Download community care workers self education test

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This is intended to be an “Open Book” test. Keep it with you as you go through the Self education power
point presentation
1. Who has the authority to implement the plan?
The Licensee or Manager
2. What is the appropriate response to a Code Blue – Cardiac Arrest?
Call 911, then any staff with CPR training may attend the victim until the ambulance arrives
3. What is the acronym for fire Response?
4. When would you invoke a Code White?
Whenever violence or aggression occurs
5. If you were asked to conduct a search of the external grounds during a Code Yellow what areas
would you include?
Storage areas, shrubbery, trees, external buildings
6. If you receive a phone call regarding a Code Black Bomb threat where would you find the
procedure and forms to assist you?
In the Quick Reference Document
7. If there is a Code Green – Evacuation what would you do to prepare to evacuation?
Shut off water and electricity, know the location of your alternate site and/or the nearest Reception
Centre, follow the instructions of authorities….make provision for pets – if applicable, Do not use
the telephone except for emergencies
8. If there is a Code Grey – Air Exclusion you would receive a notification to take what action?
Shelter in place
9. If here is a Code Brown – Hazardous Spill, what is the rule to follow?
Clean the spill first, then sanitize
10. In a Code Brown what protective equipment would you use?
Gloves and goggles
11. In an Earthquake – what would you do immediately?
Drop, Cover and Hold
12. In a Pandemic or other infectious disease outbreak how are germs spread from person to person?
Through droplets produced by coughing or sneezing
13. If a Boil Water notification is received what are the first 3 things you would establish?
Use bottle water for drinking; use paper plates and plastic utensils for food preparation and
consumption and use waterless disinfectant form hand washing
14. What does the acronym SLID mean?
Site Location Identification
15. What does leaking gas smell like?
Rotten eggs
16. Name 3 hazards that we plan for on Vancouver Island.
Any of those listed: forest fire; severe weather, utility outages, Hazardous spills, transportation
accidents, earthquake, am failure, flood, CBRNE, Terrorism, Pandemic, Epidemic, water
contamination, Civil unrest,
17. What is the best way to prevent the spread of infection?
Hand washing
18. What is the appropriate action to take when you cough?
Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth or cough or sneeze into your sleeve near the elbow
19. Why should you have an annual flu shot?
To stimulate your immune system
20. Name three Reportable Incidents
Aggressive/Unusual behavior; attempted suicide; choking; death; disese outbreak; emergency
restraint; emotional abuse; fall; financial abuse; food poisoning; medication error; missing or
wandering person; motor vehicle injury; neglect; other injury; physical abuse; poisoning; service
delivery problem; sexual abuse; unexpected illness.