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Biodiversity and
Chapter 5: p. 116-135
Questions/Main Idea: Notes: detailed explanations and descriptions of topics
5.1: Biodiveristy
What is extinction (p. 116)
An entire species disappears from the biosphere
What is biodiversity and
Biodiversity – variety of life in an area, determined by the number of
how does it affect the health species
of the biosphere?
Health of biosphere? Increases stability of ecosystem and contributes to
health of biosphere
What are 3 types of
Genetic diversity
Species diversity
Ecosystem diversity
What is genetic diversity
and why is it important?
Genetic diversity is the variety of genes present in a population.
Increased genetic diversity increases the chances that some individuals
of a species will survive during changing environmental conditions or
disease outbreaks.
What is species diversity
and how does it change as
you move from poles to
equator? (p. 117)
The number of species in an area
Species diversity increases as you move from poles to equator (many
more species live in rainforest than tundra)
What is ecosystem
diversity? (p. 118)
Variety of different types of ecosystems in the biosphere
Importance of
Biodiveristy: What are 3
reasons to preserve
What are some examples of
direct economic value of
maintaining biodiversity?
We depend on plants and animals for food, clothing, energy, medicine
and shelter
Use examples of crops and
medicines to explain why it
is genetic biodiversity
might be important to
humans (p.118-119)
Most crops come from a few species. Wild species provide possible
genetic traits to improve crop species. Also, possible medicines and
cures from diseases might exist in plant species
Indirect Economic Value –
What services does a
healthy environment
provide for us? (at least 6)
(p. 120)
Oxygen from plants, clean water, cycling nutrients, protection against
floods, fertile soil
In the example of providing
clean water to New York
City, what were the 2
alternatives, and which was
5.2 Threats to
What is background
extinction? (p. 122)
What do some scientists
estimate is the current rate
of extinction?
What is a mass extinction
and when was the last one?
Factors that threaten
biodiversity –How is
today’s high rate of
extinction different than
past mass extinctions?
Briefly describe and give an
example of each of the
following human-induced
threats to biodiversity:
(p. 124 – 128)
Cleaning the watersheds (natural resources) was better and cheaper than
building a water filtration system
Gradual extinction
1/3 – 2/3 of species might go extinct by the end of the century
Scientists estimate the current rate of extinction is 1000 times the
normal background extinction rate.
When a large percentage of all living things become extinct.
65 million years ago when the dinosaurs went extinct
It is primarily human-caused
Overexploitation: excessive use, such as bison which were hunted
almost to extinction, or the passenger pigeon, which is now extinct.
Habitat Loss: loss of a habitat such as deforestation. Clearing of
rainforest habitats is especially damaging because it is estimated that
half of all species live in tropical rainforests
Fragmentation of habitat: Separation of ecosystem into small pieces of
land. The smaller the land, the fewer species it can support. And it
limits the number of potential mates available, thus limiting the genetic
Continued (Briefly describe
and give an example of
each of the following
human-induced threats to
Pollution: Changes in the composition of air, soil or water. Substances,
especially human-made chemicals are released into the environment.
Biological magnification means the animals at the top of the food chain
have more concentrated amounts of the toxic substances
Introduced Species: non-native species introduced to an area, usually
out-compete native species because they have no natural predators in
new environment.
5.3 Conserving
Biodiversity Why is a
long-term plan for the use
and conservation of natural
resources important?
(p. 129)
Briefly describe what
humans can do to help
conserve biodiversity in the
following categories
(p. 130 – 135)
Because of the rising human population growth and an increased rate of
consumption of natural resources, a long term plan is important (so we
don’t run out!)
Renewable vs. Non-renewable resources: renewable – when it can be
replaced by natural processes faster than it is used (solar) nonrenewable: it exists in limited amounts.
Sustainable Use: means using resources at a rate in which they can be
replaced and recycled while preserving the long-term health of the
Protecting areas: Areas where biodiversity can flourish without being
abused by human use, ex. National Parks
Hot Spots: Areas of interest because certain species only exist in those
areas and they have reached critical levels of habitat loss. (about ½ of
all species exist in hot spots
Corridors: passageways for allowing organisms to move safely from one
area to another, between fragmented parcels of land. (Land bridges over
Bioremediation: Using living things to detoxify polluted areas. Ex.
Microorganisms in soil or water can decontaminate fuel or oil spills
Biological augmentation: adding natural predators to combat pests. Ex.
Ladybugs eat the aphids that destroy crops
Legal protection: Laws and treaties were created to protect biodiversity,
such as the Endangered Species Act.
What questions do you still have about biodiversity?
What other solutions can you come up with to help protect and preserve biodiversity?