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Body System test #2 review Key
1. The outermost layer of your skin is called the
- Epidermis
2. Which of the following does melanin do?
- Protect skin from Ultraviolet Radiation
- Give skin its coloration
3. What is the function of the nervous system?
- coordinates and regulates the responses of other organ systems to maintain a
constant internal balance
4. What is a hormone?
- A chemical messenger made by glands
5. What are the structures of the excretory system?
- arteries, veins, kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
6. Describe each part of the skin
Sebaceous gland- Makes sebum, lubricates and waterproofs your hair and skin
Hair follicle- in the dermis, produces hair
Sweat gland- releases sweat to cool the body
Nerve endings- carry messages to and from the brain
7. What are the main organs of the Integumentary system?
- skin hair and nails
8. What is the function of the Integumentary system?
-protects the body, helps maintain internal balance (homeostasis), helps you
sense the world around you
9. Describe a neuron.
- the basic part of the nervous system, arranged in bundles to make nerves, and
transmit messages along their axons
10. What is the function of the digestive system?
-To break down food into nutrients useful to your body
11. What organ’s function is to filter waste from the blood and turn them into
- kidney
12. What is the function of the excretory system?
-to filter waste out of the blood and excrete it as urine.
13. Give an example of physical change in digestion.
- Chewing, the muscles of the esophagus squeezing the food
14. give an example of a chemical change in digestion.
- Saliva breaking down food, stomach acid breaking down food, bile breaking
down food
15. What is the function of the endocrine system?
- to work with all of the other body systems to regulate your body’s function.
16. What are the structures of the endocrine system?
- pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, pancreas, adrenal
glands, and gonads (testes and ovaries)
17. Give the functions of the systems
W- Digestive system: To break down food into nutrients useful to your body
X- Circulatory system: to bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells
Y- Respiratory System: to bring in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide
Z- Excretory System: to filter waste out of the blood and excrete it as urine.