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Faith Without Prejudice
Rebuilding Christian Attitudes Toward Judaism
By Eugene J. Fisher
Introduction: John & Isaac
Begins with a focus on Pope John XXIII and his predecessor Pope Pius XI, both of whom were
concerned with the plight of Jews during WWII.
Pope Pius XI said in 1938: “The sacrifice of Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, the sacrifice of
Melchizedek, in three strokes, in three lines, in three steps show the whole religious history of
humanity…Abraham is called our patriarch, our ancestor. Anti-Semitism is not compatible with
the thought and the sublime reality expressed in the Mass…Through Christ and in Christ, we are
the spiritual descendents of Abraham. Spiritually, we are Semites” (Documentation Catholique,
39, 1938, col. 1460). (p.19)
The constitution of Jews set forth by Pope Alexander III and Pope Innocent II set a precedent for
all popes. It said that ‘since through the Jews our own (Christian) faith is truly proved, they must
not be oppressed grievously by the faithful.” Fisher said that “the Jewish people continue to
play an essential role in God’s plan of salvation. Christian existence is dependent upon Jewish
survival.” (p.20)
It was a Jewish Historian, Jules Isaac, who convinced Pope John XXII that something should be
done about ridding Christian teachings of the many anti-Jewish myths. With the assembly of
the Second Vatican Council, this issue was addressed with a special statement in their
Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions. This act opened the
door for new dialogue between the two faiths and the chapters of this book describe items that
can be tackled in these new discussions.
Ch.1 A Bridge Across Time
 Customary ceremony for papal coronation in the medieval period - Torah Roll Ceremony
 Example of Christians who helped Jews escape death by the crusaders (p.25)
 Review of conflict and its origins (p.27-34)
o Sections: New Testament (early unity of Christianity & Judaism p.28), Family
Quarrel (metaphor for relationship between Christians and Jews), Basic
Disagreement, Seeds of Mistrust, The Pharisees, Competition for Converts,
Pagan Anti-Semitism
 Reconciliation: The Second Vatican Council (p.34) - Tells how Catholics have taken steps
to amend past wrongs towards Jews.
Ch. 2 Understanding Jesus, The Faithful Jew
Chapter looks at insights to be gained by reading the New Testament in the light of Jesus’
personal commitment to Judaism. Emphasizes the similarities between Jesus’ teaching and that
of the Pharisees (p.39-55)
 Sections: The Law of Love, Jesus & the Talmud, Hillel & Shammai, The Sermon on the
Mount, Parables & Parallels
 Basic aspects of traditional Christian theology are rooted in the Judaism of the Pharisees
o Christian liturgy is based on the synagogue service
o Order of the Mass follows the order of the Passover Seder
o Pentecost, which comes fifty days after Passover in Judaism and fifty days after
Easter in Christianity, celebrates the rounding of the people of God.
o Major beliefs such as heaven and hell, the Last Judgment, the spiritualization of
the temple sacrifice, angels and devil, the resurrection of the body, and the
direct worship of God as Father. (p.54)
Ch.3 Are the Gospels Anti-Semitic?
The Gospels are not anti-Semitic, though if they are not properly understood within the context
of their time it can show Judaism in a bad light. “To an audience deeply familiar with Judaism,
as were the first readers of the Gospels, there would be no need for lengthy background
explanations of the ways in which the New Testament speaks of Jews and Judaism.” However,
the de-Judaizing process that occurred in Christianity soon after the close of the New
Testament period led to a tendency for Jewish origins to be undervalued in Christianity (p.5671)
 Human Emotion & Divine Inspiration – Fisher says Catholics need to understand the
context of the four Gospels and how they vary.
 John & the Jews – describes how the term “Jews” is used in John, unlike in other
Gospels. “Jews” refers to anyone “Christian or non-Christian, Jewish or pagan, who
would knowingly reject the person of the risen Christ or the preaching of the Good
News.” (p.60)
 Matthew’s Apologetics – At the time Matthew’s Gospel was written the Christian
community was dominated by Gentiles, and the two faiths were growing farther apart
and tensions were high. Situation explains the negative representation of Jews in his
o Sections: The Anti-thesis in Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount (p.64), Matthew’s
Additions to the Sources (p.68)
Ch.4 Who Killed Jesus?
According to the Catechism of the Council of Trent (16th c.) the crucifixion was Christ’s free
decision, and in order for humanity to be saved through Christ’s redeeming passion, all
humanity must be seen as sharing in the guilt for the deed. (p. 72-81)
 Sacred history – The New Testament is an interpretation of the meaning of real
historical events. *“As Christians, we are saved only to the extent that we identify
ourselves as the crucifiers of Jesus.”* (p.73)
Reconstructing the Event – Declaration on the Relationship of the church to nonChristian Religions: “What happened in Jesus’ passion cannot be charged against all
Jews then living, without distinction, nor upon the Jews of today.”
o The Chief of Priests and the Sadducean Aristocracy – “The chief priests and the
scribes heard of this and began to look for a way to destroy him. They were at
the same time afraid of him because the whole crowd was under the spell of his
teaching” (Mk. 11:18). Who were theses priests? (p.74-76)
The Role of Rome – Jesus was condemned for political - not religious reasons (Lk. 23:2-5)
o Pilate was known to line the roads of Judea with crucified victims, sentenced to
death on the barest hint of “revolutionary” actions or attitudes. Jesus was
probably one of these.(p.77)
St. Matthew’s Passion Account – Improves the image of Pilate in order to appease the
Roman sensitivity. (p.78)
Practical Applications: Preparing for Holy Week
o The Israel Study Group – published a version of the passion narrative based on
the results of modern biblical scholarship. It avoids/corrects many of the
previous distortions in understanding.
Ch.5 Dialogue for the Future
In this chapter Fisher looks at basic Church teachings that he feels will help Christians to affirm
the role of Judaism in God’s plan without diluting their (Christian’s) own faith. “Dialogue,
properly understood, should seek to help Jews to become better Jews and Christians to become
better Christians.”(p. 82-88)
 God is Faithful – “the Sinai covenant between God and the Jews remains in force today.
The Jewish people, elected by God to play a unique role in the divine plan, continue to
be the chosen people, for God is faithful to his promises.” (p.83 & 87)
 Root & Branch – “If the root is consecrated, so too are the branches. If some of the
branches were cut off and you (gentiles), a branch of the wild olive tree, have been
grafted in among the others, and have come to share in the rich root of the olive, do not
boast against the branches. If you do boast, remember that you do not support the root:
the root supports you” (Rom. 11:16-18) (Speaks of Paul’s image of the relationship
between Judaism and Christianity p.85)
Ch.6 Celebrations and Activities
Chapter offers suggestions on how to replace negative views and feelings of Jews within
Christian communities with positive ones.(p.89-108)
 Prayer – “Our Father” prayer is one of the few prayers that both Christians and Jews
share/find acceptable.
 Celebrating Jewish Feasts – Christians celebrating Seder as a part of Holy Week leading
up to Easter (p.93), also outlines many other Jewish holy days (p.94-97).
 Holy Week and the Passion – Refer to chapter 3 & 4 – try to work info into homilies at
liturgy esp. during Holy week, and add to textbooks in Catholic schools.
 Para-liturgical Celebrations – suggestions on alternative readings (p.99-104)
Classroom Activities- Sunday School (p.104-108)
Ch.7 Christian Teaching and Judaism Today: A Study of Religion Texts
A review of studies done on Catholic religious textbooks from 1950 to 1965. Study identified a
large number of items that still needed to be updated based on Vatican Council II statements.
Pinpointed where negative statements about Jews were most likely to be found, but also
highlights areas of greatest improvement in Catholic teachings. (p.109-120)
Materials for Catholic study of Judaism