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One way in which the Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code
are similar is that each
(1) legalized monotheistic beliefs
(2) established legal standards
(3) provided records of economic activity
(4) supported republican governments
(Jan 08 Q8)
The Code of Hammurabi and Chinese legalism both rely on the idea that
(1) governments must provide their people with rights
(2) harsh laws are needed to control society
(3) all subjects are equal under the law
(4) religion and government must be brought closer together
(Jan 10 Q6)
• If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand.
• If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye.
• If he has broken another seignior’s bone, they shall break his bone.
Which document contains these statements?
(1) Ten Commandments
(2) Code of Hammurabi
(3) Edicts of Asoka
(4) Twelve Tables
(Aug 11 Q4
Filial piety and the five relationships are most often associated with
(1) Hinduism
(2) Daoism
(3) animism
(4) Confucianism
(Jan 11 Q5)
One way in which filial piety in Confucian China and citizenship in ancient Athens are
similar is that both
(1) emphasized duties and responsibilities in society
(2) encouraged the development of advanced technology
(3) promoted respect for the physical environment
(4) required that legalist principles be followed
(Aug 14 Q5)
Which individual developed an Asian philosophy associated with the five relationships,
filial piety, and the Analects?
(1) Laozi (Lao Tzu)
(2) Confucius
(3) Han Wudi
(4) Siddhartha Gautama
(Jan 15 Q7)
One way in which South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and India are geographically similar is that
each is located on
(1) an island
(2) an archipelago
(3) an isthmus
(4) a peninsula
(Jun 08 Q2)
Which geographic factor directly influenced the early interactions between China and
(1) location
(2) monsoons
(3) arid climate
(4) tropical savannas
(Aug 09 Q10)
Korea has frequently served as a cultural bridge between
(1) Cambodia and Vietnam
(2) Russia and India
(3) Thailand and Indonesia
(4) China and Japan
(June 10 Q7)
• Islamic scholars made significant contributions to astronomy.
• Muslim architects excelled in design.
• Schools and libraries were built in Islamic urban centers.
Which conclusion about Islamic society during its Golden Age can best be supported by
these statements?
(1) Social status of Muslims was determined at birth.
(2) Achievements relied on a knowledge of math and science.
(3) People of diverse faiths were required to convert to Islam.
(4) Cities developed self-sufficient economies.
(Aug 12 Q9)
Which achievements are most closely associated with the Golden Age of Islamic culture?
(1) mosques, medical books, and algebra
(2) gunpowder, pagodas, and silk
(3) aqueducts, roads, and polytheistic temples
(4) columns, theory of a sun-centered universe, and democracy
(Jan 13 Q9)
• Creation of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad
• Development of algebra
• Use of calligraphy as an art form
Which Golden Age is most closely associated with these achievements?
(1) Islamic
(2) Gupta
(3) Tang
(4) Songhai
(Jan 11 Q10)
The term feudalism is best defined as a
(1) holy war between Christians and Muslims
(2) process in which goods are traded for other goods
(3) division of political power between three separate branches
(4) system in which land is exchanged for military service and loyalty
(Jan 08 Q6)
Which political system is best described in the outline below?
I. _____________________________
A. Decentralized government
B. Based on loyalty and service
C. Code of chivalry
D. Military elite
(1) Oligarchy
(2) Absolutism
(3) Feudalism
(4) Democracy
(Jan 09 Q9)
What is a primary characteristic of a feudal society?
(1) a representative government
(2) economic equality for all
(3) protection of individual rights
(4) an exchange of land for services
(Jan 10 Q14)
Which situation was a result of Pax Mongolia?
(1) Trade increased between Europe and Asia.
(2) China became isolated from its neighbors.
(3) Warfare between Japan and Vietnam escalated.
(4) Europeans conquered the Aztecs and Incas.
(Aug 08 Q13)
One way in which Pax Romana and Pax Mongolia are similar is that both were
characterized by
(1) political stability
(2) unifying religious institutions
(3) representative forms of government
(4) social equality for men and women
(Jan 09 Q41)
Which areas did the Mongols conquer and incorporate into their empire?
(1) China, Russia, and Iran
(2) Axum, Zimbabwe, and West Africa
(3) Spain, France, and Egypt
(4) Japan, India, and eastern Europe
(June 12 Q8)
Which action is linked to the spread of the Black Death to Europe during the 14th
(1) trade with Asia
(2) conquest of Japan
(3) trade across the Sahara
(4) exploration of the Western Hemisphere
(June 11 Q11)
Which statement about the bubonic plague in Europe, Asia, and Africa is accurate?
(1) It followed trade routes.
(2) It increased agricultural production.
(3) It was restricted to rural areas.
(4) It encouraged nationalism.
(Aug 12 Q42)
What was a direct result of the Black Death in Europe?
(1) The rate of urbanization increased.
(2) A shortage of workers developed.
(3) Food crops had to be imported from the Americas.
(4) German states dominated trade in the eastern Mediterranean.
(Jan 13 Q13)
• The Ming emperor banned the building of large oceangoing ships in 1433.
• The Tokugawa shogun issued the Act of Seclusion in 1636.
One way in which these historical occurrences are similar is that both led to increased
(1) social mobility
(2) globalization
(3) cultural diffusion
(4) isolation
(Jan 10 Q46)
The restoration of Chinese rule, the voyages of Zheng He, and the reintroduction of civil
service examinations are all associated with the
(1) Ming dynasty (2) Abbassid dynasty (3) Songhai Empire (4) Delhi sultanate
(June 13 Q16)
• Zheng He’s seven voyages are sponsored by the government.
• Corn and peanuts are introduced into the people’s diet.
• The Forbidden City is built in Beijing.
Which time period is associated with these statements?
(1) Ming dynasty
(2) Tokugawa shogunate
(3) rule of Kublai Khan
(4) Japanese annexation of Korea
(Aug 14 Q47)
The Russian Orthodox Church developed as a result of Russia’s cultural interactions with
which group?
(1) Byzantines
(2) Muslims
(3) Vikings
(4) Huns
(Aug 11 Q10)
The introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet and Orthodox Christianity to Russia is most
closely associated with
(1) Viking conquests
(2) Byzantine missionaries
(3) Alexander the Great’s armies
(4) Ottoman expansion
(June 13 Q8)
The early eastern European Slavic civilization at Kiev adopted the Eastern Orthodox
religion, the Cyrillic alphabet, and certain styles of art and architecture as a result of
(1) wars with Japan
(2) conquests by Mongol invaders
(3) visits to western European countries (4) trade with the Byzantine Empire
(Jan 14 Q8)
Which title best completes the partial outline below?
I. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
A. Incorporation of European and Arabic ideas in architecture
B. Preservation of Greco-Roman ideas
C. Spread of Orthodox Christianity into Russia
D. Development of Justinian Code
(1) Age of Discovery
(2) Byzantine Empire
(3) Persian Empire
(4) Crusades
(Jan 08 Q7)
• Justinian issues a new code of laws.
• Greek culture is preserved.
• A split develops in Christianity between the Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians.
Which empire is most closely associated with these statements?
(2) Persian
(3) Mughal
(4) British
(Aug 09 Q41)
The Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code are examples of
(1) religious edicts
(2) written laws
(3) epic poems
(4) democratic constitutions
(Aug 12 Q41)
One way in which the Silk Roads and the West African trade routes are similar is that
along both routes
(1) the main items exchanged were ivory and tobacco
(2) concrete was used to improve the surface of the roads
(3) a single currency was used to make transactions easier
(4) ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other
(Jan 09 Q12)
The trans-Saharan trade carried out by West African civilizations was primarily based on
an exchange of
(1) gold and salt
(2) ivory and silk
(3) silver and tea
(4) hardwoods and animal skins
(June 10 Q11)
Which factor contributed to Mali becoming a wealthy kingdom?
(1) enforcement of mercantilist policies
(2) alliances with the Hanseatic League
(3) control of Mediterranean trade routes
(4) dominance of the gold and salt trade
(June 12 Q10)
Machiavelli – The Prince
Base your answer to question 15 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies
. . . . I conclude, therefore, with regard to being feared and loved, that men love at their
own free will, but fear at the will of the prince, and that a wise prince must rely on what
is in his power and not on what is in the power of others, and he must only contrive to
avoid incurring hatred, as has been explained. . . .
15 This passage is most closely associated with the ideas of
(1) Pope Urban II
(2) Niccolò Machiavelli
(3) John Calvin
(4) Thomas Malthus
(Aug 09 Q15)
In The Prince, Machiavelli advises rulers to
(1) seek the approval of the people
(2) establish and maintain power
(3) promote openness in government
(4) learn and follow the commandments of the church
(Aug 11 Q16)
In The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli was most concerned with
(1) the use of political power
(2) the expansion of church authority
(3) government regulation of the economy
(4) equality and justice for all
(Jan 13 Q14)
The Three Estates - French Revolution
Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the
(1) monarchy
(2) clergy
(3) nobles
(4) commoners
(Jan 10 Q23)
Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?
(1) ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte
(2) nationalization of the Church
(3) outrage over the use of the guillotine by the Committee of Public Safety
(4) demand of the Third Estate for more political power
(Jan 12 Q23)
One way in which the caste system in traditional India and the Estates system of prerevolutionary France are similar is that
(1) occupations were attained by merit
(2) social mobility was very limited
(3) status was determined by education
(4) impact on the daily lives of people was minimal
(Jan 14 Q47)
Suleiman the Magnificent
One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Akbar the Great are similar is that they
both brought about periods of
(1) political stability and religious tolerance
(2) religious conquest and persecution
(3) isolationism and cultural stagnation
(4) modernization and political disunity
(Jan 10 Q20)
Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Louis XIV are all rulers associated with
(1) natural rights
(2) filial piety
(3) religious toleration
(4) absolutism
(Aug 11 Q22)
One way in which Sulieman the Magnificent, Akbar the Great, and Louis XIV are similar
is that each was
(1) an important religious reformer
(2) a supporter of laissez-faire practices
(3) a leader of independence movements
(4) an absolute monarch
(Aug 09 Q19)
Boxer Rebellion
A major goal of both the Sepoy Mutiny in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China was to
(1) rid their countries of foreigners
(2) expand their respective territories
(3) receive international military support
(4) restore an absolute monarch to the throne
(Jan 08 Q23)
A goal of both the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Mau Mau movement in Kenya was
(1) promote laissez-faire capitalism
(2) end foreign control
(3) develop modern industries
(4) create a totalitarian state
(Aug 08 Q44)
The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) are most closely
associated with the
(1) Long March
(2) Golden Age of China
(3) Cultural Revolution
(4) rise of nationalism in China
(June 09 Q48)
Meiji Restoration
Which action taken by the Meiji government encouraged industrialization in 19th-century
(1) building a modern transportation system
(2) limiting the number of ports open to foreign trade
(3) forcing families to settle on collective farms
(4) establishing a system of trade guilds
(Jan 08 Q25)
Which action in Japanese history occurred during the Meiji Restoration?
(1) Japan modernized its economy.
(2) Mongols invaded the islands of Japan.
(3) The Japanese government adopted an isolationist policy.
(4) Buddhism became the official religion of Japan.
(Aug 08 Q26)
One way in which Emperor Meiji and Atatürk are similar is that they both promoted
(1) isolation and nationalism
(2) capitalism and democracy
(3) revolution and absolutism
(4) reform and modernization
(Jan 09 Q45)
Ataturk - Turkey
One way in which Atatürk of Turkey and Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam are similar is that
they both
(1) led nationalist movements in their countries
(2) formed communist governments
(3) kept their countries out of the United Nations
(4) led their countries during the Cold War
(Aug 09 Q30)
Between 1923 and 1938, which leader instituted a modernization program in Turkey?
(1) Shah Reza Pahlavi
(2) Jawaharlal Nehru
(3) Kemal Atatürk
(4) Ho Chi Minh
(Jan 11 Q29)
Which reform is most closely associated with Turkish leader Kemal Atatürk?
(1) implementation of Sharia law
(2) introduction of Arabic script
(3) establishment of a communist government
(4) adoption of Western culture
(June 12 Q30)
The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente contributed to the start of World War I by
(1) failing to include Germany and France as members
(2) threatening countries in the Western Hemisphere
(3) allowing Japanese aggression in Korea
(4) increasing tensions between European countries
(June 09 Q25)
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of
(1) the Franco-Prussian War
(2) the Russo-Japanese War
(3) World War I
(4) World War II
(Aug 09 Q29)
Before 1914, nationalism in the Balkan Peninsula contributed to
(1) resistance by ethnic groups to Austrian rule
(2) campaigns by foreign diplomats against the use of trench warfare
(3) the inability of countries to make reparation payments
(4) the rejection of the Versailles Treaty by combatants
(Jan 13 Q27)
Iranian Revolution
Which event can be considered a conflict brought about in part by a religious reform
(1) World War I
(2) Cuban Revolution
(3) World War II
(4) Iranian Revolution
(Jan 10 Q50)
The government of Ayatollah Khomeini attempted to change Iranian society by
(1) implementing Islamic fundamentalist principles
(2) extending political equality to women
(3) allying with communist bloc countries
(4) adopting a western economic system
(Jan 15 Q42)
Which statement about Shah Reza Pahlavi and the Iranian Revolution is an opinion rather
than a fact?
(1) Shah Reza Pahlavi was supported by major Western powers.
(2) Members of the Islamic clergy opposed Shah Reza Pahlavi.
(3) The primary cause for the revolution was the exile of Shah Reza Pahlavi’s critics.
(4) Supporters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini overthrew Shah Reza Pahlavi.
(June 12 Q38)
What was the main reason refugees fled Rwanda in the 1990s?
(1) ethnic conflict
(2) expansion of the Sahel
(3) devastation from an earthquake
(4) Cold War tensions
(Jan 14 Q35)
• Tutsis and Hutus in Rwanda
• Russians and Chechens in southwestern Russia
• Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka In the 1990s, which situation characterized the
relationship of the peoples listed for each of these regions?
(1) cooperative political compromise
(2) development of a shared economy
(3) movement toward religious toleration
(4) brutal civil conflict
(June 14 Q43)
Armenians under Ottoman rule and Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge both
(1) an outbreak of the plague
(2) human rights violations
(3) economic sanctions
(4) an agricultural revolution
(Jan 10 Q47)
Deng Xiaoping – Four Modernizations
Which set of events in 19th- and 20th-century Chinese history is in the correct
chronological order?
(1) Great Leap Forward → Opium Wars → Long March → Four Modernizations
(2) Four Modernizations → Long March → Opium Wars → Great Leap Forward
(3) Opium Wars → Long March → Great Leap Forward → Four Modernizations
(4) Long March → Four Modernizations → Great Leap Forward → Opium Wars
(Jan 08 Q49)
One way in which the Great Leap Forward and the Four Modernizations are similar is
that each was an attempt to
(1) increase farm and factory output
(2) develop a democratic government
(3) strengthen economic ties with communist neighbors
(4) reduce the gap between rich and poor
(June 09 Q38)
What was a direct result of the Four Modernizations introduced in China by Deng
(1) Freedom of speech was guaranteed.
(2) Goods and services were evenly distributed.
(3) Economic opportunities were expanded.
(4) Fewer consumer goods were produced.
(June 11 Q30)
Gandhi/civil disobedience/Salt March
Mohandas Gandhi’s protests in India were a response to Great Britain’s
(1) support of Zionism
(2) practice of humanitarianism
(3) introduction of socialism
(4) policy of colonialism
(Aug 08 Q32)
Which event in Indian history could be considered a result of the other three?
(1) Salt March
(2) Amritsar Massacre
(3) Sepoy Rebellion
(4) passage of the Independence Act
(Aug 09 Q28)
The British reliance on India as a market for its manufactured goods caused Mohandas
Gandhi to
(1) run for a seat in the British Parliament
(2) lead the Sepoy Rebellion
(3) support traditional caste divisions
(4) refuse to buy British textiles
(Aug 12 Q31)
Apartheid – South Africa
Which country is most closely associated with the terms pass laws, homelands, and white
minority rule?
(1) El Salvador
(2) South Africa
(3) Iran
(4) Israel
(Jan 08 Q33)
In the second half of the 20th century, what was one action taken by both Nelson
Mandela and Desmond Tutu?
(1) protesting against apartheid in South Africa
(2) supporting the white government of Rhodesia
(3) sending troops to liberate captives in Sudan
(4) leading the independence movement in Ghana
(Aug 11 Q38)
F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end
(1) foreign control of the diamond mines (2) discriminatory policy of apartheid
(3) anarchy in Somalia
(4) Boer War
(Jan 13 Q38)
Gorbachev – Perestroika/Glasnot
Mikhail Gorbachev contributed to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe by
(1) introducing the policies of perestroika and glasnost
(2) violating nuclear arms agreements
(3) invading Afghanistan
(4) signing the Camp David Accords
(Jan 09 Q34)
The goal of Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika and glasnost was to
(1) expand collectivization and communes
(2) resume development of Soviet nuclear weapons
(3) stimulate economic growth and political discussion
(4) stop expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into Eastern Europe
(Aug 09 Q38)
The economic policies of Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union and of Deng Xiaoping
of China included
(1) elements of capitalism
(2) boycotts on foreign products
(3) a one-child policy
(4) a reliance on agricultural self-sufficiency
(Jan 14 Q34)
Economists – Demand and Supply/Scarcity
Which characteristic is associated with an economy based on the principles of laissezfaire?
(1) prices based on supply and demand
(2) production quotas established by the central government
(3) distribution of goods determined by the customs of a traditional society
(4) some goods exchanged for other goods of equal value
(June 09 Q21)
Which statement represents a central idea of laissez-faire economics?
(1) Class struggles are based on inequities.
(2) Workers should form unions to better their conditions.
(3) Prices are best determined by supply and demand.
(4) The government should own all means of production.
(Aug 11 Q27)
In a pure market economy, who determines which goods and services are produced and
in what quantities?
(1) government agencies
(2) consumers and producers
(3) church hierarchy
(4) banks and cartels
(Jan 12 Q3)