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transform =
introduce new
products and
Improving Agility
grow = improve
existing products
and services
Increasing Return on Investment
run = sustain
existing products
and services
Reducing Total Cost of
Source: Gartner IT Metrics: IT Spending and Staffing Report, 2010
Key Drivers: What Customers are Looking for
improving Time
To Market
increasing Return
on Investment
reducing Total
Cost of Ownership
Microsoft Provides Complete Information Platform, On Your Terms
Extend any data
Extend anywhere
On Premises & Private Cloud
End user analytics
Public Cloud
Common Architecture
Common Tools
Data Synchronization
Mission Critical Confidence
Enable mission critical
performance and availability
environments at low TCO
Breakthrough Insight
Unlock new insights with
pervasive data discovery
across the organization
Cloud on Your Terms
Create business solutions fast,
on your terms across server
and private or public cloud
• Required 9’s & protection
• Rapid data discovery
• Scale on demand
• Blazing-fast performance
• Managed self-service BI
• Fast time to market
• Organizational compliance
• Credible, consistent data
• Extend any data, anywhere
• Peace of mind
• Complete data warehouse solutions
• Optimized productivity
“Run Business”
“Grow Business”
“Transform Business”
Breakthrough Insight
Cloud on Your Terms
Deliver Required 9’s at Right Price
Expand BI to More Users
& Revolutionize BI
Develop Hybrid Apps
Modernization & Migration
Deploy Massive Data Warehouse
Get on Top of the Private Cloud
Ensure Security & Compliance
Transform Data Quality Management
Enhance Developer Productivity
2010 Digital Universe Study -“A Digital Universe Decade – Are You Ready?” , April 2010 IDC
Mission Critical Confidence
Customer Challenges
20% of a company’s apps are mission
critical and consume 80% of the total
application performance budget*
“Run Business”
How Situation
Denali Helps
Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
• Required 9’s & protection
• Market consolidation
• Blazing-fast performance
• Era of compete
• Organizational compliance
• Stringent security and compliance demands
• Peace of mind
Partner Opportunity
Increase Tier-1 penetration with mission critical apps via enterprise consulting services offerings
Preempt modernization from older platforms and competitive migrations
Prescribe trusted state of the art security and compliance solutions with confidence
Mission Critical Confidence
Modernization & Migration
Required 9’s at Right Price
Security & Compliance
Increase Tier-1 penetration with mission critical apps via enterprise consulting services offerings
Deliver the 9’s needed at the right
price and with greater uptime
Provide improved scalability
for tier-1 solutions
SQL Server AlwaysOn - supreme up-time
with multi-database failover and read only
Windows Server Core - reduce downtime
related to OS patching by 50-60%
Deliver accelerated performance
track record with trusted reliability
Partitioned tables - higher scale with up to
15K Partitions for very large databases
Full-Text Search - offers improved
performance and scale advances
TPC-E and TPC-H performance
benchmarks* - Top 10 TPC-E, 4 of the Top
10 TPC-C, and #1 TPC-H 10TB
Column store index - significantly boost
query performance by ~100x
SQL Server Denali allows you to deliver the required 9’s at less than 1/3 cost
* Benchmark test results on SQL Server 2008 R2
Mission Critical Confidence with Price and Performance
4-5X Costs
2-3X Costs
* Benchmark test results on SQL Server 2008 R2
Mission Critical Confidence
Required 9’s at Right Price
Take advantage of huge upgrade
prior versions
of SQL Server
Modernization & Migration
Security & Compliance
Maximize your opportunity size with
consolidation and private cloud
Drive modernization and migration
with standardization through EAP
Consolidation +
Private Cloud =
Higher Value
in multi-millions
SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA)
Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP)
Consolidation Appliance
SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA)
Safe Passage / SAP migration program
Mainframe: 20% customers plan to move
entire apps away from the mainframe
Required 9’s at Right Price
Mission Critical Confidence
Security & Compliance
Modernization & Migration
Prescribe trusted state-of-the-art security and compliance solutions with confidence
Ensure compliance with
built-in IT controls
Audit Resilience & Filtering - increase
manageability related to auditing
Encryption capabilities - helps protect
confidential information
Prescribe simplified data
management and
operational control
Provide an additional level
of security for your solutions
User-Defined Server Roles - easily
manage permissions around data access
Contained Database Authentication - uses
self-contained access information
PowerShell 2.0 Support - automates
management tasks across the platform
Default Schema for Groups - allows a default
for Windows group user accounts
Fewest vulnerabilities of any enterprise database
Mission Critical Confidence with Security and Manageability
SQL Server DBAs manage 4X as
many DBs than Oracle DBAs
Best overall manageability, which requires fewer
DBAs. Based on customer feedback, SQL Server
remains one of the simplest enterprise databases
to install and manage
Mission Critical Confidence Supporting Features
Implement Robust DR Sites
and Minimize Downtime
Breakthrough Insight
“Grow Business”
Customer Challenges
How Situation
Denali Helps
Less than 30% of knowledge workers
currently access business intelligence
Increase Return on Investment
• Data Explosion
• Rapid data discovery
• Consumerization of IT
• Managed self-service BI
• Fast changing business requirements
• Credible, consistent data
• Complete data warehouse solutions
• Increase services revenue through expansion and empowerment of BI user base
Partner Opportunity • Scale-up your offerings to Tier-1 data warehouse with complete solutions
• Extend your portfolio with new data quality tools and data integration capabilities
Breakthrough Insight
Expand & Empower BI users
Massive Data Warehousing
Transform Data Quality Management
Increase services revenue through expansion and empowerment of BI user base
Enable innovative self-service BI
offerings for business decision makers
Expand reporting capabilities to all
information workers
Crescent – rapid data exploration &
BI Semantic Model - unify existing data
sources with Microsoft SharePoint and Excel
PowerPivot - managed self-service analytics
Extended OLAP and cubes reporting deliver end-to-end BI
Deliver BI data on any device, anywhere
for executive decision makers
OData – control multiple user experiences
across the web, devices and desktop
Industry standard APIs (ADO.NET, ODBC,
32% of Excel users are comfortable using Excel for “advanced analysis”
Breakthrough Insight
Expand & Empower BI users
Transform Data Quality Management
Scale-up your offerings to Tier-1 data warehouse with complete solutions
Deliver blazing-fast query performance
for large-scale data warehousing
(Any size)
New Column store index - significantly
boosts query performance
Partitioned tables - scale to 15,000 partitions
Deliver scaled-up services for high-end
Tier-1 massive data warehouse
(10s - 100s of TB)
Minimize risks and drive faster time to
solutions with appliances
(5 - 80 TB)
Fast Track configurations & appliances high performance, and scale to 80TB
Reference architectures
Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) - scale to
100s of TB while maintaining high
Significantly boosts query performance ~100x for star join or similar queries
Breakthrough Insight
Expand & Empower BI users
Transform Data Quality Management
Massive Data Warehousing
Extend your portfolio with new data quality tools and data integration capabilities
Provide tools to help build improved
data quality knowledge bases
Ensure data confidence through
data integration & management
Enhanced Master Data Services (MDS) Create, maintain, store, & access MDS
Improved Integration Services (SSIS) reliably & efficiently deliver consistent data
Data Quality Services - Improve data quality
and ease data management
Help customers reduce costs for
tracking data dependencies and impact
Data Lineage - Explore data
dependencies in business applications
Built-in powerful data quality management and data integration tools
Breakthrough Insight: Scenario Showcase
Breakthrough Insight: Project “Crescent”
• Interactive data exploration &
visual presentation experience
• Targeted at Information Workers
who need access to their business
data but don’t have the technical
knowledge to write their own
queries or specialized knowledge
around reporting
• Gives the user a powerful yet
simple to use experience for
telling stories with their data
• Watch the video >
Cloud on Your Terms
“Transform Business”
Customer Challenges
How Situation
Denali Helps
80% of large enterprise IT managers are
at least in trial stage for cloud computing
Improve Time To Market
IT as a core business strategy
• Scale on demand
Shift to the cloud
• Fast time to market
Tyranny of choice
• Extend any data, anywhere
IT Pros struggling with systems reuse
• Optimized productivity
• Develop, deploy, and integrate hybrid applications from on-premises to public cloud
Partner Opportunity • Get on top of the private cloud opportunities by deploying optimized end-to-end solutions
• Expand your business by extending the reach of data anywhere across server and/or cloud
Only database platform providing the choice of building cloud applications with the same set of tools and giving the chance to
dynamically move on-premises applications to the cloud
Cloud On Your Terms
Get on top of the Private Cloud
Extend Data Anywhere
Develop, deploy, and integrate hybrid applications from on-premises to public cloud
Provide your customers with break free
on-demand scale and flexibility
Benefit from cost savings by
developing with hybrid applications
“Juneau” – integrated development tools
across on-premises and public cloud
SQL Azure DataSync - provide bidirectional data synchronization
Same development tools, frameworks and
T-SQL based model
SQL Server Management Studio - manage
with a single console across private cloud
and public cloud
Common architecture - spanning traditional
servers, appliances, and the cloud
Self-service provisioning & usage metering
Develop solutions once—deploy anywhere!
Cloud On Your Terms
Develop Hybrid Apps
Extend Data Anywhere
Get on top of the Private Cloud
Get on top of private cloud opportunities by deploying optimized end-to-end solutions
Achieve faster time to solution with
Deploy optimal data platform
for customers on their terms
Common architecture - deliver break free
and scalable solutions
Private & public cloud offerings- gain
virtualized, on-demand capacity and selfservice provisioning & usage metering
SQL Server appliances - reduce design,
tune, and test time
Consolidation appliance - win reliability and
time when consolidating data platforms
Provide highly available SQL
Server hosting services
Data-tier Application (DAC) - deploy,
import, and export DACs more easily
Contained Database Authentication - use
self-contained access information
Cloud On Your Terms
Develop Hybrid Apps
Get on top of the Private Cloud
Extend Data Anywhere
Expand your business by extending the reach of data anywhere across server and/or cloud
Enable new scenarios across
datacenter and cloud
Extend solutions with
structured/unstructured data across
heterogeneous environments
Integrate public and private datasets to
create new applications
SQL Azure DataSync - provide bi-directional
data synchronization
OData - Provide a consistent and open datafeed to power multiple user experiences
Windows Azure DataMarket - publish data
for purchase and consumption by other
Manage and extend data including XML data,
Windows files, and spatial information.
FileTable - increased data storage flexibility
Developer Productivity
Leverage existing developer tools to improve time to solution & increase margins
Develop and manage efficiently
at scale with a single set of tools
“Juneau” – leverage new developer tools
for an integrated development experience
SQL Server Management Studio - deploy
and manage assets across platforms
Provide greater interoperability
and new capabilities
ADO) - extend heterogeneous environments
by connecting to SQL Server and SQL Azure
Achieve faster time to solution with
productive testing
ReplXEvent - enable Microsoft CSS to
perform remote troubleshooting and log
collection more efficiently
SQL Server Developers are 10X times more productive
Developer Productivity
Create Demand
Start your journey to a
Data Platform and BI
Strengthen your
Build interest for your
Data Platform and BI
Take advantage of sales Help your customers
tools to help you close
implement Server &
sales faster and increase Cloud Solutions
• Take advantage of BI practice
• Become a BI or Data
Platform Sales Specialist
• Engage with your Partner
Account Manager (PAM) to
access the Partner Solution
Plan (PSP) Activation Kit
• Utilize BI courseware to get
your team ready to:
• Increase your consulting and
implementation revenue with
the Application Platform
Optimization QuickStarts
• Use the Partner Economic
Model to find out how you
can grow your business
• Build the sales, readiness,
and marketing plan for your:
• DW practice
• BI practice
• Data Platform practice
• Engage with your PAM to
access the METRO program
• Deploy DW solutions
• Enable Self-Service BI
• Modernize your customers
mission critical environments
• Attain the Gold Data
Platform or Gold Business
Intelligence Competencies
• Advertise your BI and Data
Platform solutions in
• Engage with your PAM to
take advantage of the RDP
Stay up to date with the
latest information and get
online technical support with
Technical Communities and
Blogs on TechNet
• Download SQL Server CTP3 (
• Find training opportunities on Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) to help you build
your practice and solutions
Create Demand
• Enroll in SQL Solutions Incentive Program (SIP)
• Reduce customer acquisition costs and develop new business opportunities by
becoming a SQL Server Deployment Planning Services (DPS) provider
The Cloud Ready Platform delivering:
• Mission critical confidence
• Breakthrough insight
• Cloud on your terms
Serving basic
database needs with
enhanced data
platform support:
Solid offering for
departmental and
mid-market IT and
enhanced enterprise
data platform
Comprehensive data
platform solution for
the enterprise
Code-named “Denali”
Enable mission critical availability and
performance environments at low TCO
integrated data
management and
business intelligence
The 9’s you need with AlwaysOn
Blazing-fast query performance with Project "Apollo“
Unlock new insights with pervasive data
discovery across the organization
Rapid data discovery via Project "Crescent" and PowerPivot
Credible, consistent data via BI Semantic Model and Data
Quality Services
Create and scale business solutions fast, on your
terms, from server to private or public cloud
Scale on demand from devices to datacenter to cloud
Write applications once, run most anywhere with Project
High Availability
Scalability &
Security &
Beyond Relational
Web &
SQL Server AlwaysOn
Up to 15K
User-Defined Server Roles
Microsoft Project
PHP Driver
Unified Semantic Model
Data Lineage
Reliable, Integrated
Failover Detection
Contained Database
Win32 Access
to Database files
Local DB
Impact Analysis
Application Centric
Win32 Access
to Database files
Database Replay
In-memory BI for corporate
SSIS Server
Multiple Secondaries
Fast Full Text Search
Audit Enhancements
Semantic Search Platform
Paging for result sets
Data Quality
Fast Spatial Performance
Management Pack for
High Availability
Full Globe Spatial Support
JDBC 4.0 driver
Sysprep for AS
Enhanced MDS
Backup Secondaries
DAC Enhancements
Support for ARM
PowerPivot Enhancements
HA for StreamInsight
SSMS Enhancements
ODBC for Linux
Windows Server Core
Default Schema for
Windows Group
Hybrid Applications with
SQL Azure
Reporting as SharePoint
Shared Service
Cloud-Ready: Only database platform providing the complete solutions from on-premises to the public cloud
#1 database in the market - most widely adopted database
Proven Growth: Fastest Growing Relational Database WW*
Microsoft builds on Gartner BI leadership with innovations included in Denali
Leaders Quadrant in Gartner Magic Quadrants for DW & BI+
Fewest vulnerabilities of Any Enterprise DB#
SQL Server DBAs manage 4X as many DBs than Oracle DBAs
Over 30,000 partners are offering solutions
* Source: “Worldwide Embedded DBMS 2010-2014 Forecast and 2009 Vendor Shares,” Carl W. Olofson, IDC, September 2010
+ Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms, January 2010 & Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse DBMS, January 2010
# Source: NIST National Vulnerability Database