Download front Picture 1 What kind of cell is this? Eukaryotic, animal cell How

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What kind of cell is this? Eukaryotic, animal cell
Picture 1
How do you know? Presence of a nucleus, no cell wall or large central vacuole
These four animals have a similar bone structure. What types of structures are these? homologous
Picture 2
What does that suggest about them? They share a common ancestor
Which suspect left their DNA at the scene of the crime? Suspect 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
What is this a picture of? DNA fingerprint made by gel electrophoresis
Use the characteristics in the table to figure out which plant (1- 4) is a:
- fern 2
- angiosperm 4
- moss 3
- gymnosperm 1
Identify two ways that the deer population would be affected if a disease wiped out the entire rabbit
population? There would be more grass for the deer, but now that is the mountain lions only food
source so they would eat more deer.
Structure Y is used to break structure X into two pieces.
Picture 6
What is X, Y & Z X – substrate/reactants
Y - enzyme
Z - products
Do you think this disorder is autosomal or sex-linked? Why? Sex-linked b/c more males (squares)
Picture 7
What is the genotype for #3 & #4 in the pedigree? XnY, XNXn (must be a carrier b/c her dad has the
What is the relationship between soil pH and the survival of these plants? The lower (more acidic) the
pH, less plants survive.
Picture 8
What is the IV in this setup? pH
What is the DV in this setup? Plant survival/growth
Which graph shows a population that has reached its carrying capacity? C because it has leveled
Picture 9
Which cross would be represented at Aa x Aa? #2 b/c when 2 heterozygous organisms cross the
ratio is always 3:1 or 75%:25%
Picture 10
This diagram shows a diploid cell with two pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Picture 11
Due to independent assortment what is the possible genetic makeup of gametes produced by this
organism? The genotype of the cell shown is SsTt. But remember the parent can’t give all the
chromosomes to the kid. The parent gives half. So the possible gametes would be. ST, St, sT, st.
This diagram shows the cycling of carbon in an ecosystem.
Picture 12
Picture 13
How is carbon removed from the atmosphere? Producers (plants) by photosynthesis.
Which of these organisms is most likely to show a phototactic response? A – it is the only one with a
chloroplast which absorbs sunlight. Photo means light.
Identify this image.
Picture 14
Picture 15
What does this cell do? Nerve cell (neuron) – transmits signals through the body.
According to the graph, what may cause the predator population to decline? The number of prey
Which type of interaction (A-D) is a commensalistic relationship? C.
Picture 16
What type of organism is pictured here? Prokaryote (bacteria)
Picture 17
How do you know? No nucleus and no membrane-bound organelles.
What type of growth has the human population experienced over the last 200 years? exponential
Picture 18
What is the most likely cause? No limiting factors (enough resources for all)
The dots in the beaker are a single celled organism called euglena.
Picture 19
Based upon the diagram, what would you conclude about euglena? They are attracted to light.
Ants leave their nest to look for food.
Picture 20
According to the graph, what is the optimum temperature required for ants to leave the nest? 27
Which condition (I-IV) would cause oxygen to diffuse across the gills of a fish (from the pond water into
the fish’s blood)? IV because high oxygen in water and low in the gills.
Picture 21
What type of cell transport is this? Passive transport (diffusion) – movement of particles from high
to low.
Picture 22
Picture 23
Picture 24
What change might occur to this cell as a result of osmosis? The cell would swell and maybe pop
since water would move into the cell to the higher concentration.
What gas bubbles are being produced? Why? CO2 because the yeast are undergoing alcoholic
What gas bubbles are being produced by this aquatic plant? Why? O2 because the plant is
undergoing photosynthesis.
Your teacher gives you a mystery solution.
Picture 25
You run several tests & find that the solution changed color when you tested it with iodine and biuret’s .
What does that mean? There is starch and protein in the solution.
Is this a plant cell? Yes,
Picture 26
How do you know? because there is a large central vacuole, cell wall and chloroplasts.
Which is the only couple (I-III) that could be the parents of child Z? II
Picture 27
What is the couple’s genotype? ii and IAi
If a new predator starts catching birds by their tails, which graph shows the most likely change in the bird
population? C because the longer the tail, the less likely the bird will survive.
Picture 28
Picture 29
Picture 30
What type of organism has each cell (A-D) been taken from? (prokaryotic or eukaryotic: plant, animal or
fungus) A, B & D are all eukaryotes because of the nuclear membrane.
A – plant b/c of cell wall & chloroplast
B – animal (no cell wall)
C – prokaryote (no nuclear membrane)
D – fungus (b/c of cell wall but no chloroplast)
What type of plant is the most likely source of this seed? Angiosperm b/c the seed is protected inside
the seed coat and a fruit.
What is shown here? chloroplast
Picture 31
Where is it found? Plant cells and some protists
What does it do? Photosynthesis
What is shown here? mitochondria
Picture 32
Where is it found? All eukaryotic cells
What does it do? Cellular respiration
What type of subunit (building block) is shown here? nucleotide
Picture 33
Picture 34
Picture 35
What process would cause the zygote to grow into a baby. Mitosis – helps with growth and healing.
Makes identical cells. Cells become different when different genes are activated or turned on.
What is the importance of the experiment shown here? Determined that organic compounds could
be formed from inorganic compounds. Important because organic compounds are needed for
Which animal is most primitive? hagfish
Picture 36
What feature(s) do the salamander & the lizard have in common? Jaws and lungs