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Personality Theories
Psychoanalytic (Psychodynamic) – Personality is shaped by unconscious thoughts or motivators.
Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Structures of Personality
Id – Basic Biological Drives, operates on Pleasure Principle.
Ego – Is in touch with reality, makes decisions on behavior. Tries to balance desires of Id and Superego.
Superego – Is like your conscience…operates on the moral principle.
Ego uses defense mechanisms to deal with stress. Find your handout on defense mechanisms and look over
it…extra credit on quiz.
Levels of Awareness
Preconscious – Like Long Term Memory. Thoughts that you are not thinking right now, but you could bring
them to the surface if you wanted to do so.
Conscious Mind – What you are thinking of right now.
Unconscious Mind – Repressed thoughts and memories.
Psychosexual Stages – Our adult personality is shaped as we pass through these stages.
Oral activities…eating
Toilet Training
Witholding and expelling feces
Oedipal/Electra complex
Sexual curiosity
Period of Sexual Calm
Interest in school – hobbies –
same sex friends
Sexual Interests
Mature sexual relationships
Adult Personality Traits associated with being fixated in a certain Psychosexual Stage
Oral – Gullible – dependent – passive – hostile – overeating – drinking
Anal – Excessive cleanliness – orderliness – stinginess – messiness – rebelliousness
Phallic – Flirtatiousness – vanity – promiscuity – pride – chastity
No traits for latency and genital because Freud thought the adult personality was pretty much formed
after the phallic stage.
Other Psychoanalytic Theorists
Carl Jung – Two unconscious minds – the personal unconscious – the collective unconscious
Alfred Adler – We are driven by unconscious feelings of inferioritiy.
Trait Theory of Personality – Explain personality and differences in people in terms of people's
characteristics. Theorists associated with trait theory are Allport – Cattell – Eysenck
Learning (Behavioral) Theories of Personality – Personality is learned behaviors. Behaviors can be learned by
operant conditiong - classical conditioning – or observational learning. Theorists are B. F. Skinner and Albert
Humanistic Theories – People are basically good. Personality is shaped as a person strives toward selfactualization. Theorists are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.
Assessing Personality
There are two main types of personality tests: objective and projective. Objective tests are paper and
pencil tests. An example would be the MMPI. Projective tests are when a client is asked to do or look at
something – and you assume they PROJECT their personality into what they see or what they do. Examples
are the Rorschach Ink Blot Test and the TAT.
Other terms from the chapter:
Learned Helplessness – Person has an external locus of control, and believes that they are helpless to
improve their situation.
External Locus of Control – Believing that external factors are more significant in determining what happens
to a person.
Internal Locus of Control – Believing that personal factors and effort are more significant in determining
what happens to a person.
Abnormal Psychology – Psychological Disorders
When is behavior considered abnormal? When it is atypical – disturbing – maladaptive – statistically
significant and unjustifiable.
How do you explain the cause of psychological disorders?
A. Medical Model – (biological) Disorder has a physical causes.
B. Behavioral – Maladaptive Behavior has been learned.
C. Psychoanalytic (psychodynamic) – Behavior is caused by unconscious conflicts.
D. Cognitive – Behavior is caused by irrational or faulty thinking.
E. Humanistic – Person has been blocked in their attempt to self –actualize (too much conditional positive
What is the DSM-IV? A system for classifying and diagnosing psychological disorders. It does not identify
causes of disorders or give suggestions for treatment.
What are some of the major categories of disorders in the DSM-IV?
Anxiety Disorders –
Generalized Anxiety – In general being anxious all the time.
Panic Disorder – Attack of overwhelming fear or dread.
Phobic Disorder – Fear of a specific object or situation.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disordre – When fearful thoughts (obsessions) make a person
complete ritualistic behaviors (compulsions).
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – When after (post) as traumatic event the person relives
The fear they had during the event.
Mood or Affective Disorders
Major Depression – Lack of interest in activities sleep and eating disorders delusional
Bi-Polar Disorder – Periods of mania followed by depression.
Seasonal Affective Disorder – Depression caused by lack of sunlight (such as in the winter
months. Can be treated with light therapy.
Somatoform Disorders
Hypocondriasis – When a person thinks they are sick or injured but they are not.
Conversion Disorder – When a person converts stress into a physical problem.
Dissociative Disorders
Amnesia – Loss of memory (no physical reason for this to happen)
Fugue – Moving (fugitive) plus amnesia.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) – Multiple Personality Disorder
Personality Disorders
Anti-Social Personality Disorder – Lack of conscience or feelings for others, dishonesty,
trouble dealing with authority figures.
Schizophrenia – Characterized by loose thinking aimless behavior hallucinations (usually auditory) delusionsgrandeur persecution paranoid. Typically begins in late adolescence.
Residual – fits no one pattern
Catatonic – alternate between periods of motionlessness and wild excitement
Paranoid – Delusions of persecution
Disorganized – Obscene violent silly.
What are some of the different types of psychotherapy?
Psychoanalysis – Uses free association and dream therapy to gain access to the unconscious
Client (or Person) Centered Therapy – Uses reflective listening and lots of unconditional positive regard with
the client to help them get back on the track toward self actualization.
Cognitive Therapy – Teaches new more adaptive ways of thinking and acting. Challenges irrational thinking. A
type of cognitive therapy is rational emotive therapy.
Behavior Therapy – Uses classical operant and observational learning to get rid of maladaptive behaviors and
learn new adaptive ones. Does not focus on the cause of behavior.
Family Therapy – Views an individual's maladaptive behaviors as influenced by or directed at other family
Eclectic Therapy – Uses various forms of psychotherapy.
What medical methods can be used to treat psychological disorders?
Psychopharmacology – Using medication to influence the mind and behavior.
a. tranquilizers – short term use for anxiety disorders
b. anti – depressants – newer forms (Paxil Prozac) can be used to treat anxiety disorders
eating disorders as well as depression. Work on providing more of the neurotransmitters
norephinephrine and serotonin.
c. Lithium – For Bi-Polar Disorder
d. Anti-psychotics – Work on blocking dopamine receptors. Used for schizophrenia.
ECT- Electro Convulsive Therapy – Used for major depression.
What is Insanity? It is a LEGAL term to mean that a person did not understand or "appreciate" that their
actions were wrong.
What is Deinstitutionalization? It is the policy that encourages the release of people with psychological
disorders into the community. In theory it's a great idea. Practically though it makes it very difficult to
keep people in therapy or on medication if they are not institutionalized.
Social Psychology
Be able to recognize or give examples of:
Fundamental Attribution Error
Scapegoat Theory
In-Group/Out-Group Bias
Just World Exposure
Mere Exposure Effect
Social Loafing
Social Facilitation
Foot in the Door
Door in the Face
Group Polarization
Cognitive Dissonance –
AltruismBystander EffectAttraction –
Passionate and Companionate Love
Reciprocity Norm
Be able to describe and understand the significance of the following experiments: Stanley Milgram’s
Obedience, Solomon Asch’s Line Experiment, and Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment.
Psycho People!! Why are they important to Psychology?
Edward Thorndike – Law of Effect. Operant Conditioning is built on this idea.
Stanley Milgram – "Shocking" obedience experiment.
Lawrence Kohlberg – Theory of Moral Development
Alfred Binet – Developed first standardized intelligence test.
Jean Piaget – Theory of Cognitive Development.
Erik Erikson – 8 Psychosocial Stages
Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs, Humanistic Theory of Personality Development.
Carl Rogers – Humanistic Theory of Personality Development, client centered counseling.
John B. Watson – Father of Behaviorism. Did the experiment on Little Albert.
B. F. Skinner – Associated with operant conditioning and schedules of reinforcement.
Stanley Schachter – Two factor theory of emotion
Ivan Pavlov – Classical Conditioning (slobbering dogs)
Albert Bandura – Observational Learning. Experiment with the Bobo doll.
Hermann Ebbinghaus – Study of memory using nonsense syllables, forgetting curve.
Howard Gardner – Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Solomon Asch – "Line" experiment to test conformity.
Carl Jung – Developed a psychoanalytic theory of personality. Collective unconscious.
Hans Selye – Had, no, developed the GAS theory..General Adaptation Syndrome. The body's
physical reaction to stress.
Charles Darwin – Said facial expression of emotion are universal.
Harry Harlow – Did the experiment with monkeys and "surrogate mom". Babies need "contact comfort."
Konrad Lorenz – Did the experiment with geese (goslings) .ollowed him.
Mary Ainsworth – Three types of attachment.