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American Studies Final
INSTRUCTIONS: Relax. Take your time. Carefully read the following questions and select the
BEST response. Draw on the information learned in class from readings, notes, videos and inclass discussions. Good Luck!
When was President Abraham Lincoln assassinated?
A) January 1, 1863 B) April 14, 1865 C) April 14, 1863
E) none of the above
D) January 1, 1865
African Americans became citizens of the United States as a result of the
A) 12th Amendment B) 13th Amendment C) 14th Amendment D) 15th Amendment
E) Emancipation Proclamation
3. Which of the following statements best describes the Emancipation Proclamation?
A) The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in slave States B) The
Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in Confederate States C) The Emancipation
Proclamation freed all the slaves D) The Emancipation Proclamation the slaves in Union
4. When did the Emancipation Proclamation go into effect?
A) June,1862 B) September, 1862 C) January, 1863 D) April, 1863 E) None of the
5. The Union Army had about 2 million soldiers. How many did the Confederate Army have?
250,000 B) 500,000 C) 750,000 D) 1,000,000 E) 1,500,000
6. Lincoln’s primary reason for fighting the Civil War was
A) Slavery needed to be abolished (ended) B) He thought it would be good for the
economy C) he saw it as the only way he could win re-election D) He wanted to
preserve the Union
7. The Civil War became a long and deadly war with little gain on either side. Which word best
describes that type of war? A) Attrition B) Succession C) Imperialism D) Militarism
8. What was the line of latitude involved in the Missouri Compromise?
D) 36030’ E) none of the above
A) 30036’ B) 380
C) 530
9. Analyze the following quote: “With malice toward none and charity toward all”
Who is the author of this quote? A) Abraham Lincoln B) Jefferson Davis C) Andrew
Johnson D) Uysses S. Grant
10. When Lincoln took office for the first time, what was his view of slavery? A) he must do
everything in his power to end it B) he was going to do nothing to slavery or the expansion of slavery
C) he was going to work with North and South and try to expand slavery D) he was going to do
nothing to slavery where it existed, but not allow it to spread
11. What did the system of sharecropping do? A) Gave free slaves the right to vote B) Gave
free slaves 40 acres and a mule C) Kept African Americans at slave like levels in the South
D) Allowed African Americans to purchase 160 acres of land E) Created a community of
African Americans who shared their crops with one another
12. . Which state was the first to secede from the Union?
D) Georgia E) South Carolina
13. What year did that state secede?
A) 1859
A) Virgina
B) 1860
C) 1861
B) Florida C) Alabama
D) 1862
E) none of these
14. What event made that state secede from the Union? A) the hanging of Confederate leader John
Brown B) the Union attack at Fort Sumter C) the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President of
the United States D) the election of Abraham Lincoln
15. Which of the following states were “Border States”?
I. North Carolina II. Illinois III. Kentucky IV. Missouri
V. Maryland
I, II and IV only
II, III and IV only
III, IV and V only
II, III, IV, and V only
All of the above states were border states
16. Which statement about Robert E. Lee best describes his role in the Civil War? A) he turned down
the chance to be the leader of the Confederate Army in order to be the General of the Union Army
B) he turned down the chance to be the leader of the Union Army in order to be the General of the
Confederate Army C) After Winfield Scott’s failed attempt to lead the Union, Lincoln appointed Lee
General of the Union Army D) none of the above are true
17. Who famously debated Lincoln in public?
John Brown D) None of the above
A) Stephen Douglas
B) Frederick Douglass
18. What was the “Fugitive Slave Act”? A) an attempt to help slaves escape to freedom by stating that
once they were in a free state they would forever be free B) a law that said that slaves could not testify
in their own defense C) a law that said a slave who escaped to the North could still be captured and
brought back to the South D) made all slaves fugitives of the law
19. Who was President immediately before Lincoln? A) James Buchanan
C) Andrew Jackson
D) Thomas Jefferson E) Miss Terfuller
20. Who won the Civil War?
A) Union
B) James K. Polk
B) Confederacy
21. What was Lincoln’s MAIN goal in fighting the Civil War? A) end slavery everywhere
B) teach the South a lesson C) enslave the Southern population D) preserve the Union E)
he wanted to fight the war because there was nothing else to do because things like TV, cars,
mp3 players, HD tv, cell phones, the internet, youtube and facespace weren’t around to entertain
people yet
22. Who shot Lincoln? A) Ulysses S. Grant
Jefferson Davis E) John Wilkes Booth
B) Nathan Bedford Forest
C) Homer Plessy D)
23. Which of the following factors did NOT help the North win the Civil War? A) the North had more
supplies B) the addition of slaves to Northern forces C) Better Generals in the North D) the North
had a larger army E) the North had more money
24. After the elimination of slavery, what became the new name for the “slave codes”?
A) Black Codes B) Jim Crow Laws C) KKK Codes D) First A then B E) First A then C
MATCHING: Match the term on the left with the best term on the right. Some responses may
be used more than once.
Ulysses S. Grant
Jefferson Davis
Stonewall Jackson
William Tecumseh Sherman
Radical Republicans
a. North (Union)
b. South (Confederacy)
30. Which of the following battles was considered to be the first shots of the Civil War?
a) Gettysburg
b) Fort Sumter
c) Antietam
d) Cold Harbor
31. Which of the following was not a general for the Confederacy?
a) Stone Wall Jackson
b) William Tecumseh Sherman
c) Robert E. Lee
d) Albert S. Johnston
32. What battle was the single bloodiest day in U.S. history, resulting in close to 25,000 casualties?
a) Antietam
b) Wilderness
c) Gettysburg
d) Bull Run
33. Where did the Civil War end?
a) Appomattox Courthouse
b) Washington D.C.
c) Richmond
d) Fort Sumter
34. The famous speech that Lincoln gave at a battle filed was the...
a) Declaration of Independence
b) Emancipation Proclamation
c) Bill of Rights
d) Gettysburg Address
35. How did Southerners view slavery?
a) A way of life
b) method of survival
c) tradition
d) All of the above
36. What snake like strategy did the North have for winning the Civil War?
a) to offer Native Americans land in the South if they would fight for the Union
b) to cut off the South's imports and exports with a naval blockade
c) to capture Texas and attack the rest of the Confederacy from the West
d) to kidnap Confederate president Jefferson Davis and bring him to Washington for trial
37. In 1848, gold was discovered in what future U.S. state?
Oregon D) California
A) Colorado
B) Georgia
38. Nickname for people that guided runaway slaves to freedom through the Underground
Railroad. A) Tour guides B) Conductors C) Navigators D) Engineers
39. Where were “Border Roughians” from?
Nebraska E) Massachusetts
A) Maine
40. Where did “Border Roughians go to? A) Maine
E) Massachusetts
B) Missouri
B) Missouri
C) Kansas
C) Kansas
41. Which of the following U.S. Senators promoted “popular sovereignty”?
Douglas B) Lewiss Cass C) Henry Clay D) David Wilmot
D) Nebraska
A) Stephen
42. More people in the South owned slaves than did not.
a) True
b) False
43. John Brown is responsible for the
A. Rebellion of 1831. C. caning in Congress.
B. raid on Harper’s Ferry.
D. economic collapse of Kansas.
44. What was the record of the Vote in the Dredd Scott decision?
D) 4-3
45. Based on the voting, how “strong” was the Scott decision?
A) 9-0
B) 7-0
C) 5-4
A) Very Strong B) Very
46. What did the Dredd Scott decision decide about slavery? A) slavery could not expand to
western territories B) slavery could not be outlawed by the Constitution C) slaves had no
rights because they were not citizens, they were property D) none of the above
47. The first state to secede from the Union was
A. Virginia.
C. Tennessee.
B. Florida
D. South Carolina
48. The President of the Confederacy was
A. Stephan Douglas. C. Jefferson Davis.
B. Robert E. Lee.
D. John Brown.
49. What was a big reason that the civil war tore families apart?
a) People weren't sure they believed in the cause
b) people didn't support the president
c) relatives were fighting on both sides
d) people were drafted to both sides of the war without consideration to their beliefs
50. The War officially ends when
A. Grant takes Richmond.
B. Lincoln goes to Richmond.
C. Davis flees to the South.
D. Lee surrenders’ to Grant at Appomattox Court
51. What was the method of helping runaway slaves escape from the South?
a) Freedom Train
b) Slave Train
c) Escape Express
d) Underground Railroad
52. Abolitionists believed that slavery...
a) should be allowed in the western territories but not in the North
b) was essential to the economic well being of America and most of Europe
c) was sinful, wrong and contrary to American principles
d) was a necessary part of the southern way of life
53. Which of the following was a well-know abolitionist?
a) Frederick Douglass
b) Sojourner Truth
c) Harriet Tubman
d) All of the above
54. The novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was important for which of the following reasons?
a) It influenced passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
b) It made many Northerners more critical of slavery
c) It dramatized the Dred Scott case
d) It eased racial tensions in the South
55. Harriet Tubman is best known for which of the following?
a) her work in support of women's rights
b) her work with the American Colonization Society
c) her authorship of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World
d) her efforts to help slaves escape to the North
56. What law made it harder for slaves to escape the South?
a) Runaway Slave Law
b) Fugitive Slave Law
c) Escaped Slave Law
d) None of the above
58. What is meant by the term Jacksonian Democracy? A) a democratic system that is run by the
nation’s elite B) a dictator like leadership C) majority rule D) none of the above
59. What was the Spoils System? A) a system of government that rewarded hardworking, honest
Americans B) a system of government where all officials were elected officials C) a system of
government where an elected official could appoint his supporters to high positions
60. What state were the Native American groups moved to?
D) Georgia
A) Oklahoma
B) Kansas
C) Missouri
61. Which of the following were results of the Corrupt Bargain? A) Andrew Jackson won the election
and had a strong Presidency B) Andrew Jackson won the election, but had a weak Presidency because
of the scandal C) John Quincy Adams won the election and had a strong Presidency D) John Quincy
Adams won the election, but had a weak Presidency because of the scandal
62. Which of the following was a result of the Corrupt Bargain? A) Henry Clay became Secretary of
State B) Henry Clay became Vice President C) Henry Clay was fired from his position in the Senate
D) all of the above were results of the Corrupt Bargain
63. What part of the government makes laws?
A. Congress
C. Legislative Branch
B. Executive Branch D. Judicial Branch.
64. How many Senators does each state have?
A. 2.
C. 3
B. 1
D. as many as the population depicts.
65. What branch of government can declare war?
A. Executive
C. House of Representatives
B. Senate
D. Congress
66. What amendment freed the slaves?
A. 15th
C. 13th
B. 16th
D. 21st
67. What are the first ten amendments called?
A. Preamble
C. Bill of Rights
B. Articles of Confederation D. First Ten Amendments
68. The form of government in which political power comes from the people is called a...
a) democracy
b) monopoly
c) tyranny
d) monarchy
69. Which branch is the president in?
a) Legislative
b) Federal
c) Judicial
d) Executive
70. Thomas Jefferson purchased a huge piece of land from Napoleon. It was called:
a) Gadsen Purchase
b) Florida Cession
c) Louisiana Purchase
d) None of the above
e) Fullerland
71. Who explored this land for Jefferson in the early 1800's?
a) Andrew Jackson
b) Columbus
c) Lewis and Clark
d) Cortes
72. What was the name of the Shoshone woman who helped the explorers?
a) Sacagawea
b) Saginaw
c) Sagaca
d) York
73. Who was known for his win at the battle of New Orleans and his Indian removal policy?
a) Robert E. Lee
b) (Old Hickory) Andrew Jackson
c) Andrew (Stonewall) Jackson
d) Thomas Jefferson
74. What war was fought to gain California for the U.S.?
a) Civil War
b) War with Mexico
c) War with Texas
d) War of 1812
75. What tribe was removed from their homeland in Georgia, even though they were a
sovereign nation with a distinct culture and forced to march on what is known as the
“Trail of Tears”?
a) Cherokee
b) Dakota
c) Algonquin
d) Comanche
76. What were two (2) motives of the Native Americans Removal Policy?
a) Racism and Religion
b) Religion and National Security
c) Racism and need for land
d) Individuality and Sexism