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Chapter 4.2 History and Culture of China pgs. 114-120
Name _________________________________Hour ____
The Big Idea: Ruled by ____________ in its early history, China is a __________________ country with an
___________________ population and _______________ __________________.
Main Idea 1: Family lines of ______________ ruled __________ for most of its _______________ history.
China’s early civilization’s achievements include ____________ compass, _______________, _____________,
_____________, and _____________.
China’s Dynasties
 China has been ruled by many ___________.
o The ruler of a __________ is called an _____________.
 The ________ dynasty was the first to __________ China under one ___________.
o ___ __________ was the greatest ruler who began building the _________ __________ of ________.
 The great wall was designed to _________ out _______________.
o Shi Huangdi also had thousands of ______________ (clay) warriors made to _____________ his
Outside Influences in China
 Historically China has not wanted __________ with the outside ______________.
 They viewed their culture as ______________ and had little ___________ for foreigners.
 Natural land barriers such as ___________________, ______________, and ________ isolated the region.
 As the _____________ for Chinese goods (such as _________ and __________) rose China was __________ to
open up ___________.
o _____________ took control of ____________ of the _____________ as well.
Main Idea 2: In China’s modern history, _____________ and ______ ______ led to a ____________________
Revolution and Civil War
 China’s civil war ended in _____.
 They became a ______________ state.
Communist China under Mao
 In a communist system the government ________ most __________ and ___________ and controls ____ areas
of life.
 The government ________ (took control of) all ____________, ______________, and ______________.
 Some changes _______________ life (women could work) others ___________ freedoms.
 There was a _________ in the 1960’s that killed _____________.
Communist China since Mao
 After ____ dies ______ ___________ rose to power.
 He worked to ___________ China.
Main Idea 3: China has the __________ most people and a rich _________ shaped by ___________ ____________.
China has a population ____ billion people – the world’s __________ population!
Population and Settlement (look at map on page 116)
 Only ___ percent of China’s people live in the ______, the rest (90) are jam-packed in the _____.
o Major _______ have a population of over _____________ people.
 China’s population __________ to grow – about ______ million each year.
o China’s officials have worked to _________ ___ ___________ by urging people to ________ having
children and limiting each couple to _____ _________.
o These actions have _______ the population ________.
Ethnic Groups and Language
 92% of China’s people identify their __________ as Han Chinese. They all share the same culture and traditions.
Many Han speak ___________ – China’s _________ language. Others speak a __________, a regional
version of a language.
The remaining ______ of China’s population is made up of ____ ethnic groups. Most of these groups live in
___________ and ___________ China. They have their own distinct cultures.
o ____ – from Gansu province in Central China. Most are ___________.
o ___________ – from Quizhou, in southern China. The Zhuang are China’s _________ _________
Religion, Values, and Beliefs
 Ancient religions, ________, and beliefs ________ _____ for China’s people, even though the Communist
government _____________ the practice of __________.
(In the communist system, the government owns most businesses and land and controls all areas of life)
 China’s two main beliefs systems are __________ and ___________.
o Daoism – which stresses _________ _______ and in ________ with ________. Its name comes from
the word Dao meaning “_____ _____.”
o Buddhism – Buddhists believe ________ behavior, ___________, and ____________ can lead to peace
 Many Chinese blend elements of Daoism and Buddhism with ________________.
o Confucianism stresses the ____________ ___ _________, moral values, and ________ for one’s elders.
 Other major religions in China include ______________ and _______. Ancestor worship and fortune-telling are
popular among Chinese as well.
The Arts and Popular Culture
 China has a ______ ___________ tradition
 Crafts include items made of ______, bronze, ________, silk, or ________.
o Porcelain is highly prized for it _________ and ________.
 Traditional Chinese painting is done on _______ or fine paper
o Reflects a focus on __________ and __________ with nature. Landscapes of mountains, lakes, and
trees are popular subjects.
o _______________ – decorative writing
 Chinese literature – known for their beautiful __________
 Chinese theater – traditional Chinese ________ which ______ ________ through spoken word, music, and dance
o Actors wear _____________ costumes and makeup
 Traditional Chinese architecture – __________ buildings on _________ bases
o Pagodas – Buddhist __________ that have multi-storied towers with an upward curving roof at each floor.
o Many cities are a mix of traditional and modern architecture.
 Beijing’s National Day – celebrated on _______________ with huge ___________ in Tiananmen Square.
o Dragon dances bring ________ ___________ to important events
o Lion dances performed to spread ______ ____________ to the community
 Military parade of soldiers and tanks shows _________ _________
 Popular culture includes activities such as
o Martial _______ and table tennis
o Mah-jongg is a popular game played with ________ ______
o Karaoke clubs where people go to ______ ___ ________