. Sedimentary rock
d. Magma
8. What kind of new rock is formed when igneous rock is
subjected to weathering, erosion compaction, and
a. Magma
c. Metamorphic rock
b. Sedimentary rock
d. Igneous rock
10. Magma in the Earth’s crust that
has risen to the surface and cools
and solidifies
11. Rock that is forced downward
& is exposed to heat & pressure
12. Rocks that are partially or
completely melted
13. Igneous rock on Earth’s surface
that is weathered and wears away
14. Sediment that washes down into
rivers and oceans and is pressed
and cemented together
Igneous Rock
Sedimentary Rock
Metamorphic Rock
15. The process in which water, wind, ice and heat break down
rock is called _____________________.
16. One reason that weathering is important is because it breaks
rock into fragments or _____________ from which
sedimentary rocks are made.
17. The process by which sediment is removed from its source is
called ____________________
18. During __________, sediment is deposited in bodies of
water and other low-lying areas.
19. Sedimentary rock can be made when sediment is pressed and
cemented together by ____________ dissolved in water.
20. Some ___________ rock is made when sediment is squeezed
by the weight of the rock materials that lies above it.
21. Movement within the Earth that causes buried rock to be
exposed at the Earth’s surface is called _____________.
22. Beyond the three basic rock types, rocks can be divided into
subcategories based on
a. Composition and texture
b. The depth at which they form
c. Elevation
d. The pressure under which they form
23. What is the chemical makeup, or mineral content, or a rock
based on?
a. The size of its grains
b. The position of its grains
c. The shape of its grains
d. Its composition
24. What do the size, shape, and positions of the grains that
make up a rock determine?
a. The rock’s texture
b. The rock’s size
c. The rock’s color
d. The rock’s composition
25. What factors can affect the texture of a sedimentary rock?
a. The length of time the magma had to cool
b. The temperature the rock was exposed to
c. The color of the rock
d. The size of the grains that make up the rock
26. What factors can affect the texture of an igneous rock?
a. The length of time the rock had to cool
b. The size of the rock
c. The minerals that cement the rock together
d. The pressure & temperature the rock was exposed to
27. What factors can affect the texture of a metamorphic rock?
a. The length of time the magma had to cool
b. The pressure & temperature the rock was exposed to
c. The minerals that cement the rock together
d. The size of the grains that make up the rock
Chapter 2; Section 2
Pages 36-39
Directed Reading A
1. What kind of rock forms when hot, liquid rock or magma cools
and solidifies?
2. Which kind of rock has a name that comes from a Latin word
that means “fire”?
3. What two factors affect the type of igneous rock that is formed?
4. The material that igneous rock is made up of is called
5. What are three ways magma can form?
6. What three factors affect the formation of magma?
7. How does the composition of magma affect the temperature at
which it solidifies?
8. Light-colored igneous rocks are less _________ than darkcolored igneous rocks are.
9. Light-colored igneous rocks that are rich in aluminum,
potassium, silicon and sodium are called _______________.
10. Dark-colored igneous rocks that are rich in calcium, iron, and
magnesium are called __________________.
11. The longer it takes for a rock to cool and solidify, the more time
__________ have to grow, giving the rock a(n)
_____________________ grain.
12. The more quickly an igneous rock cools and solidifies, the
_____________ the grain.
13. The igneous rock that has cooled most quickly will be found on
the ________________ of a volcano.
14. Rock that forms below
the Earth’s surface
15. A large, irregular-shaped
intrusive body
16. The largest intrusive bodies
17. Sheetlike intrusions that lie
parallel to previous rock units
18. Sheetlike intrusions that cut
across previous rock units
Chapter 2; Section 3
Pages 40-43
Directed Reading A
Intrusive Igneous rock
e. Sills
1. Over time, grains of sand may be compacted and cemented
together to form a rock called _________________.
2. When sediment is deposited in layers and compacted,
_________________ is formed,
3. Dissolved minerals separate from water and become a natural
____________ that binds the sedimentary rock together.
4. Sedimentary rocks form at or near the Earth’s ___________.
5. The most noticeable feature of sedimentary rock is often its
layers, or _____________.
6. Rock or mineral fragments are called __________________.
7. Sedimentary rock that forms when rock or mineral fragments are
cemented together is called _____________ sedimentary rock.
8. Clastic sedimentary rocks can have coarse-, medium-, or finegrained ______________________.
9. Sedimentary rock that forms when minerals crystallize out of
solution, such as seawater, to become rock is called
____________________ sedimentary rock.
10. Sedimentary rock that forms from the remains, or fossils, of
plants and animals is called ___________ sedimentary rock.
11. Some limestone is made from the skeletons of tiny
______________________ that live in the oceans in huge
colonies called ________________.
12. Limestone made from the calcium carbonate from skeletons and
shells of sea creatures is called ________________ limestone.
13. An organic sedimentary rock that forms from the action of heat
and pressure on plant material over millions of years is
19. Magma __________________ or pushes into surrounding
rock below the Earth’s surface to create such formations as
batholiths and sills.
20. Intrusive igneous rock usually has a(n) _________________
21. Igneous roc that forms from lava, or magma that erupts onto
the Earth’s surface, is called ________________.
22. Lava can either erupt or flow from long cracks in the Earth’s
crust called _________________.
23. When lava flows from fissures on the ocean floor at places
where tension is causing the ocean floor to be pulled apart,
new __________________ is formed.
24. When a large amount of lava flows out of fissures onto land,
the lava can cover a large are and form a plain called a(n)
14. What is the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in
a. Mud cracking
b. Weathering
c. Stratification
d. Erosion
Chapter 2; Section 4
Pages 44-49
Directed Reading A
1. Which rock’s name comes from the Greek words for “changed”
and “shape”?
a. Metamorphic
c. Fossiliferous limestone
b. Sedimentary
d. Igneous
15. What are the markings on sedimentary rocks that record the
wave motion of wind or water called?
a. Ripple marks
b. Stratification
c. Fossiliferous limestone
d. Mud cracks
2. What kind of rocks are rocks in which the structure, texture, or
composition have been changed?
a. Metamorphic
c. Fossiliferous limestone
b. Igneous
d. Sedimentary
16. What do we call the structures that form when fine-grained
sediments at the bottom of a shallow body of water are exposed
to the air and dry out?
a. Ripple marks
b. Fossiliferous limestone
c. Coal
d. Mud cracks
3. What force or forces can create metamorphic rocks?
a. Cooling
c. Melting
b. Heating and pressure d. Erosion
4. The heat and pressure at which some metamorphic rocks
originally form allow them to sometimes remain
________________ at pressures and temperatures that would
melt other rock.
5. Pressure caused by large movements within the crust sometimes
causes the ________________ in metamorphic rocks to align
themselves in parallel bands.
6. During ___________ rock is heated by nearby magma.
7. The effect of heat on rock decreases as the rock’s __________
from the magma increases and its _____________ decreases.
8. When pressure builds up in rock, which is located under other
rock formations, __________________ occurs.
9. Regional metamorphism occurs deep in the Earth’s
17. Which sedimentary rock type most likely formed from ancient
sand dunes?
a. Clastic sedimentary rock
b. Fossiliferous limestone
c. Chemical sedimentary rock
d. Organic sedimentary rock
10. Which of the following is NOT a property of an index
a. Forms only at certain temperature
b. Forms only in sedimentary rock
c. Forms only in metamorphic rock
d. Forms only in igneous rock
16. A rock in which coarsegrained minerals separate
into distinct bands
17. A foliated metamorphic
rock made from shale
18. A metamorphic rock with
mineral grains in planes/bands
19. A metamorphic rock made from
phyllite that has been exposed to
heat and pressure
20. A sedimentary rock made of layers
of clay
21. A metamorphic rock made from
slate that has been subjected to
heat and pressure
11. Which of the following minerals is an example of an index
a. Calcite
c. Staurolite
b. Quartz
d. Hematite
12. Which of the following is an example of a mineral that
indicates that a metamorphic rock was formed at great depth
and under extreme heat and pressure?
a. Chlorite
c. Magma
b. Mica
d. Garnet
22. What is the change in shape of a rock caused by a force
placed on it called?
a. Deformation
c. Foliation
b. Recrystallization
d. Nonfoliation
13. What do we call metamorphic rocks in which mineral grains
are NOT aligned?
a. Foliated
c. Nonfoliated
b. Intrusive
d. Extrusive
14. What is the process in which a mineral changes composition
during metamorphism called?
a. Recrystallization
c. Foliation
b. Nonfoliation
d. Deformation
15. After quartz limestone has recrystallized, the new rock is
a. Schist
c. Slate
b. Gneiss
d. Quartzite
Chapter 4
Inside Restless Earth
15. Folding
16. Fault
1. Crust
17. Stress
2. Mantle
18. Uplift
3. Core
19. Subsidence
4. Lithosphere
5. Asthenosphere
6. Tectonic Plate
7. Continental Drift
8. Sea-floor spreading
9. Plate Tectonics
10. Convergent boundary
11. Divergent boundary
12. Transform boundary
13. Compression
14. Tension
Chapter 4; Section 1
Directed Reading A
Pages 95-102; Inside Earth
Chapter 4; Section 2
Directed Reading A
Pages 104-107; Restless Continents
The Earth is composed of several ________________.
A substance composed of 2 or more elements is a(n)
a. Mix
c. Compound
b. Amalgam
d. Complex
Why do less dense compounds make up Earth’s crust while
the densest compounds make up the core?
List 3 layers of the Earth based upon their composition.
What elements make up most of the Earth’s crust?
Oceanic crust is denser than the continental crust because it
contains more of which three elements?
The mantle is composed of more of the element _________
than the crust.
Why do scientists study the ocean floor to research the
The mantle has less aluminum and less ________ than the
What element makes up most of the core?
How much of the Earth’s mass is made up by the core?
________________ is the outermost, rigid layer of Earth
____________ is a layer of slowly flowing rock in the mantle
___________________ is the liquid layer of the core
____________________ is the solid layer of the core
____________________ is the strong lower part of the mantle
Large pieces of the lithosphere that move around on the
asthenosphere are called
a. Mantle pieces
c. Tectonic plates
b. Crust pieces
d. Puzzle pieces
Why are tectonic plates like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle?
What are the two kinds of crust that a tectonic plate may
List three ways the tectonic plates floating on the
asthenosphere are similar to ice cubes floating in a punch
List and describe three kinds of evidence found on both sides
of the ocean that support Wegener’s theory.
What was the landmass hypothesized by Wegener to exist 245
million years ago called?
When the supercontinent split, what were the 2 resulting
continents called?
About 65 million years ago, what happened to the 2 large
landmasses that existed on Earth?
Why did many reject Wegener’s hypothesis?
Describe the process of sea-floor spreading.
The process of forming new lithosphere as magma rises to the
surface is called ________________________.
_______________ are areas where sea-floor spreading takes
The process that results in Earth’s magnetic poles changing
places is called ______________________________.
The theory explaining how the continents reached their current
locations is called __________________________.
Rock on the ocean floor provided the final proof of sea-floor
spreading with a record of ______________________.
What was the hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener? What
does this hypothesis suggest?
According to Wegener, how were the continents arranged
millions of years ago?
How does fossil evidence support Wegener’s hypothesis?
Chapter 4; Section 3
Directed Reading A
Pages 108-111; The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Chapter 4; Section
Directed Reading A
Pages 112-118; Deforming the Earth’s Crust
The theory that Earth is divided into plates that move around is
The place where tectonic plates touch is called ___________
What are 3 ways plates can move relative to each other?
When two plates with continental crust collide, what happens to the
continental crust?
What boundary forms when tectonic plates collide?
What boundary forms when tectonic plates separate?
What boundary forms when tectonic plates slide past each other?
1. What is the amount of force placed on a give material
a. Bending
c. Stress
b. Stretching
d. Breakage
2. The process by which the shape of a rock changes because
of stress is called
a. Seismology
c. Deformation
b. Elasticity
d. Re-formation
3. When stress squeezes an object it is called
a. Compression
c. Convergence
b. Re-formation
d. Tension
4. When stress stretches an object is called
a. Compression
c. Convergence
b. Re-formation
d. Tension
5. What can form when compression squeezes rocks at a
convergent boundary? ________________________
6. What type of stress occurs at a divergent boundary?
7. The bending of rock layers due to stress is known as
a. Faulting
c. Divergence
b. Folding
d. Convergence
When rock is heated, it becomes less dense and tends to
9. When rock cools, it becomes more ____________ and tends to
10. Density changes in the asthenosphere are caused by the flow of
_______________ energy from deep within the Earth.
11. __________ plate motion due to higher
12. __________ plate motion due to gravity
13. __________ plate motion due to the
heating and cooling of rock
ridge push
slab pull
8. A fold where both ends of the rock
layer are horizontal
9. A downward, troughlike fold in a rock
10. An upward arching fold in a rock layer
14. How fast do tectonic plates move?
15. How do scientists measure the movement of tectonic plates?
a. Anticline
b. Monocline
c. Syncline
11. When rock layers break, the resulting surface they break
and slide on is
a. Wall
c. Fault
b. Slide
d. Fold
12. When tension pulls rocks apart, it creates a
a. Normal fault
c. Reverse fault
b. Fold
d. Strike-slip fault
13. When compression pushes rocks together it creates a
a. Normal Fault
c. Reverse fault
b. Mid-ocean ridge
d. Strike-slip fault
14. When opposing forces cause rock to break and move
a. Normal fault
c. Reverse fault
b. Fold
d. Strike-slip fault
15. When a fault is not vertical, a hanging and a(n)
______________________ are formed.
16. The hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall in
a(n) _________________________
17. The hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall in a(n)
18. When tectonic plates collide, folds and faults can become
21. What kind of mountain is formed when magma rises to the
surface and erupts?
a. Folded mountains
b. Fault-block mountains
c. Volcanic mountains
d. Strike-slip mountains
22. Appalachian Mountains
23. Tetons
24. Ring of Fire
a. Volcanic mountains
b. Folded mountains
c. Fault-block mountains
25. The rising of Earth’s crust to higher elevations is called
a. Uplift
c. Subsidence
b. Rebound
d. Uprise
26. The sinking of regions of the Earth’s crust to lower
elevations is called
a. Uplift
c. Subsidence
b. Rebound
d. Uprise
27. When the Earth’s crust slowly springs back to its original
elevation, it is called
a. Uplift
c. Subsidence
b. Rebound
d. Uprise
28. What happens to the ocean floor the farther the oceanic
lithosphere is from a mid-ocean ridge?
a. Volcanoes
c. Mountain ranges
b. Transform boundaries d. Divergent boundaries
19. What kind of mountain range is formed when rock layers
are squeezed and forced upward?
a. Folded mountains
c. Volcanic mountains
b. Fault-block mountains d. Strike-slip mountains
29. A set of cracks that form when two tectonic plates are
pulled away from each other is known as a(n)
20. What kind of mountain range is formed when tension
causes large blocks of crust to drop down?
a. Folded mountains
c. Volcanic mountains
b. Fault-block mountains d. Strike-slip mountains
Chapter 5 Vocabulary
Inside Restless Earth
1. Seismology
Chapter 5; Section 1
Pages 130-135
Directed Reading A
2. Deformation
1. What is seismology?
2. The scientists who study earthquakes are called ______
3. Where do most earthquakes take place?
4. Giant pieces of Earth’s thin, outermost layer are called
5. When tectonic plates move and slip past each other, they cause
_______ in Earth’s crust.
6. Why do earthquakes occur along faults?
3. Elastic Rebound
4. Strike-slip fault
5. Reverse fault
6. Normal fault
7. Seismic waves
7. Rock deformation that is like a
stretched rubber band and leads
to earthquakes
8. Change in the shape of rocks
in response to stress
9. Sudden return of elastically
deformed rock to its undeformed shape
10. Rock deformation that is like a
piece of molded clay and does
not lead to earthquakes
8. P wave
9. S wave
10. L wave
11. Seismograph
12. Seismogram
13. Epicenter
plastic deformation
elastic deformation
plastic rebound
elastic rebound
14. Focus
11. What causes rock deformation?
15. Gap hypothesis
12. What occurs when more pressure is applied to a rock than it can
16. Seismic gap
13. During elastic rebound, energy is released that travels as seismic
waves. What do the seismic waves cause?
14. Places where a large number of faults are located are called
15. What type of motion occurs where two plates slip past each
16. What type of motion occurs where two plates push together?
17. What type of plate motion occurs where two plates pull away
from each other?
18. Where do most earthquakes happen?
19. What are seismic waves?
Chapter 5; Section 2
Directed Reading A
Pages 136-139; Earthquake Measurement
1. The point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s
starting point is called _____________________.
2. The instrument that records vibrations in the ground and
determines the location and strength of an earthquake is a
3. Tracing of earthquake motion detected by a seismograph is called a
4. The point in Earth’s interior where an earthquake begins is the
5. Name 2 uses for seismograms.
20. What are the three types of seismic waves?
21. What are the properties of P Waves?
22. What are the properties of S Waves?
23. What are the properties of Surface Waves?
6. Perhaps the simplest method seismologists use to find an
earthquake’s epicenter is the _____________________.
7. The first step in finding an earthquake’s epicenter is to
collect several ___________________ from different
seismographic stations.
8. By using a time-distance graph, a seismologist can find the
distance from each station to the earthquake’s
9. If you know the distance from the epicenter to three stations,
how could you find the location of an epicenter?
24. On what does the speed of seismic waves depend?
25. Which are always the first waves of an earthquake to be
26. Which type of wave always arrives second?
27. How are surface waves different from body waves?
28. Wave of energy that travels through
Earth, away from an earthquake in
all directions
29. Seismic wave that causes particles
of rock to move in a back-andforth direction
30. Seismic wave that causes particles
of rock to move in a side-to-side direction
a. S wave
b. Seismic wave
c. P wave
10. Seismograms are used to find an earthquake’s
a. Hazard
c. Depth
b. Damage
d. Strength
11. What is the Richter magnitude scale used to measure?
a. Earthquake epicenter c. Earthquake strength
b. Earthquake focus
d. Earthquake intensisty
12. What is the measure of strength of an earthquake called?
a. Magnitude
c. Velocity
b. Intensity
d. Richters
13. How many times stronger is an earthquake with a magnitude
of 5.0 than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.0?
a. 1
c. 10
b. 5
d. 100
14. The degree to which people feel an earthquake and the
amount of damage it causes is called
a. Magnitude
c. Velocity
b. Intensity
d. Richters
15. What is the highest intensity level on the Modified Mercalli
Intensity Scale?
a. I
c. X
b. V
d. XII
16. The lowest level of intensity on the Modified Mercalli Scale
describes an earthquake
a. Not felt by most people
b. Not detected by seismographs
c. With great damage
d. With fires
17. How is the Richter magnitude scale used to find the strength
of an earthquake?
Chapter 5; Section 3
Directed Reading A
Pages 140-145; Earthquakes and Society
1. What is earthquake hazard?
2. Which part of the continental United States has the highest earthquake
hazard level?
3. How is the strength of earthquakes related to how often they occur?
4. The theory that states that sections of active faults that have had
relatively few earthquakes are likely to be the sites of strong earthquake
sin the future is called the ____________________________.
5. The areas along a fault where relatively few earthquakes have taken
place are called ___________________.
6. Weaker earthquakes that follow a stronger earthquake are known as
7. Not all seismologists believe that the _______________________ is an
accurate way to forecast earthquakes.
8. The process of making older buildings more earthquake resistant
is called
a. Quake proofing
c. Mass dampening
b. Shock insulating
d. Retrofitting
9. What do architects and engineers use to design and build
structures to withstand earthquakes?
a. Retrofitting
c. Newest technology
b. Gap filling
d. Old building methods
18. Where are intensity values of an earthquake usually highest?
10. In an earthquake-resistant building, what structures act as shock
a. Mass dampers
c. Active tendon systems
b. Base isolators
d. Cross braces
11. The shifting weights placed in the roof of some earthquakeresistant buildings are called
a. Mass dampers
c. Active tendon systems
b. Base isolators
d. Cross braces
Chapter 6
Inside Restless Earth
12. What do engineers place between floors to counteract the
pressures on the sides of buildings during earthquakes?
a. Flexible pipes
c. Mass dampers
b. Steel crossbraces
d. Base isolators
1. Volcano
2. Magma chamber
3. Vent
13. In an earthquake-resistant building, ___________________
help prevent waterlines and gas lines from breaking.
4. Pyroclastic material
14. What is a common way to retrofit an older home?
5. Crater
15. Explain how an active tendon system works.
6. Caldera
7. Lava plateau
16. What can you do to make your home safer before an
earthquake starts?
8. Rift Zone
17. What are some plans you can make now for things to do
during an earthquake?
9. Hot spot
18. What can you do to help yourself now if waterlines, power
lines, and roads are damaged during an earthquake?
19. What is he best thing to do if you are indoors during an
20. What is the best thing to do if you are outside during an
16. Silica-rich magma
a. Has a thin, runny consistency
b. Allows gases to escape easily
c. Causes explosive eruptions
d. Is rarely associated with explosive eruptions
17. The more water contained in magma, the _________ the chances
an explosive eruption will occur.
18. The main product of a nonexplosive eruption is ___________.
19. The main product of an explosive eruption is _______________.
20. Pyroclastic material forms when ___________ is blasted into the
air and hardens.
a. Aa lava
21. Forms underwater in rounded lumps
b. Pillow lava
22. Flows slowly, like dripping wax
c. Pahoehoe lava
23. Has a brittle, jagged crust
d. Blocky lava
24. Cool, stiff lava that forms jumbled heaps
Chapter 6; Section 1
Pages 156-161
Directed Reading A
Volcanic eruptions can be ____________ times stronger than the
explosion produced by the first atomic bomb.
2. What is magma?
3. Magma that flows onto the Earth’s surface is called
4. What is a volcano?
5. Which of the following can happen during nonexplosive eruptions?
a. Violent explosions
b. Tons of rock blasted into the air
c. Huge lava flows
d. Fire shooting into the air
6. The most common type of volcanic eruption is _____________.
7. Large areas of the Earth are covered with ______________ from
nonexplosive eruptions,
8. Volcanic eruptions occur on land and on the _____________floor.
9. Which of the following would you expect to see during an
explosive volcanic eruption?
a. Calm lava flows
b. Hot debris, ash, and gas shooting into the air
c. A rainbow
d. Lava fountains
10. In a volcanic eruption, molten rock is blown into dust-sized
particles called _________________.
11. How quickly can an explosive eruption demolish a mountainside?
12. During an explosive eruption, where do larger pieces of debris
13. Hot liquid material below the surface
14. An opening in the Earth’s crust
15. Molten material flowing on the surface
25. The viscosity of lava tells how ___________ the lava is.
26. Lava that pours out quickly and forms a brittle crust is called
______________ lava.
27. Lava that flows slowly and has rounded wrinkles on its glassy
surface is called ______________ lava.
28. Large blobs of magma that harden
in the air
29. Solid rock blasted out of a volcano
30. Glass-like slivers from the walls of
exploding gas bubbles
31. Pebble like bits of magma that cool
in the air
a. Volcanic blocks
b. Volcanic Bombs
c. Lapilli
d. Volcanic ash
32. When large amounts of hot ash, dust and gases are ejected from a
volcano, the result is a dangerous type of flow called a(n)
33. Pyroclastic materials can race downhill at speeds of more than
a. Vent
b. Magma
c. Lava
14. When the roof over a magma chamber collapses, it
forms a
a. Vent
b. Caldera
c. Crater
d. Lava plateau
15. Craters, calderas, and lava plateaus are volcanic
16. A caldera is __________ than a crater.
17. A long crack in the Earth’s crust is called
18. After repeated eruptions of lava spread over a large
area, ___________ is formed.
19. Lava plateaus are created by _____________ eruptions.
Chapter 6; Section 2
Pages 162-165
Directed Reading A
Place the following events in order to show how a single volcano can cause
widespread disaster.
1. _________Less sunlight reaches Earth
2. _________There is a large-scale volcanic eruption
3. _________The Earth experiences longer, harsher
winters and wetter, milder summers
4. _________The average global temperature drops
5. _________Worldwide food shortages occur because of
widespread crop failures.
6. _________Volcanic ash and sulfur-rich gases spread
through the atmosphere
7. The largest mountains on
a. Shield volcano
b. Cinder Volcano
8. Forms from lava; not steep
c. Composite
9. Often occurs in clusters
10. Forms from alternating
layers of pyroclastic material and lava
11. Made entirely of pyroclastic materials
12. Sometimes called stratovolcano
13. The funnel-shaped pit around a volcano’s central vent is
a. Magma chamber
b. Caldera
c. Crater
d. Lava plateau
14. ____The magma forms a new crust on the ocean floor
15. ____A rift forms as tectonic plates move apart
16. ____The mantle rock melts because of the decrease in pressure.
Chapter 6; Section 3
Pages 166-171
Directed Reading A
17. Subduction is
a. The movement of one tectonic plate against another
b. The movemnt of one tectonic plate over another
c. The movemnt of one tectonic plate under another
d. The novement of one tectonic plate away from another
18. Convergent boundaries commonly exist where
a. Tectonic plates move side by side
b. Oceanic crust moves away from continental crust
c. Continental crust is subducted under oceanic crust
d. Tectonic plates collide with each other
19. As the ocean crust sinks deeper into the mantle
20. The oceanic crust is _____________ and _________________
than the continental crust.
21. The Hawaiian lands are located
22. What are hot spots?
23. Some scientists believe that hot spots form along in the Earths’
Match each with the correct volcano type:
24. Have not erupted in thousands of years.
25. Have not erupted recently
a. Active
26. Are erupting now
b. Dormant
27. Probably won’t erupt again
c. Extinct
28. Will probably erupt in the future
29. Will probably erupt in the near future
To help predict eruptions, scientists study _________________
coming from active volcanoes and look for changes in the
2. The rock of the Earth’s mantle
a. Flows very quickly
b. Has a puttylike consistency
c. Is cooler than the Earth’s crust
d. Is solid and rock-hard
3. Rock usually melts to form magma
a. When there is an increase in pressure
b. When there is a decrease in pressure
c. When there is a decrease e in temperature
d. When it is in a volcano
4. Magma forms in the deeper regions of the Earth’s
______________ and the uppermost layers of the _____________.
5. Changes in __________ and ____________ cause magma to form.
6. How does magma behave like air bubbles in a jar of honey?
7. About 80% of active volcanoes on land form where plates
a. Join
b. Collide
b. Separate
d. Slide past each other
8. Tectonic plate boundaries are areas where tectonic plates
______________________, ______________________, and/or
9. Why are the plate boundaries surrounding the Pacific Ocean called
the Ring of Fire?
10. A set of rifts between separating plates is called a(n)
a. Divergent boundary
c. Crater column
b. Mantle rock
d. Rift zone
11. Tectonic plates separate at a(n) ________________ boundary.
Place the following in the correct order:
12. ____Magma rises to the surface of the surrounding rock.
13. ____Mantle material rises to fill the spaces between the plates.
30. Just before an eruption, the number and intensity of small
earthquakes ___________________.
31. Changes in the ratio of sulfur dioxide to carbon dioxide may
indicate changes in the _____________ below.
32. Small changes in the volcanoes slope can be ________________.
33. What are 3 ways scientists can predict volcanic explosions?
34. What might cause a bulge in the slope of a volcano?